YIIK: A Post-Modern RPG
YIIK: A Post-Modern RPG |
Also known as: YIIK I.V
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This game is receiving new content, by way of Expansion Packs and/or Downloadable Content. Be aware that any unused content you find may become used in the future. If this does happen, please specify as such! |
To do: Further document the different stages. Also document the unused sound effects and attacks (such as the early version of LP toss, which is like a slot machine). |
YIIK (pronounced why-two-kay) is a turn-based indie RPG inspired by postmodern authors like Chuck Palahniuk and Haruki Murakami (with hints of EarthBound and Persona 4). Set in 1999, the game tells the story of a distraught man who witnesses the disappearance of a woman in an elevator. He meets friends along the way and, with the help of the nascent Internet, embarks on a lengthy search for her whereabouts. In the process, he discovers much more than he expected - a journey full of the unknown and the imminence of the millennium.
The game had a rather turbulent and protracted development cycle, and was Ackk Studios' second game (their previous game being Two Brothers). While contributions to the game from other people were made, only two people (Andrew and Brian Allanson) worked on the game. The game was previewed at PAX East 2013, but it wouldn't come out until 2019. This was in part due to the game being the product of a stressful headspace, with the game's dungeons being redesigned and the ending lines being changed.
The game was initially released to mixed reception, and thanks to problems that can best described in detail elsewhere, Ackk Studios released version 1.25 in 2021 to bring quality of life and gameplay improvements, as well as a reimagined cutscene. The next update, known as YIIK 1.5 (stylized as YIIK I.V), was developed for 3 years, adding multiple hours of new content and a brand new battle system. 1.5 was released on December 2024, with a demo coming out earlier that year. The stark contrast between the updates has led to a positive critical reevaluation of the game, although there are still holdouts from those who haven't played the update.
Prototype Info |
Unused Areas A lot of unused dungeons! |
Unused Text and Dialogue Alex could've had a few more monologues... and sounds... |
Developer Messages
A message from Brian Allanson is present in the script file for the questionnaire:
DEV NOTE |You shouldn't be snooping around!| the following contains a list of keywords that will make Marlene say something special; when you enter it as your name/friends name in the beginning of the game.; you really should leave this file alone; I'm sorry you had to see this; Swear words and tradmark names are to follow.; forgive me.; ....also...; hi mom!; ...; so i figured...what the hell.; better then listing them off my self; no spellcheck yolo; shh bb is ok; -Brian A;
A note in the ONISM script gives a short tutorial on how to format posts:
[DevelopersNote\devNote] $User use a backslash to create a shortcut label that the player needs in their save file in order to have the post show if no shortcut label is found, then onism will auto-post this block always {RequireForCompletion:2} $Abuser >Bullshit! whatever im autta here! {RequireValueToSeePost:3} $Loser >>I see yoooooo!; {RequireValueToSeePost:4} $DevNote > No notes... {RequireValueToSeePost:5}
Grabbable Objects
The only object you can grab in the game are sports balls, ladders, and combs. But there is also a bomb object, leftover from the early builds of the game where you could use grabbable objects in battle. Also listed is a "Zapper" but besides it being defined as an object, there is no other information about what it is.
Debug Mode
Standing behind a tree in Alex's yard in a specific way and press Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, X, Circle, Square. A sound effect will play if done correctly.
Using this code will add the Fast Forward functionality to your save. You can enter the code again to toggle it off. You must enter your inventory first for every play session you want to use these features in.
Alternatively, add this to your save file.
[GodMode] FastForward=1 AutoBattle2=1
You can use the fast forward button to speed up normal gameplay, as well as skipping dialogue. Additionally, holding down the fast forward button when getting into an encounter will have you instantly win it.
In earlier versions of the game, speeding up or slowing down gameplay would also change the speed of the music and sound effects.
Unused Shop
A shop internally named "SportStoreChapter4TrainingForEnd" remains unimplemented. Although the name says Chapter 4, the "TrainingForEnd" part may refer to the Chapter 5 training segment.
In addition to selling the items in the "Sports!" Chapter 4 store, it would've sold Football Helmets and Larping Chainmail.
Unused Skills
Early LP Toss
LP Toss was originally a slot-machine like minigame, where pressing A would select a number between 1-9, and you would have to do that 4 times. The resulting number would determine the damage you deal.
Vella and Sammy Smooth Jazz
While Alex ends up with the Smooth Jazz in the final game, originally Sammy and Vella would play it on the piano minigame.
The combo would have you press "L1 L2 L1 L2 Triangle R1 L2" repeatedly until the timer ends.
Early Bushido
Some listed combos for Claudio's Bushido skill. It's unknown exactly what these skills could do.
[Hacky Slash] X X X □ □ ^ ^ [Dragon Kick] ^ O O ^ X □ X [Tempest Strike] X □ ^ X ^ O X [Home Run] ^ O ^ □ O X ^
Soul Capture
An ability for Michael that costed 15pp. Similar to Blue Magic in Final Fantasy, it would allow Michael to "Capture the soul of an enemy to use their powers against them!" This skill has functionality and can be used with save editing.
An ability for Michael (or Alex, as implied by its other name, Encyclopedia) that would scan enemy stats.
An ability that costs 8pp to use. Vella, Sammy, and Rory would've been able to use this skill. Judging from the name, it allows them to run away from a battle. It's unknown if there's still functionality. On the speculative side, this could either be an easier version of the existing "run away" minigame, or the run button at one point didn't exist and only these select few characters would've been able to run from battles.
Unused Music
Battle Music
One of the earliest battle themes. Can be heard in the prototype.
Big Band Jazz Battle
A battle theme.
Chondra's Lullaby
An unused character theme for Chondra. Was originally on the OST, but was removed.
Dungeon 3 Performance W VX
An earlier version of Vella's performance.
An earlier version of Frankton's theme.
Frankton Arcade
An earlier version of the arcade theme. This file cannot be found in the modern release of YIIK, only the Episode Prime demo.
Hanging Out
A relaxed-sounding track.
Loaded in during the mall.
Soul Space
A dramatic track.
Unused Textures
Demo Leftovers
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Ackk Studios
- Pages missing publisher references
- Games published by Ysbryd Games
- Windows games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 2019
- Games released in January
- Games released on January 17
- Games with unused animations
- Games with unused areas
- Games with unused characters
- Games with hidden developer messages
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with unused enemies
- Games with unused models
- Games with unused cinematics
- Games with unused items
- Games with unused abilities
- Games with unused music
- Games with unused sounds
- Games with unused text
- Games with debugging functions
- Games with regional differences
- Games with revisional differences
- Gets expansions
- To do
Cleanup > Pages missing date references
Cleanup > Pages missing developer references
Cleanup > Pages missing publisher references
Cleanup > To do
Games > Games by content > Games with debugging functions
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden developer messages
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden development-related text
Games > Games by content > Games with regional differences
Games > Games by content > Games with revisional differences
Games > Games by content > Games with unused abilities
Games > Games by content > Games with unused animations
Games > Games by content > Games with unused areas
Games > Games by content > Games with unused characters
Games > Games by content > Games with unused cinematics
Games > Games by content > Games with unused enemies
Games > Games by content > Games with unused items
Games > Games by content > Games with unused models
Games > Games by content > Games with unused music
Games > Games by content > Games with unused sounds
Games > Games by content > Games with unused text
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Ackk Studios
Games > Games by platform > Windows games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Ysbryd Games
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2019
Games > Games by release date > Games released in January
Games > Games by release date > Games released in January > Games released on January 17
Games > Gets expansions