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The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall/Unused Graphics

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This is a sub-page of The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall.

And you were just a scroll away from being fired too...
Oh dear, I do believe I have the vapors.
This page contains content that is not safe for work or other locations with the potential for personal embarrassment.
Such as: Fantasy nipples, this time integrated into the HUD!

Unused Ingredient Graphics

Daggerfallunusedingredientgfx1.PNG Daggerfallunusedingredientgfx3.PNG Daggerfallunusedingredientgfx5.PNG
These three bottles have no associated text in either FALL.EXE or TEXT.RSC. The third graphic might have been used for the Faery Dragon's blood.

Obviously a tusk, but nothing indicative as to what it may be.

A weird little plant that has no associated data.

Daggerfallunusedingredientgfx7.PNG Daggerfallunusedingredientgfx8.PNG
These appear to be silver and gold coins.

Possibly an early gold graphic.

A smaller version of Daedra's Heart.

Unused Interface Graphics

Unused (TALK00I0.IMG) Used (TALK01I0.IMG)
DaggerfallTALK00I0.PNG DaggerfallTALK01I0.PNG

An early version of the talking interface can be found in TALK00I0.PNG. It has an earlier graphics style than what is present throughout the game. The labelling of the politeness level in the early image is slightly different - Polite, Normal (not labeled), and Aggressive. The final version has Polite, Normal, and Blunt. There are fewer buttons in general. The 'Exit' button became the 'Goodbye' button.

Fast Travel Search
Fast Travel Search

Traveling option screens. They are also in an older menu style than what is present in the final game.

Earlier (PICK01I0.IMG) Later (PICK02I0.IMG)
Before the budget increase... ...and after.

Daggerfall was supposed to be able to import characters from Arena savefiles. However, it seems like technical differences prevent this from happening. Two different graphics exist; The left graphic contains an earlier version, with pixel art. The right is rendered in the final version's style.

Unused (CUST04I0.IMG) Used (CUST01I0.IMG)
DaggerfallCUST04I0.PNG DaggerfallCUST01I0.PNG
Unused (CUST06I0.IMG) Used (CUST02I0.IMG)
DaggerfallCUST06I0.PNG DaggerfallCUST02I0.PNG
Unused (CUST06I0.IMG) Unused (CUST02I0.IMG)
DaggerfallCUST07I0.PNG DaggerfallCUST05I0.PNG

A few graphics for far more primitive versions of some of the character generation menus can be seen in the game's files.

You really sure there's nothing suspect in that potion? Well, I guess I don't have to try it then.

Unlike all of the other images, DARKMASK.RAW is in a plain graphics format, but still relies on Daggerfall's palette. The border is very different from anything else in the game and the image is largely golden. Buttons for repeating the mix and drinking it are present. There are no labels for either the ingredients or the mixing cauldron.

An early version of the inventory screen, likely used when looking through the shops. Needless to say, the game has a different way of handling this.

Huzzah for gratuitous nudity
Another early inventory screen, complete with a naked female figure, for whatever reason.

An unused option box. It's likely that a subject would have been selected where it says "Information About".

sup brah
A screen that is supposed to pop up when the player dies. In the final version, when the player dies, an FMV plays. It does appear in the prototype demo, though.

A map of Tamriel from The Elder Scrolls: Arena. The game never uses this, as it has its own version of the Tamriel map. It also has the wrong palette, because Daggerfall uses a different palette.

A scroll unraveling. The palette is incorrect, likely because this graphic came from Arena. Some frames are missing in the final version, but they are present in the pre-release demo. This was used in the pre-release demo for the information screens.

An unused title screen of sorts. This seems to be from early in development, as the logo is very different from the one present in the game.

Nice pallete.
A very old menu, completely different in style, compared to any other graphic in the game. This seems to be a leftover from another game. The terms here seem to describe different types of box borders.

(Source: Aggelon, Game Skyrim, Svlatopluk's Daggerfall Museum)

Alternate NPC Graphics

Within the game's graphics data, there are earlier, bigger versions of some of the used NPC graphics within the game. These bigger graphics can be found in TEXTURE.185 and TEXTURE.186, while the used graphics are in TEXTURE.182 and TEXTURE.183. Also of note is that the early graphics can be found in TEXTURE.182 and TEXTURE.183 in the November 1995 demo. The October 1995 demo has the textures seen in TEXTURE.186, albeit shrunk down to a smaller size. There are also instances of a smaller texture being used for an NPC, despite an equally suitable texture existing elsewhere in another texture file.

Unused (TEXTURE.183) Used (TEXTURE.346)
Daggerfall Flat183-21-0.PNG Daggerfall Flat346-17-0.PNG

Elysana has a bigger texture of herself inside TEXTURE.183. Special care was taken for her face and crown in the used shrunk down version in TEXTURE.346, but the rest of the graphic was not readjusted.

Redguard Innkeeper
Daggerfalltexture182record1test.PNG Daggerfalltexture182record1final.PNG

The skin was darkened and bottles were placed all around him. There's also a pouch on the apron that was removed.

