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The Sims (Windows)/Unused Behaviors/Object Features

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This is a sub-page of The Sims (Windows)/Unused Behaviors.

Noteworthy Cases

Listed as "noteworthy" due to their notable tangibility, albeit unused.

Icon Object Comment Context[footnote 1] Snapshot[footnote 2]
Ts1 sample toasteroven icon.png Brand Name Toaster Oven
  • Script: food::prepare food
  • Comment: Uses a global primitive to check the age of the active character, preventing children from cooking foods. In fact, the game is notorious for only allowing child Sims to grab snacks from fridges. Because of that, it's interesting that the game has a series of unused animations where a child Sim appears to be preparing "Quick Meals" using a toaster oven (reasonably so, as it's the only way a Sim can cook without needing to use kid-unfriendly props as knives), suggesting that the developers had originally intended child Sims to be way more independent than they are in the final build.
  • Adding more to this, Children Sims have randomized levels of Skill, where they are usually capable of doing Creative and Logic-based activities, where the cooking interaction may have utilized the "Cooking" skill, as to actively avoid any potential of fire accidents.
Am I a Child? only potato chips for me, then.
(See Unused Animations)
Ts1 sample car icon.png Vehicles
(Original research: RHY3756547)
(Snapshots: LUCPIX)
Though the vehicle objects have the primitives necessary for Sims to call the car-related animations, the tree deliberately skips them over in all instances.
(See Unused Animations)
Said animation, when called.
Ts1 sample icon toilet.png Toilets
  • Script: toilets::number2
  • Comment: There is a primitive in the code intended to make both adult and child Sims run a unique toilet using animation. But it is always skipped over in the routine, albeit loosely referenced. As a result, Sims only run the default sitting animation in all instances.If the user enables the unused animation by editing the tree, then the Sims always snap backwards by default, justified by being an early and unoptimized leftover.
Though the tree number2 has the primitive necessary for Sims to call the original toilet animation, the tree deliberately skips them over in all instances.
(See Unused Animations)
Said animation, when called by an adult Sim.
Ts1 sample trees icon.png Outdoor Trees
  • Script: (none)
  • Comment: There are unused tree-related animations that imply they were originally meant to play a bigger part in gameplay other than being a mere decorative object: Sims could hangout, pick fruits from, and even urinate at them. The feature to pick from apple trees would return in the Unleashed expansion pack.
  • There is an earlier dialog associated with the "Hunger" motive that mentions picking fruits from trees as a way of meeting Sims' wish for food. As the ugly duckling among language ID's, the Brazilian "Portuguese" string set, for some reason, carries through this idea while describing the Apple Tree:
String Translation
Macieiras são árvores bonitas e com um aroma delicioso. E já que elas quase não precisam de cuidados, por que não plantar algumas e colher os frutos depois? Apple trees are beautiful and have a delicious aroma. Since they take almost no work, why not plant a few and reap their fruits afterwards?
Design documents pertaining to development phases from ca. 1998 hint an old idea for coding apple trees to meet Sims' need for food[1].
(See Unused Animations)
Ts1 sample stereo icon.png Stereos
  • Scripts:stereos::repair/stereos::Break
  • Comment: Suggests that the stereo objects have been originally programmed to sometimes break, like the other electronic appliances in the game. There are even leftover sounds and animations associated with this scrapped interaction.
  • The unused repairing code works, and is notably simpler than the object repairing events in the final: The characters simply punch the device a few times, and it immediately returns to its normal condition.
  • The "Break" scripting tree has blank "play sound" ID's, as the sounds associated with them are missing.
  • Forcing the Sims' way to breaking the object leaves it visually identical to how it normally looks, as the final stereo objects do not have graphics associated with their "broken" status.
Repair: Old tree for breaking stereos.
Said interaction does not quite belong to any of the three used stereo objects.)
(See Unused Animations.)
Ts1 sample dresser.png Dressers
  • Script: dressers::Hands Palm
  • Comment: Have unused scripts with "Expression" primitives that tweak the "left" and "right hand gesture" flags and switch the characters' hands to different models (including the unused "fist" and "point"), probably for when they open their doors.
Hands Palm
(See Hand Gestures.)
Ts1 floweroutdoorsample.png Outdoor Flowers
  • Script: flowersoutdoor::Look at
  • Comment: Makes Sims walk towards the flowers and face them for a few seconds, without observed benefits in any of their motives. A conditional branch set up in the middle of the interaction would cause Sims to say a specific voice line (referenced in the "play sound" primitive as a blank ID, as the audio associated with it is missing) conditioned by their "Gardening" skills.
"If I'm good at Gardening, I will say an unknown vox line as I Look At my flowers outside."
Ts1 sample jacuzzi.png WhirlWizard Hot Tub
  • Script:hottub:relax sounds
  • Comment: Handles the sounds Sims make when they use the Jacuzzi with others. The developer note associated with this particular action says Sims were supposed to sometimes "laugh hard" and "compliment" when accompanied by Sims they liked. However, the "play sound" primitives that control the action happen to be of blank audio ID's, leaving the characters always silent.
Portion of relax sounds with missing audio strings.
Ts1 aquarium sample.png Poseidon's Adventure Aquarium
  • Script:aquarium1::Watch Fish
