The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |
Developers: Bethesda Game Studios,
Iron Galaxy (Switch)
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is the fifth entry in the extremely popular Elder Scrolls series, in which you play as the Dragonborn or Dovahkiin - a being bestowed with the ability of killing dragons by absorbing their souls and using their powers. Oh, and it turns out they're back. And causing a whole load of trouble.
Skyrim is also notable for having two major crossovers with other franchises: DLC for the Steam version that resolves the fate of a character from Portal 2 (adding a few new items and some newly-recorded voice clips in the process), and the Nintendo Switch version having exclusive items from the Legend of Zelda series that are unlocked via amiibo.
To do:
- 1 Sub-Pages
- 2 Quick Start
- 3 Fallout Remnants
- 4 Unused Models and Textures
- 5 Changed and Removed Locations
- 5.1 Barleydark Farm
- 5.2 Bear's Cave Mill
- 5.3 Darkwater Crossing
- 5.4 Farrfalk Mansion
- 5.5 Frost River Farm
- 5.6 Granite Hill
- 5.7 Heljarchen
- 5.8 Irontree Mill
- 5.9 Maiden-Loom Manor
- 5.10 Old Hroldan
- 5.11 Pathway Guard Tower
- 5.12 Shrine of Talos
- 5.13 Stonehills
- 5.14 Ulfberth's House
- 5.15 Whiterun Jail
- 5.16 Wintersand Manor
- 6 Unused Cells
- 7 Test Cells and Holding Cells
- 8 Unused and Unusable Keys
- 9 Placeholder Messages
- 10 Internal naming differences
- 11 Oddities
- 11.1 Brond's Mention
- 11.2 Chief Mauhulakh's Armor
- 11.3 Dasturn and Meieran
- 11.4 Killable Children
- 11.5 Froa
- 11.6 Urwa
- 11.7 Solitude's Thalmor Headquarters
- 11.8 Gilded Wristguards
- 11.9 Sabine Nytte's Voice
- 11.10 Note to the Authorities
- 11.11 Gourmet in Heljarchen
- 11.12 Granite Hill
- 11.13 Guard Captain Lonely-Gale
- 12 Unused Spells and Perks
- 13 Unused Test Objects
- 14 Unused Text
- 15 Version Differences
Unused Dialogue About 30% of all the recorded dialogue. Huh, almost seems like the game was rushed... |
Unused NPCs Ever felt like Skyrim was empty? |
Scrapped Quests Quality over quantity? Doesn't really feel like it. |
The Pit An arena removed from the main game. There's actually a lot of stuff left behind. |
Civil War The civil war seen in the final game is only a fraction of the original dynamic vision. |
Dawnguard Debug stuff and carriage drivers. |
Hearthfire An empty page that's still more useful than the actual add-on. |
Dragonborn More Miraak and... spider followers. |
Quick Start
There is a simple debug option in the script data for the introduction quest ("Unbound") to skip it in various ways, for ease of testing. Look in the script for Unbound (MQ101) for a variable called MQQuickStart. By default it is set to 0, but changing the default state of this variable will alter the state the game begins in.
- 0 - The game starts normally. Default.
- 1 - The game attempts to start after the cart ride, but something appears to be broken.
- 2 - The game starts at the very beginning of the Helgen Keep dungeon, right after you've chosen who to follow.
- 3 - The game starts at the very end of the Helgen Keep dungeon with a basic set of equipment pre-set to your character.
- 4 - Seemingly the same as option 2?
Options 2-4 will pop up a dialogue box on game start asking whether you want to follow the Imperial (Hadvar) or the Stormcloak (Ralof).
Fallout Remnants
In the game's files are several remnants of Fallout features such as the Pip-Boy, the VATS system, and hacking. These can be viewed in the Creation Kit, although they are completely blank.
Chinese Officer's Sword
Remnant of Fallout 3's Chinese Officer's Sword item, calls for textures that are no longer in the game files.
Image | Close up of Handle |
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Baseball bat
Remnant of Fallout 3's Baseball bat item, calls for textures that are no longer in the game files.
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Unused Models and Textures
Draugr Male Static
This is a model called "draugrmalestatic". It's a bug instead of a humanoid.
Top | Side | Front | Under |
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Iron Staff
This is a model called "tempironstaff". It doesn't have any animations, and is possibly a remnant of Bethesda using materials for staves like Morrowind. The "temp" in its filename indicates the model was temporary, either to test Skyrim's staves, or before they got a new material staff, before ultimately scrapping the whole thing.
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Jarl03hat Additions
Two models exist for headwear that was meant to accompany the "JarlClothes03" model, known as "Fine Raiment" in the final game. The outfit is only worn by Jarl Elisif the Fair. The ghost of her dead husband, High King Torygg, wears a variant of the outfit called "Embroidered Garment". The first model is of a circlet with a repeating red and gold pattern. This is how it would've appeared on female NPCs and players.
Front |
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The second model more closely resembles a hat, featuring the same colors used on the circlet, but having a different pattern. This is how it would've appeared on male NPCs and players. The red coloration of this hat doesn't match up with either of the main colors used on the base outfit (light green and light purple). This could indicate that the main outfit originally was meant to appear red as well, as it did appear with that coloration in "The Art of Skyrim".
