Transformers (PlayStation 2, International)/Unused Cinema Scripts
This is a sub-page of Transformers (PlayStation 2, International).
Cinema Script (.CS) files are responsible for in-game cutscenes, such as the introduction to Alaska and the HQ comms. These files are also responsible for loading in the pre-rendered cutscenes. These files are able to be opened by any text editor and can easily be modified to load in-game. All of these files are all found in the level's respective CINEMA folder. This page does not include .CS files which are transcripts of audio or the early story draft, those are covered on the unused text sub-page.
As a side note regarding the "hqMessage" function, the vast majority of .CS files (even many unused ones) will reference a string key which are read from localization files found in\STRINGS. This is to allow for different localization strings to display. However, certain .CS files use a deprecated function regarding "hqMessage" where it can display a string. An example of this is the unused Golden Disk .CS file. Since the string is coded directly into the .CS file, it doesn't support other localizations.
To do: Videos, native-res videos, descriptions, basically everything. |
The following scripts are found in the CINEMA folder of most levels.
Some commented out information. It makes reference to a test level that was scrubbed from retail builds and erroneously spells Armada as "Armarda." The comment also makes reference to an internal tool.
// Transformers Armarda Cinema Script File - Name="Levels/TestBeds/AIPerformance/Cinema/miniconDiscoveryExtended.cs" // Generated by TA Cinema Authoring Tool, Format Version 1.00 // ** DO NOT EDIT **
There is also some commented out camera information. The following commented out lines cause the initial camera pan to wait for 11 seconds before zooming into the Mini-Con.
//waitTime 0 //doAction camera2 keyframe Camera keyCam2 timeToTake 11
The following causes the camera to wait even past the cutscene, resulting in you being able to move around but not being able to use weapons. Enemies will not target you either until the 16 seconds are up.
//waitTime 0 //doAction camera3 keyframe Camera keyCam4 timeToTake 16
// waitTime 0 // doAction startup0 command DisableEarlyOut
thread sfx HQ_MiniConInArea { waitTime 0 doAction startup command DisableCreatures waitTime 0 doAction sfx0 specialEffect cropIn 0.0 waitTime 0 doAction sfx1 specialEffect fadeFromColor 0.5 vlColor(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0) waitTime 1.5 doAction hqText0 specialEffect hqMessage 1.5 "Mini-Cons detected" waitTime 0 doAction hqText1 specialEffect hqMessage 1.5 "Exploration required" waitTime 3.0 doAction sfx5 command HQRequestConfirmation } // thread sound HQ_MiniConInArea { waitTime 0.2 doAction Sound0 playSound HQ_MiniconsInArea 6.0 } // thread AutoPlay { waitTime 1.0 triggerEvent HQ_MiniConInArea } // thread CleanUp HQ_MiniConInArea { waitTime 0 doAction clean0 command ResumeGame waitTime 0 doAction clean1 command EnableCreatures waitTime 0 doAction clean2 specialEffect cropOut 0.5 } //
thread sfx HQ_MiniConPS2 { waitTime 0 doAction startup command DisableCreatures waitTime 0 doAction sfx0 specialEffect cropIn 0.0 waitTime 0 doAction sfx1 specialEffect fadeFromColor 0.5 vlColor(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0) waitTime 1.5 doAction hqText0 specialEffect hqMessage 1.5 "Mini-Con detected" waitTime 3.0 doAction sfx5 command HQRequestConfirmation } // thread sound HQ_MiniConPS2 { waitTime 0.2 doAction Sound0 playSound HQ_MiniConPS2 8.0 } // thread AutoPlay { waitTime 1.0 triggerEvent HQ_MiniConPS2 } // thread CleanUp HQ_MiniConPS2 { waitTime 0 doAction clean0 command ResumeGame waitTime 0 doAction clean1 command EnableCreatures waitTime 0 doAction clean2 specialEffect cropOut 0.5 } //
thread sfx HQ_MiniConQuest { waitTime 0 doAction startup command DisableCreatures waitTime 0 doAction sfx0 specialEffect cropIn 0.0 waitTime 0 doAction sfx1 specialEffect fadeFromColor 0.5 vlColor(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0) waitTime 1.5 doAction hqText0 specialEffect hqMessage 1.5 "More Mini-Cons required to return to Cybertron" waitTime 0 doAction hqText1 specialEffect hqMessage 1.5 "Search previous areas for more Mini-Cons" waitTime 11.0 doAction sfx5 command HQRequestConfirmation } // thread sound HQ_MiniConQuest { waitTime 0.2 doAction Sound0 playSound HQ_MiniconQuest 14.0 } // thread AutoPlay { waitTime 1.0 triggerEvent HQ_MiniConQuest } // thread CleanUp HQ_MiniConQuest { waitTime 0 doAction clean0 command ResumeGame waitTime 0 doAction clean1 command EnableCreatures waitTime 0 doAction clean2 specialEffect cropOut 0.5 } //
A tutorial for the Energon health pickups was cut. There's still text remaining for it in retail builds.
