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The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask/Unused Scenes

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This is a sub-page of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.

LoZMM AltSceneSetup RomaniRanch Stalchildren.png

Much like Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask has a number of alternate scene setups, some of which are utilized by unused cutscenes.

fkualol found original filenames for the cutscenes in Majora's Mask 3D, lending a little extra context to these otherwise-mysterious movies.

Romani Ranch

Setup 02

Filename Translation
carnival_romani.jdb Carnival - Romani

This unused cutscene starts with the camera facing towards Cremia as she pets the cow in the fields of Romani Ranch. It slowly begins zooming out as the minigame timer counts down 3, 2, 1. Two blank text boxes are displayed, empty of text in both the Japanese and English versions of the game. The Milk Bar music plays in the background (ID 0x56). After the cutscene passes frame 9999 (around 8 mins), the player regains control of Link. It is possible to gain control of Link quicker by setting the OPT in the Map Select to 1 or 2 before selecting the map.

Once the cutscene stops, the minigame timer and target icon will be displayed on the screen, and Link will have the bow equipped to B. This suggests that the scene once served as the preface to another target shooting game.

There are three ghost alien balloons positioned in a line in front of the stable, a configuration also seen in the game's ending sequence. However, there is also a small crate sitting on the roof of the ranch house, which is also present in the opening cutscene, and in the cutscene where Romani gets kidnapped by the aliens.

This cutscene is supposed to transition to the unused East Clock Town cutscene, as the cutscene list for this cutscene sets the exit index to 0xD202 (D2 = East Clock Town, 02 = Setup 01). However, no transition actually happens because the cutscene data lacks a "cutscene terminator" command (0x0000015E).
Adding (or replacing another command with) this command will make the transition occur. A quick way to do this is by going to address 0x270AB04 (decompressed JPN v1.0) and overwriting the values there with the following: 0000015E00000001000103E803E803E8. This will activate the transition at frame 1000 (0x03E8).

Most curious is an event that can be triggered by modifying the game to remove the header cutscene or to add the actor for the 3-day timer back into the setup. Then, if one waits until the night falls on the First Day, enters the barn, and then returns to the field at Romani Ranch, the place becomes infested with Stalchildren. These enemies follow the same path as the aliens from the ranch's sidequest, however they cannot go through the stable's walls. (Visible at 6:08 in the video at right.)


Filename Translation
taronbug1.jdb Talon Bug 1

This cutscene focuses on the entrance of Mama's House, and then shows a view of the entire ranch for a few seconds.

It is located at 0x020007FC in an uncompressed Japanese v1.0 ROM. This cutscene can be accessed by replacing the offset for one of the used cutscenes with this one (for example, replacing the 4 bytes in 0x270643C with 020007FC in an uncompressed Japanese v1.0 ROM will replace the intro cutscene with this one).

East Clock Town

Setup 01

Filename Translation
test_carnival_town.jdb Test - Carnival - Town

This unused cutscene consists of a slow pan across East Clock Town, the camera facing the Clock Tower. A handful of NPCs are captured in the frame: Cremia, the jugglers, and the scientist from the Marine Research Lab (though the scientist is difficult to see due to the camera angle). Similar to the unused cutscene in Romani Ranch setup 02, the Milk Bar music plays in the background (ID 0x56).

After the cutscene passes frame 3000 (around 2:38 mins), the player regains control of Link.

This cutscene is supposed to transition to the second Milk Bar ending cutscene, as the cutscene list for this cutscene sets the exit index to 0x2401 (24 = Milk Bar, 01 = Setup 00). However, no transition actually happens because the cutscene data lacks a "cutscene terminator" command (0x0000015E).
Adding (or replacing another command with) this command will make the transition occur. A quick way to do this is by going to address 0x2E80DB4 (decompressed JPN v1.0) and overwriting the values there with the following: 0000015E0000000100010BB80BB80BB8. This will activate the transition at frame 3000 (0x0BB8).

Fairy's Fountain

Spin Attack

Filename Translation
elf_kaiten.jdb Fairy - Spin
end_elf_kaiten.jdb End - Fairy - Spin

In this unused cutscene, the Great Fairy teaches Link the spin attack. The player is then asked to demonstrate this new technique to the Great Fairy's satisfaction. This cut concept was later used in Twilight Princess.

