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User:CebolaBros64/Debug Menu

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This is a sub-page of User:CebolaBros64.

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
To do:
Look further into the following entries:
  • All of the individual drum lessons
  • Opening (A and B type)
  • Flash Memory Test
  • R-IQ (Result), R-IQ (Result 2) and R-IQ (Result 4)
Please elaborate.
Having more detail is always a good thing.
Specifically: Talk about these entries in the main article:
  • Metronome
  • R-IQ Arrival
RIQ Data Check could better detailed as a separate section in this very page, being a debug feature and all.

In February 2017, modders found a fully intact debug menu within Rhythm Tengoku. All rhythm games, menus, and toys are present – along with a few remnants from earlier points of development, such as early versions of games such as Rap Women and Remix 1, and more.

To access the debug menu, open a Rev. 0 ROM of the game (CRC-32: 349D7025) in a hex editor, and edit the byte sequences at the following offsets:

Offset Original Edited
9DD478 60 D2 24 DB
9DD480 58 D4 A8 DB

The game should now open the debug menu in place of the title screen.

(Source: Debug menu patch by Malalaika)


シーケンステスト, Sequence Test

Page 1

Rhythm heaven debug-2.png
Entry Notes
Original Translation
ライブ Live Boots into the Live drumming mode's main menu.
バイキン はかせ SP Dr. Virus SP Boots into the endless game version of Sick Beats.
クイズ(スペシャル) Quiz (Special) Boots into the endless game version of Quiz.
マネキンこうじょう Mannequin Factory Boots into the Mannequin Factory endless game.
ウラおとこ Backwards Man Boots into the Mr. Upbeat endless game.
リミックス 8 Remix 8 Boots into Remix 8.
リミックス 7 Remix 7 Boots into Remix 7.
リミックス 6 Remix 6 Boots into Remix 6.

Page 2

Rhythm heaven debug-3.png
Entry Notes
Original Translation
リミックス 5 Remix 5 Boots into Remix 5.
リミックス 4 Remix 4 Boots into Remix 4.
リミックス 3 Remix 3 Boots into Remix 3.
リミックス 2 Remix 2 Boots into Remix 2.
リミックス 1 Remix 1 Boots into Remix 1.
ぼんおどり Bon-Odori Boots into The★Bon Odori rhythm game.
ボンダンス Bon-Dance Boots into The★Bon Dance rhythm game.
こえマシン(ネコ) Voice Machine (Cat) Boots into the Neko Machine rhythm toy.

Page 3

Rhythm heaven debug-4.png
Entry Notes
Original Translation
こえマシン(ラブ) Voice Machine (Love) Boots into the Confession Machine rhythm toy.
こえマシン(ラップ) Voice Machine (Rap) Boots into the Rap Machine rhythm toy.
レッスン(イージー) Lesson (Easy)
レッスン(ハード1) Lesson (Hard 1)
レッスン(ハード2) Lesson (Hard 2)
レッスン(キメパターン1) Lesson (End 1)
レッスン(キメパターン2) Lesson (End 2)
レッスン(デスコビート) Lesson (Disco Beat)

Page 4

Rhythm heaven debug-5.png
Entry Notes
Original Translation
レッスン(ボッサ) Lesson (Bossa)
レッスン(スネア) Lesson (Snare)
レッスン(バスとスネア) Lesson (Bass and Snare)
レッスン(はやい8ビート) Lesson (8-Beat)
レッスン(スネアテクニック) Lesson (Snare 2)
レッスン(じっせん1) Lesson (Experiment 1)
レッスン(じっせん2) Lesson (Experiment 2)
レッスン(じっせん3) Lesson (Experiment 3)

Page 5

Rhythm heaven debug-6.png
Entry Notes
Original Translation
レッスン(じっせん4) Lesson (Experiment 4)
レッスン(じっせん5) Lesson (Experiment 5)
レッスン(じっせん6) Lesson (Experiment 6)
レッスン(じっせん7) Lesson (Experiment 7)
レッスン(じっせん8) Lesson (Experiment 8)
スタジオドラマー Stage Drummer Boots into the Studio's drumming mode.
チェックマシン (クリック) Check Machine (Click) Boots into the first section of the Rhythm Check.
チェックマシン (キューフ) Check Machine (Cue) Boots into the middle section of the Rhythm Check.

Page 6

Rhythm heaven debug-7.png
Entry Notes
Original Translation
チェックマシン (トリッキー) Check Machine (Tricky) Boots into the final section of the Rhythm Check.
チェックマシン (トータル) Check Machine (Total) Boots into the full Rhythm Check.
テキスト Text Boots into a random letter from the Rhythm Data Room.
クイズ Quiz Boots into the Quiz rhythm game.
ラップメン Rap Men Boots into the Rap Men rhythm game.
ラップ ウィメン(by YONE) Rap Women (by YONE) Boots into the Rap Women rhythm game.
ラップ ウィメン(by KAZU) Rap Women (by KAZU) Boots into an unused alternate version of the Rap Women rhythm game.
スペースダンス Space Dance Boots into the Space Dance rhythm game.

Page 7

Rhythm heaven debug-8.png
Entry Notes
Original Translation
コスモダンス Cosmo Dance Boots into the Cosmic Dance rhythm game.
ショータイム Showtime Boots into the Showtime rhythm game.
RIQデータチェック RIQ Data Check Boots into a debug screen that showcases gameplay history.
オープニング (B Type) Opening (B Type)
オープニング (A Type) Opening (A Type)
トランとポリン Tram and Poline Boots into the Tram and Poline rhythm game.
トスボーイズ Toss Boys Boots into the Toss Boys rhythm game.
トスボーイズ 2 Toss Boys 2 Boots into the Toss Boys 2 rhythm game.

