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The Sims (Windows)/Translation Notes/Job System

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(Source: LUCPIX)

Table of Contents

Business career

Ts1 business icon.png 1 - Business strings
ID Developer Note Original USEnglish String
3 Business01: Button Label: Mailroom Clerk (male)
Mailroom Clerk
4 Business01: Popup: Description: Mailroom Clerk

Notes: This is the first job of the Business career track. Minimum wage is the lowest salary one can legally make per hour. The ground floor of a mega-corps refers to the very beginning level of a potentially very large company, ie. this job has lots of potential for growth. Pushing the cart through the halls refers to a clerical position which usually involves delivering mail. A sharp-eyed company officer is a senior company official and a kick upstairs refers to getting a promotion. The idea is that the higher the company post, the higher up physically the office is located, i.e. on upper floors. Needed for Promotion: None

Minimum wage, but you're on the ground floor of one of Sim City's mega-corps. Keep the copier and coffee machine in working order. Be organized, prompt, and friendly when you push that cart through the halls--maybe some sharp-eyed company officer will consider you for a kick upstairs.
5 Business02: Button Label: Executive Assistant (male)
Executive Assistant
6 Business02: Popup: Description: Executive Assistant

Notes: This is the second job of the Business career track. Long hours refers to a longer than normal working day. Working the phones means talking with clients or customers. Increasing people skills refers to the ability one gains for dealing with many different and sometimes difficult people. Needed for Promotion: (Mechanical)

Longer hours, but an opportunity to work the phones, increase people skills, and keep the Boss happy. If you work on your mechanical skill, you might be able to repair that infernal copy machine the next time it breaks. Now THAT would make your boss notice you.
7 Business03: Button Label: Field Sales Rep (male)
Field Sales Rep
8 Business03: Popup: Description: Field Sales Rep

Notes: This is the third job of the Business career track. Move up in the company refers to getting a promotion. Earn your dues is to work hard to deserve the promotion and a long day on the road means a long day of business travel. Meeting your quotas means that you reach the sales goals that have been set for you and making good contacts means that you meet many people and begin to "network" with them. When you are ripe for a promotion this means you are ready for a promotion and an office without wheels means that you will not have to drive or travel in the next job. Needed for Promotion: (Charisma), (Friends)

Before you move up in the company, you'll have to earn your dues putting in a long day on the road. Meet your quotas (charisma can make a good sales pitch great) and make good contacts, and you'll be ripe for a promotion to an office without wheels.
9 Business04: Button Label: Junior Executive (male)
Junior Executive
10 Business04: Popup: Description: Junior Executive

Notes: This is the fourth job of the Business career track. A grunt to boot around means that you have a very low level person to kick around (not literally) but that reports to you and that you can direct to do the work that you don't want to do. A personal cubicle is a personal workspace that is not private like an office. It's still a long walk down the hall, etc. which refers to the fact that you are still not located in a very convenient place: higher executives have offices near washrooms. Needed for Promotion: (Logic), (Friends)

Now you have your own grunt to boot around, a personal cubicle, and a nice salary--but it's still a long walk down that hall to the washrooms. Good relationships with people to whom you've proven your superior logic skill will definitely get you noticed.
11 Business05: Button Label: Executive (male)
12 Business05: Popup: Description: Executive

Notes: This is the fifth job of the Business career track. Your own Junior executive gives you high position of management authority. The Executive level is heavily populated means that there are many others who share the same rank as you (there is a lot of competition) and you have to somehow differentiate yourself so that You are promoted and not someone else. Higher ups are superiors. Needed for Promotion: Charisma, Logic, Creativity, Friends

You have your own Junior Executive and an actual office, with a door that closes. Problem is, the Executive level at your company is heavily populated. Well-rounded skills and a good work attitude will help you stand out from the crowd and impress the higher ups.
13 Business06: Button Label: Senior Manager (male)
Senior Manager
14 Business06: Popup: Description: Senior Manager

Notes: This is the sixth job of the Business career track. Salary has increased and you now have much more responsibility with many executives as your employees.

Needed for Promotion: (Charisma), (Body), (Logic), Friends

Salary hops up, as you are now overseeing several franchise offices. There are a lot of executives under your command, so charisma and logic help in settling disputes and keeping the various teams running smoothly. Your golf game needs to improve if you expect to close any deals from now on so a little more work in the body department would not be a bad idea.
15 Business07: Button Label: Vice President (male)
Vice President
16 Business07: Popup: Description: Vice President

Notes: This is the seventh job of the Business career track. A corner office is a symbol of power because (usually) you have two walls of windows. Pay increases but there is more competition. Needed for Promotion: Charisma, Logic, Creativity, Friends

The corner office is yours. Pay takes another leap. However, competition is rougher on this floor. Keep sharpening those skills and make lots of friends. You never know when you'll need them.
17 Business08: Button Label: President (male)
18 Business08: Popup: Description: President

Notes: This is the eighth job of the Business career track. The company sends a town car (a fancy vehicle). This is a big jump in status. The top floor suite is a very large office on the highest floor of the building. But not all is perfect because neighbors could be jealous of your success. You need to have a barbecue party at your house in order to get them to like you. Needed for Promotion: Charisma, Logic, (Creativity), (Friends)

The company sends a town car to pick you up in the morning. You get the top floor suite and a hefty paycheck. Your creative juices are flowing and you're feeling smart and powerful. But there's a downside as well. More stress, and some of your neighbors may resent your success. (Nothing a barbecue at your place wouldn't fix. And who knows, you might meet someone new...)
19 Business09: Button Label: CEO (male)
20 Business09: Popup: Description: CEO

Notes: This is the ninth job of the Business career track. Top of the heap means that you are at the top of the job hierarchy. But you still need to balance your work responsibilities with your responsibilities at home to your spouse, family and friends. Your social responsibilities are peaking (are very high). Bigwigs are very important people. Needed for Promotion: Charisma, Logic, Creativity, (Friends)

Top of the heap at your company. But can a powerful, well-to-do exec balance the responsibilities of the office with the needs of mate, children, and friends? Social responsibilities are peaking--it might be time to move up to a bigger house, to better entertain bigwigs.
21 Business10: Button Label: Business Tycoon (male)
Business Tycoon
22 Business10: Popup: Description: Business Tycoon

Notes: This is the tenth and last job of the Business career track. A corporate raider is someone who manipulates the stock of a company to his own advantage. A mogul is a very large and important person. A world wide conglomerate is a large multinational company. But now you have to donate money to charities.

You're a corporate raider and mogul, heading a world wide conglomerate. But now that you're a famous local figure, guess what? You'll be expected to give money to charities to maintain your standing with your fellow Sims. Still, doesn't it feel good to bask in the glow of success.

Entertainment career

Ts1 entertainment icon.png 2 - Entertainment strings
ID Developer Note Original USEnglish String
23 Entertainment01: Button Label: Waiterperson (female)
3 Entertainment01: Button Label: Waiterperson (male)
4 Entertainment01: Popup: Description: Waiter/ Waitress

Notes: This is the first job in the Entertainment career track. This is someone who has no skills or contacts but wants to rise in this career track. They make their money serving food but they are always trying to go to auditions. If they are pleasant at work they may encounter someone who notices them and asks for their picture and resume and could help them move up the career ladder. Needed for Promotion: None

You're available for auditions, but can still make your tips at night. Good people skills could get your picture and resume served along with the salad.
5 Entertainment02: Button Label: Extra (male)
6 Entertainment02: Popup: Description: Extra

Notes: This is the second job in the Entertainment career track. An "extra" is someone who does not have a speaking role but is needed when scenes with lots of people are done. It's a beginning position that comes with none of the benefits that real stars have such as someone who cares for their clothes and makeup therefore it's necessary to do all of that yourself. "Central Casting" is the group that coordinates when actors are needed based on the filming schedule. Needed for Promotion: (Charisma)

You're "atmosphere," "living scenery." The pay is pitiful, but at least you're on the set. No lines, though...and Central Casting can call you for the day shift or the night shift, depending on the production needs. Make sure you develop your charisma skill so that when that speaking part does come through, you'll be ready.
7 Entertainment03: Button Label: Bit Player (male)
Bit Player
8 Entertainment03: Popup: Description: Bit Player

Notes: This is the third job in the Entertainment career track. A bit player is an unimportant actor. The few ironic lines referred to in the text imply that the actor is playing a waiter/waitress which is a career from which they recently advanced. Needed for Promotion: (Body), (Friends)

You're able to support yourself in your chosen career--barely. You've actually got a few lines to speak...ironically, they often seem to be, "May I take your order, sir?" Building relationships and your body is important now.
9 Entertainment04: Button Label: Stunt Double (male)
Stunt Double
10 Entertainment04: Popup: Description: Stunt Double

Notes: This is the fourth job in the Entertainment career track. A stunt double is an actor that substitutes for the top name actors in places where there is danger such as being set on fire or falling from a helicopter. "Mock mayhem" is simulated mass confusion. Needed for Promotion: Charisma, (Body), (Creativity), (Friends)

That's not the box-office mega-star being set on fire and tossed from a helicopter--that's you. You're making a name for yourself, though, and directors like your novel ideas for mock mayhem. Keep those creative juices flowing. You just might graduate to a low-budget starring role of your own--if you survive. Keep yourself and your gear in top shape, or you may miss that air bag. And keep developing your active social life--not only is it fun, it's very useful.
11 Entertainment05: Button Label: B-Movie Star (male)
B-Movie Star
12 Entertainment05: Popup: Description: B-Movie Star