Viewing this cutscene in the English version of the game will show some of the text boxes as empty. This is because their message IDs only contain text in the Japanese version of the game and were blanked out for the English version, rather than translated.

Japanese Script English Script Translation
私の いう通りにするのよ [Blank] Now, do as I say.
Βを押して 気合をためてから・・ [Blank] Press B to build up your fighting spirit...
Βをはなす! [Blank] Then, release it!
さあ、今度は 自分でやってみて! [Blank] Now, you try!
Βを押して 気合をためてから
[Blank] Press B to build up your fighting spirit,
then release it.
今の カンカクを 忘れないで・・
[Blank] That's right,
don't forget how it feels...
大回転斬り をおぼえた
Βで気合をためれば 回転ビーム
You mastered the Spin Attack!
Press and hold (B) to power your
weapon with magic...
気合を ためずに やりたい時は
[Joystick]を一回転させ Βを押す
クイック回転で 効果バツグン
When you release (B), your sword
will unleash a whirlwind of energy
as you spin around.
Come see me whenever your quest
has made you weary.

Double Defense

Filename Translation
elf_pow.jdb Fairy - Power

In this unused cutscene, Link undergoes intense physical training in order to receive double defense from the Great Fairy. For some reason, when the cutscene ends, Link will be in his Fierce Deity form.

Japanese Script English Script

敵から受ける ダメージが
今までの半分に なった
Your defense has been
Enemies now do half as much
damage as before!
Come see me whenever your quest
has made you weary.

Double Magic

Filename Translation
elf_mpup.jdb Fairy - Magic Power Up

In this unused cutscene, Link is simply shown standing in space with the Great Fairy as the size of his magic meter is increased. The uniqueness of the unused cutscenes for acquiring the Spin Attack and double defense suggest that more was planned for this short scene as well. After it's over, Link appears back at the Fairy Fountain in North Clock Town.

Japanese Script English Script
魔力が 強化された
これまでの 2倍の魔法が
使えるように なった!
Your Magic Power has been
You now have twice as much
Magic Power!

You've been granted Magic Power!
In your current form, press (B) to
shoot bubble blasts. Press and
hold (B) to blow a big bubble.
Release (B) to shoot it.
Your Magic Power decreases when
you shoot. Replenish it with Magic
Jars and Potions.
The man who lives in the
observatory outside of town may
know of the Skull Kid's
whereabouts. But be careful!
今の あのコの力を
甘くみては いけませんよ
You must not underestimate
that child's powers, kind
young one.
親切な若者よ 元の姿にもどれたら
必ず来なさい その時、アナタの
力になるモノを さしあげましょう
If ever you are returned to your
former shape, come see me. I shall
give you more help.

Great Fairy's Sword

Filename Translation
elf_sword.jdb Fairy - Sword

In this unused cutscene, Link is simply shown standing in space with the Great Fairy as he receives the Great Fairy's Sword. The uniqueness of the unused cutscenes for acquiring the Spin Attack and double defense suggest that more was planned for this short scene as well. After it's over, Link appears back at the Fairy Fountain in North Clock Town.

Japanese Script English Script
大妖精の剣を もらった

Cに セットして使う
黒バラが刻まれた 最強の剣
You got the Great Fairy's Sword!
Set it to (C) to use it.

With black roses etched into it,
the Great Fairy's Sword is the
most powerful of all blades.

You've been granted Magic Power!
In your current form, press (B) to
shoot bubble blasts. Press and
hold (B) to blow a big bubble.
Release (B) to shoot it.
Your Magic Power decreases when
you shoot. Replenish it with Magic
Jars and Potions.
The man who lives in the
observatory outside of town may
know of the Skull Kid's
whereabouts. But be careful!
今の あのコの力を
甘くみては いけませんよ
You must not underestimate
that child's powers, kind
young one.
親切な若者よ 元の姿にもどれたら
必ず来なさい その時、アナタの
力になるモノを さしあげましょう
If ever you are returned to your
former shape, come see me. I shall
give you more help.