Front | Side |
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Ring of Khajiit
Model and textures are present for the "Ring of Khajiit" or "Ring of Khajiiti", a Daedric artifact that has been associated by both Mephala and Meridia in past games. The Daedric Princes hand out different items, however, making the ring go completely unused. Later implemented as an item in the Creation Club "Fishing" Pack.
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Test Jarl Outfit
Included with the models of the first jarl outfit is one of an earlier iteration. It uses the base female outfit model, but features some key changes such as having no feathers attached to the collar, having arm guards as part of the sleeves, having a shorter skirt length (revealing the shoes), and having a much longer fur cape attached to the back. The model uses the textures of the finished version, and as such the textures do not line up correctly with the different mesh. Also of note, despite being a single model, there are actually two models present at all times: one showing the front, and one showing the back. This was likely just done for the modeler's convenience.
Front & Back |
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Wench Outfit Hat
The Tavern Clothes, internally known as "Tavern Wench Clothes", consist of only clothes and boots in the final game. However, a headdress was also meant to appear as part of the outfit. It only has textures with no model, but its intended appearance has been shown in concept art.
Texture |
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Sheogorath's Cane
In previous Elder Scrolls titles, Sheogorath wielded a cane. It seems like he was also going to wield one in Skyrim, if this leftover texture is to be believed. However, no related model exists and the texture appears to be the only remnant of its existence.
Texture |
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Changed and Removed Locations
Barleydark Farm
A farm that was supposed to appear in Whiterun Hold. The unused NPC Mithorpa Nasyal would've appeared here. The related key refers to the location as "Mithorpa's House".
Bear's Cave Mill
A mill that would've appeared in Falkreath Hold. Eyldi the Bear and guards would've appeared here.
Darkwater Crossing
Darkwater Crossing was meant to have at least one other building located there. Simply known as "Crossinghouse", it seemed to function as the house of Tormir and her daughter Hrefna. Sondas Drenim was at one point meant to be the innkeeper of an unknown inn.
Farrfalk Mansion
Farrfalk Mansion was supposed to appear in Falkreath. Nothing more is known about it.
Frost River Farm
A farm that was supposed to appear in Hjaalmarch. The NPCs Borvir and Rundi would appear at this location and offer you radiant delivery quests. Both of them end up dead in the final game.
Granite Hill
Granite Hill would've been this game's version of the town of Granitehall, which first appeared in The Elder Scrolls I: Arena. Not much is known about it.
Heljarchen would've been this game's version of the town of Helarchen Creek, which first appeared in The Elder Scrolls I: Arena. Unused keys, scripting, and location data reveal that the town would've had at least two farmhouses, an apothecary, and a blacksmith. The town would've also had an inn, The Nightgate Inn, which still appears in the final game as the final remnant. At least six removed NPCs are known to have inhabited the town.
Irontree Mill
A mill that was supposed to appear in Haafingar. Two unused brothers and guards were supposed to appear here. The location data refers to this place as "Irontree Lumber Mill". The house at the site would've been named Trilf's house.
Maiden-Loom Manor
Maiden-Loom Manor was supposed to be the house of the Whiterun resident Lillith Maiden-Loom. The key to the house still exists, but isn't carried by Lillith.
Old Hroldan
Old Hroldan was meant to be a whole separate town, rather than just the Old Hroldan Inn. Not much is known about its early layout, but the Old Hroldan Inn was known as the "Hanged Mann Inn" at one point.
Pathway Guard Tower
This guard tower was meant to appear in Whiterun. Little else is known about it.
Shrine of Talos
Unused location data reveals that, just like Markarth, Whiterun was also meant to have a shrine to Talos at one point.
Stonehills still appears in the final game, but was originally a lot bigger. Three of the workers in the final game still carry the key to a nonexistent Longhouse. This Longhouse originally housed the workers, rather than just tents. Gestur Rockbreaker was also meant to have his own house, as well as a Redguard son, Talib. While it is unknown where exactly he would have resided, Talib would've likely lived in the house of his father. Another unused NPC, Argi Farseer, would also have a house at Stonehills. Lastly, there was also meant to be a smith with their own house present at Stonehills.
Ulfberth's House
This would've been the house of Ulfberth War-Bear, who appears in Whiterun.
Whiterun Jail
Was meant to appear in Whiterun. Was either replaced by, or changed into, Dragonsreach Dungeon.
Wintersand Manor
Wintersand Manor was supposed to be the housing of the wealthy Redguards Nazeem and Ahlam in Whiterun. Both of them still carry the key in the final game. Acolyte Jensen also carries this key, so either this was a mistake, or he was meant to visit there without actually living in the house.
Unused Cells
This page or section needs more images. There's a whole lotta words here, but not enough pictures. Please fix this. |
These cells were meant to appear in the game, but were either never finished or simply never put in. You can use the console command coc Editor ID
to teleport to these areas.
The Pit
Editor ID: WindhelmPitEntrance
The spectator's entrance of Windhelm's removed arena, The Pit. Standing around are Argonian, Nord, Dark Elf, and Imperial NPCs called "Pit Fan". They were supposed to cheer the combatants on, but they don't. Invisible walls prevent you from falling into the actual arena, where cages are kept. Missing textures are also quite abundant on the nearby walls.
