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Tembo The Badass Elephant

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Title Screen

Tembo The Badass Elephant

Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: Sega
Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Windows
Released internationally: July 21, 2015

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.

Trumbo Tembo the Badass Elephant is an explosive 2.5D platformer adventure starring an elephant with a Rambo-like attitude.

Notably, it's Game Freak's first game for a non-Nintendo platform since 1999's Click Medic.

Unused Graphics

Mockup Title Screen

Most notable for using the game's original name, "Trumbo the Badass Elephant", which was probably changed to avoid legal conflicts with Disney's Dumbo. Despite this change, all internal assets related to Tembo (sprites, models, audio files, etc.) - including the game executable file at launch, causing issues booting the game - still refer to him as "Trumbo".

TemboTheBadassElephant-Title screen 01.png

Go Trumbo!

A row of nine individual sprites that when combined spell out "GO TRUMBO!" would have played at the start of every level.

TemboTheBadassElephant-start 00.png
TemboTheBadassElephant-start 01.png
TemboTheBadassElephant-start 02.png
TemboTheBadassElephant-start 03.png
TemboTheBadassElephant-start 04.png
TemboTheBadassElephant-start 05.png
TemboTheBadassElephant-start 06.png
TemboTheBadassElephant-start 07.png
TemboTheBadassElephant-start 08.png

Mockup Menus

オプション画面-CS版"/(Option screen - Console version)

オプション画面-PC版"/(Option screen - PC version)

リーダーボード画面"/(Leaderboard screen)

Internal Project Name

The internal project name of the game is Project Zoo, according to SteamDB.

Cancelled DLC


Several unused graphics referencing a menu for downloadable content.


English French German
TemboTheBadassElephant-DLC title -1080546.png
TemboTheBadassElephant-DLC title -1080566.png
TemboTheBadassElephant-DLC title.png
Italian Spanish
TemboTheBadassElephant-DLC title -1080583.png
TemboTheBadassElephant-DLC title -1080493.png

TemboTheBadassElephant-DLC background.png

TemboTheBadassElephant-DLC cratemark.png

DLC cursor and DLC_checkmark_00

TemboTheBadassElephant-DLC cursor.png
TemboTheBadassElephant-DLC checkmark 00.png

SteamDB Depots

According to SteamDB, the game has unused app depot for DLC once associated to the main app until June 9, 2021. These DLCs were never officially announced. Their contents are unknown outside of the suggested Sonic the Hedgehog-themed collaboration.

Sub ID Last Known Name
348630 Zoo - Sonic Pack
349590 SonicPack1
349600 zoo - sonicpack2
349610 zoo - sonicpack3
349630 DLC1Pack

Unused Sounds


A crude imitation of the iconic ring-picking sound effect, once again suggesting at planned Sonic the Hedgehog-themed content.