Learning Magic

Filename Translation
elf_mp.jdb Fairy - Magic Power

In this unused cutscene, Link is simply shown standing in space with the Great Fairy as he receives the magic meter. The uniqueness of the unused cutscenes for acquiring the Spin Attack and double defense suggest that more was planned for this short scene as well. After it's over, Link appears back at the Fairy Fountain in North Clock Town.

Japanese Script English Script

You've been granted Magic Power!
In your current form, press (B) to
shoot bubble blasts. Press and
hold (B) to blow a big bubble.
Release (B) to shoot it.
Your Magic Power decreases when
you shoot. Replenish it with Magic
Jars and Potions.

You've been granted Magic Power!
In your current form, press (B) to
shoot bubble blasts. Press and
hold (B) to blow a big bubble.
Release (B) to shoot it.
Your Magic Power decreases when
you shoot. Replenish it with Magic
Jars and Potions.
The man who lives in the
observatory outside of town may
know of the Skull Kid's
whereabouts. But be careful!
今の あのコの力を
甘くみては いけませんよ
You must not underestimate
that child's powers, kind
young one.
親切な若者よ 元の姿にもどれたら
必ず来なさい その時、アナタの
力になるモノを さしあげましょう
If ever you are returned to your
former shape, come see me. I shall
give you more help.

Great Fairy's Sword in Ikana Valley

The way Link behaves when receiving the Great Fairy's Sword at the Fairy's Fountain in Ikana Valley in this unused mini-cutscene differs slightly from what is seen in the final game. He opens his arms and receives the sword as if he's receiving a magic upgrade.

The data for this mini-cutscene is located at offset 0xFC8C in the Fairy's Fountain scene file.

Japanese Script English Script
大妖精の剣を もらった

Cに セットして使う
黒バラが刻まれた 最強の剣
You got the Great Fairy's Sword!
Set it to (C) to use it.

With black roses etched into it,
the Great Fairy's Sword is the
most powerful of all blades.
Come see me whenever your quest
has made you weary.


Intro Cutscenes

Filename Translation Map
sc1st27_104plain.jdb Scene 1st 27 - 104 Plain The Moon
sc1st28_104d_last_deku.jdb Scene 1st 28 - 104d - Last - Deku The Moon - Deku Trial
sc1st29_104d_last_goron.jdb Scene 1st 29 - 104d - Last - Goron The Moon - Goron Trial
sc1st30_104d_last_zora.jdb Scene 1st 30 - 104d - Last - Zora The Moon - Zora Trial

The moon has an unused intro cutscene, as do each of its trial dungeons.

The moon has a total of 12 actor cutscenes, the last of which being unused. In order to play the moon cutscene when loading the map for the first time, the "cutscene index" field for said actor has to be set from 0xFFFF to 0x0000. To do so, in a decompressed USA ROM, go to address 0x2D5A6CE and overwrite the 2 bytes there with 0000.

For each trial dungeon, their intro cutscenes are actually setup properly to play when loading the map for the first time. However, they don't because, when transitioning to the map after talking to the moon children, they set a specific load type of -2 (0xFFFFFFFE), which tells the game to not play the cutscene.

In order to play the cutscenes, the 4 bytes at RAM address 0x801F3320 (USA) must be set from 0xFFFFFFFE to 0x00000000 when transitioning to the trial dungeons. This can also be achieved by using the Gameshark code below (press L when the screen fades to white after talking to the moon children):

D03E6B3B 0020
811F3320 0000
D03E6B3B 0020
811F3322 0000

The intro cutscenes for the trial dungeons can also be played by accessing the maps with the aid of a cheat code or the Map Select to force the game to warp to said location. This avoids the load type being set to -2, as you don't actually access these maps via the moon children this way.

These dungeon cutscenes were repurposed for Majora's Mask 3D.

(Video / Technical Explanation: Jimmie1717)

Cutscene Map

Intro Cutscene

To do:
The video used got removed, try to either rerecord a new one, or find another showing this off.

Filename Translation
legend.jdb Legend

This cutscene is actually used: it's the opening scene that plays when the player starts a new file in Majora's Mask. The first part of the scene features a black screen with white writing, telling the legend of the boy who saved Hyrule. Then, the black background disappears and Link comes into view, riding Epona through the Lost Woods. By modifying the video plugin to disable the black background during the intro to this scene, some hidden camera movements are revealed.

