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Tenchi wo Kurau (Game Boy)

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Title Screen

Tenchi wo Kurau

Developer: Sun L
Publisher: Capcom
Platform: Game Boy
Released in JP: April 22, 1994

SourceIcon.png This game has uncompiled source code.

Uncompiled Source Code

A small piece of uncompiled source code is present in the ROM at 0x45B18.

;									*
;	Title		GB版 「天地を喰らえ」				*
;									*

	include	\gb\gameboy.lib


	include	ass.h
;	include	bank.h

	include	ten.h
	include	shikou.h

;------- key ---------------------
key_a	equ	$01
key_b	equ	$02
key_st	equ	$08
key_se	equ	$04

key_u	equ	$40
key_d	equ	$80
key_r	equ	$10
key_l	equ	$20

	include	bank3.equ
	include	bank6.equ
	include bank8.equ
	include bankc.equ
	include bankd.equ
	include banke.equ
	include bankf.equ

	extern	nmi
	extern	irq
	extern	tim

	extern	scmain
	extern	scinit
	extern	scint
	extern	scinit_00

	extern	pchgx
	extern	objput
	extern	cgarcx
	extern	xchrgb
	extern	stginit
	extern	stgexe
	extern	rpg_mesput
	extern	mesput_sub
	extern	mesput2_sub
	extern	ms2_tp_ret
	extern	xchrgb_b
	extern	buwrkchg_b
	extern	gate_mes_b
	extern	btlcom1_b
	extern	btl_fdo_b
	extern	btlc1stsub_b
	extern	objfntset_b
	extern	stinit

;	by selsub.asm
	extern	rpgmod_save
	extern	rpgmod_load
	extern	cur_on