thread cam CS_IntroEnergon { waitTime 0 doAction startup1 command DisableEarlyOut waitTime 0 doAction startup2 command SetReferencePosition Energon waitTime 0 doAction spinCam cameraPunctuation Orbit 8.0 mlVector3D(-6.0,0.0,2.5) mlVector3D(0.0,0.0,2.0) } thread sfx CS_IntroEnergon { waitTime 0 doAction startup0 command ShowAutobot waitTime 0 doAction startup1 command DisableCreatures waitTime 0 doAction sfx0 specialEffect cropIn 0.0 waitTime 0 doAction sfx1 specialEffect fadeFromColor 0.5 vlColor(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0) waitTime 1.0 doAction hqText0 specialEffect hqMessage 1.5 HQ_BRIEF_MISC_IntroEnergon_Line01 waitTime 0 doAction hqText1 specialEffect hqMessage 1.5 HQ_BRIEF_MISC_IntroEnergon_Line02 waitTime 0 doAction hqText2 specialEffect hqMessage 1.5 HQ_BRIEF_MISC_IntroEnergon_Line03 waitTime 1.0 doAction sfx2 specialEffect fadeToColor 0.5 vlColor(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0) waitTime 0 doAction clean command TriggerCleanUp } // thread sound CS_IntroEnergon { waitTime 0.2 doAction Sound0 playSound HQ_IntroToEnergons 5.0 } // thread CleanUp CS_IntroEnergon { waitTime 0 doAction clean0 command ResumeGame waitTime 0 doAction clean1 specialEffect fadeFromColor 0.5 vlColor(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0) waitTime 0 doAction clean2 specialEffect cropOut 0.5 waitTime 0 doAction clean3 command EnableCreatures } //
What appears to be an early version of the Data-Con introduction cutscene. The HQ text is referring to them as Golden Disks rather than Data-Cons.
actor Camera Camera actor Autobot Player thread sfx HQ_IntroGoldenDisk { waitTime 0 doAction sfx0 specialEffect cropIn 0.0 waitTime 0 doAction sfx1 specialEffect fadeFromColor 0.5 vlColor(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0) // waitTime 0 // doAction sfx2 keyframe Autobot keyAutobotPos waitTime 1.5 doAction hqText0 specialEffect hqMessage 1.5 "Golden Disks unlock game extras" waitTime 0 doAction hqText1 specialEffect hqMessage 1.5 "Access these extras in the start menu" waitTime 5.0 doAction sfx5 command HQRequestConfirmation } // thread sound HQ_IntroGoldenDisk { waitTime 0.2 doAction Sound0 playSound HQ_Amazon_IntroGoldenDisk 8.0 } // thread CleanUp HQ_IntroGoldenDisk { waitTime 0 doAction clean0 specialEffect cropOut 0.5 } //
// waitTime 0 // doAction sfx2 specialEffect fadeFromColor 0.5 vlColor(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)
// waitTime 7.0
Mid-Atlantic (Aircraft Carrier)
actor Camera Camera actor Autobot Player thread sfx CS_MegatronCalling { waitTime 0 doAction startup1 command DisableCreatures waitTime 0 doAction Startup2 command ShowAutobot waitTime 0 doAction sfx0 specialEffect cropIn 0.0 waitTime 0 doAction sfx1 specialEffect fadeFromColor 0.5 vlColor(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0) waitTime 1.5 doAction hqText0 specialEffect hqMessage 1.5 "Decepticon Base located in Alaska" waitTime 0 doAction hqText1 specialEffect hqMessage 1.5 "Objective: Bridge" waitTime 15.0 doAction sfx2 command TriggerCleanUp } // thread sound CS_MegatronCalling { waitTime 0.2 doAction Sound0 playSound HQ_Aircraft_MegatronCalling 18.0 } // thread CleanUp CS_MegatronCalling { waitTime 0 triggerEvent CS_IntroBossTidal } //
These keyframes are not referenced to show up.