E3 Bleak Falls Barrow
Editor ID: E3demoBleakFallsBarrow
Pretty much identical to the final game, except in the final game, the location is split into two separate loading cells. This version is both cells clumped together; presumably to show off combat at an E3 expo. A few smaller parts of the map were taken out as well. There are some bugs in it as well (probably because it was just a early build), such as Arvel the Swift trapped in the spider web not able to be freed and not obtaining a shout when you approach the wall at the end. Boss enemies such as Dragon Priest (E3 version) or Draugr Overlord (final version) doesn't appear when you are supposed to collect the shout. When you get to the end of the map, you are taken outside of a random mountain near Whiterun.
Helgen Unused Cells
These cells all lead back to or reference Helgen in some way, the town that Alduin ravages at the start of the game.
- Editor ID: HelgenHomestead – This is one of the houses destroyed by Alduin at the beginning of the game. Normally you jump through this on your way to the keep with Ralof or Hadvar, but it exists as a partially-coded room with a table, two chairs, a floating bed, and an exit back to the destroyed house in Helgen.
- Editor ID: HelgenTheLostMansReprieve – Going off the name, one could guess this was an inn, though all that is left is a table and a door that goes nowhere.
- Editor ID: HelgenTorolfsMill – This is pretty much the same as the Lost Man's Reprieve.
Hoarfrost Grotto
Editor ID: HoarfrostGrottoOLD
An unfinished ice cave which just houses a Frost Atronach and some Ice Wraiths. There's a small chest located at the end of the cave. There is no entrance or exit.
Obscured Passage
Editor ID: CidhnaMine03
The ID suggests this was a scrapped part of the Cidhna Mine. It's mainly full of corpses and gates, and has Dwemer architecture throughout.
- Editor ID: vampireDreamworld01
- Editor ID: vampireDreamworld02
- Editor ID: vampireDreamworld03
Three identical-looking cells that are not connected. They appear as the inside of a small house. The only door can be activated, but doesn't lead to a new cell. A few rare books and notes can be found on two shelves. Judging by the name of the location codes, this was probably related to vampire-related content that didn't make the final game.
Test Cells and Holding Cells
These cells were either used by developers to test functions of the game, or are still used in the final game for mechanics purposes. They were never meant to be visited by the player. You can use the console command coc Editor ID
to teleport to these areas.
This page or section needs more images. There's a whole lotta words here, but not enough pictures. Please fix this. |
Editor Smoke Test Cell
Editor ID: qasmoke
An item testing room. The chests contain every inventory item in the game. Opening any enchanted chests may crash the game due to the sheer amount of enchanted items. Note that having Dawnguard and/or Dragonborn installed will expand the room: Dawnguard adds a room with two chests holding inventory items specific to that DLC, whereas Dragonborn adds a room with chests full of Dragonborn items as well as a cage with buttons that spawn enemies from Solstheim.
M'aiq The Liar's Room
Editor ID: Elsweyr
A small grey room where the Khajiit wanderer M'aiq the Liar is stuffed away (when he's not roaming around Skyrim). The developers decided to use the name of the Khajiit homeland as the editor ID.
Do Not Delete - Not A Test Cell
Editor ID: ThievesGuildHoldingCell
There seems to be a lot of Thieves' Guild-related things here, unsurprisingly. In the corner is a disabled woman NPC with Vaermina's name and voice, as well as chests for all the Thieves' Guild fences, the Stones of Barenziah, notes and books relating to Thieves' Guild quests, drinks, levelled and special loot, and Mercer Frey's Chillrend sword.
Main Menu Cell
Editor ID: MainMenuCell
Entirely blank. Sort of self-explanatory...?
Unowned Cell
Editor ID: UnownedCell
All this contains is a chest with an Amulet of Mara. Not sure what it'd be used for.
Voice Cells
All of these cells are small stone rooms carrying NPCs with IDs relating to disembodied Daedra voices.
- Editor ID: AzuraVoiceCell – Holds a female Dark Elf with the ID DA01AzuraVoice.
- Editor ID: MalynVarenVoiceCell – Empty.
- Editor ID: MolagBalVoiceCell – Holds a male Imperial with the ID DA10MolagBalVoice.
Unused and Unusable Keys
A number of keys exist in the code that are either unobtainable, or open doors and locations that are never found in-game.