Notes: This is the fifth job in the Entertainment career track. A B-Movie is a second rate movie. The content is usually not sophisticated: cheap sci-fi (science fiction), lowbrow horror (heavy handed and unsophisticated) and teen hormone comedies (movies featuring teenagers in lightly sexually-suggestive adventures). When a movie goes straight to video it implies that it is not doing well in theatres. Needed for Promotion: Mechanical, Charisma, (Body), (Creativity), Friends

Cheap sci-fi, lowbrow horror and teen hormone comedies--you're the star...even if your best work seems to go "straight to video". If you really want to make it big, you need a great body and some very convincing and creative dialogue. Lots of work needed on these skills from here on out.
13 Entertainment06: Button Label: Supporting Player (male)
Supporting Player
14 Entertainment06: Popup: Description: Supporting Player

Notes: This is the sixth job in the Entertainment career track. A supporting player is not the big star and therefore the "name is not on the (promotional movie) poster". A major motion picture is one the movie studios have invested big dollars in and is expected to be very successful. Big things on the horizon means that some important roles may be coming soon. Needed for Promotion: Charisma, Body, Creativity, (Friends)

Your name's not on the poster, but at least it's a "major motion picture". You're the best friend, the villain's sidekick, or the cop who dies in the first half-hour. But, the studios have noticed you, and big things may be on the horizon. Keep practicing your lines and remember, it's not always what you know, it's who you know that counts.
15 Entertainment07: Button Label: TV Star (male)
TV Star
16 Entertainment07: Popup: Description: TV Star

Notes: This is the seventh job in the Entertainment career track. A TV Star has reached a high level of success. Many people want to know you and be seen with you therefore they come to your parties. But you have to work very hard and you need to balance the stressful aspects of your job. Needed for Promotion: Mechanical, (Charisma), (Body), Creativity, (Friends)

Your talent is acknowledged at last, and you're referred to as "Sim City's home-grown star". It's never been easier to throw a party at your place. You can afford a bigger house now, but the killer hours assure that you're not home as much as you'd like. Keep developing your charisma and body skills or you'll never get to the big screen.
17 Entertainment08: Button Label: Feature Star (male)
Feature Star
18 Entertainment08: Popup: Description: Feature Star

Notes: This is the eighth level in the Entertainment career track. A feature star is the highest caliber of movie star. Needed for Promotion: Charisma, Body, (Creativity), (Friends)

You made it to the big screen. You're now making more money for fewer hours, but you may suddenly have to leave town for a distant location shoot. You're loving all the attention. Everyone wants to be your friend--but is that always a good thing? Sometimes you long for the spontaneous creativity and audience response of Broadway...
19 Entertainment09: Button Label: Broadway Star (male)
Broadway Star
20 Entertainment09: Popup: Description: Broadway Star

Notes: This is the ninth level in the Entertainment career track. This career job moves the star from the movie screen to the stage. This is often a pleasure because the audience reaction is so satisfying. But the pay is lower and the work is harder. But it is more fun. Needed for Promotion: Charisma, (Body), (Creativity), (Friends)

It's a whole new world for a star of your magnitude. Live performances, six days a week, singing, dancing in Sim City's latest hit musical. Who knew it would be so physically demanding? But those cast parties are a great place to meet new friends, no? And you've never felt so creatively pumped up!
21 Entertainment10: Button Label: Superstar (male)
22 Entertainment10: Popup: Description: Superstar

Notes: This is the tenth and last job in the Entertainment career track. paparazzi are press photographers. SimCity Walk of Fame is like the Hollywood Walk of Fame and makes reference to SimCity.

Everywhere you go the paparazzi snap your picture.  They've just placed your star on the SimCity "Walk of Fame." And when the lights get too bright, you can always retreat to your mansion on the hill.

Law Enforcement career

Ts1 lawenf icon.png 3 - Law Enforcement strings
ID Developer Note Original USEnglish String
3 Law01: Button Label: Security Guard (male)
Security Guard
4 Law01: Popup: Description: Security Guard

Notes: This is the first job of the Law career track. The graveyard shift is the workshift in the middle of the night. Needed for Promotion: None

A badge, a gun...and the graveyard shift. Since you're required to supply your own firearm and uniforms, it doesn't leave much in your pay envelope.
5 Law02: Button Label: Cadet (male)
6 Law02: Popup: Description: Cadet

Notes: This is the second job of the Law career track. The Police Academy is the training school for the police. The tuition and salary is paid by city funds. "The salary is burning a hole in your blues" refers to salary money that you're keeping in your (blue uniform) pocket that you want very much to spend. Boot camp is the very physically demanding training camp that all military cadets go to. Needed for Promotion: (Body)

You're going to the Police Academy, with a starting salary from the city burning a hole in your blues. Like a combination of boot camp and college, the experience can be physically and mentally draining. Improve your body skill so you can graduate and get a real job.
25 Law03: Button Label: Patrolman (female)
7 Law03: Button Label: Patrolman (male)
8 Law03: Popup: Description: Patrolman

Notes: This is the third job of the Law career track. The "mean streets" means dangerous streets and a squad car is a typical police car. To "be considered for a shield" refers to the possibility of getting a promotion that includes wearing a shield-shaped badge. Needed for Promotion: (Mechanical), Friends

You're riding the mean streets of Sim City in a squad car--dangerous work without a lot of pay. Keep yourself in top physical condition and study up on your mechanical skills so you can be considered for a shield.
9 Law04: Button Label: Desk Sergeant (male)
Desk Sergeant
10 Law04: Popup: Description: Desk Sergeant

Notes: This is the fourth job of the Law career track. This is an office job with lots of paperwork and much less danger. Needed for Promotion: (Mechanical), (Body), Friends

A break from the mean streets, and a promotion with pay hike...but tons of paperwork. However, you're on regular hours with a reduction in physical demands. If you get tired of this desk job, improve those body and mechanical skills and you may be out on the street in a much more interesting job...
11 Law05: Button Label: Vice Squad (male)
Vice Squad
12 Law05: Popup: Description: Vice Squad

Notes: This is the fifth job of the Law career track. You get your first plainclothes job. "You're attached to your first plainsclothes job" means that you are on the street in regular clothes, no uniform. Vice squad does detective work. You want to do well here so that you can get higher detective training. Logic to solve crimes is especially important. Needed for Advancement: Cooking, Charisma, Body, (Logic), Friends

You're attached to your first plainclothes job. Vice duty can be exciting, but your squad operates mostly at night. It's important to shine here, so you can be considered for detective training. Well-rounded skills, especially logic, will hasten that next promotion.
13 Law06: Button Label: Detective (male)
14 Law06: Popup: Description: Detective

Notes: This is the sixth job of the Law career track. You get the shield badge promotion. Logic skills should be developed and the character needs to make friends (network), "Closing cases" refers to solving crimes and stepping up the departmental ladder refers to climbing a career ladder. Needed for Advancement: (Charisma), (Logic), Creativity, (Friends)

You get your shield and continue plainclothes work. Logic needs to be sharp and friends are very important. Charisma also comes into play, if suspects and informants are to help you close cases and step up the departmental ladder.
15 Law07: Button Label: Lieutenant (male)
16 Law07: Popup: Description: Lieutenant

Notes: This is the seventh job of the Law career track. Cases are more important now and you're better paid. The "thick unsolved folder" refers to all the unsolved crimes in SimCity. Needed for Promotion: Mechanical, Charisma, Body, Logic, Friends

Cases have a higher profile, and your experience has advanced you to a better pay rate. As a Lieutenant, you are a Detective Squad Leader, and you need to keep those skills sharpened. The stress of dealing with that thick unsolved folder of Sim City crimes can do damage to your home life. Try to emphasize "family time" and recreation when at home to achieve a proper balance.
17 Law08: Button Label: SWAT Team Leader (male)
SWAT Team Leader
18 Law08: Popup: Description: SWAT Team Leader

Notes: This is the eighth job of the Law career track. SWAT stands for Special Weapons and Tactics. This is the group that is brought in for various especially difficult situations such as rescues, hostages, terrorist activities, etc. It has "danger pay" which is a bonus that is given due to the dangerous and risky nature of the job. Needed for Promotion: Charisma, Body, (Logic), (Creativity), (Friends)

An elite job with a good bonus in the form of "danger pay."  But you've got to be very smart and creative to be successful. Make sure you're making friends in high places.
19 Law08: Button Label: SWAT Team Leader (male)
SWAT Team Leader
20 Law09: Popup: Description: Police Chief

Notes: This is the ninth job of the Law career track. "Top Cop" is a phrase meaning the most important officer, the one in charge. This is a less dangerous position but one with more responsibility. There is less time on the street. Needed for Promotion: Charisma, Logic, Creativity, Friends

You're finally "Top Cop". You can afford a substantial house on the hill and are one of the most influential people in Sim City. What more can you possibly do to protect the citizens of Sim City?
21 Law10: Button Label: Captain Hero (male)
Captain Hero
22 Law10: Popup: Description: Captain Hero

Notes: This is the tenth job of the Law career track. This is a cartoonish Super Hero position, like Superman or Batman.

Crime peoples beware! A new day has dawned on our most wonderful community. A day of righteous justice for all, for Captain Hero is here at last! With his massive superpowers at hand Captain Hero fights crime on a daily basis, to the fullest extent of the law.

