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User:LegitimatePride/Mafia II Text

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The ambitious follow-up to Illusion Softworks' previous epic mob life experience, Mafia II covers Vito Scaletta's efforts to climb up the blood-soaked rungs of the mob ladder. It's notorious for having a game that prior to release promised a lot but ended up being rushed and with many planned features (some that were even promised or shown) getting scrapped to quickly get the game out the door, which resulting in some bad initial reaction. The result is a completely linear story-driven game that's somewhat lackluster in replay value, especially compared to its predecessor.

Unused Scripts

===Chapter 4 - Buy Gun/Lockpicks -IMAGE- The first part of Chapter 4 is scripted so that if the player doesn't have a gun and/or lockpicks, it's not possible to enter Freddy's Bar until the player has both of them. When getting close to Freddy's, two unique quotes from Vito will play as well as two text strings depending on which item they don't have, the game then marks on the map Giuseppe's shop and/or any gun shop that's near the player.

It's not possible to get this objective under normal circumstances because the game never takes away guns or lockpicks from the player's inventory once bought, it's possible that originally the player was able to drop guns like it was possible the first Mafia and that lockpicks used to be limited like other items.


  • The player spawns outside the back entrance of the building with Joe's Apartment.
  • The player spawns with no guns or lockpicks.
  • Joe's Apartment is the only safehouse the player can enter and use the garage from.

Unused Videos

  • cs_placeholder: A video that, according to its name, was a placeholder for something. It shows the game's logo along with cycling colors, just like it was seen at the end of the game's 2007 trailer.
  • t: Found only on the Japanese console versions is a pre-rendered version of the last cutscene in Chapter 1, the version used is in-game. It shows an early version of it, with very rough animation (and sometimes no animation at all) and lighting that is reminiscent of the one seen in early pre-release screenshots.
  • TV_Noise: A low-resolution TV static. Unused interaction text shows that TVs were meant interactable to be interactable objects, it seems this video may have been what would've been in them.

Unused Textures


Unused Mission Dialogue


Note that this game doesn't have a Japanese or Polish dub, so only the subtitle text for those languages will be shown here.

Chapter 2: Home Sweet Home




Filename Audio Subtitles
302012050:Ah, five minutes, we're already talking about my deadbeat father. Can we change the subject please?
302012060:Alright, pal, sorry, you got it.
302012070:Alright, so where we headed?
302012080:I was thinking we'd head down to Freddy's for old times' sake.
302012090:You still hang out at that dump?
302012100:It's under new ownership now. You should see the place. Got a whole different kind of clientele these days. You'll see.
302012110:Yeah? And would this new clientele have anything to do with this car you're driving?
302012120:Let's just say that a number of opportunities have presented themselves since you been away. What'd you expect me to go straight after you left?
302012130:Course not. Although without me here to keep you out of trouble, I half expected you to be locked up when I got back.
302012140:What are you, nuts? Not this guy, chief. I'm a little too smart for that.
302012150:Either that or you had a horseshoe up your ass.


Filename Audio Subtitles
302012050:Jsme spolu pět minut a už mluvíme o mým zatraceným fotrovi. Co takhle změnit téma?
302012060:Dobře, kámo, promiň.
302012070:Tak jo a kam jedeme?
302012080:Říkal jsem si, že se stavíme k Freddymu, kvůli starejm dobrejm časům.
302012090:Ty pořád chodíš do tý hrozný díry?
302012100:Teď to má novýho majitele. Měl bys to tam vidět. Dneska tam chodí úplně jiný lidi. Však to vlastně uvidíš.
302012110:Jo? A ty noví lidi mají něco společnýho s károu, kterou řídíš?
302012120:No řekněme, cos byl pryč, objevily se nový možnosti. Cos čekal, že se napravím, jen co tě odvezou?
302012130:No jasně, ale beze mě. Pořád abych dával bacha, abys neseděl za mřížema.
302012140:Zbláznil ses? Kdepak, já ne, panáčku. Na to jsem trochu moc chytrej.
302012150:Buď, a nebo ti někdo narval do prdele pytel čtyřlístků.