Name | ID | Explanation |
Avanchnzel Key | 0006d0ad | Opens a door in Avanchnzel. Cannot be found in-game. |
Bloodlet Cage Key | 0005e4a8 | Opens a cage door found in Bloodlet Throne. Cannot be found in-game. |
Cage Key | 0001c250 | Internally known as "SR01Key". Cannot be found in-game and doesn't open anything. |
Cage Key | 000506d2 | Internally known as "karthspireRedoubtJailKey", this key is carried by Solitude fishmonger Addvar for some reason. Does not actually open anything in Karthspire Redoubt. |
Captive Shackle Key | 0002e3f9 | Related to the captives in the Dark Brotherhood quest "With Friends Like These..." They don't appear shackled in the final game, however, and the key doesn't open anything. |
Cellar Key | 0002bae2 | This key is related to the quest "The House of Horrors" and is supposed to open the locked door in the Abandoned House. It doesn't appear in-game, however. |
Chillrend Case Key | 000f84a5 | The key is supposed to open Chillrend's display case, but can't as it doesn't appear in-game. |
Confiscated Goods Key | 0010e7e6 | Carried by Anuriel in Mistveil Keep, but doesn't open anything. |
Crossinghouse Key | 0009c6d7 | The Crossinghouse was supposed to be another location in Darkwater Crossing. The location and its key don't appear in the final game, however. |
Doesn't Exist | 000C62A1 | Appears to be a duplicate of the Katariah Master Key, but renamed. |
Faldar's Cage Key | 000c007b | Opens all jail cells in Faldar's Tooth. Cannot be found in-game. |
Folgunthur Catacomb Key | 000ab6fe | Cannot be found in-game and doesn't open anything. The location "Folgunthur Catacomb" doesn't exist, though "Folgunthur Crypt" does. |
Fort Blackmoor Prison Key | 00016ff1 | Fort Blackmoor is the original name of Fort Greymoor. The key cannot be found in-game and doesn't open anything. |
Irkngthand Arcanex Key | 000b7cbc | Cannot be found in-game and doesn't open anything. |
Irkngthand Consortium Key | 000b7c00 | Wrongfully assigned to a bandit in Raldbthar, a completely different Dwemer ruin. The key doesn't open anything, however, and the "Irkngthand Consortium" doesn't even exist in the final game. |
Iron Key | 0004ec50 | Internally named "RoriksteadFreeformMralkisChestKey", this key is related to a cut part of the "Erik the Slayer" quest. The chest related to this key also got cut and doesn't appear in-game either. Even though it's clear what the key was supposed to open, the key isn't correctly tied to the chest and is therefore useless. |
Irontree Mill House Key | 00098b7a | This key is carried by two characters named Steirod and Trilf, neither of whom are found in the game, making the key unobtainable. |
Jaree's Key | 00023a70 | Related to the quest "Lights Out!" according to its internal name "MS07Key". Doesn't open anything and cannot be found in-game. |
Jorrvaskr Back Room Key | 000734c5 | This key, internally named "WhiterunJorrvaskrCeremonyRoomKey", doesn't appear in-game and doesn't open anything. |
Labyrinthian Crypt Key | 00022896 | This key is unobtainable and doesn't open anything. |
Liar's Retreat Cage Key | 0001e30d | This key is unobtainable and doesn't open anything. |
Mistwatch Jail Key | 00030b37 | Opens a jail door in Mistwatch. Cannot be found in-game. |
Mithorpa's House Key | 000a035e | This key is in possession of Mithorpa Nasyal, an unused NPC and owner of Barleydark Farm. Neither the man nor location appear in the final game, rendering the key useless. |
Nightgate Inn Cellar Key | 000ed02d | Internally known as "DB08BalagogTrapDoorKey", it would've been used by Balagog gro-Nolob to exit the trap door from the cellar. The key works on the trap door, but seeing as it is always unlocked and the key doesn't appear in the final game, it is rather pointless. |
Prison Cell Key | 000b965d | Internally known as "MQ101PrisonKey", it would've been found during the tutorial quest "Unbound". It is still able to unlock two prison cells, but doesn't appear in the final game. |
Raldbthar Key | 000f232e | Probably meant to be in possession of the bandit holding the otherwise-useless Irkngthand Consortium Key. Cannot be found in the final game, but it does still open a door in Raldbthar. |
Riften Jail Key | 000ff787 | Not to be confused with the key of the same name carried by guards, this key can only be found on the Imperial Guard Jailor and doesn't open anything. Its naming might be a mistake, as it is known as "RiftenEvidenceChestKey" internally. |
Shaman's Key | 0003718e | This key is known internally as "sightlessPitShamanKey", but it is assigned to numerous other shamans outside of the Sightless Pit. It doesn't open anything. |
Sluice Gate Key | 00063b5d | This key, known internally as "MS01OmluagKey", appears to be connected to the quest "The Forsworn Conspiracy" and to Markarth resident Omluag. The key cannot be found in his possession, but rather on a table inside the Smelter Overseer's House. It does not open anything. |
Syncope Sanctuary Key | 0004c475 | This key and the related "Syncope Sanctuary" do not appear in-game, rendering the key useless. |
Valthume Chamber Key | 0004d6e2 | This key doesn't appear in the final game and doesn't open anything. |
Verner and Anneke's House Key | 0009c6fd | Strangely not held by either Verner Rock-Chucker or Annekke Crag-Jumper. Cannot be found anywhere in-game, but does open their house door. (The key's misspelling is deliberately copied.) |
Werewolf Cage Key | 000db0e2 | This key appears to be related to a random encounter, as evidenced by its internal name "dunPOITundraWerewolfKey". It doesn't appear in the final game and doesn't open anything. |
Key to Aleuc's House | 0009e2a5 | This key and its related location do not appear in-game, rendering the key useless. This house was to be part of Stonehills, as seen by its internal name "StonehillsAleucsHouseKey". |
Key to Argi's Hut | 0009e2a6 | Carried by Argi Farseer, who can't be found anywhere in the game, making the key unobtainable. Even if it were obtainable, Argi's Hut doesn't exist. |
Key to Castle Dour | 000c13d8 | Cannot be found in-game and doesn't open anything. |
Key to Castle Dour Tower | 000c13db | Cannot be found in-game and doesn't open anything. |
Key to The Dead Man's Drink | 000c139e | Carried by both the serving girl Narri and innkeeper Valga Vinicia, but doesn't open anything. |
