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The Amazing World of Gumball: Dino Donkey Dash

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Title Screen

The Amazing World of Gumball: Dino Donkey Dash

Developer: Aardman
Publisher: Cartoon Network Studios
Platform: Adobe Flash
Released internationally: 2012

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

Anais forces Gumball and Darwin to retrieve Daisy the Donkey from Tina Rex .

This game is based on season 1 episode "The Quest" (the first produced episode of the series).

Development Text

Two address locations for a developer's files can be found in the ActionScript.

C:/Users/Joecool/Documents/Joe's Work/2011/Jobs/CNT00593 - Cartoon_Network_API/development/CNSeeded/src/CNSeeded.as

C:/Users/Joecool/Documents/Joe's Work/2011/Jobs/CNT00593 - Cartoon_Network_API/development/CNSeeded/assets/language.xml

Unused Graphics

TAWoG-DDD-shape 172.pngTAWoG-DDD-shape 312.png

Two images used offscreen for the instructions and the transition.

Key Cheats

Key cheats can only be enabled by pressing either F5 or F12 in-game.

This documentation list is shown once the dev panel is opened:

Key cheats enabled:
/             Toggle dev panel
F1, F2, F3    Skip to creep/prod/run game (shift for video)
F8, F9        Skip to menu/end screens
Shift+C       Toggle in-game failure (cheat)
Shift+[, ]    Lose/win current game
Shift+K       Trace key codes (useful for localised controls)
Numpad *      Dynamically load translation file
<, >          Load next/previous language

However, not every key combination is included in the documentation. Here's a list of the hidden key cheats with a description of what they do:

Shift+B		  Translator test reverse mode
Shift+S		  Loads Statistics
Shift+M		  Manually control Tina with numpad (works in the run game only)

The only cheat that doesn't work properly is the Dynamically load translation file cheat as it throws an error.