Filename Audio Subtitles
302012050:Ahh, fünf Minuten und schon sprechen wir über meinen Alten. Können wir bitte das Thema wechseln?
302012060:Tut mir leid, Kumpel.
302012070:Gut, wohin fahren wir?
302012080:Ich dachte, zu Freddy. Der alten Zeiten willen.
302012090:Du hängst noch immer in diesem Saftladen rum?
302012100:Es hat nen neuen Besitzer. Schau's dir mal an. Sind jetzt ganz andere Leute drin. Du wirst sehen.
302012110:Ach ja? Und hat diese Kundschaft was damit zu tun, dass du diesen Schlitten fährst?
302012120:Sagen wir mal, es haben sich ein paar Dinge ergeben, seit du weg warst. Was hast du erwartet? Dass ich ehrlich werde?
302012130:Da ich nicht hier war, um dir aus der Patsche zu helfen, hatte ich eigentlich damit gerechnet, dass du im Knast sitzt, wenn ich zurück komme.
302012140:Witzig. Ich doch nicht. Dafür bin ich einfach zu clever.
302012150:Entweder das oder du hattest mehr Glück als Verstand.


Filename Audio Subtitles
302012050:Putain, cinq minutes que je suis là, et on cause déjà de mon vieux. On peut changer de sujet s'il te plaît¤?
302012060:Bien sûr, oui¤! Désolé...
302012070:Pas grave, alors on va où¤?
302012080:J'avais pensé passer Chez Freddy en souvenir du bon vieux temps.
302012090:Tu vas toujours dans ce rade pourri¤?
302012100:Ca a changé de propriétaire. Faut voir ce qu'ils en ont fait¤! Et du coup, les clients ont pas mal changé aussi. Tu vas voir.
302012110:Ah ouais¤? Et ces nouveaux clients, ça a quelque chose à voir avec la caisse que tu conduis¤?
302012120:Disons que des opportunités professionnelles se sont présentées à moi depuis que t'es parti. Tu croyais quoi, que j'allais prendre un boulot honnête¤?
302012130:Bien sûr que non. Mais, franchement, vu que j'étais pas là pour veiller sur toi, j'avais peur de te retrouver en taule à mon retour.
302012140:Tu rigoles¤? Ca m'arrivera pas à moi, ça. Je suis trop malin.
302012150:Soit ça, soit t'as une putain de veine de cocu¤!


Filename Audio Subtitles
302012050:Non sono passati neanche cinque minuti e già parliamo della morte di mio padre. Cambiamo argomento, ti va?
302012060:Scusa, amico, hai ragione.
302012070:Allora, dove si va?
302012080:Volevo un salto al Freddy's, in onore dei vecchi tempi.
302012090:Frequenti ancora quel cesso di posto?
302012100:Il proprietario è cambiato. Dovresti dare un'occhiata, adesso ha un tipo di clientela completamente diverso. Vedrai.
302012110:Ah sì? E per caso questa nuova clientela c'entra qualcosa con questa macchina?
302012120:Diciamo che da quando sei andato via mi si sono presentate alcune buone occasioni. Pensavi che avrei messo la testa a posto dopo la tua partenza?
302012130:Certo che no. Senza di me a tirarti fuori dai guai, ero quasi sicuro che al mio ritorno ti avrei ritrovato dietro le sbarre.
302012140:Scherzi? Non io, amico. Sono troppo furbo.
302012150:O magari hai un ferro di cavallo nel culo.


302012110:そうか? その客層はもしかして、この車に関係あんのか?


302012050:Ech, pięć minut minęło i już mówimy o moim ojcu.  Możemy zmienić temat?
302012060:Dobra, stary.
302012070:Dobra, to gdzie idziemy?
302012080:Pomyślałem, że wpadniemy do Freddy's, jak za starych czasów.
302012090:Dalej przesiadujesz w tej spelunie?
302012100:Ma nowego właściciela. Nie poznasz tego miejsca. I zupełnie inna klientela. Sam się przekonasz.
302012110:Tak? A ta nowa klientela ma coś wspólnego z tym twoim wozem?
302012120:Powiedzmy, że od kiedy cię zamknęli, pojawiło się kilka atrakcyjnych okazji. Co, miałem zacząć legalne interesy, jak poszedłeś siedzieć?
302012130:Jasne, że nie. Ale bez mojej opieki spodziewałem się raczej, że zanim ja wyjdę, zamkną ciebie.
302012140:Pojebało cię? Nie mnie, stary. Jestem na to za szczwany.
302012150:Albo nosisz w dupie podkowę na szczęście.