Key to Falion's House | 00108ba4 | This key, known internally as "MorthalFalionsHouseKeyCOPY0000", should not be confused with the key carried by Agni and Falion. This is just a copy that doesn't appear in-game and doesn't open anything. |
Key to Fathendas House | 00065653 | This key and its related location do not appear in-game, rendering the key useless. This house was to be part of the cut village Heljarchen, as evidenced by its internal name "HeljarchenFathendasHouseKey". |
Key to Gestur's House | 0009e2a3 | This key and its related location do not appear in-game, rendering the key useless. Gestur Rockbreaker does not have a house in the final game. |
Key to Gularz Khazgur Keep | 0006649a | This key and its related location do not appear in-game, rendering the key useless. |
Key to Heigen's Farmhouse | 00065655 | This key and its related location do not appear in-game, rendering the key useless. This house was to be part of the cut village Heljarchen, as seen by its internal name "HeljarchenHeigenFarmHouseKey". |
Key to Hjorunn's Room | 00098b7c | Carried by Solitude Sawmill worker Hjorunn, but doesn't open anything. |
Key to Jens' Farmhouse | 00065656 | This key and its related location do not appear in-game, rendering the key useless. This house was to be part of the cut village Heljarchen, as seen by its internal name "HeljarchenJensFarmHouseKey". |
Key to Justiciar's Headquarter | 000c13ed | This key doesn't appear in-game and doesn't open anything. (Name is deliberately misspelled as it appears in-game.) |
Key to Kharag's Room | 00098b7b | Carried by Solitude Sawmill worker Kharag gro-Shurkul, but doesn't open anything. |
Key to Longhouse | 0009e2a4 | This key is carried by Jesper, Swanhvir, and Teeba-Ei, NPCs who can be found in Stonehills. Though the key is obtainable in-game, the Longhouse it's meant to open doesn't exist. |
Key to Maiden-Loom Manor | 00093b0d | This key and its related location do not appear in-game, rendering the key useless. The key would've likely been in possession of Lillith Maiden-Loom. |
Key to Morthal Guardhouse | 00108ba5 | This key doesn't appear in-game and doesn't open anything. |
Key to the Nightgate Inn | 00065658 | This key doesn't appear in-game and doesn't open anything. Known internally as "HeljarchenNightgateInnKey", pointing to the fact that the inn was originally part of the cut village of Heljarchen. |
Key to Pavo's House | 000becd8 | This key should not be confused with the key carried by Pavo Attius and Gat gro-Shargakh. This version is known as "KolskeggrPavosHouseKey" internally. Doesn't appear in-game and doesn't actually open anything. |
Key to Romlyn Dreth's House | 000f18f7 | This key, carried by Romlyn Dreth, should not be confused with another key that he carries, namely "Romlyn's House Key". While Romlyn's House Key unlocks his house, this one doesn't unlock anything and appears to just be a duplicate. |
Key to the Silver-Blood Inn | 00065670 | This key doesn't appear in-game and doesn't unlock anything. |
Key to Solitude Cemetary | 000c13de | This key doesn't appear in-game and doesn't unlock anything. |
Key to Solitude Stables | 000c13f9 | This key doesn't appear in-game and doesn't unlock anything. |
Key to Styrr's House | 000c13fc | This key and its related location do not appear in-game, rendering the key useless. Styrr does not have a house in the final game. |
Key to the Temple of Dibella | 000bd79c | This key is carried by priestesses Anwen, Hamal, Orla, and Senna but doesn't open anything. |
Key to the Temple of the Divinves | 000c13ff | This key doesn't appear in-game and doesn't unlock anything. (The misspelling is deliberately copied from the game.) |
Key to Traillus's House | 00065659 | This key and its related location do not appear in-game, rendering the key useless. This house was to be part of the cut village Heljarchen, as seen by its internal name "HeljarchenTraillusHouseKey". |
Key to Ulfberth's House | 00093b10 | This key and its related location do not appear in-game, rendering the key useless. Ulfberth War-Bear does not have a house in the final game. |
Key to the Windpeak Inn | 000becde | This key is carried by both serving girl Karita and innkeeper Thoring, but doesn't open anything. |
Key to Winking Skeever | 000c1405 | This key is carried by Corpulus Vinius, Minette Vinius, and Sorex Vinius, but doesn't open anything. |
Key to Wintersand Manor | 00093b14 | This key is carried by Acolyte Jenssen, Ahlam, and Nazeem, who can be found in and around Whiterun. Though it is obtainable, Wintersand Manor doesn't exist. |
Placeholder Messages
FX/Gameplay Placeholders
In the game's files are message boxes that describe various visual effects and events in the game. These were likely used as placeholders during development, where special effects would be used, and where various things would happen.
ID | Name | Text |
DA14TempFadeInMessage | (temp) FX Placeholder | Screen slowly lightens from black and resolves from blurry images into normal view. Sanguine's voice fades out and is replaced by priestesses'. |
DA14TempFadeOutMessage | (temp) FX Placeholder | Player drinks. Over remaining lines of scene, the screen goes fuzzy and fades to black as Sanguine continues talking. |
DA15Temp155Message | (temp) Gameplay Placeholder | (temp placeholder)
Puzzle-fight with Pelagius, involving use of the Wabbajack. At the end, Pelagius disappears in a flash of light and is replaced by a skeever, which scurries off. |
DA15TempDerveninEnterMessage | (temp) FX Placeholder | (temp placeholder)
Sheogorath snaps his fingers and Dervenin appears in a puff of smoke. |
DA15TempDerveninExitMessage | (temp) FX Placeholder | (temp placeholder)
Sheogorath snaps his fingers and Dervenin disappears again in a puff of smoke. |
DA15TempExitMessage | (temp) Gameplay Placeholder | (temp placeholder)
Player learns to use the Wabbajack in various situations, and to solve puzzles to progress through level. Then, approaching the end, the exit door disappears, and the ghost of Pelagius walks in through the wall. |
DA15TempPelagiusLeavingMessage | (temp) FX Placeholder | (temp placeholder)
Pelagius's ghost gets up and walks away through a wall. |
Other Placeholder Messages
In the game's files also exist multiple placeholder messages.
