User:MrU/TWEWY Debug/Kit Menu
K1 - Field<->Battle
Description: (A battle happens in the field ?)
This option returns the game to the start of the current mission.
K2 - FLD/Field
Description: 3D Field Test
Opens up the Field Select menu. The Field Select menu lets you view or change:
- the current field
- no003 = Spain Hill
- ce001 = Scramble Crossing
- no001 = AMX
- ce002 = 104 Building
- ce003 = Center St. Entrance
- ce004 = Statue of Hachiko
- no002 = Tipsy Tose Hall
- no004 = Shibu-Q Heads
- no005 = Molco
- no006 = Udagawa Back Streets
- no007 = Blank area with AMX on top screen; registers as Udagawa Back Streets
- no008 = Shibu Dept. Store
- no009 = Cadoi City
- no010 = Towa Records
- ea001 = Miyashita Park
- ea002 = Miyashita Park Underpass
- ea003 = Cat Street
- so001 = West Exit Bus Terminal
- so002 = Station Underpass
- we001 = Dogenzaka
- we002 = Blank area with Pork City 1F on top screen; registers as Pork City 1F
- we003 = A-East
- we004 = Shibukyu Main Store
- we005 = Concert Stage
- mk001 = Pork City 1F
- mk002 = Pork City 2F
- mk003 = Pork City 3F
- mk004 = Pork City 4F
- mk005 = Pork City 5F
- mk006 = Pork City 6F
- mk007 = Pork City 7F
- mk008 = Pork City 8F
- mk009 = Pork City 9F
- mk010 = Pork City 10F
- mk011 = Pork City 11F
- mk012 = Pork City 12F
- mk013 = Pork City 13F
- mk014 = Pork City Roof (black screen)
- ex001 = Trail of the Sinner
- ex002 = Rubicon
- ex003 = Trail of the Bygone
- ex004 = Dead God's Pad
- ex005 = Trail of the Judged
- ex006 = Room of Reckoning
- width: the width of the current map (not changeable)
- Building: the Building number (top screen picture?) (not changeable)
- Road: the Road number (bottom screen map?) (not changeable)
- topScale: The relative size of people at the top of this map, as compared to the original size of the image. 0.8 = 80% of original size, etc. (not changeable)
- botomScale: The relative size of people at the bottom of this map, as compared to the original size of the image. 1.0 = 100% of original size, etc. (not changeable)
- NPC: How many people are wandering around on this map. (too high a number will cause slowdown, negative number seems to just give 0)
- DEBUG WINDOW: Opens a small window located on the upper screen in the upper left corner, it shows your location cordinates and the amount of npcs in the map.
- MapJump: Forces all exits to be open when on.
- Partner: Sets your current battle partner.
- 0 = Shiki
- 1 = Joshua
- 2 = Beat
- noize symbol: How many noise symbols are floating around during a scan, too much can cause slowdown.
- top brand: sets the current top brand
- 0 = Mus Rattus
- 1 = D+B
- 2 = Tigre Punks
- 3 = Lapin Angelique
- 4 = Dragon Couture
- 5 = Hip Snake
- 6 = Pegaso
- 7 = Sheep Heavenly
- 8 = Jupiter of the Monkey
- 9 = Pavo Real
- 10 = Natural Puppy
- 11 = Wild Boar
- 12 = Gatito
K3 - IMD
This menu gives you a list of filenames to scroll through; judging from every entry having an .nsmbd file extension, this menu was probably made to test 3D models. Unfortunately, the filenames listed can't be found in the game anymore, so it's not too surprising that the game crashes when you press A on any selected file.
K4 - Sound Test
Opens the Sound Test menu, where all sounds can be accessed and played. There is a mixer of sorts that can be used to adjust settings such as how the sound plays, the loop, etc. This option is relatively safe if all that is changed is the sound.
- title = "It's So Wonderful"
- F01 to S03 = All other CD Tracks
- ending = A Lullaby for You (credits song)
- e_01_01 = Opening sequence
- e_01_02a = Neku awakening sequence
- e_01_02b = Player Pin sequence
- e_01_02c = Neku scanning sequence
- e_01_03 = "You Have 7 Days" timer sequence
- e_01_04 = Long Beep (Adjust "adx volume" to hear it; supposedly the scene where Neku is running from the frogs)
- e_01_05 = Erasure sequence
- e_01_06 = Pact sequence
- e_02_01 = "Don't kill me" sequence
- e_03_01 = "Don't kill me" erasure sequence
- e_03_02 = Beat/Rhyme Golden Bat sequence
- e_04_01 = Rhyme erasure sequence
- e_07_01 = Higashizawa Noise transform
- r_01_01 = Udagawa flashback (scene)
- r_02_01 = Udagawa flashback (Player Pin drop)
- r_02_02 = Shiki "resurrection" sequence
- r_02_03 = Neku wakes up in the Scramble Crossing
- r_04_01 = Udagawa flashback (Joshua shoot ver.)
- r_05_01 = Joshua "Jesus Beam" sequence
- r_07_01 = Minamimoto Noise transform
- r_07_02 = Udagawa flashback (Minamimoto shoot ver.)
