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The Elder Scrolls: Arena

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Title Screen

The Elder Scrolls: Arena

Developer: Bethesda Softworks
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Platform: DOS
Released in US: February 1994
Released in EU: later in 1994

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

And you were just a scroll away from being fired too...
Oh dear, I do believe I have the vapors.
This page contains content that is not safe for work or other locations with the potential for personal embarrassment.
Such as: One flavor of fantasy nipple.
This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
To do:
  • Search through the files some more, including the executables (Floppy 1.00 to CD 1.07), in particular GLOBAL.BSA.
  • Document artwork and magazine articles detailing the cancelled Sega Saturn and Playstation ports.
  • The cutscenes have revisional differences between the floppy and CD releases of the game, including changing some story elements. Document them here. A good place to start.

The Elder Scrolls: Arena is the first entry in the Elder Scrolls series. It was initially a gladiator game where the player would use several characters to fight in battles that was transformed into a CRPG over time as playtesters found the added sidequests more fun than the gladiatorial battles.


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info

Unused Text

Present from 3C4D8 to 3C60A in a decompressed executable of a.exe are a few leftovers from when the game allowed the player to have team members:

Team leader
Team member 2
Team member 3
Team member 4

Revisional Differences

  • Version 1.01 added the ability to check the version number.
  • v1.05 added the ability to rename spells.
  • v1.06 added the ability to slow the game down with the '-delay' command for faster processors, with the original Pentium being mentioned by name in the readme.
  • Patches added the ability to have messages instantly pop in instead of pixellating in by pressing F4.

Unused Graphics

Introduction Cutscene

TES1 UnusedIntroScreen.png

An early version of the game's introduction describes the character of Talin Warhaft in much more detail than the final game, and would've given the Eternal Champion (the player) a much more solidified backstory. In the final, floppy disk version of the game, Talin is seen in the final cutscene returning to Tamriel with Uriel Septim, whereas the CD release even further sidelines the Emperor's leader of the Imperial Guards and removes him from the updated cutscene.



ElderScrollsArenaPOPTALK.gif ElderScrollsArenaS2.gif

These two HUDs are in the graphics files, but there is seemingly no way to enable either. The HUD on the left is featured in screenshots from very early versions of the game, where the player could have up four characters in his or her party.


TES1 UGFemaleNudity.png

At one point in development, in addition to the (cut) nude NPCs, female player characters would also be able to adventure throughout the world of Tamriel without a bra holding them back.

Party Member HUD Death

A screenshot of what appears to be a debug menu of the game showcases an unused element of the HUD that was to be used when the game was still a party-based gladiatorial combat game. This skull sprite showcases what the HUD would show if a member of your party fell in combat, presumably dead for good. A mock-up of what this sprite could've looked like if it were used in the game has also been added.

Unused Spellcasting Animation

TES1 UnusedHands.png

This set of hands was presumably to be used as part of an animation for spell casting. In the final game, the spell effect animations do not showcase any hands.

Unused Scroll

TES1PR Scrolls.png

An unused version of the scroll graphic and it's detailing. Likely used in development for formatting purposes.

Unused Sign Sprites

Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
  • Needs double checking, but a few of these sprites are seemingly completely unfamiliar to the final game.

TES1 Signs.png

While some of these sprites are used in the final game, a few of them seemingly do not appear anywhere in the game. The third from the left on the top row and the first on the right on the second row seemingly do not appear in the final game.

Unused Castle Sprites

TES1 UnusedCastles.png

TES1PR UnsuedCastleSprite.png

TES1 UGCastle.png TES1 UGCastle2.png

These images showcase unused castle sprites that would've likely been used inside of cities.

Unused Statue Sprites

Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
  • These are unused, but Arena includes a lot of statue sprites. Are these early versions of a couple of statues in the release version, or completely cut from the game?

TES1 UGStatueMale.png TES1 UGStatueFemale.png

Two statue sprites that are unused in the final game. Potentially an early version of a couple statues in the final release.

Unused Drop Rates

Creatures, such as Homoculi, Ghosts and Wraiths leave no corpse still have drop rates associated with them. It is possible to paralyze then kill an enemy to prevent it from vanishing before the player can interact with it.

Unused Music


Present within GLOBAL.BSA, presumably it was meant to be played at the end of the game.


Same story as previous file, except it was presumably going to be played during the credits, The Elder Scrolls: Arena doesn't have a credits sequence, the first mainline game to do so was The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind


Maybe this was Tharn's theme?... if he had one.


Unused combat music.


Overcast snowing theme, unused in Arena for unknown reasons, and later utilized in Daggerfall.

(Source: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Arena:Monsters)