This can also be viewed by changing the byte at 0x2E881ED to 00 in a decompressed USA version of the game. This modifies the "End frame" field of the black overlay used in the cutscene, allowing the player to see the hidden camera movements.

Animation Test

Filename Translation
motioncheck_0.jdb Motion Check - 0

The cutscene in which Link falls through the void after playing the Song of Time hides a strange motion test that features animations for Link and Deku Link.

It's located at offset 0x9BA0 in scene 0x02F41000 (Cutscene Map in the uncompressed Japanese v1.0 version of the game). This cutscene can be accessed by replacing the offset for one of the used cutscenes with this one. For example, replacing the 4 bytes in 0x2F4AFD0 (uncompressed Japanese v1.0 ROM) with 02009BA0 will replace the intro cutscene with this one.

Odolwa's Lair

Twinmold Battle

Odolwa's Lair features an unused scene and room setting that triggers the battle against Twinmold. It's possible that Odolwa's Lair was originally a test room. In this setup, the HUD is hidden, as it is during cutscenes. This setup is unreferenced by the Odolwa's Lair scene header, so it can't be accessed via codes or the Map Select.

When the boss battle isn't triggered, there's no music. Besides, there's no echo or fog effects, and time doesn't advance. Defeating one of the monsters will softlock the game.

The scene setting for this starts at 0x22FE7B0, and the room starts at 0x2304270 (decompressed JPN v1.0 ROM). In a decompressed JPN v1.1 ROM, the scene setting for this starts at 0x22FF7B0, and the room starts at 0x2305270.
One way to access this unused setup is to replace the header of both the used scene and room with the unused variants. To do this, in an decompressed JPN v1.0 ROM, go to address 0x22FE7B0, copy the 0x70 bytes from there, and overwrite the values at 0x022FE000 with the previously copied values. Then, go to address 0x2304270, copy the 0x40 bytes from there, and overwrite the values at 0x02304000 with the previously copied values.

This unused setup can only be found in both Japanese N64 versions. They were removed in subsequent revisions of the game.

North Clock Town

Setup 01

This alternate scene setup features different lighting and fog settings from the final game. The sky has a greenish tinge to it, similar to what can be seen in pre-release images. The sign and the grotto hole are positioned slightly differently. The actor pathing also differs, and freezing may occur when the Blast Mask event is triggered. There is no actor for the Clock Tower that's normally visible in the background.

Chamber of Giants

This map features a whopping 11 unused cutscenes, though some are merely duplicates of each other. Each cutscene has its own scene and room header, but all of them feature a Giant positioned near the pillar upon which Link stands. The Giants in each unused cutscene seems to be using the animation where they struggle to hold the moon from crashing. The actor for this Giant uses variable 0xFE0F, instead of the regular 0xFE08. None of the scenes have background music.

Type 1: Setups 04, 05, 07, & 08

Offset (Uncompressed USA ROM) Filename Translation
0200509C kyojinnoma_d3.jdb Giants' Chamber - Demo 3
0200563C kyojinnoma_d4.jdb Giants' Chamber - Demo 4
0200617C kyojinnoma_d6.jdb Giants' Chamber - Demo 6
0200671C kyojinnoma_d7.jdb Giants' Chamber - Demo 7

These cutscenes are located at offsets 0x509C, 0x563C, 0x617C, and 0x671C. Their message boxes are blank in both Japanese and English, as the text has been dummied out.

Type 2: Setup 07

Offset (Uncompressed USA ROM) Filename Translation
02005BDC kyojinnoma_d5.jdb Giants' Chamber - Demo 5

This cutscene is located at offset 0x5BDC. Its text appears to be identical to setup 01, the used cutscene in which Link and Tatl encounter the Giants for the first time.

Japanese Script English Script
W-What exactly are all of you?

So...You're protective gods?

That's why you're in the temples...
But...why are the protective
ねえ、ちょっと 聞いてる?
No, wait! Are you listening to
me? Hey!


Type 3: Setup 10

Offset (Uncompressed USA ROM) Filename Translation
02006CBC kyojinnoma_d8.jdb Giants' Chamber - Demo 8

This cutscene is located at offset 0x6CBC. Its text appears to be identical to setup 02, the used cutscene that plays after Link and Tatl save the third Giant.