Page 8

Rhythm heaven debug-9.png
Entry Notes
Original Translation
ドラムガールズ Drum Girls Boots into the Drum Girls LIVE! drum session.
リズム おしゅうじ Rhythm Calligraphy Boots into the Power Calligraphy rhythm game.
こっそりラット Sneaky Rat Boots into the Rat Race rhythm game.
フラッシュメモリテスト Flash Memory Test Black screen, presumably used to test the save battery.
ハナビ Fireworks Boots into the Fireworks rhythm game.
メトロノーム Metronome Boots into an unused variant of Mr. Upbeat, presumably an early incarnation of the Rhythm Check.
ウサギとび Bunny Hop Boots into the Bunny Hop rhythm game.
ダンスレッスン 1 Dance Lesson 1 Boots into an unused variant of Remix 1.

Page 9

Rhythm heaven debug-10.png
Entry Notes
Original Translation
まほうつかい Wizard Boots into the Wizard rhythm game.
マーチャ Marcher Boots into the Marching Orders rhythm game.
マーチャ 2 Marcher 2 Boots into the Marching Orders 2 rhythm game.
うま(スピード) Horse (Speed) Boots into the Horse Machine rhythm toy.
タップダンズ Tap Dance Boots into the Tap Trial rhythm game.
スーパータップ Super Tap Boots into the Tap Trial 2 rhythm game.
いあいぎり Iai Slash Boots into the Iai Slash rhythm game.
エアーバッター Air Batter Boots into the Spaceball rhythm game.

Page A

Rhythm heaven debug-11.png
Entry Notes
Original Translation
エアーバッター2 Air Batter 2 Boots into the Spaceball 2 rhythm game.
しろいおばけ White Ghost Boots into the Sneaky Spirits rhythm game.
しろいおばけ 2 White Ghost 2 Boots into the Sneaky Spirits 2 rhythm game.
ニンジャ Ninja Boots into the Ninja Bodyguard rhythm game.
ニンジャ 2 Ninja 2 Boots into the Ninja Bodyguard 2 rhythm game.
ホッピングロード Hopping Road Boots into the Bouncy Road rhythm game.
ホッピングロード 2 Hopping Road 2 Boots into the Bouncy Road 2 rhythm game.
バイキン はかせ Dr. Virus Boots into the Sick Beats rhythm game.

Page B

Rhythm heaven debug-12.png
Entry Notes
Original Translation
リズムだつもう Rhythm Epilation Boots into the Rhythm Tweezers rhythm game.
リズムだつもう 2 Rhythm Epilation 2 Boots into the Rhythm Tweezers 2 rhythm game.
ナイト ウォーク Night Walk Boots into the Night Walk rhythm game.
ナイト ウォーク 2 Night Walk 2 Boots into the Night Walk 2 rhythm game.
ポリリズム Polyrhythm Boots into the Polyrhythm rhythm game.
ポリリズム 2 Polyrhythm 2 Boots into the Polyrhythm 2 rhythm game.
パチパチ3にんしゅう Clap Clap Trio Boots into The Clappy Trio rhythm game.
バリバリ3にんしゅう Crunch Crunch Trio Boots into The Snappy Trio rhythm game.

Page C

Rhythm tengoku debug c.png
Entry Notes
Original Translation
カラテカ Karateka Boots into the Karate Man rhythm game.
カラテカ 2 Karateka 2 Boots into the Karate Man 2 rhythm game.
R−IQ (タイトル) R-IQ (Title) Boots into the game's title screen.
R−IQ (メニュー) R-IQ (Menu) Boots into the game's main menu.
R−IQ (ゲーム) R-IQ (Game) Boots into the game select menu.
R−IQ (しりょうしつ) R-IQ (Letter) Boots into the Rhythm Data menu.
R−IQ (スタジオ) R-IQ (Studio) Boots into the Studio menu.
R−IQ (オプション) R-IQ (Option) Boots into the options menu.

Page D

Rhythm heaven debug-13.png
Entry Notes
Original Translation
R−IQ (リザルト) R-IQ (Result) Unknown, needs more research.
R−IQ (リザルト2) R-IQ (Result 2)
R−IQ (リザルト3) R-IQ (Result 3) Boots into the result screen for the Rhythm Check. Always gives a 0 rating no matter what.
R−IQ (リザルト4) R-IQ (Result 4) Unknown. Returns to the debug menu immediately.
R−IQ (にゅうか) R-IQ (Arrival) Unused screen for when you receive a new letter in the Rhythm Data Room. Will load a random letter every time you select it.
R−IQ (パーフェクト) R-IQ (Perfect) Boots into the screen that appears for perfecting Remix 1.
R−IQ (カウンセラー) R-IQ (Counselor) Boots into the Café. Seems to behave exactly as it would if you were to access it via the game select menu.
R−IQ (ミニゲーム) R-IQ (Minigame) Boots into the Endless Games menu.

Page E

Rhythm heaven debug-14.png
Entry Notes
Original Translation
R−IQ (ドラムレッスン) R-IQ (Drum Lessons) Boots into the Drum Lessons menu.
R−IQ (おもちゃ) R-IQ (Toys) Boots into the Rhythm Toys menu.
R−IQ (カウンセラー) R-IQ (Counselor) Seemingly a duplicate of the Café option from the previous page.
エンディング(クリアご) Ending (Clear) Boots into the ending credits as if the game had been beaten.
エンディング(おまけから) Ending (Extra) Boots into the ending credits as if the Credits option from the game select were selected.
データクリア Data Clear Clears your save data, and then returns to the debug menu.