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Thomas & Friends: Hero of the Rails (Wii)

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Title Screen

Thomas & Friends: Hero of the Rails

Developer: Silverball Studios
Publisher: Barnstorm Games
Platform: Wii
Released in EU: August 20, 2010

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
MovieIcon.png This game has unused cinematics.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.

To do:
There is a multitude of cut pieces of content in the files, containing hundreds of sound files, more developer notes, and cut videoclips.

Thomas & Friends: Hero of the Rails is a licensed game based off the TV movie of the same name. Most of the game is just FMVs from said movie.


Unused Sounds
Is that Pierce Brosnan?

Unused Graphics

Legal Screen

Legal.tpl from the billboards folder is an unused legal screen that has copyright dates from 2009. The legal screen that is used in the game has copyright dates from 2010 and the link to HiT Entertainment's website was removed.

HerooftheRails legal.png

Unedited Background

BG.tpl from the Games_Menu folder is the unedited background for the Minigame Menu, which is a screenshot taken directly from the racing scene of the movie.

HOTRWii UnusedGameBG.png

Unused Minigames

Present in the Games_Menu Folder are unused titles for minigames based around Harold the Helicopter and Cranky the Crane, characters who are not used anywhere in the final game.

HOTRWii HaroldUnusedText.png
HOTRWii CrankyUnusedText.png

Early Minigame Names

Also present in the Games_Menu Folder are several unused titles for minigames.

HOTRWii SortUnused.png

An early title for the "Sorting" minigame.

HOTRWii WashUnused.png

An early title for the "Washing" minigame.

HOTRWii MatchUnused.png

An early title for the "Pairs" minigame.

HOTRWii ShuntUnused.png

An early title for the "Shunting" minigame.

Unused Characters

To do:
Rip the sounds.

Many voicelines and sound effects exist for characters such as Billy from Season 11, Stanley, Arry & Bert, which means that they were likely intended to make appearances somewhere in the game. Stanley of which possibly being an intended main character as evidenced by just how many pieces of dialogue there is for him.

Unused Videos


Tempfile.tmp from the video folder is actually the first three seconds of the Season 12 intro. Judging by its filename and length, it was likely used as a placeholder.

Unused Text

Developer Documents

Download.png Download HerooftheRails_DeveloperDocuments.zip
File: HerooftheRails_DeveloperDocuments.zip (info)

Two game documents are present in the milestone folder. Journey info.rtf is a list of track tiles along with a brief description of what they correspond to. Wrong Cams.doc contains a blank table that would have listed scene names and camera numbers. The latter document also has metadata that states it came from Broadsword Interactive Limited, a game studio that was possibly involved in the game's development at some point.

Batch Scripts

Some batch scripts used for generating various game assets are leftover.


@echo off
dir *.tga /s/b > datalist.txt
convRGB5A3.py datalist.txt


..\BuildLanguageSamples English


LoopWiiStream "menu.brstm"
LoopWiiStream "Music 10 -glock.brstm"
LoopWiiStream "Music 10 -melody.brstm"
LoopWiiStream "Music 10.brstm"
LoopWiiStream "sponge_.brstm"

Game Scripts

The game uses uncompiled lua scripts, many of which contain comments left by the developers.


data.STR_TEST = { "(american) Here is some text", "sodor_24", "100", "0", "0", "50", "50", };


This script contains a reference to a development directory in a comment.

-- ------------------------
-- C:\development\Thomas2\data\trackData\beautySpots.lua


The game was in development as far back as January 2009 according to this script.

-- This is to specified progession as of 23/01/2009. It jumps after 'all other track tests' to enable stanley
-- as the parents to that path require more information to be fully implemented - hcf

--	introspeech
--	    |
--	tidmouthsheds    fatcontroller    stanley        trackwork             Minigames
--	    |
--	washing    ----------------------------------->basic driving
--	    |                                            |
--	painting                                    repair tutorial
--	    |                                            |
--	whilstle        activated<------------------time limit track testing
--	                    |                            |
--	                All Games                    up hill                        
--	                                                |
--	                                            points
--	                                                |
--	                                            bends
--	                                                |
--	                                            all other track tests
--	                                                |
--	                                            .........
--	                                                |
--	                                activated<--Docks---------------------->Cranky
--	                                    |            |
--	                                All Games    .........
--	                                                |
--	                                            Others places-------------->Races etc


-- This is to specified progession as of 20/02/2009 - hcf , b_d
--  power and speed tests moved back to behind points, hills and bends so they can be used in the tests
--  see UnlockSequence.docx