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An Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire

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Title Screen

An Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire

Also known as: Battlespire
Developer: Bethesda Softworks
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Platform: DOS
Released in US: November 1997
Released in EU: 1997

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.
CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

To do:
Multiple Demos and Previews of Battlespire exist, and contain many in-development screenshots, concept art, and other goodies. [1] [2] [3] [4]
  • The Clannfear enemy began conception and development as the Rock Chisel in Prerelease. Add relevant info and images from Mark Jones. [5]
  • The cover of Battlespire went through multiple revisions, as noted by the box art designer, Mark Jones. Add pictures comparing early covers and the final cover. [6]
  • Add a section for Battlespire's Childguard feature that replaces nudity and other "adult" graphics in the game with more child-friendly versions of them. Well... As child-friendly as demonic invasions, mass slaughter, and constant death can get.

An Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire, which started development as an expansion pack for The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall, is the first Elder Scrolls game with a multiplayer mode and is the last game Julian LeFay had major involvement in developing. The player, a recent initiate in the Battlespire training program, must travel throughout the titular fortress to avenge their fellow fallen mages, cast Mehrunes Dagon back to Oblivion, and save their helpful friend who has conveniently left supply caches and notes throughout the levels for the player to find.


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info
YOU, Julian, are letting the game do wonky things. Stop it immediately.

Build Date

mpath.c(151) Log Started!
mpath.c(152) Compiled: Nov 09 1997 14:27:19

Developer Message

Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: Can this be triggered?
Battlespire Rules!
Mark   Landon   Julian
Marvin   Gary   Ken   Louise
October 1997

Unused Graphics

Editor Textures

Several textures are referenced by the level files for invisible objects, such as triggers and monster spawns. Probably used by the level editor.

BSA Archiver

It seems to compress some of the game files, they copied the archiver into the directory being archived, so it was archived also. Can be found in both 3D.BSA and BSI.BSA.

Archive v2.0. Written by Hal Bouma. Copyright 1995, Bethesda Softworks.
Usage: Archive source_file archive [-<compress threshold>]
Download.png Download Arch3.exe
File: Battlespire_arch3.zip (80 KB) (info)

Text Files

A number of unused text files from the game's development can be found in various archives.


Found in BSI.BSA, used to convert from .CEL files used by Animator Pro to the engine's native .BSI format.

@echo off
rem convert CEL to BSI with correct scaling
rem *********** M.Jones 07/30/97 **********
rem Numbers after "-t" are scaling percentages
echo converting %1*.cel to %1*.bsi
cimg -x -c6 -t29 smpa00.cel
cimg -x -c6 -t31 smpa01.cel
cimg -x -c6 -t34 smpa02.cel
cimg -x -c6 -t41 smpa03.cel
cimg -x -c6 -t47 smpa04.cel

cimg -x -c6 -t27 smpd00.cel
cimg -x -c6 -t33 smpd01.cel
cimg -x -c6 -t35 smpd02.cel
cimg -x -c6 -t43 smpd03.cel
cimg -x -c6 -t48 smpd04.cel

cimg -x -c6 -t27 smpw00.cel
cimg -x -c6 -t33 smpw01.cel
cimg -x -c6 -t35 smpw02.cel
cimg -x -c6 -t43 smpw03.cel
cimg -x -c6 -t48 smpw04.cel

cimg -x -c6 -t29 smps00.cel
cimg -x -c6 -t31 smps01.cel
cimg -x -c6 -t34 smps02.cel
cimg -x -c6 -t41 smps03.cel
cimg -x -c6 -t47 smps04.cel


Found in BSI.BSA, includes timestamps for most image files.