Filename Audio Subtitles
302012050:Пять минут разговора и опять на папашу моего свернули. Может, сменим тему, а?
302012060:Ладно, прости, приятель.
302012070:Ладно, куда мы едем?
302012080:Я думал, заглянем к Фредди, по старой памяти.
302012090:Ты все еще ходишь в ту дыру?
302012100:Она сменила хозяев. Все вообще поменяли. Теперь там совсем другие люди. Увидишь.
302012110:Да? А эти другие люди случайно не имеют отношения к твоей тачке?
302012120:Скажем так, после твоего отъезда подвернулась масса возможностей. Ты думал, я вступлю на путь исправления, когда ты уедешь?
302012130:Ну ясно, нет. Правда, я считал, что без меня ты сядешь - некому будет тебя вытаскивать.
302012140:Ты что, сдурел? Только не я, шеф. Я же не такой дурак.
302012150:Ну или это, или жареный петух клюнул.


Filename Audio Subtitles
302012050:No han pasado ni cinco minutos y ya estamos hablando de mi dichoso padre. ¿Cambiamos de tema?
302012060:Lo siento, amigo. Tienes razón.
302012070:Vale, ¿adónde vamos?
302012080:Había pensado en ir a Freddy's, por los viejos tiempos.
302012090:¿Sigues yendo a ese garito?
302012100:Tiene dueños nuevos. Deberías ver el local. En estos tiempos va clientela nueva. Ya verás.
302012110:¿Sí? ¿Y la nueva clientela tiene algo que ver con el coche que conduces?
302012120:Digamos que en tu ausencia se han presentado varias oportunidades. ¿Pensabas que me iba a reformar después de tu marcha?
302012130:Claro que no. Pero sin mí para llevarte por el buen camino, pensaba que posiblemente te encontraría entre rejas.
302012140:¿Estás chiflado? Ni de coña, tío. Soy demasiado listo.
302012150:O eso o tienes una flor en el culo.

Chapter 3: Enemy of the State



303020120:Hey Giuseppe. Word around town is you can set me up with a license to carry. Is that right?
303020130:Sure. It will take a few days though. I'll give Joe a call when it's ready.
303020540:Bravo, Vito. Bravo. I am impressed.

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303500380:Hi, Charlie.
303500390:Hey, Vito. What's up with the car?
303500400:I uh... totalled it. Well... Some idiot ran a red light at an intersection and uh, crashed right into me.
303500410:Hijo de puta... What am I gonna do now?
303500420:I'm sorry, Charlie, there was nothing I could do..
303500430:Puta madre, I'm gonna have to come up with something else fast now!
303500440:Sorry, Charlie.
303500450:Here you go, Charlie.
303500470:She's a little beat up, Vito, so I'm gonna have to take the repairs out of what I was gonna pay you, OK?
303500480:Did anybody see you?
303500490:Ah, piece of cake. It was just sitting there unlocked, nobody was around.
303500500:Haha. No fucking way!... That is great, so now all I gotta do is...

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Chapter 4 Murphy's Law


As previously mentioned, these quotes from Vito along with some text strings for the first part of the chapter are used if the player doesn't have a gun or lockpicks respectively, but it's not normally possible.


Filename Audio Subtitles
300px 304010010:Dammit, forgot my gun!
300px 304010020:Ahh shit, forgot the lockpicks.

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Chapter 6: Time Well Spent

Chapter 7: In Loving Memory of Francesco Potenza




Filename Audio Subtitles
307010130:Hey, looks who's here! Long time no see. Coño, Vito! How long's it been? At least two or three years, no?
307010140:More like six or seven, Charlie.
307010150:Coño, the time, it passes away kind of fast, you know? So where you been?
307010160:The Big House - where did you think?
307010170:You were in a big house for seven years?
307010180:No, you know - the can, the joint, the slammer... jail!
307010190:Oh, coño, right, sorry, I completely forgot... But you're out now, right? Hey, congratulations!
307010200:So, what can I do for you, Vito?

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307010130:誰かと思えば! 久しぶりだな、ヴィト! 何年ぶりだ? 2、3年は経ってるか?
307010190:あ! なるほどな、すまん。すっかり忘れてたよ。でも出て来たんだろ? おめでとさん!

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Chapter 11: A Friend of Ours

Chapter 12: Sea Gift


An unused variation of Vito's narration at the beginning of the chapter. It was meant to be used if the player chose the removed Chapter 11 option to kill Leo Galante.


Filename Audio Subtitles
300px 312010013:My house burnt to the ground, along with almost every penny I had. There was even some trouble with the cops, but Eddie took care of that. And since I didn't have any insurance, so I had to live in this shithole of an apartment 'til I could get back on my feet...
300px 312010014:It was good to have Henry back, but I couldn't get Leo out of my head. I'm not proud of what happened, but that's the way it goes, I guess. Business is business.

