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Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? (Genesis)

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Title Screen

Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?

Developer: Distinctive Software
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Platform: Genesis
Released in US: 1992
Released in EU: 1992

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

To do:
  • There's a function called ATMDebug() but I haven't found anything that calls it yet...

Debugging Features

To do:
Is there a way to enable this flag in-game? Are there any features I'm missing? I haven't quite disassembled everything just yet...

In addition:

  • There is an effect at ROM $8536 but I can't tell what it does, only that it does it after the "We have just intercepted a Time Patrol Crime Alert." screen.
  • There are additional effects in Invest(), InitInvest(), and GetClue() that I don't know about...

Set word $FFE7D8 to a nonzero value, perhaps with patch code FFE7D8:FFFF. After doing this, a bunch of debugging features will be enabled. In no particular order:

Animation Test

When in control of the ATM, choose Search, then press the fourth selection button from the top (the first one without an arrow next to it). The game will run through all the animations that can appear on the left side of the screen, then return control to you.

"Test()" Test

I (andlabs) don't have a better name for this one; the function that runs this test is called just Test().

When in control of the ATM, choose Abort, then press the fourth selection button from the top (the first one without an arrow next to it). The game will then present you with a menu that lets you run through all the game's city descriptions, treasure descriptions, witness clues, informant clues, or scanner clues. After running through all of one of these five, you are taken back to the Abort menu.

Miscellaneous Effects

  • You will be given 75 hours of use of the Chronoskimmer regardless of any other condition.