  Volume in drive E is WORK        
  Directory of  E:\PROJECTS\BATSPIRE\BSA\BSI\????????.bsi
 10-06-97  13:29         316,542  BACKSCRN.BSI
 11-07-97   0:22          14,475  BLUEFLAG.BSI
  8-12-97  16:39          25,726  BLUETEAM.BSI
 11-05-97  12:37          26,814  CHILDDEY.BSI
 11-05-97  12:37          34,358  CHILDFAY.BSI
 11-05-97  12:37          25,758  CHILDJAC.BSI
  9-08-97  10:22          29,502  CLARENTV.BSI
 11-11-97   9:48         316,542  CONTROLS.BSI
  8-12-97  18:43          10,700  CONT_BAR.BSI
  9-08-97  10:22          27,486  DEYANIRA.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          21,501  FARMB300.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          23,912  FARMB301.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          36,270  FARMB302.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          36,270  FARMB303.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          25,122  FARMB304.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          25,122  FARMB305.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          25,196  FARMB306.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          21,672  FARMB307.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          25,485  FARMB308.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          20,160  FARMB309.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          19,684  FARMB310.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          21,867  FBOOT460.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          21,867  FBOOT461.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          21,867  FBOOT462.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          11,193  FBOOT463.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          11,125  FBOOT464.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          11,193  FBOOT465.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          11,125  FBOOT466.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          11,091  FBOOT467.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          11,193  FBOOT468.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          93,544  FBRBD001.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          93,544  FBRBD901.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,558  FBREY001.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,785  FBREY002.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,668  FBREY003.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,674  FBREY004.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,668  FBREY005.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,668  FBREY006.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,900  FBREY007.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,786  FBREY008.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,582  FBREY009.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,582  FBREY010.BSI
  8-15-97   7:50          16,462  FBRHR000.BSI
  8-15-97   7:50          20,351  FBRHR001.BSI
  8-15-97   7:51          18,544  FBRHR002.BSI
  8-15-97   7:51          16,118  FBRHR003.BSI
  8-15-97   7:51          19,186  FBRHR004.BSI
  8-15-97   7:51          17,438  FBRHR005.BSI
  8-15-97   7:51          16,057  FBRHR006.BSI
  8-15-97   7:51          18,012  FBRHR007.BSI
  8-15-97   7:51          17,684  FBRHR008.BSI
  8-15-97   7:51          16,482  FBRHR009.BSI
  8-15-97   7:51          16,389  FBRHR010.BSI
  8-15-97   7:51          15,816  FBRHR011.BSI
  8-15-97   7:51          16,284  FBRHR012.BSI
  9-10-97  18:36          21,094  FBRHR013.BSI
  9-10-97  18:36          19,638  FBRHR014.BSI
  9-10-97  18:36          16,258  FBRHR015.BSI
  9-10-97  18:36          20,782  FBRHR016.BSI
  9-10-97  18:36          20,775  FBRHR017.BSI
  9-10-97  18:36          19,042  FBRHR018.BSI
  9-10-97  18:36          17,502  FBRHR019.BSI
  9-10-97  18:36          18,200  FBRHR020.BSI
  9-10-97  18:36          17,378  FBRHR021.BSI
  9-10-97  18:36          15,942  FBRHR022.BSI
  9-10-97  18:36          18,828  FBRHR023.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,056  FBRMT001.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,140  FBRMT002.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,161  FBRMT003.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,056  FBRMT004.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,140  FBRMT005.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18           9,982  FBRMT006.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,266  FBRMT007.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,266  FBRMT008.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,266  FBRMT009.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,266  FBRMT010.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          20,434  FBRST260.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          20,224  FBRST261.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          20,208  FBRST262.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          20,167  FBRST263.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          19,860  FBRST264.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          20,066  FBRST265.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          26,100  FBRST266.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          25,731  FBRST267.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          25,782  FBRST268.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          25,943  FBRST269.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          65,287  FCAPE500.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          37,477  FCAPE501.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          70,601  FCAPE502.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          93,790  FDKBD001.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          93,790  FDKBD901.BSI
 10-14-97  13:06          10,859  FDKEY001.BSI
 10-14-97  13:06          10,785  FDKEY002.BSI
 10-14-97  13:06          10,822  FDKEY003.BSI
 10-14-97  13:06          10,748  FDKEY004.BSI
 10-14-97  13:06          11,007  FDKEY005.BSI
 10-14-97  13:06          10,896  FDKEY006.BSI
