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A Foretold Affair

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Title Screen

A Foretold Affair

Developer: GB Patch Games
Publisher: GB Patch Games
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
Released internationally: January 30, 2017

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

Unused Graphics

Leftovers from the beta and demo versions of the game.

AFA beta thanks.png AFA demo thanks.png

GUI Mockups

Mockups of nearly every aspect of the GUI can be found in the image files alongside components of the finished GUI. The mockups are largely very similar to the final game.

Bonus Scene Screen

Mockup Final
AFA bonus screen mockup.jpeg AFA bonus screen final.png

Strangely, the final version of the game removed the "Return" button, so it's impossible to exit the menu without viewing the scene.

CG Textbox

Mockup Final
AFA cg text mockup.jpeg AFA cg text final.png


Mockup Final
AFA gallery mockup.jpeg AFA gallery final.png


Mockup Final
AFA settings mockup.jpeg AFA settings final.png

Outfit Select

There's also a mockup for the outfit select DLC menu.

AFA outfit select mockup.jpeg

Commented-Out Code

In day1_morning.rpy:

    #window hide
    #scene expression "#000"
    #with Dissolve(0.5)
    #scene bg thank_you
    #with stay
    #with Pause(5)
    #scene expression "#000"
    #with Dissolve(0.5)
    #$ renpy.full_restart()

This almost-identical block of code can be found three times in day1_night.rpy, once for each love interest:

        #play music "sounds/adventure.ogg" fadein 0.9 fadeout 1
        #window hide
        #scene expression "#000"
        #with Dissolve(0.5)
        #scene bg thank_you
        #with stay
        #with Pause(5)
        #scene expression "#000"
        #with Dissolve(0.5)
        #$ renpy.full_restart()

In screens.rpy, what seems to be code for a previous version of the text box.

    #    imagemap:
    #        ground "gui/adv/textbox.png"
    #        xanchor 0.978
    #        yanchor 0.93
    #        xpos config.screen_width - 50
    #        ypos 1.0
    #        xmaximum 925
    #        if who:
    #            add "gui/adv/namebox.png" yalign 1.052 xalign 0.3 
    #    order_reverse True
    #    text what:
    #        id "what"
    #        xpos 560
    #        ypos 165
    #        xmaximum 1075
    #        font "gui/CreditValley.ttf"
    #        size 36
    #        color "#301e1c"
    #        line_leading 10 
    #    if who:
    #        text who:
    #            id "who"
    #            font "gui/Otama-ep.otf"
    #            size 34
    #            color "#e1ad64"
    #            xanchor 0.5
    #            yanchor 0.5
    #            xpos 750
    #            ypos 710

Later in the same script, in the code for the extras section:

# text "Will be added in future updates..." size 100

Revisional Differences

On January 30, 2019, exactly two years after its initial release, the game received a patch which added partial voice acting throughout.