Life of Crime career

Ts1 lifeofcrime icon.png 4 - Life of Crime strings
ID Developer Note Original USEnglish String
3 Crime01: Button Label: Pickpocket (male)
4 Crime01: Popup: Description: Pickpocket

Notes: The is the first job in the Life of Crime career track. This is the lowest level of thief. The job requires some physical work but also charm so that the thief can dupe his victims into trusting him. "Those marks" refers to the marked or chosen victims of the thief and "dip into their pockets" refers to stealing from (picking) their pockets. Needed for Promotion: None

Entry-level two-bit thief--but you are your own boss. Dexterity and physical speed are obviously important. A certain amount of charm is helpful, too, if you are going to distract those marks while you dip into their pockets.
5 Crime02: Button Label: Bagman (male)
6 Crime02: Popup: Description: Bagman

Notes: The is the second job in the Life of Crime career track. This is a messenger position that includes making deliveries of "dirty" (stolen) money and "sensitive merchandise" (probably stolen) items. Avoiding the heat refers to the police and rival punks are other competing criminal groups. Needed for Promotion: (Body)

You're a foot soldier for a small-time mobster--making pickups and deliveries of dirty cash and "sensitive merchandise." You'll need to be quick on your feet to avoid the heat and rival punks. Work on your body skill will definitely pay off.
7 Crime03: Button Label: Bookie (male)
8 Crime03: Popup: Description: Bookie

Notes: The is the third job in the Life of Crime career track. A bookie is someone who "books" (takes) bets. Make book means take bets. "The house" is the organization that sets up the betting and collects the losers' money and it often manipulates the results of the races so as to win. Needed for Promotion: (Charisma), (Creativity), Friends

Make book on the dog track, horse races, and stadium games--where, one way or another, "the house" always wins. And this time "the house" is you. You never know when something may go wrong that requires some fast talking so keep those charisma and creativity skills sharp.
9 Crime04: Button Label: Con Artist (male)
Con Artist
10 Crime04: Popup: Description: Con Artist

Notes: The is the fourth job in the Life of Crime career track. A con (short for confidence) artist is someone who tricks or fools others in order to swindle them out of money by gaining their confidence. "Run schemes, scams and swindles" is just a nice alliterative list of criminal attempts to "con" people out of their money. Needed for Promotion: Mechanical, Creativity, Friends

Run schemes, scams, and swindles--anything to separate a naïve Sim from hard-earned cash. Profits increase, but this job needs inspired thinking and the power to persuade others.
11 Crime05: Button Label: Getaway Driver (male)
Getaway Driver
12 Crime05: Popup: Description: Getaway Driver

Notes: This is the fifth job in the Life of Crime career track. "Two bit crook" is someone who is cheap or worthless. A three bit crook is just barely better. A getaway driver is someone who drives the vehicle used to flee the scene of a crime. Needed for Promotion: (Mechanical), Charisma, (Body), Logic, Friends

From two-bit crook to three-bit crook. To succeed as a driver you'll need some strong physical skills, and a mechanic's knowledge. But you want to get in on the main action, right? Work on your skills to show the boss how indispensable you are.
13 Crime06: Button Label: Bank Robber (male)
Bank Robber
14 Crime06: Popup: Description: Bank Robber

Notes: This is the sixth job in the Life of Crime career track. The bank robber will now actually do the work of robbing the bank ("when it goes down") instead of just being the driver of the getaway car. Now the robber gets a "bigger slice" (a larger amount) of the stolen money. Something sneakier is a reference to getting a promotion to Cat Burglar. Needed for Promotion: Cooking, (Body), (Logic), Creativity, (Friends)

Instead of just driving the money away, now you're inside the Sim City First National Bank when it goes down--which cuts you in for a bigger slice. But you'd like to try your hand at some sneakier, more challenging crimes. Better brains, brawn and buddies will move you up.
15 Crime07: Button Label: Cat Burglar (male)
Cat Burglar
16 Crime07: Popup: Description: Cat Burglar

Notes: This is the seventh job in the Life of Crime career track. A cat burglar is someone who is adept at entering and leaving the burglarized place without attracting notice. "Higher scores" refers to more valuable items to steal. The cat burglar needs to stay in top physical form and will now be working in the night. Needed for Promotion: (Mechanical), Logic, (Creativity), (Friends)

Higher scores, but more risk involved. Suddenly you're on the night shift. You cannot afford to let physical energy flag, or you'll botch a job. Mechanical skills are handy to keep your tools in good order and some creative problem solving will help you stay out of the slammer. Your friends are coming in very handy--more can only help.
17 Crime08: Button Label: Counterfeiter (male)
18 Crime08: Popup: Description: Counterfeiter

Notes: This is the eighth job in the Life of Crime career track. A counterfeiter prints his own money. Needed for Promotion: (Charisma), Body, (Creativity), Friends

You're getting more sophisticated. Why steal money when you and your gang can print your own? You're getting quite a reputation and people are seeking your advice. Better practice your charisma and creativity in case you need to go international.
19 Crime09: Button Label: Smuggler (male)
20 Crime09: Popup: Description: Smuggler

Notes: This is the ninth job in the Life of Crime career track. A smuggler imports illegal items into a country. This can be an extremely profitable business. Needed for Promotion: Charisma, Body, Creativity, Friends

Your business card says you're in the "Import/Export" business. Let's just say you supply everything people want that the law says they cannot have. You're bringing in and sending out goods by land, sea, and air, and earning the large profits all that implies. Your skills need to be fully honed to reach the apex of this illustrious career.
21 Crime10: Button Label: Criminal Mastermind (male)
Criminal Mastermind
22 Crime10: Popup: Description: Criminal Mastermind

Notes: This is the tenth job in the Life of Crime career track. This is the pinnacle of the crime track. The mastermind is very intelligent and plans and directs projects and people. A "front" is a facade that hides the true criminal nature of the activities going on inside. Feeling "above the law" is a sense of invincibility and unlikelihood of getting caught by the police.

Most men fear you. You run your own mob of thieves and hijackers, and can buy any house on the block. Your front is a respectable Sim City business, and you feel almost above the law.

Medicine career

Ts1 medicine icon.png 5 - Medicine strings
ID Developer Note Original USEnglish String
3 Crime01: Button Label: Pickpocket (male)
Medical Technician
4 Medicine01: Popup: Description: Medical Technician

Notes: This is the first job of the Medicine career track. The work involved here is low level technical work. "Logging samples" means writing down all the vital information about laboratory samples that come in to be analyzed. Needed for Promotion: None

Entry level, low paying grunt work in a big medical lab--but a way to test your aptitude and interest in exploring a doctor's world. Taking x-rays, logging samples, preparing test results are among your duties.
5 Medicine02: Button Label: Paramedic (male)
6 Medicine02: Popup: Description: Paramedic

Notes: This is the second job of the Medicine career track. A paramedic is a person who works on an ambulance or an emergency room and is often called to the scene of an emergency. Needed for Promotion: (Mechanical)

You're attending medical school and working part time as a paramedic. You'll need to avoid fatigue while allowing time for study and riding in an ambulance on the night shift. To keep your vehicle and equipment maintained, work on your mechanical skill as much as you can.
7 Medicine03: Button Label: Nurse (male)
8 Medicine03: Popup: Description: Nurse

Notes: This is the third job of the Medicine career track. This is the first job in a hospital with lots of contact with people. "Bedside manner" is the demeanor of the Sim to the patient. A good bedside manner is one where the nurse is kind, compassionate, honest and informative. Needed for Promotion: (Body), Friends

You've made it through med school, and secured your first job at Sim City General Hospital. This is a physically demanding job and will require good body skill. Work on your bedside manner to get those patient referrals.
9 Medicine04: Button Label: Intern (male)
10 Medicine04: Popup: Description: Intern

Notes: This is the lowest job of physician where they manage the day to day maintenance of patients more than any higher level functions such as surgery. Needed for Promotion: (Mechanical), (Logic), Friends

There's an "M.D." after your name, but it seems you spend more time doing paperwork and changing bandages than saving lives. Pay special care to develop your mechanical and logic skills; doctors must be multi-talented. The hours are steady, though, so you're earning more.
11 Medicine05: Button Label: Resident (male)
12 Medicine05: Popup: Description: Resident

Notes: Being on the night shift in the Emergency room is when many difficult cases come in (gunshot, drug overdose, other violence). This is the most stressful time to work. Needed for Promotion: Charisma, Body, Logic, Friends

You've been promoted to a night shift residency in the Emergency Room. This is an obviously stressful position, so make sure home is a comforting place. You'll need fun, rest, and proper meals, or you won't succeed. If you work on the proper diagnoses, care for those tough cases, and develop a good bedside manner, your promotion to General Practitioner will come quickly.
13 Medicine06: Button Label: GP (male)
14 Medicine06: Popup: Description: GP

Notes: This is the sixth job of the Medicine career track. This career has the Sim moving into a GP or general practitioner duty. A GP works with all ages of people and deals with the more common routine medical events such as broken bones, etc. Needed for Promotion: Mechanical, Charisma, Body, Creativity, Friends

An altruistic streak has compelled you to join a Sim neighborhood clinic as a GP. The pay won't be high, but you'll help a lot of less fortunate Simcitizens through broken bones, pregnancies, and measles. You will be handling a lot yourself, but don't slack off on the skill-building--you may want a different job someday.
15 Medicine07: Button Label: Specialist (male)
16 Medicine07: Popup: Description: Specialist

Notes: This is the seventh job of the Medicine career track. This is the most traditional of medical situations: a doctor with his own practice. "Hung up your shingle" refers to the practice of hanging up, by the front door of your office, a piece of wood (a shingle) identifying your name and specialty. Needed for Promotion: Mechanical, (Charisma), Body, Logic, Creativity, Friends

Congratulations. You've "hung up your shingle", gaining a traditional work schedule and golf game occasionally. Now you have more time to maintain a happy home and maybe a happy family? Work on your charisma if higher steps in this career track seem appealing.
17 Medicine08: Button Label: Surgeon (male)
18 Medicine08: Popup: Description: Surgeon

Notes: This is the eighth job of the Medicine career track. The position of surgeon is an elite one among doctors. It pays well but requires great concentration and a high mood score. Left brain skills are logic skills. Needed for Promotion: Mechanical, Charisma, Body, (Logic), (Creativity), Friends

One of the elite, with an income advance to go with it. The job demands a rested, calm individual, so watch your emotional levels, eat right, and get plenty of sleep. And, you'll need home study time, especially in the areas of creativity and logic, to keep left brain skills sharp in the operating room.
19 Medicine09: Button Label: Medical Researcher (male)
Medical Researcher
20 Medicine09: Popup: Description: Medical Researcher

Notes: This is the ninth job of the Medicine career track. It's a high ranking research position. Top bucks means you are earning a high salary. To get here you created a new vaccination. Needed for Promotion: Mechanical, Charisma, Body, Logic, Creativity, Friends

You created a new vaccination serum in Sim City's most advanced research clinic. You've now joined the ranks of the highest paid researchers in the world. If you decide to go for the top bucks, continue the skill building path up to Chief of Hospital Staff, where you get a cut of the profits.
21 Medicine10: Button Label: Chief of Hospital Staff (male)
Chief of Hospital Staff
22 Medicine10: Popup: Description: Chief of Hospital Staff

Notes: This is the top job of the Medicine career track. You're well respected and you are now part owner of the hospital which means that you are making huge profits if the hospital does well.