 10-14-97  13:06          10,896  FDKEY007.BSI
 10-14-97  13:06          10,938  FDKEY008.BSI
 10-14-97  13:06          10,938  FDKEY009.BSI
 10-14-97  13:06          10,938  FDKEY010.BSI
 10-14-97  13:06          11,274  FDKEY011.BSI
 10-14-97  13:06          11,320  FDKEY012.BSI
 10-14-97  13:06          11,228  FDKEY013.BSI
  8-15-97   7:51          16,462  FDKHR000.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          19,942  FDKHR001.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          17,504  FDKHR002.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          14,670  FDKHR003.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          17,788  FDKHR004.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          15,954  FDKHR005.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          17,530  FDKHR006.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          18,652  FDKHR007.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          15,816  FDKHR008.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          19,242  FDKHR009.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          16,017  FDKHR010.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          17,085  FDKHR011.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          17,622  FDKHR012.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          17,350  FDKHR013.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          17,061  FDKHR014.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          15,082  FDKHR015.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          16,215  FDKHR016.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          16,531  FDKHR017.BSI
  8-15-97   7:51          16,308  FDKHR018.BSI
  9-10-97  18:40          21,094  FDKHR019.BSI
  9-10-97  18:40          17,214  FDKHR020.BSI
  9-10-97  18:40          20,990  FDKHR021.BSI
  9-10-97  18:40          20,990  FDKHR022.BSI
  9-10-97  18:40          18,260  FDKHR023.BSI
  9-10-97  18:40          17,502  FDKHR024.BSI
  9-11-97   8:50          18,912  FDKHR025.BSI
  9-10-97  18:40          17,361  FDKHR026.BSI
  9-10-97  18:40          18,735  FDKHR027.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,285  FDKMT001.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18           9,993  FDKMT002.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,014  FDKMT003.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,239  FDKMT004.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,078  FDKMT005.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,193  FDKMT006.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,193  FDKMT007.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,193  FDKMT008.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,239  FDKMT009.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,239  FDKMT010.BSI
 10-18-97  12:53          11,636  FGAUN340.BSI
 10-18-97  12:53          11,636  FGAUN341.BSI
 10-18-97  12:53          11,636  FGAUN342.BSI
 10-18-97  12:53          11,636  FGAUN343.BSI
 10-18-97  12:53          11,636  FGAUN344.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          28,152  FGREV450.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          28,152  FGREV451.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          28,152  FGREV452.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          28,326  FGREV453.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          93,790  FHIBD001.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          93,790  FHIBD901.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,941  FHIEY001.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,748  FHIEY002.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,862  FHIEY003.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,902  FHIEY004.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,782  FHIEY005.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          11,023  FHIEY006.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,746  FHIEY007.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,707  FHIEY008.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,862  FHIEY009.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,863  FHIEY010.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          16,462  FHIHR000.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          20,351  FHIHR001.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          17,504  FHIHR002.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          14,817  FHIHR003.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          17,220  FHIHR004.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          16,057  FHIHR005.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          17,526  FHIHR006.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          18,652  FHIHR007.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          15,738  FHIHR008.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          19,242  FHIHR009.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          16,092  FHIHR010.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          17,082  FHIHR011.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          16,503  FHIHR012.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          17,622  FHIHR013.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          19,261  FHIHR014.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          17,350  FHIHR015.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          17,061  FHIHR016.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          15,346  FHIHR017.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          16,136  FHIHR018.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          16,426  FHIHR019.BSI
  9-10-97  18:40          21,094  FHIHR020.BSI
  9-10-97  18:40          17,214  FHIHR021.BSI
  9-10-97  18:40          20,886  FHIHR022.BSI
  9-10-97  18:40          20,886  FHIHR023.BSI
  9-10-97  18:40          18,260  FHIHR024.BSI
  9-10-97  18:40          17,502  FHIHR025.BSI
  9-11-97   8:50          18,912  FHIHR026.BSI
  9-10-97  18:40          17,361  FHIHR027.BSI