//keyframeDef Shot3 ( ( 327.0 1393.0 219.0 ) ( 0.70 -0.004 0.7 0.0 ) 55 ) //keyframeDef Shot4 ( ( 327.0 1393.0 310.0 ) ( 0.70 -0.004 0.7 0.0 ) 55 )
Identical to T1D.CS.
//keyframeDef Shot3 ( ( 327.0 1393.0 219.0 ) ( 0.70 -0.004 0.7 0.0 ) 55 ) //keyframeDef Shot4 ( ( 327.0 1393.0 310.0 ) ( 0.70 -0.004 0.7 0.0 ) 55 )
Identical to T1D.CS.
//keyframeDef Shot3 ( ( 327.0 1393.0 219.0 ) ( 0.70 -0.004 0.7 0.0 ) 55 ) //keyframeDef Shot4 ( ( 327.0 1393.0 310.0 ) ( 0.70 -0.004 0.7 0.0 ) 55 )
Identical to T1D.CS.
//keyframeDef Shot3 ( ( 327.0 1393.0 219.0 ) ( 0.70 -0.004 0.7 0.0 ) 55 ) //keyframeDef Shot4 ( ( 327.0 1393.0 310.0 ) ( 0.70 -0.004 0.7 0.0 ) 55 )
Identical to T1D.CS.
//keyframeDef Shot3 ( ( 327.0 1393.0 219.0 ) ( 0.70 -0.004 0.7 0.0 ) 55 ) //keyframeDef Shot4 ( ( 327.0 1393.0 310.0 ) ( 0.70 -0.004 0.7 0.0 ) 55 )
Mid-Atlantic (Aircraft Carrier Destroyed)
// waitTime 0 // doAction clean2 specialEffect cropOut 0.0
// waitTime 0 // doAction blah1 command DisableCreatures
// waitTime 0 // doAction blah2 command EnableCreatures
An unused in-game cutscene. The two keyframes have a Y-value in the 7000's, meaning the camera will position itself very high above the level and consequently no longer render the actual level. The audio associated with this cutscene no longer exists. The video sets the camera Y-values of keyLookey1 and keyLookey2 to 1333 and 1353 respectively.
There is some unused placeholder dialogue present in build 3944 which is likely related to this cutscene script.
actor Camera Camera keyframeDef keyLookey1 ( ( -197 7333 247 ) ( 0.8 -0.06 0.09 0.5 ) 55 ) keyframeDef keyLookey2 ( ( -158 7353 242 ) ( 0.6 -0.05 0.05 0.7 ) 55 ) thread cam HQ_EurekaEnergon { doAction cam1 keyframe Camera keyLookey1 doAction cam2 keyframe Camera keyLookey2 timeToTake 11.0 } // thread sfx HQ_EurekaEnergon { doAction sfx0 specialEffect cropIn 0.0 doAction sfx1 specialEffect fadeFromColor 0.5 vlColor(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0) waitTime 10.5 doAction sfx2 specialEffect fadeToColor 0.5 vlColor(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0) waitTime 0.5 } // thread sound HQ_EurekaEnergon { waitTime 0.5 doAction Sound0 playSound OP_HQ_Greenland_EurekaEnergon } // thread CleanUp HQ_EurekaEnergonCleanUpEvent { doAction clean1 specialEffect fadeFromColor 0.5 vlColor(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0) doAction clean2 specialEffect cropOut 0.5 } //
There is some concept art referring to a supply depot, where you would have been ambushed by some Rollarm Units. Once again, the Y-value for keyLookey1 and keyLookey2 are set to be absurdly high.