You are one of the most respected physicians in Sim City. You spend office hours at the hospital. You are now a part owner, and are making large profits keeping your fellow Sims in good health.

Military career

Ts1 military icon.png 6 - Military strings
ID Developer Note Original USEnglish String
3 Military01: Button Label: Recruit (male)
4 Military01: Popup: Description: Recruit

Notes: This is the first job of the Military career track. A buzz cut is a very short haircut required by the military. Boot camp is the physically demanding training camp for new people in the military. There is a song with two rhyming lines that recruits often sing when they are marching or running in formation and it usually begins "I don't know but I've been told....This is very commonly depicted when showing recruits in boot camp. This line can be omitted if there is no good substitute in translation. Body skill needs to be worked on in order to get a promotion from the "trenches", the ditches soldiers dig and sit in to protect themselves during battle. Needed for Promotion: None

Buzz cuts and boot camp. I don't know but I've been told, scrubbing latrines gets mighty old. Better maintain prime physical shape to advance from the trenches. Not only will you be stronger but your uniform will look even better on you than it does now.
5 Military02: Button Label: Elite Forces (male)
Elite Forces
6 Military02: Popup: Description: Elite Forces

Notes: This is the second job of the Military career track. Elite Forces are specially trained military units that are called upon for especially difficult jobs. They receive extra pay to compensate for the dangerous work. Needed for Promotion: (Body)

Special training as a commando brings you more prestige, and as an added incentive you will be earning special hazard pay. Physical skills are important so get your body pumped up and strong.
7 Military03: Button Label: Drill Instructor (male)
Drill Instructor
8 Military03: Popup: Description: Drill Instructor

Notes: This is the third job of the Military career track. You have the experience and now you have been chosen to train the new green (unripe), malleable(impressionable) recruits. Jar head refers to the shape of the head with a very short buzz cut haircut. You have to keep in shape to be able to be better than the recruits in the obstacle course. Needed for Promotion: Mechanical, (Charisma)

Now that you're an experienced vet, the base commander has "volunteered" you to impart your wisdom to a squad of green, malleable recruits. Charisma is important here, as you'll need to drill fear, loyalty, and discipline into those jar-heads.
9 Military04: Button Label: Junior Officer (male)
Junior Officer
10 Military04: Popup: Description: Junior Officer

Notes: This is the fourth job of the Military career track. The Officer's Club is a club that is restricted to everyone below Officer Rank--it is very prestigious. Resting on your laurels means relying on past successes for credibility. Needed for Promotion: Cooking, (Body)

You finally gained entrance to the Officer's Club.  No resting on your laurels though, you must keep your body in top physical condition if you want to advance. 
11 Military05: Button Label: Counter-Intelligence (male)
12 Military05: Popup: Description: Counter-Intelligence

Notes: This is the fifth job of the Military career track. This job involves tracking enemy activity and movement which is very dangerous. Mechanical skill is required to keep to keep the surveillance equipment working and logic is needed for analyzing the collected data. Needed for Promotion: (Mechanical), Charisma, (Logic)

Tracking the enemy with the latest equipment is your whole life right now. You know enough about the enemy strategy for them to really want to kill you--so you have to stay one step ahead of them for your sake and that of your troops. Work on your mechanical skill to keep those highly sensitive machines in top working order and logic skills to interpret all the data you're downloading.
13 Military06: Button Label: Flight Officer (male)
Flight Officer
14 Military06: Popup: Description: Flight Officer

Notes: This is the sixth job of the Military career track. This job involves a lot of flight time. You get more pay but you still have to work hard to "earn your wings"--to be certified to fly and wear an emblem with pilot's wings on your uniform. Needed for Promotion: (Mechanical), Body, (Logic), Friends

Somebody has to drop those troops, deliver that cargo, and guard the air space over Sim City. There's a pay grade advance here, but earning your wings will require additional training with a flight simulator program at the base. Mechanical skill is a must and logic is not far behind.
15 Military07: Button Label: Senior Officer (male)
Senior Officer
16 Military07: Popup: Description: Senior Officer

Notes: This is the seventh job of the Military career track. The Airborne tour is the period of time one has to fly to become a certified pilot. Making it to "the brass" means making it into the senior rank of officers. Needed for Promotion: Mechanical, (Charisma), (Logic), Friends

You survived your Airborne tour and made it to "the brass". You're well respected and your counsel is often sought. More logic training will make you a better strategist and charisma will improve your speeches. Work on these if you want to move on to Commander.
17 Military08: Button Label: Commander (male)
18 Military08: Popup: Description: Commander

Notes: This is the eighth job of the Military career track. This is a desk job with no risk of being hit by bullets and no need to crawl under barbed wire. If you do well you may become an astronaut. Needed for Promotion: (Mechanical), (Body), Logic, Friends

Your great leadership accomplishments have brought you to the post of Commander. No more dodging bullets and crawling under barbed wire. But don't get all soft and flabby because it's been whispered that you're being considered as a potential candidate for astronaut. You'll have to show exceptional mechanical and body skills to get that honor.
19 Military09: Button Label: Astronaut (male)
20 Military09: Popup: Description: Astronaut

Notes: This is the ninth job of the Military career track. A military lifer is someone who chooses to make the military his lifelong career. Needed for Promotion: Mechanical, Charisma, Body, Logic, Friends

One of the highest achievements for a military lifer like yourself. Fame and fortune climb with each mission into space, and you're in the best physical shape of your life. Keep working on your skills if you want to become one of the most influential people in the country.
21 Military10: Button Label: General (male)
22 Military10: Popup: Description: General

Notes: This is the top job of the Military career track. The "top brass" refers to the highest levels of military leadership. Many high ranking officials have had their memoirs published.

Your logistical genius has earned you the rank of general, the top of the top brass. Your day is filled with government officials requesting your wise counsel and a book deal for your memoirs is looking good. Is your home life as successful as your professional life?

Politician career

Ts1 politician icon.png 7 - Politics strings
ID Developer Note Original USEnglish String
3 Politics01: Button Label: Campaign Worker (male)
Campaign Worker
4 Politics01: Popup: Description: Campaign Worker

Notes: This is the first job of the Politics career track. There's little pay but you begin to learn the work (get your feet wet)of politics. This job requires the management community level politics where citizens are called on the telephone and workers go to neighborhoods to talk directly to the people. Needed for Promotion: None

The salary is minuscule, but you get your feet wet in the political puddle by helping a favorite local candidate into office. The job requires long hours managing telephone teams and volunteer groups canvassing neighborhoods for votes.
5 Politics02: Button Label: Intern (male)
6 Politics02: Popup: Description: Intern

Notes: This is the second job of the Politics career track. This job involves working in the city government offices. The Controller is a mid-level employee in the accounting department. Needed for Promotion: (Charisma)

Start out running errands for the Sim City Controller and try to work your way up to getting lunch for the mayor. Low pay, long hours. You'll need lots of charisma to advance in politics.
7 Politics03: Button Label: Lobbyist (male)
8 Politics03: Popup: Description: Lobbyist

Notes: This is the third job of the Politics career track. This is a position where you need to influence the votes of politicians so having many friends is an advantage. Needed for Promotion: Logic, (Friends)

A special-interest group to influence local politicians hires you. Heavy social skills and lots of friends are needed to advance in this career--you must win friends and influence people. Charisma skill is essential to progress in a political career.
9 Politics04: Button Label: Campaign Manager (male)
Campaign Manager
10 Politics04: Popup: Description: Campaign Manager

Notes: This is the fourth job of the Politics career track. A campaign manager works for a politician managing all aspects of his political campaign. Domestic tranquility refers to harmony at home between the family members. Cultivating your "image" refers to the need to present a good facade to people so that they can respect you as a person in case you want to run for political office. Spin control involves persuading people to look on a situation favorably even when they should react unfavorably. Needed for Promotion: (Charisma), Body, (Friends)

Salary jumps, but overtime work increases. You must still maintain neighborhood relationships and domestic tranquility. You need to cultivate your "image". Practice charisma and develop that all-important spin control. Without it, your political career is sunk. But friends in the right places can sometimes be very useful.
11 Politics05: Button Label: City Council Member (male)
City Council Member
12 Politics05: Popup: Description: City Council Member

