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The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker/Debuginis turinys

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This page is a translated version of the page The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker/Debug Content and the translation is 50% complete.
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This is a sub-page of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker/Debug Content.

Debuginis turinys


TWW DebugConsoleUS.png

Revizijos identifikatoriumi hyderyje, 0x07 žaidimo ISO faile galima manipuliuoti, norint pasiekti debuginį režimą. Jei baitas yra bet kur tarp 00 ir 80, debuginis režimas bus išjungtas. Jei jis tarp 81 ir 90, režimas bus įjungtas ant bekuriamų konsolių, o štai visos kitos vertės nuo 91 įjungia režimą.

Norėdami įjungti režimą, pažiūrėkite, ar pultelis prijungtas į 3 portą ir pasinaudokite šiuo Action Replay kodu:

04000004 30310091

Panašus debuginimo režimas egzistuoja ir Twilight Princess’e bei Animal Crossing’e.

Colored Bars

In both the Japanese and US versions of The Wind Waker, when the Debug Mode is activated, bars of different colors are displayed at the bottom of the screen. While their exact purpose isn't known, they seem to indicate CPU and GPU usage. In the European version the bars are missing. The column on the right showing the Rels' memory usage is disabled by default in the US and European versions but can be enabled by pressing Z while holding R on Controller 3.

Debug Console

TWW DebugConsole1.png

Controller 3 is also used to navigate the debug console, which displays various information, such as the amount of memory being used by different objects. Pressing Z opens the console and different pages can be accessed by pressing left, up or right on the d-pad. Holding L + R brings up additional options like dumping the information to a PC or clearing the contents. The console window itself can be moved around the screen by holding down L + R + X + Y and moving the control stick.

Crash Debugger

Like Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, The Wind Waker also has a crash debug screen. The crash debugger will automatically show up if debug mode is enabled when the game crashes but can also be accessed with a button code in an unmodified game:

  • 1) While holding D-Pad-Right, press L 3 times.
  • 2) While holding D-Pad-Up, press R 6 times.
  • 3) While holding D-Pad-Left, press Z 5 times.
  • 4) While holding L+R+Z, press D-Pad-Down 1 time.

(Source: Treeki - Method, Dark Linkaël - Code, JayTheHam - Debug Console, Little_mac - Rel toggle, UnclePunch - Crash Debugger Button Code)

Debug Tingle Tuner Client

TWW Tingle Tuner Debug.png

Files suffixed with "d" in the folder res\Gba in the US and European versions are debugging versions of the Tingle Tuner ROM that runs on the Game Boy Advance. It features the ability to view all the text within the client by pressing L while in the item menu, but not much else. Texts that are meant to start events in the game itself don't have any effect when displayed.