actor Camera Camera keyframeDef keyLookey1 ( ( 443 4862 5 ) ( 0.7 0.01 -0.01 0.6 ) 55 ) keyframeDef keyLookey2 ( ( 586 4996 58 ) ( 0.52 0.12 -0.04 0.85 ) 35 ) thread cam HQ_SupplyDepot { doAction cam1 keyframe Camera keyLookey1 doAction cam2 keyframe Camera keyLookey2 timeToTake 11.0 } // thread sfx HQ_SupplyDepot { doAction sfx0 specialEffect cropIn 0.0 doAction sfx1 specialEffect fadeFromColor 0.5 vlColor(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0) waitTime 10.5 doAction sfx2 specialEffect fadeToColor 0.5 vlColor(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0) waitTime 0.5 } // thread sound HQ_SupplyDepot { waitTime 0.5 doAction Sound0 playSound OP_HQ_Greenland_SupplyDepot } // thread CleanUp HQ_SupplyDepotCleanUpEvent { doAction clean1 specialEffect fadeFromColor 0.5 vlColor(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0) doAction clean2 specialEffect cropOut 0.5 } //
// waitTime 0 // doAction sfx2 keyframe Autobot keyAutobotPos
What appears to be an early chunk of code for the Antarctica intro cutscene.
//thread sound CS_CockpitMiniCon //{ // waitTime 0.5 // doAction Sound0 playSound CS_OP_Antarctica_WelcomeAntarctica // //} //
//keyframeDef Shot2 ( ( 1241.0 -45.0 -868.0 ) ( 0.72 -0.17 0.20 0.63 ) 55 )
//keyframeDef Shot2 ( ( 1239.0 35.0 -903.0 ) ( 0.77 0.19 0.30 -0.51 ) 55 )
//keyframeDef Shot1 ( ( 1239.0 35.0 -903.0 ) ( 0.74 0.25 0.42 -0.44 ) 55 )
Pacific Island
After exiting a bunker and it explodes, the player will humorously ragdoll before getting up.
// waitTime 0.5 // doAction ragdoll command SetAutobotState 10
There are no caves present in Pacific Island.
actor Camera Camera keyframeDef keyLookey1 ( ( -335 -928 40 ) ( 0.9 -0.0 0.2 0.0 ) 55 ) keyframeDef keyLookey2 ( ( -335 -928 40 ) ( 0.8 0.07 -0.1 0.4 ) 55 ) thread cam HQ_CaveJumping { doAction cam1 keyframe Camera keyLookey1 doAction cam2 keyframe Camera keyLookey2 timeToTake 11.0 } // thread sfx HQ_CaveJumping { doAction sfx0 specialEffect cropIn 0.0 doAction sfx1 specialEffect fadeFromColor 0.5 vlColor(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0) waitTime 10.5 doAction sfx2 specialEffect fadeToColor 0.5 vlColor(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0) waitTime 0.5 } // thread sound HQ_CaveJumping { waitTime 0.5 doAction Sound0 playSound OP_HQ_EasterIs_CaveJumping } // thread CleanUp HQ_CaveJumpingCleanUpEvent { doAction clean1 specialEffect fadeFromColor 0.5 vlColor(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0) doAction clean2 specialEffect cropOut 0.5 } //
// waitTime 0 // doAction sfx1 specialEffect fadeFromColor 0.0 vlColor(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0)
The early chunk of the Antarctica intro cutscene appears once again, however the sound is now playing HQ_OP_Antarctica_WelcomeAntarctica rather than CS_OP_Antarctica_WelcomeAntarctica .
//thread sound HQ_ThisWayDown //{ // waitTime 0.5 // doAction Sound0 playSound HQ_OP_Antarctica_WelcomeAntarctica // //} //
An unused camera pan which shows Unicron's mouth closing from the outside. This precedes the camera shot showing the Autobot flying out of its mouth. This camera angle appears twice during phase 2 of the fight. In the video, you can observe the camera angle starting at 0:13 and ending at 0:15. There is no flash of white when transitioning back to the Autobot.
The following code is what is commented out:
// waitTime 0 // doAction cam0 keyframe Camera keyShot3 // waitTime 0 // doAction cam1 keyframe Camera keyShot4 timeToTake 2.0
As a result of this being commented out, the following keyframes also go unused:
keyframeDef keyShot3 ( ( 9365.80 844.18 1027.84 ) ( -0.15 -0.16 -0.02 0.97 ) 55.0 ) keyframeDef keyShot4 ( ( 8939.40 446.82 4245.84 ) ( -0.16 -0.52 -0.10 0.83 ) 75.0 )