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Chapter 14: Stairway to Heaven




Filename Audio Subtitles
300px 314010001:Uh... I should see who that is... Might be important.

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Filename Audio Subtitles
300px 314010110:Yeah, yeah, whatever. So you in or not?
300px 314500120:Can it at least wait 'til later? I didn't sleep too good last night. Not sure how much help I'm gonna be right now.
300px 314500130:Yeah, yeah, yeah. I hear you, but it's gotta be done right now. Listen, if you don't want to go, no sweat, I'll just grab somebody else. Maybe that new skinny guy...
300px 314500140:Alright, fine by me.
300px 314500150:Alright. And hey, I was at Harry's just now and he said he wants to talk to you about something. So go grab yourself a cup of coffee, and a nice big bowl of cheer-the-fuck-up, and go see him. Hopefully he's got something for you. I'll see you later, Vito.
300px 314500160:Alright, see you.

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314020820:Who's this guy?
314020830:Joe's buddy. I figure the boss'll have plenty to ask him too.
314020840:You search 'im?
314020850:Yeah. He ain't got nothing.
314020860:Just to be sure.
314020870:Whoa, what's this? You didn't search him too good. That's a lot of cash.
314020880:Shit, must've missed that.
314020890:This belongs to Frank, I'll hang on to it for now.
314020900:Your buddy had a shitload of cash on him too. Why you carrying so much 'scarole?
314020910:Your old lady gave it to me for a "job well done"-- Know what I mean?
314020920:Funny. We'll see who's laughing by the time we're done with you!
314020930:Take him upstairs to the eighth floor. You'll have to use the stairs-- The elevator's busted again. They're trying to fix it before Frank gets here.
314020940:Shit, that's a lot of stairs. Just fucking great.
314020950:Hey, Pete, look, stairs ain't my thing... I got arthritis... And asthma. I'll just wait for you here.
314020960:Oh, for chrissake!
314020990:Alright, move it asshole!
314021000:Don't worry, the guys are in the building. Even if he gets away from you he's got nowhere to run.
314021010:Fine. Come on, dickhead.
314021020:You go where I tell you, nice and easy. If you try to run away, both you and your buddy are gonna get it, so think twice before you do anything stupid.
314050020:How's Barbaro doing?
314050030:He's still upstairs, holding on. He'll spill the beans before they're done with him though.
314050035:What are they gonna do with him then?
314050041:Probably give him a concrete bath. smirks Construction's a "risky business" you know.
314050060:I'm gonna go check upstairs.
314050070:Be my guest. That's a lot of stairs...
314050080:They had Joe and they were gonna kill him. I had to help him... but I had to be careful.

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Chapter 15: Per Aspera Ad Astra




Filename Audio Subtitles
300px 315050100:Shit! What the hell?!
300px 315050120:Get him!
300px 315070001:You really think Carlo's right? About Henry?
300px 315070002:Yeah, why don't you ask him, tough guy? I'm sure that'd go over real good.
300px 315070003:Yeah, but Henry was a good guy. I can't believe the guy was a rat.
300px 315070004:Yeah, well, that's the way it goes sometimes... Look, now we gotta deal with this other thing.
300px 315070005:Yeah... Don't this seem kinda harsh to you?
300px 315070006:Hey, what do you mean 'harsh'? What are we fucking insurance salesmen over here?
300px 315070007:It's just that, you know, he's a good guy... Maybe he didn't know about Henry and the Feds...
300px 315070008:Whether he did or he didn't - it don't matter. He brought Henry in and the guy turned out to be a rat. You vouch for a rat, you're gonna get it. That's just the way it goes.
300px 315070009:Guess I thought Carlo'd make some kinda... exception. I don't know...
300px 315070011:Hey, no exceptions for nobody. This is the only way everybody stays in line.
300px 315070012:So what are we gonna do when he gets here?
300px 315070013:We do what Carlo said to do. You wanna argue with him, you be my guest.