  9-10-97  18:40          18,735  FHIHR028.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,178  FHIMT001.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,134  FHIMT002.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,156  FHIMT003.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,112  FHIMT004.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,178  FHIMT005.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,112  FHIMT006.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,134  FHIMT007.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,134  FHIMT008.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,134  FHIMT009.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,101  FHIMT010.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          22,459  FHLMT500.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          20,069  FHLMT501.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          16,415  FHLMT502.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          16,559  FHLMT503.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          16,559  FHLMT504.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          16,367  FHLMT505.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          16,343  FHLMT506.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          16,190  FHLMT507.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          20,174  FHLMT508.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          22,328  FHLMT509.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          94,132  FNOBD001.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          94,132  FNOBD901.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,637  FNOEY001.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,600  FNOEY002.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,563  FNOEY003.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,489  FNOEY004.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,662  FNOEY005.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,637  FNOEY006.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,600  FNOEY007.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,489  FNOEY008.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,563  FNOEY009.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,634  FNOEY010.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          16,462  FNOHR000.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          20,351  FNOHR001.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          18,544  FNOHR002.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          16,017  FNOHR003.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          18,921  FNOHR004.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          17,622  FNOHR005.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          16,167  FNOHR006.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          16,057  FNOHR007.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          17,927  FNOHR008.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          17,061  FNOHR009.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          16,148  FNOHR010.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          15,810  FNOHR011.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          15,733  FNOHR012.BSI
  8-15-97   7:52          16,182  FNOHR013.BSI
  9-10-97  18:40          21,094  FNOHR014.BSI
  9-10-97  18:40          19,638  FNOHR015.BSI
  9-10-97  18:40          16,258  FNOHR016.BSI
  9-10-97  18:36          20,782  FNOHR017.BSI
  9-10-97  18:36          20,886  FNOHR018.BSI
  9-10-97  18:36          18,945  FNOHR019.BSI
  9-10-97  18:36          17,502  FNOHR020.BSI
  9-10-97  18:36          18,200  FNOHR021.BSI
  9-10-97  18:36          17,378  FNOHR022.BSI
  9-10-97  18:36          16,206  FNOHR023.BSI
  9-10-97  18:36          18,828  FNOHR024.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,178  FNOMT001.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,014  FNOMT002.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,156  FNOMT003.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,119  FNOMT004.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,082  FNOMT005.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,178  FNOMT006.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,014  FNOMT007.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,178  FNOMT008.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,082  FNOMT009.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,119  FNOMT010.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          46,986  FPLDN330.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          46,771  FPLDN331.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          46,811  FPLDN332.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          46,210  FPLDN333.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          46,771  FPLDN334.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          39,250  FPNTS100.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          39,038  FPNTS101.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          38,898  FPNTS102.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          38,898  FPNTS103.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          39,391  FPNTS104.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          38,898  FPNTS105.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          40,946  FPNTS106.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          13,355  FPNTS107.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          13,691  FPNTS108.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          14,119  FPNTS109.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          12,803  FPNTS110.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          22,295  FPNTS111.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          22,792  FPNTS112.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          23,332  FPNTS113.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          22,791  FPNTS114.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          93,790  FRDBD001.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          93,790  FRDBD901.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,634  FRDEY001.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,702  FRDEY002.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,668  FRDEY003.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,357  FRDEY004.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          11,019  FRDEY005.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,567  FRDEY006.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,567  FRDEY007.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,357  FRDEY008.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,357  FRDEY009.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,812  FRDEY010.BSI