Japanese Script English Script
ねえ、聞いて アンタたちの力を
Hey, listen. We want you to lend
us your power!
このまま ほうっておけば
If you just leave things as they
are, something terrible will happen
to this world!
Surely, you're the only ones who
can stop it!
トレイルは それが
That's what Tael was trying to
tell us!
"Help our friend."
後 1人 助ければいいんでしょ
I get it.
We have to help the last one!

私たちに 協力して・・・
Then promise us this...
You'll cooperate with us...

Type 4: Setup 11

To do:
Is the location of the cutscene 0xBCCC or 0x725C?

Offset (Uncompressed USA ROM) Filename Translation
0200725C kyojinnoma_d0.jdb Giants' Chamber - Demo 0

This setup is located at offset 0xBCCC, and features 5 cutscenes. Like setups 04, 05, 07, and 08, their text appears to be identical to setup 01, the used cutscene in which Link and Tatl encounter the Giants for the first time. Curiously, its filename is identical to said used cutscene as well.

Japanese Script English Script
W-What exactly are all of you?

So...You're protective gods?

That's why you're in the temples...
But...why are the protective
ねえ、ちょっと 聞いてる?
No, wait! Are you listening to
me? Hey!


Type 5: Setup 11

Offset (Uncompressed USA ROM) Filename Translation
02007FBC kyojinnoma_d1.jdb Giants' Chamber - Demo 1

This cutscene is located at offset 0x7FBC. Its text appears to be identical to setup 02, the used cutscene that plays after Link and Tatl save the third Giant. Curiously, its filename is identical to said used cutscene as well.

Japanese Script English Script
ねえ、聞いて アンタたちの力を
Hey, listen. We want you to lend
us your power!
このまま ほうっておけば
If you just leave things as they
are, something terrible will happen
to this world!
Surely, you're the only ones who
can stop it!
トレイルは それが
That's what Tael was trying to
tell us!
"Help our friend."
後 1人 助ければいいんでしょ
I get it.
We have to help the last one!

私たちに 協力して・・・
Then promise us this...
You'll cooperate with us...

Type 6: Setup 11

Offset (Uncompressed USA ROM) Filename Translation
02008B3C kyojinnoma_d2.jdb Giants' Chamber - Demo 2

This cutscene is located at offset 0x8B3C. It appears to be identical to setup 03, the used cutscene that plays after Link and Tatl save the final Giant. Curiously, its filename is identical to said used cutscene as well.

Japanese Script English Script
みんな 助けたわ
Well, we've helped all of you.
私たちのできることは ココまでよ That's all we can do.
"Call us."
That's what they're saying.
いわれなくても わかっているわよ
今度は 逆に アンタたちに
しっかり 働いてもらうわよ!
Without being told, we understand.
So now you'll help us out in
時計塔の上で 呼ぶから
アイツを 何とかしてよ!
We'll call you from atop the
Clock Tower, so do something
about him, all right?
なに? 悲しそうな声を出して

What? Their voices sound sad...
You don't want to?
友を ゆるせ?
"Forgive your friend."
Forgive our friend?
What do you mean by forgive?
Huh? What friend?

Type 7: Setup 11

Offset (Uncompressed USA ROM) Filename Translation
02009E9C kyojinnoma_d3.jdb Giants' Chamber - Demo 3

This cutscene is located at offset 0x9E9C. Its message boxes are blank in both Japanese and English, as the text has been dummied out.

Type 8: Setup 11

Offset (Uncompressed USA ROM) Filename Translation
0200A29C kyojinnoma.jdb Giants' Chamber

This cutscene is located at offset 0xA29C. Its text appears to be identical to the used cutscene in which Link learns the Oath to Order. Curiously, its filename is identical to said used cutscene as well.

Japanese Script English Script
なんか 言ってるみたいよ
It seems to be saying something...
もしかして あの 鳴き声
何かの曲を 伝えようと
Could that crying be its way of
teaching us some sort of melody?
早く 楽器だして 楽器
Don't just stand there...
Get your instrument...
こんな メロディーかしら・・・? Could this be the song?
ΑとCで演奏 Play it with (A) and (C).
誓いの号令を おぼえた! You learned the Oath to Order!
"Call us."
...That's what it's saying.