Blond-bearded man
Daggerfalltexture186record2test.PNG Daggerfalltexture182record2final.PNG

More bottles were placed around him, as well as a goblet.

Breton Innkeeper
Daggerfalltexture186record3test.PNG Daggerfalltexture182record3final.PNG

As with the other innkeeper sprites, more bottles were added.

Milk Maid
Daggerfalltexture186record12test.PNG Daggerfalltexture182record11final.PNG

The early sprite has her carrying a basket, not a plate with drinks. Her left hand was changed to carry a bottle and her feet were spread out a little more.

Thieves Guild Trainer
Daggerfalltexture186record14test.PNG Daggerfalltexture182record13final.PNG

The straws were replaced with more liquor.

Donation Collector
Daggerfalltexture186record22test.PNG Daggerfalltexture182record21final.PNG

This old man's tin pot was replaced with liquor. The former makes more sense, however.

Pitiful Bald Man
Daggerfalltexture186record31test.PNG Daggerfalltexture182record30final.PNG

He's not chained to a ball in the final game.

Daggerfalltexture186record34test.PNG Daggerfalltexture182record33final.PNG

Her hair was redrawn and her belly button became a little more pronounced.

Nearly Naked Man
Daggerfalltexture186record57test.PNG Daggerfalltexture182record57final.PNG

This man was oiled up quite a bit and has a fiercer looking face. The loincloth is a bit brighter too.

Feys / Regal Fairies
Daggerfalltexture185record0test.png Daggerfalltexture185record1test.png Daggerfalltexture183record0final.png Daggerfalltexture183record1final.png

These two feys have purple hair, odd eyes, and odd ears.


TEXTURE.186 also contains a unique sprite that wasn't updated for the final game. It's likely this was another child sprite.

Unused Portrait Graphics

All groups associated with the Dark Brotherhood are supposed to use this portrait, but instead use what's supposed to be The Fey's portrait.

This is supposed to be used for Lord Harth, but a copy-paste error means that he uses Thaik's portrait instead.

Lady Doryanna Flyte uses the Squid's portrait in the game rather than this unique one.

An obvious placeholder portrait, with a message directed to lead artist Mark Jones.

Underwater Graphics

Fauna, shipwrecks, and a couple of starfish, that would have been seen underwater. You can't swim underwater in the overworld and there's no fauna growing in the dungeons that have water.

Other Unused Graphics

Unused (TEXTURE.457) Used (TEXTURE.259)
Daggerfall-Texture 457 0.gif Daggerfall-Texture 259 0.gif

An alternative version of the bear with more fluid walking animations is in the game's data, but is not used. Many of the enemies had much smoother animations than what was in the final product, but were ultimately dropped largely due to memory limitations. They were originally animated with 16 frames of animation when Mark Jones created them, but the sprites were eventually watered down to just 4 frames to save memory. Most of the original 16 frame animations have been lost because no back ups were made and Bethesda has changed networks since Daggerfall's release.

Unused Used
DF MarkJonesGargoyle.png DFDE MJGargoyle.gif

This unused sprite for the Gargoyle is noticeably different from the final version of the stone monster. This version of the Gargoyle looks much closer to the Gargoyle Concept Art than the final version. Both versions of the monster were modeled by Daggerfall Artist, Mark Jones.

Daggerfall-MOON00I0.gif Daggerfall-MOON01I0.gif
MOON00I0.CIF and MOON01I0.CIF contain graphics for the moons Masser and Secunda, complete with waxing and waning phases. These would have been crucial in determining whether or not the player experiences Lycanthropy. Although these are loaded into memory upon boot-up, they are never seen in the game.

(Graphics Rips: Interkarma)

Some pathways that would have been placed around Daggerfall. The internal name of this texture set ("Roof Top Garden", TEXTURE.031) indicates it would have been for a garden. It lacks any equivalents for when snow or rain fall.

A variety of markers. If the internal file name is of any indication, this was used for some kind of editor.

Daggerfall-FormalEodoric.PNG Daggerfall-FormalEodoric ChildSetting.PNG
Female characters would have been able to wear a eodoric. A censored version is also present.

A backpack icon can be found among the icons for the inventory screen. This probably would have been used to represent the player's own inventory.

TEXTURE.091 contains textures for mills. However, there are no mills to be seen in the actual game.

Fighting? While on a horse? Not on my watch.
Texture files 491 to 495 contain graphics for enemies riding horses. Unless the game is modified through Andyfall or a similar mod, they are never seen in the game, as they have no entries among the game's enemies. Although itself was unused, the lower body of the original model used to make the sprites was used to make the Centaur.

Daggerfall-Lysandus 473 Loop 5.gif
Despite being a key part of the plot, Lysandus never confronts the player during the night like the Ghouls and Wraiths. He does have attack animations, along with hurt frames, suggesting he was supposed to.

Daggerfall-King1 185 Loop 10.gif Daggerfall-Queen1 185 Loop 11.gif
Two sprites of a king and a queen waving their swords. These were in TEXTURE.185.

(Source: Svlatopluk's Daggerfall Museum)