Notes: This is the fifth job of the Politics career track. This is an elected position and you're now in a powerful position. Needed for Promotion: (Charisma), Body, (Creativity), Friends

Your first elected post, finally admitted to Sim City's inner power circle. A well-paid job to be sure. The more persuasive and creative you are in pushing your own agenda through the council, the faster you will advance in the political machine.
13 Politics06: Button Label: State Assemblyperson (male)
State Assemblyman
14 Politics06: Popup: Description: State Assemblyperson

Notes: This is the sixth job of the Politics career track. You have been elected to represent SimCity in the state. Your job is to promote the interests and concerns in the State assembly. Needed for Promotion: Body, Logic, (Creativity), Friends

The voters trust you enough to represent their fair city in the State Assembly. Fortunately, Sim City is the state capital, so you'll be close to home. A lot of creative thought will be needed in meeting with state officials to be sure Sim City's local interests are protected and promoted.
15 Politics07: Button Label: Congressperson (male)
16 Politics07: Popup: Description: Congressperson

Notes: This is the seventh job of the Politics career track. This is a higher elected position where you need to stay connected with the district that elected you. Needed for Promotion: Charisma, Body, Logic, Creativity, (Friends)

The people have spoken once again, and elected you to Congress. You'll spend your time covering your district from your local office. Networking with neighbors and making new friends to keep political support must be balanced with maintaining a contented house and family.
17 Politics08: Button Label: Judge (male)
18 Politics08: Popup: Description: Judge

Notes: This is the eighth job of the Politics career track. You are a good judge of human character and you understand arcane legal language. Watch your mood indicators means that the player must make a lot of effort to send the character to work in a good mood. "When the gavel comes down" refers to the gavel which marks the beginning of a court trial. Needed for Promotion: Charisma, Body, (Logic), Creativity, (Friends)

You win a position on the Sim City Central Court. Your peerless logical skill at reading human nature and deconstructing legal arguments will prompt your success and continuing rise in status. Cultivate friends in your spare hours. Watch mood indicators and keep alert--you're supposed to be clear-headed and impartial when the gavel comes down.
19 Politics09: Button Label: Senator (male)
20 Politics09: Popup: Description: Senator

Notes: This is the ninth job of the Politics career track. You're active in the political life when you introduce bills and when you participate in subcommitees. Needed for Promotion: (Charisma), Logic, Creativity, (Friends)

You're authoring bills and chairing important subcommittees. You appear regularly on political talk shows and your influence is being felt around the Capitol. With a little more speaking experience and a few more friends, you may attain the most coveted Sim position: Mayor of SimCity!
21 Politics10: Button Label: Mayor (male)
22 Politics10: Popup: Description: Mayor

Notes: This is the top job of the Politics career track. Lots of money and associated political game playing. It's important to tie SimCity into the description.

As Mayor of Sim City, you're entitled to big bucks--you can finally afford that "house on the hill" where the town's elite citizens cluster. You are a master at the political game and it's obvious you enjoy the fame as well as the excitement of shaking up the entrenched bureaucrats. It's great to be powerful, isn't it?

Pro Athlete career

Ts1 proathlete icon.png 8 - Pro Athlete strings
ID Developer Note Original USEnglish String
3 Athlete01: Button Label: Team Mascot (male)
Team Mascot
4 Athlete01: Popup: Description: Team Mascot

Notes: This is the lowest rank in the Pro Athlete career track. The Team Mascot is a "grunt" job which means that it is quite physical (the worker grunts while doing their work). The work entails putting on cartoon animal suit and running around the play field during half time. The team mascot sees the game "from up close" because he is there with the players, serving them water and snacks, during the game. Needed for Promotion: None

A young athlete has to start somewhere--even if it's sweating inside a cartoon animal suit. A very physical grunt job with lousy pay--but at least you can watch the game from up close. Besides water, the coach also expects you to prepare the players' snacks...a lot of snacks.
5 Athlete02: Button Label: Minor Leaguer (male)
Minor Leaguer
6 Athlete02: Popup: Description: Minor Leaguer

Notes: This is the second job in the Pro Athlete career. A minor leaguer plays in regional games that are probably not televised. "A scout" is someone whose job it is to travel around the country to high schools and to identify players that have the highest potential. A "pickup game" is one that is not organized by any team, rather it is an impromptu game played by whoever shows up at players' mutually agreed upon time and place. Needed for Promotion: (Body)

A scout spotted you in a local pickup game and figured you had talent. Welcome to the "Llamas," Sim City's minor league team. Your starting pay isn't much, and you'll have a lot of training time to deal with. Develop your body skill so you can rise through the ranks.
7 Athlete03: Button Label: Rookie (male)
8 Athlete03: Popup: Description: Rookie

Notes: This is the third job of the Pro Athlete career track. This is the first step in the Pros, the professional world of athletes. Needed for Promotion: (Body), Friends

Advancing into the pros, you start out with the league minimum salary, which is the highest starting pay in the neighborhood. Keep working on your body and just hope an injury doesn't slow your advancement.
9 Athlete04: Button Label: Starter (male)
10 Athlete04: Popup: Description: Starter

Notes: This is the fourth job of the Pro Athlete career track. Getting off the bench means that the player is finally playing rather than sitting (waiting to be switched in, in case needed) during the games. The starting line up is the top athletes of the team that are chosen to begin the game. Keeping your body in "prime" shape implies the best shape. Needed for Promotion: Mechanical, (Charisma), (Body), Friends

You've made it off the bench and into the starting line up. Some money's coming in, but long practices take their toll on your mood. It's essential to get your rest and keep your body in prime shape--this is your livelihood. And since you're going to be interviewed more now, work on that charisma skill so you can get noticed.
11 Athlete05: Button Label: All-Star (male)
12 Athlete05: Popup: Description: All Star

Notes: This is the fifth job of the Pro Athlete career track. Being a household name implies a general familiarity with you by most people in the country due to your outstanding talent. MVP means Most Valuable Player. Needed for Promotion: Mechanical, (Charisma), (Body), Friends

You've become a household name in Sim City. You need to be comfortable speaking in front of a camera, not just playing in front of one. Improve your charisma and body and you'll be voted MVP in no time.
13 Athlete06: Button Label: MVP (male)
14 Athlete06: Popup: Description: MVP

Notes: This is the sixth job of the Pro Athlete career track. The mid-point of an athletic career comes early because it is based on physical factors that peak in the 20's and 30's and then decline with age. A positive "image" is the public persona which directly affects fans' loyalties. Needed for Promotion: Cooking, Charisma, Body, (Friends)

You're heading through the mid-point of your career. There is a special need to work on relationship skills here and present a positive image. If the fans love you, that fills the stadium--and that fills your pay envelope. Meanwhile, family and mate (and even your house) might need attention too.
15 Athlete07: Button Label: Superstar (male)
16 Athlete07: Popup: Description: Super Star

Notes: This is the seventh job of the Pro Athlete career track. Major income means very significant income. Super Star is at the peak of an athletic career where the heavy physical work begins showing up in the athlete's body. There is some question how long they can stay "The Best" (Number One). Well-oiled machine means that the body works almost mechnanically (perfectly, precisely). Needed for Promotion: Cooking, Charisma, Body, Friends

Major income, you've got those commercial endorsements, and you're at the top of your game. Your body works like a well-oiled machine but it's taking longer to recover from your injuries. How long can you remain "Number One?" It's probably a good time to start thinking about future opportunities, you may be retiring much sooner than you think.
17 Athlete08: Button Label: Assistant Coach (male)
Assistant Coach
18 Athlete08: Popup: Description: Assistant Coach

Notes: This is the eighth job of the Pro Athlete career track. The athlete has become an assistant coach and retired from playing at an early age when other people are continuing to rise in their careers. You can stay with the team you love by coaching them. Nextworking with friends means interacting with them. Text refers to a "play-book" which is something specific to football. The playbook contains many specific formations of players and strategies for passing the ball. This may not be a translatable idea so it can be dropped. Needed for Promotion: Cooking, Charisma, Body, (Creativity), (Friends)

You're retired from playing: a change both dreaded and welcome. But there's an opportunity to stay with the team you love--although this time you'll be carrying a play-book. Make sure you're still networking with friends because your relationships and creativity are going to get you further than your body skill can.
19 Athlete09: Button Label: Coach (male)
20 Athlete09: Popup: Description: Coach

Notes: This is the ninth job of the Pro Athlete career track. A full coach is more prestigious than assistant coach. Needed for Promotion: Cooking, Charisma, Creativity, (Friends)

More prestige and a nicer paycheck, but longer work hours dealing with the media, game films, and the team's personal appearances. Thank goodness for those friends. They can help your career when you least expect it.
21 Athlete10: Button Label: Hall of Famer (male)
Hall of Famer
22 Athlete10: Popup: Description: Hall of Famer

Notes: This is the tenth and last job of the Pro Athlete career track. The Hall of Fame is a place where the greatest athletes are commemorated by picture and achievement listings. This is the highest honor for an athlete. You are a legend and the people honor you with a parade. A "goodwill ambassador" is someone who has a symbolic rather than official role. They show up to ribbon cutting ceremonies and shake hands.

You are now a "living legend." The residents of SimCity shower you with a ticker tape parade, and your number is retired. The team gives you an office and salary as their "goodwill ambassador." This is as good as it gets!