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315050100:何? 何だと!?
315070001:カルロの言ってること、正しいのかな? ヘンリーのことだよ
315070002:本人に聞いてみたらどうだ? さぞかし親密な会話が聞けそうだ
315070004:まあ、あれだ。物事ってそういうもんだろ... それより、もう一方の件だよ
315070005:ああ... あんまりだと思わねえか?
315070006:おい、あんまり、って何だよ? 俺らは保険のセールスマンじゃねえんだ
315070007:だけどよ、あいつもいい奴じゃねえか... ヘンリーと当局のことなんて、知らなかったのかもよ
315070009:カルロが何か... 例外的な対応を見せるかと思ったんだ。わからんけどな

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Unused Audio


Unused Text

General Text

Text found in text_default.sds

00_50_00_0007:Unlock the door 
00_50_00_0008:Lock the door

Interaction prompts for locking and unlocking some door, which one exactly is unknown.

00_50_00_0015:Sit down 
00_50_00_0016:Stand up

Seems like not even sitting on places was spared, Vito can be seen sitting in one of the diners' stools in the E3 2009 gameplay demo, what other things he could sit on is unknown. As the now-dead game-archivist.com once said: "Imagine just sitting at home looking out the window watching the world pass by while you listen to the radio and news, or coming home from a mission on a rainy night, sitting down and watching the fire in the fireplace. 2K missed an obvious and easy chance to allow players to further appreciate the fantastic world they made.". The feels.

00_50_00_0017:Refuel the car

This was probably meant for using the scrapped gas can item on a vehicle.


These unused prompts can be seen in the leftover Free Ride script, where the player is able to recruit and unrecruit Joe and Henry as allies.

00_50_00_0025:Give a big hit

What this refers with "big hit" is unknown.

00_50_00_0026:Use teleport

Likely a debug string for an also debug function.

00_50_00_0027:Buy a hot dog for $1

This is not the same text for buying hot dogs as the actual game. Also, here it also says the price, which is $0,20 in the final game unlike what it says here.

00_50_00_0032:Ask Salvatore for help

This was meant for an earlier iteration of Chapter 3 where Salvatore (from the first Mafia game) would help Vito open the safe in the OPA building, as mentioned by unused subtitles for the chapter.

00_50_00_0035:Release the ladder

Where releasing a ladder would happen is unknown.

00_50_00_0036:Take the stamps

Obviously would be for Chapter 3, but in the actual game, Vito automatically grabs the stamps when he opens the safe that contains them.

00_50_00_0040:You need a lockpick

The way this is written seems like a hint rather than an action. Where the game would remind the player to get lockpicks is unknown, but this might indicate that lockpicks used to be limited (as unused voice clips also hint), unlike the final game.

00_50_00_0042:Speak to Maria Agnello

A prompt for talking to the insider woman of the OPA in Chapter 3, in the actual game she can't be interacted with.

00_50_00_0043:Check the rack

Interaction for checking a rack, no idea why or where it would happen.

00_50_00_0044:Have a hot dog

Either this is an alternative variant of "Buy a hot dog" or it was meant for the player to be able to steal hot dogs from stands like he can with other foods at diners.

00_50_00_0046:Buy a newspaper

There are many newspaper kiosks and machines around the city and this action text indicates that the player was planned to be able to buy from either of them.

00_50_00_0047:Slot machine

One of the early screenshots from 2007 shows the interior of Freddy's Bar with slot machines next to the bar but they can't be found there or anywhere else in the final game, this text could indicate that they might've been interactable.

00_50_00_0048:You have learned to crack a safe.

A text notice for unlocking an ability to crack open safes, the way it's written is reminiscent of the texts when the player learns how to unlock cars in the first Mafia. This was going to be taught at Giuseppe's in the earlier iteration of Chapter 3, mentioned by leftover subtitles. If this string is any indication, safes were maybe planned to be found in more places in the game for this mechanic to even be warranted.

00_50_00_0058:Sell the cargo

An action for selling a cargo, of what kind is unknown.

00_50_00_0101:Start following 
00_50_00_0102:Stop following

Some kind of actions for following and unfollowing, unknown if for the player or NPCs.

00_50_00_0103:You killed innocent people. Your reputation is getting lower!

A notice for killing innocent people causing a reduction to the scrapped respect system that was mentioned in prerelease articles and has leftover unused tutorial text for Chapter 2.

00_50_00_0104:Press AB for shopping 
00_50_00_0105:Use AB at Joe again 

These appear to be testing/placeholder interaction texts, these have Xbox 360 buttons written in them as opposed to the [BUTTON] commands used by the actual game's prompts.

00_50_00_0107:Take the glasscutter

This was clearly meant for chapter 10 for when Joe asks Vito to help him cut a hole in the meeting office's window, but in the actual game, the player doesn't grab any glass cutter, just walks into Joe and a cutscene starts.

