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Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 3DX+

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Title Screen

Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 3DX+

Developers: Bandai Namco, Xeen
Publisher: Bandai Namco
Platform: Arcade (Namco System N2)
Released internationally: 2010
Released in JP: March 4, 2010[1]

MinigameIcon.png This game has unused modes / minigames.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

To do:
  • Fully document updated debug menus, test play etc.
  • Verify if most of vanilla WMMT3 hidden stuff is also hidden here.

Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 3DX+ is the second update to the original Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 3, featuring the debut of the Nissan GT-R (R35) and Skyline GT-R (KPGC10).

Unused Graphics


WMMT3DX+ QQQQ name 001.png
Placeholder logo for a Honda S2000. The brand would debut in Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 5DX+ (along with Acura in North America and China version), but the model in question was not available for the player or used by story mode opponents in that game (not until WMMT6 where it was used by Yuji Kishida on the second half of Zero Fighter on the Ground arc), until Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 6RR+ revision released in 2024, in form of the S2000 Type S (AP2) (previously an event-only car added in 5DX+).

Unused Modes

Ghost Battle Tournament Mode

In this mode, players would have battle against ghosts stored on the machine in a three-stage tournament. This mode was mostly finished, including with unused graphics and even a test play entry; however as the mode was not coded, it crashes if you try to boot into the mode. It is unknown why it was cut from the final game. Various graphics for it can still be found in the files.

WMMT3DX+ Menu p mode image to.png
WMMT3DX+ Menu p mode txt to.png


WMMT3DX+ Menu vs mx tournament.png
Would be used in attract to show when a user on another machine is competing in a tournament.


WMMT3DX+ Menu to saikyo demo title.png
Would be used in attract to show the top players in the current tournament.


WMMT3DX+ Menu p mode icon to.png
The menu icon for the game mode.


WMMT3DX+ Menu p tournament trophy gs.pngWMMT3DX+ Menu p crown L tournament.png
Various trophies that would be awarded to winners of the tournament.

R35 GT-R Customization

Although the Nissan GT-R (R35) (nor the unlockable Nissan GT-R SpecV (R35) variant) cannot have dress-up parts normally installed, it is possible to install neon lights on the car via modifying the card data or doing the card glitch. Additionally, aftermarket wheels can also be installed. As there are no rear wing, hood, or side mirrors parts, installing these types of parts would simply remove them from the car's mesh.

GT-R (R35, standard) GT-R SpecV (R35)
Wmmt3dxp-R35-Neon.png Wmmt3dxp-R35SpecV-Neon.png
GT-R (R35, standard) GT-R SpecV (R35)
Wmmt3dxp-R35-customwheels.png Wmmt3dxp-R35SpecV-customwheels.png
Aero Side Mirrors
GT-R (R35, standard) GT-R SpecV (R35)
Wmmt3dxp-R35-sidemirror.png Wmmt3dxp-R35SpecV-sidemirror.png
Rear Wing
GT-R (R35, standard) GT-R SpecV (R35)
Wmmt3dxp-R35-aerorearwing.png Wmmt3dxp-R35SpecV-aerorearwing.png
Custom Hood
GT-R (R35, standard) GT-R SpecV (R35)
Wmmt3dxp-R35-custombonnet.png Wmmt3dxp-R35SpecV-custombonnet.png
In-Race (All Parts)
GT-R (R35, standard) GT-R SpecV (R35)
Wmmt3dxp-r35-fittedaero-inrace.png Wmmt3dxp-R35SpecV-aerofitted-inrace.png

Unused Car Color


Hidden in the game files (data/car/nis_R35_SpecV/normal/color), there is an unused sixth color for Nissan GT-R SpecV (R35) named r35_specv_body01_colA06.tga. It is unknown why this color is not used, but when used in race, it lacks glowing primary taillight texture, resulting in the taillights not working properly.

Front Rear
Wmmt3dxp-r35specvunusedcolor-front.png Wmmt3dxp-r35specvunusedcolor-rear.png

Regional Differences

To do:
Document if the Chinese version is any different.

In addition to all previous regional changes, 3DX+ adds a new regional difference of its own:

  • When selecting a Toyota car, highlighting the Toyota Aristo or the Toyota Celsior will display a Japanese model disclaimer in the English version, as these cars are sold as Lexus outside Japan. The wording used is the same as one used in the System 246 Wangan Midnight game.

Revisional Differences

The Ver.B revision fixed a glitch where cards marked as used from the 3/3DX transfer process can have their data copied by being inserting it several times into the card slot when prompted to insert their card until the timer in that prompt runs out, and then subsequently purchasing a new card.