ID | Name | Text | Menu Button 1 | Menu Button 2 | Menu Button 3 |
C01TempMessage | Playtesting Temporary Message | Your Shield-Sibling turns into a werewolf here, and you hear the sounds of carnage from the other side. When he or she next appears, imagine they're covered in blood, having opened that barred door on the left. | Awesome | ||
DB06TakeScheduleMessage | Placeholder Test Message - you took Agallon's schedule. This is running on an old script because the Papyrus equivalent isn't available - it needs to be switched over at a later time. | ||||
DB08KillGourmetMessage | Placeholder Test Message - you killed the Gourmet. | ||||
DB08TakePapersMessage | Placeholder Test Message - you took the Gourmet's Identity papers. This is running on an old script because the Papyrus equivalent isn't available - it needs to be switched over at a later time. | ||||
MG01TestCastMessage | TEMP | Here's where the player would cast the appropriate spell. | |||
MG01TestWardMessage | TEMP | Here's where the player successfully wards spells cast by Tolfdir. | |||
MG02TestOrbMessage | TEMP | Tolfdir and player do dungeon-crawly stuff and eventually come upon the Eye... | |||
MG02TestSceneMessage | TEMP | Everything freezes, monk appears and scene runs | |||
MG02TestTransitionDoorMessage | TEMP -- here's where Tolfdir would place the amulet in the door, at which point it unlocks and opens. | ||||
MG02TestWallMessage | TEMP | Wall collapses when player takes amulet, opening up a new chamber. | |||
MG04TestMonkSceneEndMessage | TEMP: There's another flash of light, and everything goes back to normal. | ||||
MG04TestMonkSceneMessage | There's a flash of light, we throw up some cool image shaders, and everything stops... | ||||
MG04TestRitualMessage | Aren gets close, there's a huge flash, and everything goes 'boom'
Screen will fade to black, then fade back in for the start of MG05 |
MG04TestStage60Message | The player and Mirabelle go to the Great Hall, where the ritual is already underway. | ||||
MG06TestDoorMessage | Aren and Ervine take down the barrier, with or without the player's help. | ||||
MG06TestTelescopeMessage | Here's where the player does the stuff with the telescope to make it work, revealing the location of the staff. | ||||
MG07TestPriestMessage | Player meets Dragon Priest, player kills Dragon Priest. For now just pick up the staff on the floor. | ||||
MG07TestWaveMessage | Dragon Priest is heard, wave of energy sweeps over player and drains all his magicka. | ||||
MG08TestEndMessage | The monks perform a big fancy ritual spell, and they, along with the eye, disappear. | ||||
MG08TestMonkFrozenMessage | The monk is frozen and unresponsive. | ||||
MG08TestTandilFreeMessage | Player uses staff to revive Tandil. | ||||
MQ101TempChooseSidesMessage | Who did you befriend while escaping from Helgen? | Hadvar (Imperials) | Ralof (Stormcloaks) | ||
MQ101TempChooseSidesMessageKeep | You rode the cart into Helgen with Ulfric Stormcloak and his men. Just before you were executed, a dragon attacked, and you escaped in the confusion, with the help of Ralof (a fellow prisoner) and Hadvar (one of the Imperial soldiers).
Hadvar | Ralof | ||
MQ101TempMessage1 | Display race/face menu. | ||||
MQ101TempMessage2 | The cart's door opens, and Imperial soldiers start herding the prisoners out. | ||||
MQ102FriendTutorial | Some kind of tutorial message will go here, explaining what it means to have a friend -- regard, reputation, favor points. In particular, that you can use favor points to take their stuff without them getting mad at you. | ||||
MQKillDragonTempMsg | Imagine something really cool happening. | ||||
MQKillDragonTempMsg2 | You just got more Voice Power points. | ||||
MS03TempWarning | TEMP | Alarms go off and Louis Letrush opens secret passage to Ratway. For testing, now proceed with Louis to MS03LetrushHideoutMarker | |||
MS07CannotMessage | TEMP - LIGHTS OUT | (temp for testing)
The lamp is enclosed in a locked case. |
MS07LightAlreadyOutMessage | TEMP - LIGHTS OUT | (temp for testing)
The light is extinguished and surprisingly hard to re-light. |
MS07LightOutMessage | TEMP - LIGHTS OUT | (temp for testing)
With some difficulty, you extinguish the massive lighthouse lamp. |
MS07OpenChestMessage | TEMP - TREASURE | (temp for testing)
Inside is treasure! (quest ends) |
T02RukiFenrigAscensionMessage | Ascension | TEMP: Ruki and Fenrig embrace, then slowly rise up into the air. Their spirits grow brighter as they ascend, until they become two bright points in the night sky, forever circling each other. | |||
TG01UrnShattersMessage | TEMP | The urn shatters. | |||
TG02HiveDestroyedMessage | TEMP | The bee hive is destroyed. | |||
TG03BoardsDoneMessage | TEMP | You have already loosened the boards enough. | |||
TG03BoardsLoosenMessage | TEMP | You loosen the boards over the storage room door. | |||
TG03MeadBarrelBeforeMessage | You shouldn't remove the barrel until the Honningbrew has been poisoned. | ||||
TG03SkeeverNestAfterMessage | TEMP | You've already poisoned the nest. | |||
TG03SkeeverNestBeforeMessage | TEMP | You apply the poison to the nest. | |||
TG03VatAfterMessage | TEMP | You've already poisoned the vat of Honningbrew. | |||
TG03VatBeforeMessage | TEMP | The Honningbrew has been poisoned. | |||
TG03VatMessage | TEMP | Do you wish to poison the Honningbrew? | Yes | No | |
TG05TempSceneMessage01 | Player is struck. Imagespace effect blur/fades to black. Imagespace returns normal and Player is moved to marker. Player will be 1st Person lying on ground looking up at the action. | ||||
TG06StoneHeavyMessage | TEMP | The stone is too heavy to lift. | |||
TG06StoneRubFailMessage | TEMP | You don't have the items required to make a copy of the inscription. | |||
TG06StoneRubFailMessageAlt | TEMP | You will need charcoal and paper in order to make a rubbing. | |||
TG06StoneRubMessage | TEMP | You create a rubbing. | |||
TrapLockpickingTEMP | Placeholder for trapped doors and chests.