00_50_00_0110:Talk with Henry

A prompt for interacting with Henry, who in-game can never be interacted with. In all instances where he is outside of cutscenes, he is just automatically talked to when the player gets close to him.

00_50_00_0200:Take the newspaper
00_50_00_0201:Take the hot dog

"Take" texts are seen for the fridges and wardrobes, these for the scrapped newspaper item and hot dogs. Maybe prompts for stealing them.


Seemingly another debug string.

00_50_00_0206:Jimmy the padlock

Unlocking a padlock, use unknown.

00_50_00_0207:Activate the hunt
00_50_00_0208:Activate the escape


00_50_00_0209:Give the sandwich

Unknown if this is a leftover of a debug action or we could've actually give a sandwich to someone somewhere.

00_50_00_0212:Take the guns

Taking guns from somewhere, use unknown.

00_50_00_0219:Open the bar


00_50_00_0220:Spawn the wingmen 
00_50_00_0221:Invulnerability on/off 
00_50_00_0222:Spawn one enemy 
00_50_00_0225:Spawn a guard

Text of some debug functions.

00_50_00_0226:Pull out Pietro


00_50_00_0227:Pick up the stool
00_50_00_0228:Pick up the small object

Story writer, designer, and former game director Daniel Vávra said in a 2008 interview that during melee combat the players were able to pick up chairs and other objects to use as weapons, these text prompts seem to be remnants of that mechanic.

00_50_00_0229:Give the clothes
00_50_00_0230:Take the clothes

More unknown actions related to giving and taking stuff, this time for clothes.

00_50_00_0233:Pick up the broom

Prompt for grabbing a broom, possibly meant for Chapter 10, where a lot of cleaning is involved, but no broom ever appears there in the actual game.

00_50_00_0235:Pay the fare

Paying the fare of something, this might be a leftover from one of the scrapped transport systems.


Wether this action was meant for a mission or somewhere else is unknown.

00_50_00_0239:Plant the bomb

Probably meant for Chapter 10 for putting the bomb under the table in the hotel's meeting room, but in the actual game, Joe plants the bomb in a cutscene, this text seems to indicate Vito was originally going to do it.

00_50_00_0240:Talk to the cleaner

This was probably for the cleaning lady inside Joe's apartment in Chapter 2, who is spoken with automatically in the actual game when getting close to her.

00_50_00_0241:Ask for fees


00_50_00_0242:Open the electric box

This was supposed to be used in Chapter 4, as mentioned by some unused dialog, originally Vito had to disable an alarm before he and Joe robbed the jewelry store.

00_50_00_0247:Talk to the man

There are many instances in the story where this could be used but in all of them the interaction text is always just "Talk".

00_50_00_0248:Search under the doormat 
00_50_00_0249:Search in the mailbox 
00_50_00_0250:Search the door frame 
00_50_00_0251:Search the window sill

Actions for searching something, what exactly is unknown.

00_50_00_0253:Send the mail

Whether this was a normal interaction for mailboxes or for a particular moment is unknown.

00_50_00_0256:Pick up the box
00_50_00_0257:Pick up the carton


00_50_00_0258:Get the guy down

What this was for and who's the "guy", is unknown.

00_50_00_0259:Take the brush

Maybe meant for Chapter 10, but no brush is ever used.

00_50_00_0262:Hide behind the curtains

This is stored alongside the hiding options in Chapter 11, in the final game, there's no option to hide in behind curtains.

00_50_00_0268:Talk to Eric

Obviously meant for when you go see Eric in Chapter 11, but in the actual game the prompt used is just "Talk".

00_50_00_0271:Talk to the old woman

This was for interacting with the old lady in Chapter 2 when walking to Vito's mother's apartment, but like other characters, she is talked to automatically in-game instead.

00_50_00_0273:Repair the engine

In the actual game, "Fix the engine" is the prompt for a broken car engine, this seems to be an alternate version.

00_50_00_0274:Use the shovel

The part of Chapter 7 where Vito buries Frankie Potts' body was meant to be a gameplay section but it was cut and skipped in the final game, unused dialogue for the section still remains.

00_50_00_0276:Climb onto the ledge

Probably meant for the rooftop part of Chapter 4, where Vito and Joe get across a ledge to get to an opposite building of which getting close to automatically triggers a cutscene.

Mission Text

Regional Differences

The Playboy magazines are censored in the Japanese version.