The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures/Unused Text From French Translation
This is a sub-page of The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures.
The French text dump of the game featured untranslated bits of English, indicating that they were not used in the main game. Here, the strings of text are sorted into their possible relevance to the final game.
Possibly Fit Into Final Game
These text strings are still relevant to the final game, but go unused for one reason or another.
Strange... You can't use this item here.
In the game, you can use items most anywhere, even in houses, so this message is not used.
You got 50 Force Gems! Hold on to those!
In the game, receiving 50 Force Gems yields no message.
Large ghosts fear light.
For the stages that have ghosts in them. Could have been on a sign.
Push with the combined might of four.
A hint to get into a formation.
Hold the B Button to focus energy in your blade. Once it flashes twice, you can perform a feat known only to the greatest heroes.
Instructions to do a spin attack. Likely deemed unnecessary.
Hold the B Button, then release it to perform a Hurricane Spin.
More unnecessary instructions.
Unite your hearts to open the path. (Form a line of four in the direction you wish to walk.)
More unnecessary instructions.
When four stand together, something will happen.
More unnecessary instructions.
This should aid you in your journey. Take it with you.
A message for receiving any type of item.
Defeat multiple enemies with a single blow to get more Force Gems.
A hint. Probably deemed unnecessary.
The shadow of the underworld can reach the world above as well. Be careful of what you slice and what you lift.
A warning for levels that contain entrances to the Dark World, despite the fact that entrances to the Dark World are more pronounced in the final game.
Push the block that matches the color of your tunic.
Instructions that were deemed unnecessary.
By using the R Button, you can lift this stone, and so shall you lift your foes.
Instructions that were deemed unnecessary.
The L Button can zoom. Use it when you want to show others where you are!
Instructions that were deemed unnecessary, as well as potentially inapplicable.
Be careful with those bombs. You'll drop Force Gems if you get caught in the blast. You know, I've heard of certain flowers that grow bombs like they were fruit!
A hint deemed unnecessary.
Look at your GBA screen!
When looking at the GBA screen, a message shows informing the player to look at the TV when not in use. This would be the vice-versa message. Since GBAs are never specifically used, this message goes unused.
Archery Range ahead.
Unused sign message.
Hinox ahead. Beware of bombs.
A heads-up for players.
Ambush ahead.
Another heads-up.
Shocking creatures ahead! Ready your bow.
Another heads-up.
There are four Links abroad. Beware look-alikes. Press the L Button if confused.
Instructions for four players. When there are less than four people playing, the players will have a unused Link(s) trailing behind them. Using L with a Link partnered up with you brings up the formation menu, so this doesn't always apply.
Keep holding the A Button to charge up the Hammer. One strike will stun enemies.
Instructions deemed unnecessary.
If you lose sight of where you are, press the L Button.
Again, if there are less than four players, this isn't always applicable.
Hi hi hi!
Could be used anywhere, but it wasn't.
An oasis lies to the east.
An oasis lies to the west.
An oasis lies to the south.
There's a temple to the south of the oasis.
Used for one of the desert levels. A different and more challenging way of getting to the temple was implemented, rendering this unused.
Stay out of the woods! You'll meet with disaster!
Could be used in any forest area.
The rocks around here are fragile. Use a bomb on them!
Could be used in any area with rocks.
Do you have time to waste looking at this? Get going!
Fine, jeez...
Go right.
Go left.
Directions of some sort, likely in a maze to be helpful or misleading.
No loitering!
Could be used near a shop, but there are none in the game.
There's treasure buried here!
Could be used whenever the player has access to a shovel.
Enemies are everywhere! Take care!
Could be used anywhere.
Pressing switches can sometimes be good...
Yeah... only sometimes though.
Watch out for pits!
Burn! Burn!
Could be used wherever there's fire.
Dig here!
Could've been used for when the player has a level 2 shovel and is tracking a place to dig. This message could've also been on a sign or as a message from an NPC.