Scientist career

Ts1 scientist icon.png 9 - Science strings
ID Developer Note Original USEnglish String
3 Science01: Button Label: Test Subject (male)
Test Subject
4 Science01: Popup: Description: Test Subject

Notes: This is the first job of the Science career track. This entry level job requires you to be a "human guinea pig" which is another way of saying "a test subject" in various experiments. you can meet people but the rigors of being in a wind tunnel (another silly example could be substituted) make it difficult to give a good impression. Needed for Promotion: None

While earning a science degree, you're picking up a mediocre salary as a "human guinea pig" at a local kinetics lab. It's a way to introduce yourself to the scientific community, but it's tough to be charming after several hours in a wind tunnel.
5 Science02: Button Label: Lab Assistant (male)
Lab Assistant
6 Science02: Popup: Description: Lab Assistant

Notes: This is the second job of the Science career track. You are working in the lab as an assistant so your tasks include all the least desirable ones in the lab. And you work during the night. Needed for Promotion: (Logic)

Cleaning rat cages, fixing delicate lab equipment for minimum wage--how's your mood today? A lot of logic-skill-building time is needed at home to advance. And guess what? You're on the graveyard shift. Work all night, sleep all day.
7 Science03: Button Label: Field Researcher (male)
Field Researcher
8 Science03: Popup: Description: Field Researcher

Notes: This is the third job of the Science career track. Field research requires you to travel to distant places for more pay. You have to maintain logic and body skills to progress. Needed for Promotion: (Charisma), (Logic), Friends

This job takes you into the field, working on far-flung projects. However, your pay increases. Develop your charisma and logic and maybe you can actually teach about this stuff in the classroom, instead of doing it in remote, inhospitable places.
9 Science04: Button Label: Science Teacher (male)
Science Teacher
10 Science04: Popup: Description: Science Teacher

Notes: This is the fourth job of the Science career track. You've become a science teacher in high school and the students are very unruly and savage. Needed for Promotion: Charisma, (Logic), (Creativity), Friends

No amount of field research could have prepared you for the naked savagery of teaching a high-school science class. (At least it's a job with regular hours.) A creative approach with the kids can sometimes yield positive results, and more logic skill might aid you in getting a different job.
11 Science05: Button Label: Project Leader (male)
Project Leader
12 Science05: Popup: Description: Project Leader

Notes: This is the fifth job of the Science career track. This job requires management skills and good skill building in various areas. Needed for Promotion: (Mechanical), (Creativity), Friends

It is up to you to manage a team of researchers in the quest for an important scientific breakthrough. Creative inspiration is absolutely necessary and mechanical know-how doesn't hurt either. If you really shine here, you may be on your way to becoming an inventor.
13 Science06: Button Label: Inventor (male)
14 Science06: Popup: Description: Inventor

Notes: This is the sixth job of the Science career track. hours are long, pay is greater. The auto-recycling newspaper is a joke referring to the fact that each day the newspaper must be recycled. Needed for Promotion: Mechanical, Logic, Creativity, Friends

Income has climbed, but to succeed as an inventor you'll need to put in long hard hours at the lab. Maintaining your home relationships may be harder now--there will be little time for socializing as you create the auto-recycling newspaper.
15 Science07: Button Label: Scholar (male)
16 Science07: Popup: Description: Scholar

Notes: This is the seventh job of the Science career track. You're the head of the science department at Sim University. Your creative efforts are needed to energize and inspire a new curriculum. Needed for Promotion: Cooking, Mechanical, (Charisma), (Logic), Friends

You have been named Chairman of the Science Department at Sim University. The regents are depending on your leadership and logical thinking to invigorate the school's science curriculum. This is a high-paying, well-respected position with good hours and more time at home, but it takes a well-rounded skill set to guarantee success and promotion.
17 Science08: Button Label: Top Secret Researcher (male)
Top Secret Researcher
18 Science08: Popup: Description: Top Secret Researcher

Notes: This is the eighth job of the Science career track. You're working on a top-secret project. Good money but maybe night work. Keep Sim's mood high so that he doesn't leak information. Needed for Promotion: Mechanical, Logic, (Creativity), Friends

Your expertise with auto-recycling has led to a position on a highly classified, very demanding government project. The money is excellent, but you may be called to the lab at anytime. Special care should be taken to stay happy and rested--a tired, cranky scientist might pose a security risk. If exceptional creativity is demonstrated, a promotion to theorist may be in the cards.
19 Science09: Button Label: Theorist (male)
20 Science09: Popup: Description: Theorist

Notes: This is the ninth job of the Science career track. Due to your successful invention, you're now promoted to working at the theoretical level. But you must work hard on your theory because that is the way to receive a promotion. Needed for Promotion: Cooking, Mechanical, Charisma, Logic, Creativity, Friends

The accolades from your research have earned you the highly paid position of theorist. You enjoy a higher salary-to-work-hours ratio than the one you had as an inventor. You must work hard to keep a high state of happiness and health. And only a successful theory can lead to the status and rewards you seek.
21 Science10: Button Label: Mad Scientist (male)
Mad Scientist
22 Science10: Popup: Description: Simbel Prize Winner

Notes: This is the top job of the Science career track. Mad scientist is a crazy or sinister inventor - like Dr. Frankenstein. The reference to the cellar means that you will be conducting crazy experiments in the basement of the house.

With lecture fees and book advances, you're able to purchase the big house on the hill. The big question is, what experiments you will you be conducting in it's big cellar?

X-Treme career

Ts1 xtreme icon.png 10 - X-Treme Career strings
ID Developer Note Original USEnglish String
3 Xtreme01: Button Label: Daredevil (male)
4 Xtreme01: Popup: Description: Daredevil

Notes: This is the first job of the Xtreme career track. A daredevil is someone who does risky things. Translator may substitute other wildly risky things for items in the list. Needed for Promotion: None

You've turned a bar bet into the foundation of an extreme career. In short, you'll try anything--the crazier the better. Swim under the surface of a frozen lake, leap between rooftops with a bicycle, beat a train to a crossing, juggle a chainsaw while whistling "Dixie". Your work day is short, but intense.
5 Xtreme02: Button Label: Bungee Jump Instructor (male)
Bungee Jump Instructor
6 Xtreme02: Popup: Description: Bungee Jump Instructor

Notes: This is the second job of the Xtreme career track. Bungee jumping doesn't pay well but it is thrilling. The sim has to be in good shape and well rested. Needed for Promotion: (Body), Friends

The salary stinks--but who ever thought you'd get paid to do this? Body skills are critical here; nutrition and fatigue must be carefully monitored at home. You might invest in home gym equipment as well, to keep in the best shape possible.
7 Xtreme03: Button Label: Whitewater Guide (male)
Whitewater Guide
8 Xtreme03: Popup: Description: Whitewater Guide

Notes: This is the third job of the Xtreme career track. A whitewater guide takes people down rivers with rapids (whitewater) in large rubber boats. Needed for Promotion: (Mechanical), (Body), Friends

You're in charge of the rafts bobbing down the river in Sim Canyon. Hope your body skills are sufficient--to advance here, your paying riders need to have confidence in your strength. Never know when you might have some boat repairs to do, so mechanical aptitude is a plus.
9 Xtreme04: Button Label: Xtreme Circuit Pro (male)
Xtreme Circuit Pro
10 Xtreme04: Popup: Description: Xtreme Circuit Pro

Notes: This is the fourth job of the Xtreme career track. This is a full time sports career. Needed for Promotion: (Cooking), Mechanical, (Logic), Friends

Snowboards in winter, mountain bikes in spring, kayaks in summer, and skateboards in fall--you have entered the year-round pro circuit. Strategies for winning can be helped by developing your logic skill. Since you're burning mega-calories, learning a few cooking tricks is a good idea too.
11 Xtreme05: Button Label: Bush Pilot (male)
Bush Pilot
12 Xtreme05: Popup: Description: Bush Pilot

Notes: This is the fifth job of the Xtreme career track. A bush pilot flies small planes in areas that many other pilots do not go because conditions can be dangerous and remote. Needed for Promotion: (Mechanical), (Body), Friends Needed for Promotion: (Cooking), Mechanical, (Logic), Friends

Piloting that antique plane of yours demands some serious mechanical skills if you're going to safely dive through dense cloud cover and land on dangerous terrain. And you'd better be in great physical condition in case you can't get out the same way you got in. Of course, the danger does yield high pay.
13 Xtreme06: Button Label: Mountain Climber (male)
Mountain Climber
14 Xtreme06: Popup: Description: Mountain Climber

Notes: This is the sixth job of the Xtreme career track. As a mountain climber you climb previously unclimbed peaks and you make money from filming your expeditions for TV. Needed for Promotion: (Mechanical), Charisma, (Creativity), Friends

You've become a renowned climber of unscaled peaks, and there's lots of cash to be made by filming your expeditions for television. Mechanical and creativity skills will be important--a failure in your ascent gear or strategy could be devastating.
15 Xtreme07: Button Label: Photojournalist (male)
16 Xtreme07: Popup: Description: Photojournalist

Notes: This is the seventh job of the Xtreme career track. The photojournalist takes photos and writes articles. Needed for Promotion: Mechanical, (Charisma), Body, Logic, (Creativity), Friends

Creative skills will help you here. Work time is divided between taking photos and writing articles at the Sim Times newspaper office. You need to make sure you allow enough time to write without social distractions, in order to meet deadlines and collect a nice fat fee. Maybe you should practice charisma. Who knows when you may be called upon to narrate your photos?
17 Xtreme08: Button Label: Treasure Hunter (male)
Treasure Hunter
18 Xtreme08: Popup: Description: Treasure Hunter

Notes: This is the eighth job of the Xtreme career track. As Treasure hunter you are examining wrecks off the coast. Difficult physically so build body skill. Needed for Promotion: Charisma, Logic, (Creativity), (Friends)

You've moved on to salvaging wrecks off the Sim City coastline. You need friends in the right places to secure all those permits. Hone that creative talent to get an edge in the search.
19 Xtreme09: Button Label: Grand Prix Driver
Grand Prix Driver
20 Xtreme09: Popup: Description: Grand Prix Driver

Notes: This is the ninth job of the Xtreme career track. You drive race cars and "lay rubber on racetracks" refers to the rubber tread marks left on the road when cars accelerate quickly or stop suddenly. Needed for Promotion: Cooking, Charisma, Body, Logic, Creativity, Friends

Your latest job involves laying rubber on Sim City's racetracks. It is important that you leave home in a good mood, with high spirits--you'll drive your best race that way. Playing an Electronic Arts racing game on your home computer might sharpen your reflexes too.
21 Xtreme10: Button Label: International Spy (male)
International Spy
22 Xtreme10: Popup: Description: International Spy

Notes: This is the top job of the Xtreme career track. You're a spy in Simcity. You're attractive to the opposite sex--beware jealousy problems.