- r_07_03 = Lv. i Flare/Joshua sacrifice sequence
- b_02_01 = Rhyme Noise erasure sequence
- b_07_01 = Beat's shadow sequence
- b_07_02 = Konishi Noise transform
- b_07_03 = Posessed Shiki sequence
- b_07_04 = Kitaniji Noise transform
- b_07_06 = Draco Cantus sequence
- b_07_07 = Final Fusion Attack sequence
- b_07_08 = Udagawa flashback final segment
- b_07_09 = Neku/Joshua duel sequence
- b_07_10 = "What the hell!?" sequence
- b_07_11 = Headphones removal sequence
- b_07_12 = Pre-credits "Meeting" sequence
- s_01_01 = Secret Reports bonus sequence
K5 - Event Select
Opens up the Event Select menu. Each event causes different things, but does not follow events like a boss battle or clearing a wall.Use at your own risk.
K6 - Flash
Opens up the video menu. Each video is named for the chapter, along with an identifying number. Some of the videos crash the game. Use at your own risk.
- 0 OpeningFlash = Crashes game
- 1 EndingFlash = Crashes game
- 2 e_01_01 = W1D1; Neku's opening monologue and waking up in the Scramble
- 3 e_01_03 = W1D1; "You Have 7 Days"
- 4 e_01_04 = W1D1; Opening cinematic
- 5 e_01_05 = W1D1; Players erased at Hachiko
- 6 e_01_06 = W1D1; Neku and Shiki's pact
- 7 e_01_end = W1D1; "Chapter Closed"
- 8 e_02_end = W1D2; "Don't kill me" + "Chapter Closed"
- 9 e_03_01 = W1D3; "Don't kill me"
- 10 e_03_02 = W1D3; Golden bat
- 11 e_03_end = W1D3; "Chapter Closed"
- 12 e_04_01 = W1D4; Rhyme's erasure
- 13 e_04_end = W1D4; "Chapter Closed"
- 14 e_05_end = W1D5; "Chapter Closed"
- 15 e_06_end = W1D6; "Chapter Closed"
- 16 e_07_01 = W1D7; Higashizawa's transformation
- 17 e_07_02 = W1D7; Waking up in the Scramble
- 18 e_07_end = W1D7; "Chapter Closed"
- 19 r_01_01 = W2D1; Udagawa flashback (scene)
- 20 r_01_02 = W2D1; Neku and Joshua's pact
- 21 r_01_end = W2D1; "Chapter Closed"
- 22 r_02_01 = W2D2; Udagawa flashback (pin drop)
- 23 r_02_02 = W2D2; Shiki's 'resurrection'
- 24 r_02_03 = W2D2; Beat on Pork City
- 25 r_02_end = W2D2; "Chapter closed"
- 26 r_03_end = W2D3; "Chapter Closed"
- 27 r_04_01 = W2D4; Udagawa flashback (Joshua shooting)
- 28 r_04_end = W2D4; "Chapter Closed"
- 29 r_05_01 = W2D5; Joshua's 'Jesus beam'
- 30 r_05_end = W2D5; "Chapter Closed"
- 31 r_06_end = W2D6; "Chapter Closed"
- 32 r_07_01 = W2D7; Minamimoto's transformation
- 33 r_07_02 = W2D7; Udagawa flashback (Minamimoto shooting)
- 34 r_07_03 = W2D7; Joshua's sacrifice and waking up in the Scramble
- 35 r_07_end = W2D7; "Chapter Closed"
- 36 b_01_01 = W3D1; Neku and Beat's pact
- 37 b_01_end = W3D1; "chapter Closed"
- 38 b_02_01 = W3D2; Konishi crushing Rhyme
- 39 b_02_end = W3d2; "Chapter Closed"
- 40 b_03_end = W3D3; "Chapter Closed"
- 41 b_04_end = W3D4; "Chapter Closed"
- 42 b_05_end = W3D5; "Chapter Closed"
- 43 b_06_end = W3D6; "Chapter Closed"
- 44 b_07_01 = W3D7; Beat's shadow
- 45 b_07_02 = W3D7; Konsishi's transformation
- 46 b_07_03 = W3D7; Shiki possessed
- 47 b_07_04 = W3D7; Kitaniji's transformation - triggers unrelated Noise battle then returns you to West Exit Bus Terminal and freezes game
- 48 b_07_06 = W3D7; Draco Cantus - triggers unrelated Noise battle then returns you to West Exit Bus Terminal (appears to be safe)
- 49 b_07_07 = W3D7; Final fusion - Freezes game except when used in Another Day, where it will trigger the cutscene where Joshua tries making Mick extend his deadline.
- 50 b_07_08 = W3D7; Udagawa flashback (full)
- 51 b_07_09 = W3D7; Neku/Joshua duel through to "The World Begins With You" - triggers end-of-game save prompt and return to title (appears to be safe)
- 52 b_07_11 = W3D7; Neku taking off his phones
- 53 b_07_end = W3D7; "Chapter End"
- 54 s_01_01 = Secret ending and Neku taking off his phones
- 55 catchE1 through 76 catchC1 = Chapter start screens (E = Shiki, R = Joshua, B = Beat, C = Another Day)
- 77 showend = "Thank you for Playing!"
- 78 test_r_01_01 through 82 test_b_07_08 = Udagawa flashbacks
K7 - NPC Message Select
Opens up all NPC messages that can be said. Each message is grouped by what person can say them, when they can say them, and where they can say them. Relatively safe. Not available in the Japanese version.
K8 - Message Select
Opens up the Message Select menu. Not available in the Japanese version. While it seems as though nothing happens when using this menu, the game does load text when viewed in OAM. Scrolling through the various options allows you to see the entire game script. It should be noted that certain options are invalid, so the game will abruptly crash.