Go left 3 paces and up 5 more.
Since specific numbers are given, and not variables, this would have to be said by a sign or NPC.
There's treasure in that there cave!
NPC message.
Missed the mark.
Another tracking message.
Right on target!
Another tracking message.
A dead end.
Another tracking message? I guess it doesn't necessarily have to be though...
You've gathered enough Force Gems! The Four Sword is glowing with power! Press and hold the B Button until the tip of your blade flashes, then Spin Attack!
A similar message is said in-game, but it doesn't tell the player about the spin attack.
Likely for when the Four Sword gets powered up.
Put it in your wallet.
Could be for Force Gems.
Lost it.
Could be for anything.
Come now, you must be cold in such thin clothing. Here, drink some of my specialty soup. You know, we've had some fierce blizzards around these parts lately. It's terrible. Anyone who stays out too long feels his strength start to ebb from the cold. I've seen it happen, and so I'm sure to have warm soup always at the ready. You're welcome to come by whenever you'd like. After all, we have to help each other out in these troubled times, you know?
Could have been for any of the snowy levels.
Ooh... That bomb looks delicious. I bet if you ate one that big, your belly would burst!
Could have been used as a hint to the player before battling dodongos.
I won't give in to temptation. I'm gonna sit right here and not move.
Could've been used for a goron, or one of the heavy-lady NPCs.
[sfx]Vaati's been defeated... and yet the air... It's so oppressive...
Could've been said by Zelda, but she doesn't get a chance to say it.
[sfx]Hey! You don't have enough Force Gems! Move along, move along!
Could be used anywhere.
[sfx]Oh, no. That's no good... Better luck next time!
Could be used after any minigame.
[sfx]Horses are great...
They're fantastic, even! Horses rule! What's this? You look like you'd like to go for a ride. It's 100 Force Gems per ride. If you get a carrot, you can dash for a while. Just don't try to hold your horse back! If you can finish in under 55 seconds, you win 500 Force Gems. Well, you want to race, right? [.]Yes [.]No
[sfx]P[var] crosses the finish line first! Ooh! Congratulations! For my first-place darling, a 500 Force Gem prize! Don't forget me!
This is all obviously before Tingle's Tower was implemented. Alternatively, the usage of horses in The Field level allows room for racing, but the horse-racing mini-game was only used in Tingle's Tower.
That's 50 Force Gems exactly! OK, here's the Hyrulean language test!
[?] [?] [?] [?] [?] [?] [?]
Let's have your answer! What's number one? [?] [?] [?] (Followed by many other strings of [?] and a repeat of the above phrase four more times.)
That's right! Ah, I'm thrilled to meet a studied master of Hyrulean! Please accept this scholarship! Please continue to broaden your knowledge of this beautiful language! I'll be waiting to see you again. You got 250 Force Gems! What a scholarship!
No, that's not right! The test is over! Study some more, I beg you!
This could have been a very, very confusing mini-game.
Bring me the purple guy! We'll talk then!
Bring me the red guy! We'll talk then!
Bring me green! Then we can talk!
Bring me the blue guy! Then we'll talk!
Could have been used anywhere.
[sfx]Hey! Hold it! Move this rock, will you? Press the R Button to lift!
A tutorial-ish message that could have been used in any of the beginning stages.
Tingle Tingle Kooloolin... Pah!
Tingle says something similar to this, but the "lin" in "Kooloolinpah!" was moved to the last line, likely to fill it up a little.
[sfx]Hold on a moment, you! Won't you help an old lady with her diet? I'm trying to do that Ball diet everyone's on these days, but I can't do it on my own! All I need you to do is deflect the balls I toss at you. It's simple. If you're good and deflect 10 or more balls, I'll give you a tip! Well? You can't resist, can you? Give it a try! [.]Yes [.]No
[sfx]OK! I'll get us started. C'mon, boys! See if you can return my volleys!