  1-03-95   1:23          16,462  FRDHR000.BSI
  1-03-95   1:23          20,351  FRDHR001.BSI
  1-03-95   1:23          18,544  FRDHR002.BSI
  1-03-95   1:23          16,167  FRDHR003.BSI
  1-03-95   1:23          19,261  FRDHR004.BSI
  1-03-95   1:23          17,438  FRDHR005.BSI
  1-03-95   1:23          16,057  FRDHR006.BSI
  1-03-95   1:23          17,658  FRDHR007.BSI
  1-03-95   1:23          17,061  FRDHR008.BSI
  1-03-95   1:23          16,148  FRDHR009.BSI
  1-03-95   1:23          16,062  FRDHR010.BSI
  1-03-95   1:23          15,733  FRDHR011.BSI
  1-03-95   1:23          15,040  FRDHR012.BSI
  1-03-95   1:23          15,912  FRDHR013.BSI
  9-10-97  18:36          21,094  FRDHR014.BSI
  9-10-97  18:36          17,118  FRDHR015.BSI
  9-10-97  18:36          20,886  FRDHR016.BSI
  9-10-97  18:36          20,886  FRDHR017.BSI
  9-10-97  18:36          18,351  FRDHR018.BSI
  9-10-97  18:36          17,587  FRDHR019.BSI
  9-10-97  18:36          18,912  FRDHR020.BSI
  9-10-97  18:36          17,361  FRDHR021.BSI
  9-10-97  18:36          18,735  FRDHR022.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,140  FRDMT001.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,170  FRDMT002.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,098  FRDMT003.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18           9,825  FRDMT004.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18           9,862  FRDMT005.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18           9,862  FRDMT006.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18           9,825  FRDMT007.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,140  FRDMT008.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,098  FRDMT009.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,090  FRDMT010.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          43,379  FSHRT200.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          45,782  FSHRT201.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          48,558  FSHRT202.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          30,734  FSHRT203.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          30,606  FSHRT204.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          62,619  FSHRT205.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          64,108  FSHRT206.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          62,332  FSHRT207.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          61,678  FSHRT208.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          62,137  FSHRT209.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          62,818  FSHRT210.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          39,307  FSHRT211.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          21,306  FSHRT212.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          21,838  FSHRT213.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          20,416  FSHRT214.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          23,788  FSHRT215.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          94,136  FWDBD001.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          94,136  FWDBD901.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,902  FWDEY001.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,941  FWDEY002.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          11,058  FWDEY003.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          11,019  FWDEY004.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,933  FWDEY005.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,900  FWDEY006.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          11,022  FWDEY007.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          11,022  FWDEY008.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          11,058  FWDEY009.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          11,022  FWDEY010.BSI
  9-30-97  14:49          11,228  FWDEY011.BSI
  1-03-95   1:23          16,812  FWDHR000.BSI
  1-03-95   1:23          20,351  FWDHR001.BSI
  1-03-95   1:23          17,847  FWDHR002.BSI
  1-03-95   1:23          14,892  FWDHR003.BSI
  1-03-95   1:23          17,005  FWDHR004.BSI
  1-03-95   1:23          15,733  FWDHR005.BSI
  1-03-95   1:23          17,438  FWDHR006.BSI
  1-03-95   1:23          18,652  FWDHR007.BSI
  1-03-95   1:23          15,738  FWDHR008.BSI
  1-03-95   1:23          19,152  FWDHR009.BSI
  1-03-95   1:23          16,195  FWDHR010.BSI
  1-03-95   1:23          17,262  FWDHR011.BSI
  1-03-95   1:23          16,503  FWDHR012.BSI
  1-03-95   1:23          17,712  FWDHR013.BSI
  1-03-95   1:23          19,261  FWDHR014.BSI
  1-03-95   1:23          17,441  FWDHR015.BSI
  1-03-95   1:23          17,061  FWDHR016.BSI
  1-03-95   1:23          15,328  FWDHR017.BSI
  1-03-95   1:23          16,057  FWDHR018.BSI
  1-03-95   1:23          15,964  FWDHR019.BSI
  1-03-95   1:23          16,398  FWDHR020.BSI
  9-10-97  18:36          21,094  FWDHR021.BSI
  9-10-97  18:36          17,214  FWDHR022.BSI
  9-10-97  18:36          20,886  FWDHR023.BSI
  9-10-97  18:36          20,886  FWDHR024.BSI
  9-10-97  18:36          18,169  FWDHR025.BSI
  9-10-97  18:36          17,502  FWDHR026.BSI
  9-10-97  18:40          18,825  FWDHR027.BSI
  9-10-97  18:40          17,378  FWDHR028.BSI
  9-10-97  18:40          18,735  FWDHR029.BSI