You've become a "secret agent" on assignment for your government in Sim City. To survive in this highly lucrative business, you must keep yourself in top mental and physical condition. Spies are also quite irresistible--which can cause a lot of problems with your mate.


Ts1 schooling icon.png 4097 - Grade Strings
ID Developer Note Original USEnglish String
0 Performance: SchoolXX

Notes: This is a measure of performance at school. Range is from A+ for best to F for worst. There are 16 levels

F (danger of military school)
15 Performance: School16

Notes: This is a measure of performance at school. Range is from A+ for best to F for worst. School performance is so bad that child is being sent away to military school. There are 16 levels

F (off to military school)

Job Performance

ID Developer Note Original USEnglish String
4096 - performance strings
0 Performance: JobXX

Notes: This is a measure of the job performance of a character. There are 5 levels


Carpool Strings (CarPortal.iff)

ID Developer Note Original USEnglish String
129 - Portal - Car tree table (Interaction queue)
1Sim Action: Work: Queue

Notes: Appears over adult's face in queue and also the carpool icon when they are going to the carpool.

At Work
1Sim Action: School: Queue:

Notes: Appears over children's face in queue and also the schoolbus icon when they are going to the schoolbus.

At School
STR#301 - Dialog prim string set
0 Carpool: Arrive01: Dialog: Title

Notes: Two hours before the Sim is to be at work this pop-up appears to warn you to be ready.

Car Pool
1 Carpool: Arrive02: Dialog: Title

Notes: Two hours before the Sim is to be at work this pop-up appears to warn you to be ready. $Object is a variable - do not translate.

The car pool for $Object will arrive in about an hour.
2 Job: Dialog: Text

Notes: After coming home from work and receiving a promotion this message will appear.

You have been promoted! (to $Job:4:5)


You now work from $TimeLocal:2 to $TimeLocal:3 starting immediately. You brought home $$Local:0 today and got a bonus of $$Local:8!
3 Job: Promotion: Dialog: Title

Notes: this needs no translation

4 Job: Home: Dialog: Text

Notes: This is the message you get when the Sim comes home from work. $Local:0 is a variable - do not translate.

Welcome home! You brought home $$Local:0 today.
5 Job: Home: Dialog: Text

Notes: The player will get this message coming home from work. After going to work in too bad of a mood the Sim will get demoted it is usually after a warning. All of the $(strings) are variables - do not translate

You have been demoted to $Job:4:5.
You now work from $TimeLocal:2 to $TimeLocal:3. You brought home $$Local:0 today.
7 Study: Reward: School: Dialog: Text

Notes: If a Child Sim achieves A+ grade level from going to school then they receive this message.

I got $$Local:1 from Grandpa for good grades!
8 School: Military01: Dialog: Text

Notes: This is warning that if grades do not improve, Sim will be sent away to Military school. Missing school and getting an F grade for a few days will trigger this message.

Your poor grades are putting you in the express line for military school. If your grades do not improve quickly you may be saluting your superiors in very short order.
9 School: Military02: Dialog: Text

Notes: After getting the warning message, if another day passes, and the child misses the school bus this message will appear and the child will leave the household and be sent away to military school.

You blew it big time! No more second chances for you. Military school is your next stop. We won't be seeing your face around here again, that's for sure.
10 Schoolbus: Arrival: Dialog01: Title

Notes: Two hours before Sim is to be in school this popup will appear.

School Bus
11 Schoolbus: Arrival: Dialog02: Text

Notes: Two hours before Sim is to be in school this popup will appear.

A School Bus will arrive in about an hour.
12 Career: Chance Card: Business01

Notes: Appears randomly for the job Executive Assistant-Business Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a positive chance card (the results are positive). Mention that reward is received for delivery of a critical package. Gain $1000.

The Boss missed the deadline for a critical overnight delivery. You volunteered to carry the parcel to the airport. For outstanding initiative the boss rewarded you with a $1000 bonus.
13 Career: Chance Card: Entertaiment01

Notes: Appears randomly for the job Stunt Double-Entertainment Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a negative chance card (the results are negative). Mention getting injured filming a scene for a movie. Lose 2 Body points.

Ouch! You missed the airbag filming a scene where you jump from a burning building. The injuries cost you 2 Body points.
14 Career: Chance Card: Law Enforcement01

Notes: Appears randomly for Patrol Officer-Law Enforcement Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a positive and negative chance card (the results are positive and negative). Mention getting injured in the line of duty. Lose 2 Body points. Gain 1 Charisma point.

You've been injured in a shootout. You lose 2 Body points, but you gain 1 in Charisma.
16 Career: Chance Card: Life of Crime02

Notes: Appears randomly for Getaway Driver-Life of Crime Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a negative chance card (the results are negative). Mention crashing car and paying for repairs. Lose $2000.

Nice one, Ace! You smashed your ride into an ice cream truck. Repairs and melted vanilla cost you $2000.
17 Career: Chance Card: Medicine02

Notes: Appears randomly for the job Resident-Medicine Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a positive chance card (the results are positive). Mention advising for a TV series about doctors. Gain $2000

Hollywood calls--a Producer signs you on as a medical advisor to a big network series "SimCity General." You receive a $2000 retainer for your services.
18 Career: Chance Card: Politics03

Notes: Appears randomly for Judge-Politics Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a positive chance card (the results are positive). Mention convicting notorious criminal. Gain $5000

With wisdom and panache, you preside over the conviction of SimCity's most notorious gangster, winning accolades across SimNation. You receive a book deal and collect a $5000 advance.
19 Career: Chance Card: Pro-Athlete03

Notes: Appears randomly for the job Superstar-Pro-Athlete Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a positive chance card (the results are positive). Mention signing to play for another team. Gain Charisma and $4000

Congratulations! You've accepted an offer to play for the Metropolis Pigeons. Your Charisma goes up and you receive a $4000 bonus.
20 Career: Chance Card: Science02

Notes: Appears randomly for Inventor-Science Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a positive chance card (the results are positive). Mention selling latest invention. Gain Mechanical points and $5000.

Your latest invention is a huge success! You receive a $5000 bonus for selling the patent, and your Mechanical skill increases.
21 Career: Chance Card: X-Treme02

Notes: Appears randomly for Mountain Climber-X-Treme Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a negative chance card (the results are negative). Mention an unexpected fall. Lose 2 Body

You forgot to attach your safety line. An unexpected fall has cost you 2 Body points.
22 Career: Chance Card: Business03

Notes: Appears randomly for the job President-Business Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a positive chance card (the results are positive). Mention good management results in higher profits. Gain $5000.

Profits are up for the quarter thanks to your keen management. The Board of Directors votes to reward you with a $5000 bonus.
23 Career: Chance Card: Entertainment02

Notes: Appears randomly for the job Supporting Actor-Entertainment Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a positive chance card (the results are positive). Mention signing a big contract. Gain 2 Charisma

A major talent agency noticed your work in "Bride of the Thing that Came from PlanetX," and signed you to a contract. The notoriety gains you 2 Charisma points!
24 Career: Chance Card: Law Enforcement02

Notes: Appears randomly for the job SWAT Team Leader-Law Enforcement Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a positive chance card (the results are positive). Mention for rescuing children from terrorists a magazine pays for story. Gain $4000

Your team rescues a school bus full of kids from the hands of urban terrorists. A national magazine pays you $4000 for an exclusive interview.
25 Career: Chance Card: Law Enforcement03

Notes: Appears randomly for Super Hero-Law Enforcement Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a positive chance card (the results are positive). Mention being featured in new comic book series. Gain Charisma and $5000

A comic book publisher has decided to feature you in their new comic series. Your agent negotiates a $5000 retainer and your Charisma skyrockets. 
26 Career: Chance Card: Life of Crime03

Notes: Appears randomly for the job Cat Burglar-Life of Crime Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a positive chance card (the results are positive). Mention stealing jewels. Gain $6000.

The fabulous "Jewels of the Czars" are on display at the Sim City Museum--or, were on display. The stones are now en-route to a Cairo gem cutter - with a $6000 profit for you.
27 Career: Chance Card: Medicine03

Notes: Appears randomly for the job Medical Researcher-Medicine Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a positive chance card (the results are positive). Mention creating a vaccine. Gain Charisma points. and $8000.

You create a vaccine for llama pocks! Reap $8000 in profit for the patent rights, and enjoy a rise in Charisma.
28 Career: Chance Card: Military02

Notes: Appears randomly for the job Junior Officer-Military Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a positive chance card (the results are positive). Mention leadership resulted in success during war games. HQ means Head Quarters. Gain Creativity and Charisma.