Success | Failure | Abort | |
da03TEMPscene1Message | TEMP - Special Effects! | (temp until effects are in)
Barbas magically disappears Statue in Vile's shrine changes so Barbas appears on the statue as well. Dialogue from Barbas and Vile continue, but both now come from statue. |
Unused Demo Quest
There are message boxes relating to some sort of "demo radiant quest" that is never featured in-game.
ID | Name | Text | Menu Button 1 | Menu Button 2 |
DemoQuestMsgBossFail | I cannot rest until I have my ancient sword and helm... | |||
DemoQuestMsgBossSuccess | You have brought me the long-lost sword and helm! Now I can rest in peace... | |||
DemoQuestMsgQuestgiver | I need you to fetch the WOOZLE from the NEARBY DRAUGR CRYPT. | Sure, I'll do it. | No thanks. | |
DemoQuestMsgStart | The demo radiant quest has started. |
Internal naming differences
Oftentimes, there are differences to be found between the files and names of NPCs and items in the final game. These discrepancies vary from minor to major.
- Tolfdir's ref refers to him as "Tolfdir the White".
- Virkmund's ref refers to him as "Stofleid".
- The ref of Olfina Gray-Mane, and her relationship markers, refer to her as "Olfina the Golden". One relationship marker also calls her "Olfine the Golden", which is likely just a typo.
- Lond's ref refers to him as "Lond Northstrider".
- Captain Wayfinder's ref refers to him as "Leif Wayfinder".
- Sam Guevenne's ref refers to him as "DA16Samwell", hinting at an alternate name.
- The majority of internal references to Idesa Sadri, including AI packages, relationship markers and dialogue topics, refer to her as "Sings-Of-Dreams", showing that she was originally intended to be an Argonian.
- A lot of refs and some internal dialogue names refer to Fort Greymoor as "Fort Blackmoor". The latter is clearly a reference to "Black Moor" which is a village that appeared as a holding in Skyrim in Arena, roughly in the same location. It's unknown why the fort was renamed.
- The quest "dunSouthfringeQST " has a lot of interesting oddities.
- First off, despite being set in Southfringe Sanctum, a lot of internal markers and dialogue names actually place the quest in Boulderfall Cave, which is another necromancer dungeon.
- The dialogue topic where the player can ask Selveni if she's a necromancer is internally known as "dunBoulderfallQSTYoureAWerewolf". This is interesting as it not only recontextualizes the quest, but there are hardly any named werewolves to be found outside of the Companions in the final game.
- The dialogue topic where the player confirms Bashnag's death refers to him as "Hacklecomb".
Things found in-game that might be related to cut content without any real traceable evidence, or similar oddities.
Brond's Mention
Torbjorn Shatter-Shield of Windhelm may mention an NPC known as Brond in one of his greetings. Brond is actually an unused NPC, intended for use in the scrapped pit fighter questline
Chief Mauhulakh's Armor
The oufit that Chief Mauhulakh of Narzulbur wears is actually known as "DEMO_ArmorScaledHelmetOutfit" internally. It was originally used for an Imperial bandit related to a demo, as its name implicates.
Dasturn and Meieran
Tormir, an NPC living in Darkwater Crossing, mentions someone known as "Dasturn" in one of her greetings. Another person, "Meieran", gets referenced multiple times in scenes at Darkwater Crossing. Neither NPC has any remnant of their existence in the game's files.
Killable Children
All the child races in Skyrim are completely unable to be harmed. Despite this, both the male and female child voicetypes have voiced death grunts, as well as zombie groans. This suggests that children could be harmed at one point in development.
The daughter of Kjeld and Iddra of Kynesgrove. Despite being mentioned multiple times in scenes, there's no trace of her in the game's data.
A corpse that appears in Brood Cavern, simply known as "Hunter" in-game, is called "Urwa" internally and is actually a uniquely-designed NPC. Whatever her purpose was is unknown.
Solitude's Thalmor Headquarters
Inside the walls of Solitude's Castle Dour is a building known as "Thalmor Headquarters". Despite its name, nobody is ever found there at any point in the game, Thalmor or otherwise.