  9-29-97  10:59          19,430  FWDHR030.BSI
  9-29-97  10:59          19,539  FWDHR031.BSI
  9-29-97  10:59          21,005  FWDHR032.BSI
  9-29-97  10:59          19,543  FWDHR033.BSI
  9-29-97  10:59          18,509  FWDHR034.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,206  FWDMT001.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,262  FWDMT002.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,278  FWDMT003.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,278  FWDMT004.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,206  FWDMT005.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,206  FWDMT006.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,206  FWDMT007.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,206  FWDMT008.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,374  FWDMT009.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,331  FWDMT010.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          18,005  FWPNS600.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          28,892  FWPNS601.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          46,064  FWPNS602.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          72,187  FWPNS603.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          61,027  FWPNS604.BSI
 10-24-97  18:29          32,326  FWPNS605.BSI
 10-24-97  18:29          31,906  FWPNS606.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          30,172  FWPNS607.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          25,926  FWPNS608.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          40,482  FWPNS609.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          42,757  FWPNS610.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          35,014  FWPNS611.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          35,417  FWPNS613.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          42,062  FWPNS614.BSI
  8-25-97  10:40          13,438  KEYHOLE3.BSI
  8-25-97  10:40          14,526  KEYHOLE4.BSI
  7-09-97  15:26          21,783  LITENING.BSI
  9-18-97  18:59         316,542  LOADSAVE.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          27,783  MARMB300.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          28,470  MARMB301.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          27,576  MARMB302.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          28,170  MARMB303.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          27,783  MARMB304.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          27,783  MARMB305.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          27,783  MARMB306.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          28,470  MARMB307.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          29,520  MARMB308.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          28,470  MARMB309.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          28,470  MARMB310.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          25,857  MBOOT460.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          18,348  MBOOT461.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          28,769  MBOOT462.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          28,493  MBOOT463.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          28,585  MBOOT464.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          28,980  MBOOT465.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          28,980  MBOOT466.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          20,263  MBOOT467.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          15,675  MBOOT468.BSI
  7-03-97  10:39          17,845  MBPLB260.BSI
  7-03-97  10:39          21,055  MBPLB261.BSI
  7-03-97  10:39          16,266  MBPLB262.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          95,399  MBRBD001.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,822  MBREY001.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,602  MBREY002.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,786  MBREY003.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,494  MBREY004.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,489  MBREY005.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,464  MBREY006.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,812  MBREY007.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,824  MBREY008.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,494  MBREY009.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,494  MBREY010.BSI
  9-30-97  14:49          11,105  MBREY011.BSI
  9-30-97  14:49          11,142  MBREY012.BSI
  8-14-97  21:49          14,817  MBRHR000.BSI
  8-14-97  21:49          14,963  MBRHR001.BSI
  8-14-97  21:49          15,267  MBRHR002.BSI
  8-14-97  21:49          14,454  MBRHR003.BSI
  8-14-97  21:49          15,894  MBRHR004.BSI
  8-14-97  21:49          11,722  MBRHR005.BSI
  8-14-97  21:49          14,890  MBRHR006.BSI
  8-14-97  21:49          14,510  MBRHR007.BSI
  8-14-97  21:49          15,030  MBRHR008.BSI
  8-14-97  21:49          14,702  MBRHR009.BSI
  8-14-97  21:49          15,632  MBRHR010.BSI
  8-14-97  21:49          14,379  MBRHR011.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,156  MBRMT001.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,147  MBRMT002.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,310  MBRMT003.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,702  MBRMT004.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          11,148  MBRMT005.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,147  MBRMT006.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,326  MBRMT007.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,326  MBRMT008.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,326  MBRMT009.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,206  MBRMT010.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          26,037  MBRST260.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          29,235  MBRST261.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          24,447  MBRST262.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          28,785  MBRST263.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          25,992  MBRST264.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          25,884  MBRST265.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          27,688  MBRST266.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          27,760  MBRST267.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          28,080  MBRST268.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          28,036  MBRST269.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          58,947  MCAPE500.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          59,499  MCAPE501.BSI