Under your leadership your squad night-drops behind enemy lines and captures the enemy HQ to win your division's war games. You enjoy a rise in Creativity and Charisma.
29 Career: Chance Card: Politics01

Notes: Appears randomly for the job Intern-Politics Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a positive chance card (the results are positive). Mention scandalous involvement with a prominent official leads to press coverage. Gain 2 Charisma.

Your involvement with a prominent elected official is discovered and scandal erupts. Appearances on the talk-show circuit increase your Charisma by 2.
30 Career: Chance Card: Pro-Athlete01

Notes: Appears randomly for the job Rookie-Pro-Athlete Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a positive chance card (the results are positive). Mention winning league award. Gain Charisma points and $3000.

Congratulations! You've been voted "Rookie of the Year!" You receive a hike in Charisma and a generous $3000 payment for commercial endorsements.
31 Career: Chance Card: Pro-Athlete02

Notes: Appears randomly for the job AllStar-Pro-Athlete Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a negative chance card (the results are negative). Going long means to run really far to make a catch. Mention getting injured while playing. Lose 2 Body.

You had to go really long to win today's game. You made the catch but you suffered a back injury in the process losing you 2 Body points.
32 Career: Chance Card: Science01A

Notes: Appears randomly for Field Researcher-Science Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a positive chance card (the results are positive). Mention finding the remains of a UFO and receiving $1,000,000 from a newspaper. This message is a joke, see the next dialog.

You discover what appears to be the remains of an extraterrestrial craft. A major newspaper sends you a check for $1,000,000 for the evidence.
33 Career: Chance Card: Science01B

Notes: Appears after receiving the extraterrestrial craft remains message for the job of Field Researcher-Science Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a negative chance card (the results are negative). Mention that the remains found are fake and the $1,000,000 payment is canceled.

Sorry, it turned out to be a clever hoax. The newspaper canceled the check. 
34 Career: Chance Card: X-Treme01

Notes: Appears randomly for Whitewater Guide-X-Treme Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a positive chance card (the results are positive). Mention steering a raft through a flash flood. Gain 2 Charisma points and $2000. Gain $2000

Flash flood! You masterfully steer your party, which includes some of SimCity's most wealthy citizens, to safety. You receive a $2000 bonus and 2 Charisma points.
35 Career: Chance Card: X-Treme03

Notes: Appears randomly for GrandPrix Driver-X-Treme Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a negative chance card (the results are negative). Mention crashing in big race. Lose 2 Body points

After leading most of the way in the SimCity GrandPrix, you crashed on turn 4. Your car is totaled and so are you! You lose 2 Body points.
36 Career: Chance Card: Business02

Notes: Appears randomly for the job Junior Executive-Business Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a negative chance card (the results are negative). Mention embarrassing moment in front of colleagues. Lose 1 Charisma point.

How embarrassing! A little too much eggnog at the office holiday party, and you're doing barnyard animal impressions in your underwear. You lose 1 Charisma point.
37 Career: Chance Card: Entertainment03

Notes: Appears randomly for Superstar-Entertainment Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a negative chance card (the results are negative). Mention scandal causes psychological problems. Lose skills.

A secret from your past has surfaced in the tabloids, resulting in a nasty scandal. The resulting nervous breakdown causes skill levels to abruptly drop.
38 Career: Chance Card: Life of Crime01

Notes: Appears randomly for Bookie-Life of Crime Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a positive chance card (the results are positive). Mention that nobody that placed bets one. Gain $2000

It's your lucky day! Nobody won. Rake in $2000.
39 Career: Chance Card: Medicine01

Notes: Appears randomly for the job Nurse-Medicine Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a positive/negative chance card (the results are both positive and negative). Mention getting caught in a scandal. Gain 1 Charisma point, but pay fine of $500. Lose $500.

You took your "bedside manner" too far, and got caught in a hospital scandal. Your Charisma goes up - but you've been fined $500.
40 Career: Chance Card: Military01

Notes: Appears randomly for the job Elite Forces-Military Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a negative chance card (the results are negative). Mention exhausting maneuvers. Lose 1 Body point.

A grueling week of maneuvers finally takes its toll on you and your body. Lose 1 Body point.
41 Career: Chance Card: Politics02

Notes: Appears randomly for the job Campaign Manager-Politics Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a negative chance card (the results are negative). Mention unsuccessful politic campaign. Lose 1 Body point.

Even though it was a tight race, your candidate lost the election. You lose 1 Charisma point.
42 Career: Chance Card: Science03

Notes: Appears randomly for the job Top Secret Researcher-Science Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a negative chance card (the results are negative). Mention security breach and stolen secrets, and having to pay legal fees to clear name. Lose $4000

A spy has breached security and stolen your secret llama formula. A trial clears your name--but not before your spend $4000 in legal fees.
43 Job: Dialog: Title

Notes: Variable -Do not translate

job $Local:9
job $Local:3
job $Local:4
46 Career: Chance Card: Business04

Notes: Appears randomly for the job Tycoon-Business Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a job switch chance card. The Sim will be switched to a new career track. Mention being tired of working so hard and wanting to use skills developed while playing golf. Switch to AllStar-ProAthlete Career track.

You've become totally burnt out on the fast track. A flash of inspiration leads you to leave the world of business and pursue a new career in sports. All those days on the golf course will finally pay off. The local team offers you a position as an All-Star on their team and you accept.
47 Career: Chance Card: Entertainment04

Notes: Appears randomly for Superstar-Entertainment Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a job switch chance card. The Sim will be switched to a new career track. Mention wanting to do more than just entertain and wanting to have an impact on society, running for Congress. Switch to Congress-Politics Career Track.

You've decided that just entertaining the masses isn't enough. It's time to have a real impact on society for a change. Your agent convinces you to leverage your "star power" and make a bid for Congress. You win the election by a landslide and begin a new career in politics.
48 Career: Chance Card: Law Enforcement04

Notes: Appears randomly for Captain Hero-Law Enforcement Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a job switch chance card. The Sim will be switched to a new career track. Mention turning Captain Hero into a television show. Switch to TV Star-Entertainment Career Track.

Your daring exploits have made you famous throughout the city. You have been offered the staring role in a new action-adventure TV series, "The Adventures of Captain Hero." Show business calls so you switch to a career in entertainment.
49 Career: Chance Card: Life of Crime04

Notes: Appears randomly for Criminal Mastermind-Life of Crime Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a job switch chance card. The Sim will be switched to a new career track. Mention wanting to have a legitimate business career rather than an illegal one. Switch to Executive-Business Career Track.

After minutes of serious soul-searching you finally decide to go straight. Your second cousin lands you a legitimate position at a major insurance company. The previous experience you've had with "collections" could be quite useful here. You are now a "real" businessman.
50 Career: Chance Card: Medicine04

Notes: Appears randomly for Chief of Staff-Medicine Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a job switch chance card. The Sim will be switched to a new career track. Mention being tired of daily grind and wanting something more challenging, resigning and using medical experience for a career in science. Switch to Inventor-Science Career Track.

The daily grind of hospital management is sucking the life out of you. After daydreaming of bold new challenges you finally decide to take action. You resign from your post and start a new career in science. Your previous medical experience allows you to start at the advanced position of Inventor.
51 Career: Chance Card: Military04

Notes: Appears randomly for the job General-Military Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a job switch chance card. The Sim will be switched to a new career track. Mention being forced into retirement unwillingly. Switch to SWAT Team Leader-Law Enforcement Career Track.

Military downsizing has forced you into an early retirement. You don't really enjoy fishing so you find a job in law enforcement as a SWAT Team Leader. Your in-depth knowledge of strategy and tactics should serve you well here.
52 Career: Chance Card: Politics04

Notes: Appears randomly for the job Mayor-Politics Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a job switch chance card. The Sim will be switched to a new career track. Mention resigning from office due to a scandal and that people skills will be useful as a doctor. Switch to Intern-Medicine Career Track.

A mysterious scandal forces you to resign from office. However, your well-developed people skills allow you to land a job as an intern at the local hospital. A new career in medicine awaits.
53 Career: Chance Card: Pro-Athlete04

Notes: Appears randomly for the job Hall of Famer-Pro-Athlete Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a job switch chance card. The Sim will be switched to a new career track after receiving this. Mention not wanting to retire into sports history and taking up a new challenge. Switch to Mountain Climber-X-Treme Career Track.

Rather than retire and fade away into sports history you decide to take up a new challenge. Mountain climbing should do the trick. You are now in the X-treme career.
54 Career: Chance Card: Science04

Notes: Appears randomly for Mad Scientist-Science Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a job switch chance card. The Sim will be switched to a new career track. Mention drinking a secret formula has serious side effects. Switch to Bank Robber-Crime Career Track.

The secret formula you developed (and drank) today at the lab had some unintended side effects. Along with a rather maniacal laugh you now have become a criminal.
55 Career: Chance Card: X-Treme04

Notes: Appears randomly for International Spy-X-Treme Career Track when the Sim arrives home from work. This is a job switch chance card. The Sim will be switched to a new career track. Mention needing an experienced counter-intelligence officer. Switch to Counter Intelligence Officer-Military Career Track.

Duty calls. The military is in dire need of a counter-intelligence officer of your caliber. Your transfer to the military will be effective immediately.
56 Job: Dialog: Title

Notes: Variable -Do not translate

STR#302 - MakeMenu prim string set (Interaction queue)
0 0New Schoolbus: Queue

Notes: Appears over schoolbus icon in queue when child is preparing to go to school.

Go to School
1 0New 1Sim Action: Queue

Notes: Appears over carpool icon in queue when Sim is preparing to go to work.

Go to Work
2 0New 1Sim Action: Queue

Notes: Appears over Sim icon in queue when Sim is at work.

At Work
4 0New 1Sim Action: Queue

Notes: Appears over Sim icon in queue when child Sim is at school.

At School