The developers seemingly forgot that they never added anybody to the location, as one of the new female child lines recorded for the Hearthfire DLC is "I saw a Thalmor the other day. He was really scary!" This doesn't really make sense in the normal game, however.
Gilded Wristguards
Only one copy of this item can be found in the final game, inside the Emperor's Quarters on his ship The Katariah. However, these wristguards were meant to appear on every jarl wearing the standard jarl outfit. (Balgruuf, Igmund, Laila, Siddgeir, and Skald) This would've addressed a player complaint about "a jarl should be able to get something to cover their arms at least". It is very possible that it was removed from their possession because of some very prominent clipping issues that couldn't be fixed in time.
Sabine Nytte's Voice
Sabine Nytte, a Breton pirate aboard the Red Wave docked in Solitude, has the "FemaleDarkElf" voicetype. This is strange as there is nothing hinting to the fact that she was once a Dunmer inside of the files. She is also the only (living) person in the game that uses a race-specific voicetype despite not being of said race.
Note to the Authorities
A note with this name, found in a hut northwest of Bonechill Passage, mentions a place called "Bear's Cave Mill" which was removed from the final game.
Gourmet in Heljarchen
During the Dark Brotherhood quest "Recipe for Disaster", you are sent to track down a mysterious chef known as the Gourmet. He can be found at the Nightgate Inn in The Pale. If spoken to outside of the inn, he will refer to the location as a village if the player remains silent. This seems to be a leftover from when the Nightgate Inn was part of a village called Heljarchen.
Granite Hill
Granite Hill is one of the many removed settlements in Skyrim. However, its name can still be seen on the local map when used at the Great Henge Resurrection dragon mound. Even more notable is that Falkreath's Jarl Siddgeir still mentions the location during a conversation with his steward, Nenya.
Guard Captain Lonely-Gale
Captain Lonely-Gale of Windhelm was originally meant to serve as guard captain under Ulfric Stormcloak. A plethora of leftovers still remain of this role, but since they're mostly internal, you won't notice these during normal gameplay. However, Belyn Hlaalu will still talk about Lonely-Gale as if he is a guard captain during a conversation with his farmhand, Adisla.
Unused Spells and Perks
Trick Shot
Perk ID: 105f1a
An unused perk for the Archery skill tree that exists within the Creation Kit. It would have been obtained when the player had acquired 80 Archery skill and unlocked the Quick Shot perk, and its description reads "25% chance of disarming an opponent." The perk can be acquired by using the console command Addperk 105f1a
and works as intended, though it won't appear in the Archery skill tree.
Conjure Dragon Priest
Spell ID: 0010FC16
An unused spell for the Conjuration skill tree that would have been a standalone version of Konahrik's Mask enchantment. Casting it would summon a Spectral Dragon Priest for 60 seconds. The spell can be acquired by using the console command player.addspell 0010fc16
It would have had three perks: extend the maximum duration to 120 seconds, extend the maximum duration to 240 seconds, and allow the summoning of two Dragon Priests.
Unused Test Objects
A man with an interesting face, used as a reference for scale.
Image |
![]() |
A cube possibly used to test lighting effects on Falmers.
Image |
![]() |
Unused Text
The Throw Voice shout is unique in that all three words are granted by the same word wall, rather than one per wall as with other shouts. There is unused text for three walls, each of which contains only one word of this shout.
Used | Unused |
Modir the Far raised (this) stone (in his) brother's memory, Oskar the Fool, whose voice was weak and not (the) mighty Shout of his clan. |
Modir the Greybeard raised (this) stone (in his) brother’s memory, Oskar whose voice was weak and not (the) mighty Shout of his clan. |
Here lies (the) body of Omluth the Fool, who tried to feed (the) savage Uderfrykte, but instead became (the) meal. | |
Here fell (the) lizard Nievaan, who wandered far from home (and) died with honor (in) service of (the) Companions. |
Version Differences
Random vampire attacks on settlements, introduced in the Dawnguard add-on, are permanently disabled in the Special Edition and Nintendo Switch versions of the game.
The Special Edition has no Steam Workshop support, unlike the original PC version of Skyrim.
The Elder Scrolls series
| |
DOS | I: Arena • II: Daggerfall (Prototypes) • Legend: Battlespire • Adventures: Redguard |
Windows | Adventures: Redguard • III: Morrowind (Tribunal, Bloodmoon) • IV: Oblivion (Shivering Isles) • V: Skyrim (Dawnguard, Dragonborn) |
Xbox | III: Morrowind (Tribunal, Bloodmoon) |
Xbox 360, Playstation 3 | IV: Oblivion (Shivering Isles) • V: Skyrim (Dawnguard, Dragonborn) |
Xbox One, Playstation 4 | V: Skyrim (Dawnguard, Dragonborn) |
Xbox Series X, Playstation 5 | V: Skyrim (Dawnguard, Dragonborn) |
N-Gage | Travels: Shadowkey |
PlayStation Portable | Travels: Oblivion (Prototypes) |
Nintendo Switch | V: Skyrim (Dawnguard, Dragonborn) |
iOS, Android | Blades |
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- Games released on November 11
- Games with unused areas
- Games with unused code
- Games with hidden developer messages
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with unused models
- Games with unused items
- Games with unused abilities
- Games with unused sounds
- Games with unused text
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- Elder Scrolls series
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