 10-16-97  16:50          34,777  MCAPE502.BSI
 10-16-97  16:51          96,124  MDKBD001.BSI
 10-14-97  13:06          10,638  MDKEY001.BSI
 10-14-97  13:06          10,637  MDKEY002.BSI
 10-14-97  13:06          10,822  MDKEY003.BSI
 10-14-97  13:06          11,106  MDKEY004.BSI
 10-14-97  13:06          10,824  MDKEY005.BSI
 10-14-97  13:06          11,102  MDKEY006.BSI
 10-14-97  13:06          10,638  MDKEY007.BSI
 10-14-97  13:06          10,637  MDKEY008.BSI
 10-14-97  13:06          10,822  MDKEY009.BSI
 10-14-97  13:06          10,638  MDKEY010.BSI
 10-14-97  13:06          11,322  MDKEY011.BSI
  8-14-97  21:51          17,532  MDKHR000.BSI
  8-14-97  21:51          15,414  MDKHR001.BSI
  8-14-97  21:51          16,041  MDKHR002.BSI
  8-14-97  21:51          15,912  MDKHR003.BSI
  8-14-97  21:51          15,912  MDKHR004.BSI
  8-14-97  21:51          14,347  MDKHR005.BSI
  8-14-97  21:51          15,506  MDKHR006.BSI
  8-14-97  21:51          15,820  MDKHR007.BSI
  8-14-97  21:51          16,542  MDKHR008.BSI
  8-14-97  21:51          15,738  MDKHR009.BSI
  8-14-97  21:51          16,467  MDKHR010.BSI
  8-14-97  21:51          17,400  MDKHR011.BSI
  8-14-97  21:51          14,226  MDKHR012.BSI
  8-14-97  21:51          15,462  MDKHR013.BSI
  8-14-97  21:51          14,662  MDKHR014.BSI
  8-14-97  21:51          14,517  MDKHR015.BSI
  8-14-97  21:51          14,809  MDKHR016.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,278  MDKMT001.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,142  MDKMT002.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,092  MDKMT003.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,217  MDKMT004.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,046  MDKMT005.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,014  MDKMT006.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,460  MDKMT007.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,417  MDKMT008.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,092  MDKMT009.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,460  MDKMT010.BSI
 10-18-97  12:54          15,511  MGAUN340.BSI
 10-18-97  12:54          15,835  MGAUN341.BSI
 10-18-97  12:54          15,835  MGAUN342.BSI
 10-18-97  12:54          15,752  MGAUN343.BSI
 10-18-97  12:54          15,598  MGAUN344.BSI
 10-16-97  16:51          13,769  MGREV450.BSI
 10-16-97  16:51          13,720  MGREV451.BSI
 10-16-97  16:51          13,720  MGREV452.BSI
 10-16-97  16:51          13,720  MGREV453.BSI
 10-16-97  16:51          96,000  MHIBD001.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,590  MHIEY001.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,674  MHIEY002.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,662  MHIEY003.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,854  MHIEY004.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,668  MHIEY005.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,600  MHIEY006.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,494  MHIEY007.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,859  MHIEY008.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          11,102  MHIEY009.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          11,058  MHIEY010.BSI
  8-14-97  21:52          17,442  MHIHR000.BSI
  8-14-97  21:52          16,150  MHIHR001.BSI
  8-14-97  21:52          15,706  MHIHR002.BSI
  8-14-97  21:52          16,076  MHIHR003.BSI
  8-14-97  21:52          16,092  MHIHR004.BSI
  8-14-97  21:52          14,702  MHIHR005.BSI
  8-14-97  21:52          15,573  MHIHR006.BSI
  8-14-97  21:52          15,820  MHIHR007.BSI
  8-14-97  21:52          16,657  MHIHR008.BSI
  8-14-97  21:52          15,878  MHIHR009.BSI
  8-14-97  21:52          17,770  MHIHR010.BSI
  8-14-97  21:52          17,442  MHIHR011.BSI
  8-14-97  21:52          15,342  MHIHR012.BSI
  8-14-97  21:52          14,517  MHIHR013.BSI
  8-14-97  21:52          18,458  MHIHR014.BSI
  8-14-97  21:52          14,732  MHIHR015.BSI
  8-14-97  21:52          14,578  MHIHR016.BSI
  8-14-97  21:52          14,374  MHIHR017.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,170  MHIMT001.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,170  MHIMT002.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,134  MHIMT003.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,086  MHIMT004.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,101  MHIMT005.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,342  MHIMT006.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,182  MHIMT007.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,392  MHIMT008.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,350  MHIMT009.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,342  MHIMT010.BSI
 10-14-97  13:03          16,184  MHLMT500.BSI
 10-14-97  13:03          20,611  MHLMT501.BSI
 10-14-97  13:03          21,043  MHLMT502.BSI
 10-14-97  13:03          16,034  MHLMT503.BSI
 10-14-97  13:03          16,002  MHLMT504.BSI
 10-14-97  13:03          16,034  MHLMT505.BSI
 10-14-97  13:03          16,034  MHLMT506.BSI
 10-14-97  13:03          15,959  MHLMT507.BSI
 10-14-97  13:03          16,148  MHLMT508.BSI
 10-14-97  13:03          15,479  MHLMT509.BSI