[sfx]We had more than 10 volleys, so you get [var], as promised! Whew...hh...hh... That was a lot of work for someone my age. I'm beat. After all this exercise, I think I can eat whatever I want with no worries!
[sfx]We had over 10 volleys, so here are your Force Gems as I promised. Split them fairly! Hold it, P[var]! You missed a few there. Whew...hh... That was a lot of work for someone my age. I'm beat. I worked hard, so I can eat anything I want! I'll be looking for your help later on, too!
This minigame would've helped the player practice for some of the game's bosses. It looks like it was pretty close to being in the final game, but was cut for whatever reason (fat jokes?)
It looks like even that girl who was crying has cheered up a little. But she has a boyfriend... It's kind of sad.
Being trapped in that strange world made us a little crazy.
Now that we're back safely, I feel a little stupid about our petty rivalry.
These could have been used in the Village of the Blue Maiden level, but weren't.
If your hearts are depleted, someone can lift you with the R Button to revive you.
When someone else dies, it's usually very difficult to get to them because large quantities of their Force Gems are in the way, so making use of this feature isn't really recommended, given they can just recover themselves, anyway.
Don't Fit Into Final Game
These don't fit into the released game, indicating changes in development.
You got an ally! Make a formation with the L Button. Throw your ally to turn him back into a sword!
Apparently your various Links could have been transformed back into a sword, but given that they all wield swords, this sounds kinda weird.
You don't have enough magic power to use this item!
There's no use of magic in the final game.
Drat! You can't move! You need to use the Magic Mirror to return!
While the Magic Mirror makes an appearance in-game, the player never gets to use it.
You have no Force Gems, so you can't use any items!
Force Gems aren't used for items in the final game.
You got a Magic Hammer! Press and hold the A Button to strike Dark World rivals.
The Magic Hammer isn't used for bashing foes in the Dark World in the final game.
Master Sword ahead! Don't miss it!
Not so fast! The Master Sword cannot be gained so easily!
Apparently the Master Sword was to make an appearance in this game, but that would the defeat the purpose of the game, unless it was for later.
Proceed without doubt.
No idea.
Activate the switch to wield flame.
This could be used to indicate an item, but it's kind of vague.
Where was it, though? There are six other sages hiding in this realm. Surely they can aid you...
No idea. Maybe the quest initially took place in a different realm?
Hall of Sages
Looks like the player was once able to get to the Hall of Sages, but in the final game, the player never does.
It's a secret to everybody! Don't tell!
Lines that most Zelda games have as a inside joke, but this time they didn't make the cut.
Pay me for the door repair.
Another reference to the first game.
It's dangerous to go alone! Take this.
Another reference to the first game. Since the player starts with the Four Sword, this goes unused.
Forest of Sages ahead.
Alternate name for the Lost Woods?
There's some warm soup.
As mentioned above, someone was going to be giving away soup. The soup would've required a bottle, like in The Wind Waker. However, the player is not given a repertoire of items to collect and have at the ready, and as such only has access to one at a time, rendering the bottle system next to useless.
Pick up a stone and wait 10 seconds! See what happens!
Picking up stones for a certain amount of time is never implemented in the final game.
Think about it!
Don't have any better ideas.
No idea.
Do your best!
[sfx]That's it! Game over! Hey, It! You lose! Yeah, you're It! Give everyone 100 Force Gems!
[sfx]Hey, buddy. You can't play tag by yourself. Come back when you've got some friends.
Another minigame that was never used. This would've required more than one person to play, which this game was trying to divert from.
It seems like the bottom's burnt...
No idea.
[sfx]Welcome! You've found the secret treasures-aplenty spot! With the new Scorpion S treasure-hunting shovel, you'll be rich in no time! I think I'll give you my extra-special cutie discount, too! What do you say? You have to spend money to make money! C'mon now! It's only 100 Force Gems, after all! [.]Yes [.]No
This is before Level 2 items were implemented, making upgraded items completely different altogether.
