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From The Cutting Room Floor
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Hello everyone!

I'm just a guy who likes video games a lot, especially the good bits left unused. Long time reader, first time editor to the site, I'm kinda new to the creating aspect here.

But that doesn't mean I haven't got a few things to show so far!

Pages I have helped make and create

- Gran Turismo Concept

- Gran Turismo 4 Prologue

- Gran Turismo 4

Pages currently on my to-do list

(You can help me out if you wish, I would really appreciate it!)

- Hot Shots Golf 2/Minna no Golf 2 (Lots of regional differences, I'm currently working on gathering screenshots and putting this together.)

- Any of the games from the Beatmania series (as I would like to investigate them a bit)

- Gran Turismo 6 (as I know there are some things that can be revealed)

- Anything else I can think of...

I also help out other articles when I can. I usually do minor edits, like correcting or grammar fixing when I see it; or fix-ups, like proper linking, video sizing, etc. However, I can also add some more bits to articles that currently don't have what they need, if I know exactly what's missing or needs to be done.