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Title Screen


Developer: Nintendo EPD
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Released internationally: June 16, 2017

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

To do:
  • The game contains early Splatoon 2 assets, like Super Mario Maker did with the original game. Test animation data files.
  • The kiosk demo has a test map called test_omura.

The prequel to LEGS.


Unused Voice Clips & Sounds
A look into the wonderful world of sounds.

Cropped Icons

Each fighter in ARMS has an icon, used in various places in the game, such as the fighter selection screen and the online lobby. The icons shown in-game are cropped to be circular; however, the icons are actually square, meaning the edges of the icons are never seen in-game.

Full Icon In-Game
SpringManFullIcon.png SpringManInGame.png

Build Information

To do:
Check the update data
Cacti may speak Japanese, but do they speak it well?
...But does it make sense?
The translations on this page need to be proofread. If you are fluent enough in this language, please make any corrections necessary!

In System/Revision.yml, there is some build information.

Full Game
Root: 268473
Code: '267713'
Builder: DEVARMSBLD3(Jenkins)2017/04/07 15:58:04
Content: '268473'
  EUde: '4671'
  EUes: '4671'
  EUfr: '4671'
  EUit: '4671'
  EUnl: '4671'
  EUru: '4671'
  JPja: '4671'
  USen: '4671'
  USes: '4671'
  USfr: '4671'
  sead: "@245720(r.53750)"
  kcol: "@21796(r.48880)"
  agl: "@266417(r.53804)"
  gsys: "@264685(r.53804)"
  NW_Cafe_G3d: "@166125(r.53219)"
  nw_ptcl: "@221484(r.53659)"
  LinkCommon: "@251646(r.53804)"
  eui: "@229088(r.53712)"
  gdk: "@253680(r.53804)"
  enl: "@261043(r.53825)"
  elua: "@244543(r.53804)"
  aal: "@244543(r.53804)"
  Visualizer: "@211663(r.53571)"
  Nintendo SDK:
  Nintendo SDK NX Addon:
Global Test Punch
Root: 303388
Code: '303388'
Builder: DEVARMSBLD3(Jenkins)2017/05/10 09:11:23
Content: '303384'
  EUde: '4729'
  EUes: '4729'
  EUfr: '4729'
  EUit: '4729'
  EUnl: '4729'
  EUru: '4729'
  JPja: '4729'
  USen: '4729'
  USes: '4729'
  USfr: '4729'
  sead: "@288937(r.53750)"
  kcol: "@288937(r.48880)"
  agl: "@288937(r.53804)"
  gsys: "@288937(r.53804)"
  NW_Cafe_G3d: "@288937(r.53219)"
  nw_ptcl: "@288937(r.53659)"
  LinkCommon: "@288937(r.53804)"
  eui: "@288937(r.53712)"
  gdk: "@288937(r.53804)"
  enl: "@288937(r.53825)"
  elua: "@288937(r.53804)"
  aal: "@288937(r.53804)"
  Visualizer: "@288937(r.53571)"
  Nintendo SDK:
  Nintendo SDK NX Addon:
Kiosk Demo
Root: 441541
Code: '441541'
Builder: DEVOBAYASHIS【※プログラマの自席ビルド】2017/09/06 08:36:44
Content: '439877'
  EUde: '5857'
  EUes: '5857'
  EUfr: '5857'
  EUit: '5857'
  EUnl: '5857'
  EUru: '5857'
  JPja: '5857'
  USen: '5857'
  USes: '5857'
  USfr: '5857'
  sead: "@439814(r.56500)"
  kcol: "@439814(r.48880)"
  agl: "@439814(r.53804)"
  gsys: "@439814(r.53804)"
  NW_Cafe_G3d: "@439814(r.53219)"
  nw_ptcl: "@439814(r.53659)"
  LinkCommon: "@439814(r.53804)"
  eui: "@439814(r.53712)"
  gdk: "@439814(r.53804)"
  enl: "@439814(r.53825)"
  elua: "@439814(r.53804)"
  aal: "@439814(r.53804)"
  Visualizer: "@439814(r.53571)"
  Nintendo SDK:
  Nintendo SDK NX Addon:

【※プログラマの自席ビルド】 is roughly translated to (*Programmer's own build).

Nintendo Switch Online Game Trial
Root: 974159
Code: '974159'
Builder: DEVARMSBLD4(Jenkins)2018/04/17 14:07:33
Content: '972812'
  CNzh: '9444'
  EUde: '9444'
  EUes: '9444'
  EUfr: '9444'
  EUit: '9444'
  EUnl: '9444'
  EUru: '9444'
  JPja: '9444'
  KRko: '9444'
  TWzh: '9444'
  USen: '9444'
  USes: '9444'
  USfr: '9444'
  sead: "@934036(r.56500)"
  kcol: "@934036(r.48880)"
  agl: "@934036(r.53804)"
  gsys: "@934036(r.53804)"
  NW_Cafe_G3d: "@934036(r.53219)"
  nw_ptcl: "@934036(r.53659)"
  LinkCommon: "@934036(r.53804)"
  eui: "@934036(r.53712)"
  gdk: "@934036(r.53804)"
  enl: "@934036(r.53825)"
  elua: "@934036(r.53804)"
  aal: "@934036(r.53804)"
  Visualizer: "@934036(r.53571)"
  Nintendo SDK:
  Nintendo SDK NX Addon:
Ver 5.4.0
Root: 1713178
Code: '1713178'
Builder: DEVARMSBLD4(Jenkins)2018/08/28 20:13:13
Content: '1698396'
  CNzh: '9445'
  EUde: '9445'
  EUes: '9445'
  EUfr: '9445'
  EUit: '9445'
  EUnl: '9445'
  EUru: '9445'
  JPja: '9445'
  KRko: '9445'
  TWzh: '9445'
  USen: '9445'
  USes: '9445'
  USfr: '9445'
  sead: "@1668843(r.56500)"
  kcol: "@1668843(r.48880)"
  agl: "@1668843(r.53804)"
  gsys: "@1668843(r.53804)"
  NW_Cafe_G3d: "@1668843(r.53219)"
  nw_ptcl: "@1668843(r.53659)"
  LinkCommon: "@1668843(r.53804)"
  eui: "@1668843(r.53712)"
  gdk: "@1668843(r.53804)"
  enl: "@1668843(r.53825)"
  elua: "@1668843(r.53804)"
  aal: "@1668843(r.53804)"
  Visualizer: "@1668843(r.53571)"
  Nintendo SDK:
  Nintendo SDK NX Addon:

Unused Gamemode

There's a unused football Gamemode in ARMS v1.0.0 There's not much to it only win camera positions. It has code for the objects the were gonna be in the Gamemode The soccer ball uses the volley ball model

Unused Stage

In the map folder of Global testpunchand every version of ARMS there is a stage named Stage_Heliport Opening the map file shows a few objects Item_Medicalkits, Obj_Drumbomb, Obj_Helicopter and Obj_helicopterB. Sadly, the stage doesn't have a model or the objs. There's only A sound for the helicopter b in Sound/Reosource. You can also find some map names in sound/Resource If you open up BoxingBgm you'll find a bfstp for unused stage bgm's 1.Stage_Kouteisa 2.Stage_Cafe 3.Stage_Labo Stage_labo has bgm for it Stage_Kouteisa has bgm for it but its just Mechanica's theme so Nintendo probably just reused it

Unreleased Fighters

To do:
sweet and coil were the only unreleased fighters from the launch that were updated in version 1.1 and 2.0, find and check the information related to the two fighters in all versions. Also, more.

Updated in all versions


Removed in 1.1

Pasta woman

Added in 1.1

Pasta woman
(Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/ARMS/comments/6s02n6/spoiler_internal_names_for_20_arms_fighters/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/ARMS/comments/6s02n6/spoiler_internal_names_for_20_arms_fighters/dl9ohay/)

Other unused Content

In the mush folder of ARMS in every version, there's a file called Mask, containing entries for a test mask. Sadly none of these have models, but names are present, being 1. TestMsk_Kabuto00 2. TestMsk_Bandanna 3. TestMsk_Natives 4. TestMsk_Kitsune 5. TestMsk_Gas 6. TestMsk_Wrestling01 7. TestMsk_Wrestling02 8. TestMsk_Wrestling03 and 9. TestMsk_Kigurumi. The entries have comments, but they're just the same names as listed.

Unused text

Cacti speak Japanese.
...But what does it mean?
This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation!

The following text is not visible in normal gameplay:

String ID Japanese Japanese (Translated) Source
SpringManで新しい武器をゲットしました!\nキャラクター選択時にXで武器を変更できます。\x0E\0\x04\0 !\"#$&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?\nABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^\x0E\0\x04\0_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~\n¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿\x0E\0\x04\0ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛ\nÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øù\x0E\0\x04\0úûüýþÿĀāĂ㥹ĆćĊċČčĎďĒēĖėĘęĚě\nĞğĠġĢģĦħĪīĮįİıIJijĶķĹĺĻļĽľŁłŃńŅņŇň\x0E\0\x04\0ŐőŒœŔŕŘřŚśŞşŠšŤťŪūŮůŰűŲųŸŹźŻż\nŽžƒDždžDzdzȚțˇ˘˙˛˜;΄΅Ά·ΈΉΊΌΎΏΐ\x0E\0\x04\0ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩΪΫ\nάέήίΰαβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχ\x0E\0\x04\0ψωϊϋόύώЁАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРС\nТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийк\x0E\0\x04\0лмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюяё\n–—‘‚‛“”„†‡•…‰′″‹›※€№™←↑→↓⇒⇔∀\x0E\0\x04\0∂√∞∴∵⊂⊃⌒■□▲△▼▽◆◇○◎\n●★☆♀♂♪♭ 、。〃々〆「」『』【】〒\x0E\0\x04\0ぁあぃいぅうぇえぉおかがきぎくぐけげこご\nさざしじすずせぜそぞただちぢっつづてでとど\x0E\0\x04\0なにぬねのはばぱひびぴふぶぷへべぺほぼぽ\nまみむめもゃやゅゆょよらりるれろゎわをんゝゞ\x0E\0\x04\0ァアィイゥウェエォオカガキギクグケゲコゴ\nサザシジスズセゼソゾタダチヂッツヅテデトド\x0E\0\x04\0ナニヌネノハバパヒビピフブプヘベペホボポ\nマミムメモャヤュユョヨラリルレロヮワヲン\x0E\0\x04\0ヴヵヶ・ー仝!?~
Test_FontCheck_00.msbt (JP localization only)

Map Compile Path


A portion of the compiled map scripts have the path to the uncompiled map unit files in the string value, FilePath before compilation. "*" is the name of the map, for example from the stadium map Stage_Stadium00.

Debugging Material

To do:
This may be helpful.

Unused AI Tests

To do:
Check Testpunch for the files.

Present in the retail demo and base of the game, two files are in Param/AIParam and named Dbg_2ndGuard.bperson and Dbg_OnlyJump.bperson. The first file appears to guard the second hit and take the first hit, the other file's function appears to be obvious by the name, only jump in place.

Debug Menu

To do:
Its obvious what we need figure out how to do.

Various files in the game and executable mention a debug menu, all updates of the game still have this present, there's a mention for an English version, but the code for it was stripped from the executable.

Internal oddities

The final release of the game is referred to as the E3 version via System/SupportRegionLang_RomType.txt.