[sfx]OK, listen up. If you're near any treasure, your Game Boy Advance will make a noise. When you hear it, start digging! You'll find more stuff than you can imagine! You've only got a minute though, so don't dawdle. Time is money! Get ready...
Explanation of the minigame and the aforementioned Level 2 shovel.
[sfx]Oh, how disappointing... You'll never hear another story as good as this one. You gonna deprive yourself?
This would've lead to a hint of some sort.
[sfx]Whoa! Hold it right there! Time's up! Time really flies when you're diggin' for loot! My! You sure found a lot of treasure, didn't you? Tell you what--since you dug up the most, I'm going to let you keep the shovel! So keep on digging, and dig yourself a mighty fortune, you hear?!
Obtaining the Level 2 shovel, likely from the aforementioned digging minigame.
[sfx]What's that? You wanna try again?!? OK, now you're being a Greedy Goron.
[sfx]No way! You gotta be joking! You seriously don't have 100 Force Gems? All right, we're done here. How you gonna get rich if you can't even scrape together 100 Force Gems? Come back when you're ready to get serious!
It looks like this digging minigame was really close to being in the game.
Drop it!
Drop what?
Do you have boots?
You're wearing boots!
You're not wearing boots...
It'd be quite interesting to see Link without boots.
That's Ganon's voice!
That's a rather scary string. Maybe Ganon was going to have a larger role in the game.
You got 2 Force Gems!
There isn't a designated color of Force Gem worth only two measly Force Gems. The player could have obtained two green Force Gems, but why bother?
Thank you. I feel so much better now that I can cast magic again! Please, take me to the barrier.
Thank you, Link... I'm off to see the maiden. Here...
Whoever constructed this seal was very powerful... Be careful! Here, in exchange for helping me, let me restore your health!
Are these for Zelda, perhaps? Maybe another character?
Link, a maiden is being held in there. Use the power of the Four Sword to pierce the barrier. Hurry!
The barriers that the maidens are held in aren't ever broken by the player. They break automatically once the player enters the room they're held in.
Hey, you can't come in here! This ain't open to the public!
NPCs don't force the player out of an area in the released game, although they may want to. This could have been used in other situations, but wasn't.
Your Grave
Well, that's pretty ominous.
You can change formations by pressing SELECT!
Pressing Select on the GBA (seeing as the GameCube controller doesn't have a separate button for Select) with four or less characters allows the player to switch between them and their partnered Link, deeming this irrelevant.
Oho, Mr. Fairy! I shall help you from time to time if you like. Might I help myself to... [var] of your Force Gems? [.]Help! [.]Forget it.
Too bad. Those little gems do make the world go 'round.
Need to refresh your magic? One of these will do the job! [.]20 Force Gems [.]No thanks
I'll lend you the remaining Force Gems you need. Just repay me automatically when you get more. Try not to take advantage of my unsurpassed generosity!
Today, my aid can be yours for a paltry sum! How about a mere...[var] Force Gems!
Mr. Fairy... Are you doing that because you want to talk to me? You have [var] Force Gems in your wallet!
Tingle has a bargain for you, Mr. Fairy! Tingle sees that you have [var]. Tingle will take 198 of them. OK? [.]Help! [.]Forget it!
That's no good, Mr. Fairy! Your wallet has [var]. Tingle will take 398. [.]Help! [.]Forget it!
Pull it together! Hmm... You have [var] in your wallet. I'll take...3,000 Force Gems? [.]Help! [.]Forget it.
These are all strings indicating that Tingle would've played a larger role in the game, other than hosting minigames and stealing unclaimed Force Gems. It's unknown why his more prominent functions were left out, probably because they weren't really necessary (hearts are usually very easy to come by, and signs/other NPCs give information regarding the current predicament the player is in).