  • Comment: A portion of the code should make Sims call unique lines in case the fish are dead, or the tank is dirty (sigh from disgust). However, the "play sound" primitive associated with this event has blank ID's, meaning its respective audio is missing in the final game.
  • Script:aquarium1::talk to fish
  • Comment: Should make Sims of high "Playful" score say something to the fishes as they watch it, every now and then, or sigh from disgust in case the aquarium is dirty. Again, the "play sound" primitives assocaited with this code do not contain any valid sound ID's, so Sims remain silent.
  • Script:aquarium1::restock
  • Comment: Should cause Sims of "Nice" score under 5 to have a tantrum before restocking their aquariums with dead fish. This portion of the code is always ignored on purpose, as confirmed by a developer comment written on the script : trevor 8/25/99: removed grumpy tantrum.
Portion of the Watch Fish scripting tree with the "unused" behavior.
talk to fish
Portion of restock with an unused behavior.
Ts1 sample gardenlamp.png Garden Lamp by Lunatech
  • Script: lampgarden::Fix bulb
  • Comment: The garden lamp is the only type of lamp that does not require occasional buib replacements, yet there is a script for this purpose. Compared to the repairing routines observed in other types of lamp objects, this one is notably more unsubstantial and straightforward: it does not have any particular code that sets a random chance for Sims to get electrocuted, and does not update how much it benefits the "Room" score, post repairing.
  • The script also references "animate" primitives that call, likely as a placeholder, the animations dedicated to the floor lamp interactions.
  • All of its "play sound" primitives call blank audio ID's, meaning the sounds associated with them do not exist in the final build.
Fix bulb
Ts1 sample fountain icon.png Fountain of Tranquility
  • Script: fountain::View
  • Comment: Unlike many decorative objects in the game, Sims can not "view" the fountain object, yet there is an early scripting tree associated with this interaction: When manually triggered, Sims walk to it, observe it in silence for a few seconds in a sequence of "idle" animations in a row, and immediately let go of it, without any positive impact on their motives, as it's the norm for decorative objects that can be viewed by Sims.
View tree unveils an unusually rudimentary viewing interaction.
Bob Newbie Views the fountain.
Ts1 sample fireplaces icon.png Fireplaces
  • Script: fireplaces::View/fireplaces::Clean
  • Comment: As with the fountain object, the fireplaces have tree data for "viewing" and "cleaning" interactions, even though such interactions are not accessible for players in normal gameplay. The script associated with the "View" interaction benefits the Sims' "Comfort" motive, but will not call any particular animation or sound ID, like other objects that can be "viewed" by Sims, suggesting it is a very early leftover.
Tree for the unused View interaction, straightforward and unsubstantial as it gets, benefiting the Sim with some Comfort motive points.
Sims run a2o-disgusted1 when forced by the player to "Clean" fireplaces, tables, mirrors, and many other objects.
Ts1 sample bball icon.png Basketball Hoop
  • Script:x:::clean
  • Comment: All have the very same copies of placeholder trees with unfinished code for a "cleaning" interaction. Force running it only causes Sims to walk toward the object, face it and repeatedly call the "a2o-disgusted1" animation ID. Though it may seem uncanny at first, a further check at the tree with said code shows that the primitive that calls this animation does so as a placeholder action until the team could find a proper way of animating and coding a cleaning interaction for them. The bookshelf object figure a subtle exception to this rule as, instead, they use a unique private animation ID — bookshelf-clean — that, on the other hand, is missing in the final build.
Partial tree data of the unfinished global "Cleaning" interaction.
Ts1 sample bookcases icon.png Bookcases
Ts1 sample column icon.png Columns
Ts1 sample counter icon.png Counters
Ts1 sample desk icon.png Desks
Ts1 sample diningtable icon.png Dining Tables
Ts1 sample exmachine icon.png Exercise Machine
Ts1 sample grandclock icon.png Grandfather clock
Ts1 sample medcabin icon.png Medicine Cabinet
Ts1 sample mirror icon.png Mirrors
Ts1 sample piano icon.png Piano
Ts1 sample playstructure icon.png Play structure
Ts1 sample pooltable icon.png Pool table
Ts1 sample sculpture icon.png Sculptures
Ts1 sample stereo icon.png Stereos
Ts1 sample sinks icon.png Sinks
Ts1 sample stove icon.png Stoves
Ts1 sample vrhelmet icon.png VR Helmet
(Source: LUCPIX)

Other Cases

Icon Object Comment Snapshot
Ts1 prerelease soccer icon.jpg Soccer Ball
  • The game contains leftover animations intended for a scrapped soccer ball object, which both adult and child Sims could play with.
    • Since no BHAV data related to the object exists in the final build, its intended mechanics are unknown.
    • T̽he idea was later repurposed for the game's MMO counterpart, The Sims Online — interestingly, repurposing the animations that, in the original game, went unused.
Soccer balls as featured in a late 1999 pre-release snapshot.
  • Sofas have leftover dusting animations, however the final objects don't get dirty.
  • Computer and phone files have raw constant data, including one that allegedly toggled on/off their lighting in the same vein as the lamps', aquarium's etc..
  • Bar objects have similar constants that, from their labels, suggest that they originally could be broken and repaired, as most electronic objects in the game.
  • Pink Flamingo has leftover constant data that, on their label, reference the addition of Comfort points by kicking it, and another one that suggests increasing the Fun score by viewing it (as it happens with most art objects in the game).
(Source: LUCPIX)


  1. Instance at Edith tool (or design document) where said resource is referenced.
  2. Last observed case where an early build snapshot has said unused trait in action.