 10-16-97  16:51          95,754  MNOBD001.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,596  MNOEY001.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,596  MNOEY002.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,458  MNOEY003.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,532  MNOEY004.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,431  MNOEY005.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,238  MNOEY006.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,532  MNOEY007.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,458  MNOEY008.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,812  MNOEY009.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,902  MNOEY010.BSI
  8-14-97  21:52          15,425  MNOHR000.BSI
  8-14-97  21:52          15,262  MNOHR001.BSI
  8-14-97  21:52          15,502  MNOHR002.BSI
  8-14-97  21:52          14,454  MNOHR003.BSI
  8-14-97  21:52          15,899  MNOHR004.BSI
  8-14-97  21:52          11,926  MNOHR005.BSI
  8-14-97  21:52          14,890  MNOHR006.BSI
  8-14-97  21:52          15,040  MNOHR007.BSI
  8-14-97  21:52          15,342  MNOHR008.BSI
  8-14-97  21:52          14,872  MNOHR009.BSI
  8-14-97  21:52          15,693  MNOHR010.BSI
  8-14-97  21:52          15,642  MNOHR011.BSI
  8-14-97  21:52          15,109  MNOHR012.BSI
  8-14-97  21:52          15,632  MNOHR013.BSI
  8-14-97  21:52          14,671  MNOHR014.BSI
  8-14-97  21:52          14,379  MNOHR015.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,024  MNOMT001.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,254  MNOMT002.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,170  MNOMT003.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18           9,942  MNOMT004.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,326  MNOMT005.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,326  MNOMT006.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,262  MNOMT007.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,326  MNOMT008.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,350  MNOMT009.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,170  MNOMT010.BSI
  5-08-97  12:34           5,238  MONSTER1.BSI
  5-08-97  12:34           5,238  MONSTER2.BSI
 10-16-97  16:51          26,961  MPLDN330.BSI
 10-16-97  16:51          31,774  MPLDN331.BSI
 10-16-97  16:51          32,109  MPLDN332.BSI
 10-16-97  16:51          31,867  MPLDN333.BSI
 10-16-97  16:51          31,867  MPLDN334.BSI
 10-14-97  13:03          31,867  MPLDN335.BSI
 10-14-97  13:03          31,867  MPLDN336.BSI
  9-23-97  17:49          72,693  MPLDN337.BSI
 10-16-97  16:51          49,158  MPNTS100.BSI
 10-16-97  16:51          50,758  MPNTS101.BSI
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 10-16-97  16:51          94,919  MRDBD001.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,602  MRDEY001.BSI
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  9-30-97  14:49          10,976  MRDEY011.BSI
  8-14-97  21:51          15,422  MRDHR000.BSI
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  8-14-97  21:51          15,040  MRDHR012.BSI
  8-14-97  21:51          15,782  MRDHR013.BSI
  8-14-97  21:51          14,452  MRDHR014.BSI
  8-14-97  21:51          15,022  MRDHR015.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,078  MRDMT001.BSI
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  9-10-95  16:18          10,067  MRDMT005.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,350  MRDMT006.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,374  MRDMT007.BSI
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  9-10-95  16:18          10,350  MRDMT009.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,838  MRDMT010.BSI
 10-16-97  16:51          34,558  MSHRT200.BSI
 10-16-97  16:51          58,641  MSHRT201.BSI
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 10-16-97  16:51          61,795  MSHRT206.BSI
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  7-03-97  10:39          26,363  MSHTB200.BSI
 10-16-97  16:51          95,758  MWDBD001.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,742  MWDEY001.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,596  MWDEY002.BSI
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  9-30-97  14:49          10,896  MWDEY011.BSI
  1-03-95   1:20          17,442  MWDHR000.BSI
  1-03-95   1:20          15,666  MWDHR001.BSI
  1-03-95   1:20          15,887  MWDHR002.BSI
  1-03-95   1:20          16,317  MWDHR003.BSI
  1-03-95   1:20          16,362  MWDHR004.BSI
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  1-03-95   1:20          14,374  MWDHR011.BSI
  1-03-95   1:20          14,662  MWDHR012.BSI
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  9-10-95  16:18          10,110  MWDMT001.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18           9,990  MWDMT002.BSI
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  9-10-95  16:18          10,486  MWDMT009.BSI
  9-10-95  16:18          10,110  MWDMT010.BSI
 10-17-97  13:56          24,029  MWPNS600.BSI
 10-17-97  13:56          41,462  MWPNS601.BSI
 10-17-97  13:56          38,737  MWPNS602.BSI
 10-17-97  13:56          51,026  MWPNS603.BSI
 10-17-97  13:56          75,645  MWPNS604.BSI
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 10-17-97  13:56          28,296  MWPNS609.BSI
 10-17-97  13:56          42,886  MWPNS610.BSI
 10-17-97  13:56          55,458  MWPNS611.BSI
 10-17-97  13:56          53,372  MWPNS613.BSI
 10-17-97  13:56          30,232  MWPNS614.BSI
  7-02-97  21:03         308,342  NETWRK00.BSI
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  7-07-97   9:30         308,342  NETWRK03.BSI
  7-07-97  10:28         308,342  NETWRK04.BSI
  9-19-97  15:14           9,573  OPTNON00.BSI
  8-25-97  10:41          25,726  PILLAR01.BSI
  8-22-97  13:33         463,184  RACEPICK.BSI
  9-19-97  16:38          74,547  SCREEN00.BSI
  9-19-97  12:14          13,194  SCREEN01.BSI
  9-19-97  15:50          11,007  SCREEN02.BSI
  7-03-97  10:39          38,614  SKEL00W0.BSI
  8-21-97  10:24         149,240  SPMENU00.BSI
  7-11-97  12:51          32,422  TELEPORT.BSI
 10-06-97  15:40          20,518  VATCHILD.BSI
  8-25-97  10:42          25,726  WATFALB1.BSI
  8-25-97  10:42          25,726  WATFALB2.BSI
  8-25-97  10:42          25,726  WATFALB3.BSI
  8-25-97  10:42          13,438  WATFALS1.BSI
  8-25-97  10:42          13,438  WATFALS2.BSI
  8-25-97  10:42          13,438  WATFALS3.BSI
  9-08-97  10:22          31,542  XIIVILAI.BSI
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