Clash of Clans
Clash of Clans |
Developer: Supercell
This game is still under active development. Be aware that any unused content you find may become used or removed in the future. Please only add things to the article that are unlikely to ever be used, or went unused for some time. If they do get used, please remove them from the page and specify in the edit summary! |
Clash of Clans is a strategy released for iOS and later Android. It has since gained a following and has gone on to be one of the highest-grossing and most-downloaded apps of all time.
Unused Troops Upcoming/Removed Troops inside the files. | Old CR screenshots and other stuff from the soft launch. |
Debug Font
A Debug font located in assets/font. This appears in every Supercell game.
RED Gems Offer
Between November 24th and December 8th of 2014 and 2015, iOS users were able to purchase a special gem bundle to contribute to AIDS research. When they did, they received a red shield on their Town Hall. The bundle is still present in the game, albeit disabled, along with the red shield graphics.
Test Localizations
Inside locales.csv, there are several unused languages, probably used for UI testing : Quad String, DoubleDouble String, Double String, Test Language, Empty Texts, Longest Word, Longest Text. The last one has a link to this site, presumably used for testing as well.
Unused Loading Screen Hints
The following hints are currently visible to players with a Town Hall level of 999+, which is impossible to achieve in the game, therefore they are unused. They are stored in hints.csv.
Join the Clash of Clans Forums! Look in Settings - More.
You can't change the name of your village. Your villagers wouldn't know where they live!
Since name changes are now possible, this second hint doesn't make sense anymore.
Internal Names
Many of the troops and building have different names internally.
- The animations for the Balloon call it Balloon Goblin;
- Minion is called Garg and Gargoyle;
- Hog Rider is called Boar Rider;
- Valkyrie is called Warrior Girl;
- Witch is called Warlock and Necromancer;
- Lava Hound is called AD Seeker (which stands for Air Defense Seeker) and Stone Gargoyle;
- Bowler is called Troll;
- Royal Champion is called Warrior Princess. This is likely a leftover from when the Royal Champion was going to be a Valkyrie Queen;
- Execution is called Axecutioner;
- Cannon Cart is called Moving Cannon;
- Night Witch is called Dark Witch;
- Hog Glider is called Hog Rider Glider;
- O.T.T.O is called Arto;
- Battle Machine is called War Machine;
- Army Camp is called Troop Housing, Housing, and Fireplace;
- Elixir Collector is called Elixir Pump;
- Barracks is called Barrack;
- Cannon is called Basic Turret;
- Archer Tower is called Tower Turret;
- Walls are called Defense Wall;
- Air Defense is called Fireworks Tower;
- Hidden Tesla is called Tesla Tower;
- Clan Castle is called Alliance Castle;
- Builder's Hut is called Worker Building;
- Spell Factory is called Spell Forge;
- X-Bow is called Bow, Rapidfire Turret, and Basic Turret;
- Dark Elixir Drill is called Dark Elixir Pump;
- Barbarian King's altar is called Hero Altar Barbarian King;
- Archer Queen's altar is called Hero Altar Archer Queen;
- Dark Barracks is called Dark Elixir Barrack;
- Inferno Tower is called Dark Tower;
- Dark Spell Factory is called Mini Spell Factory;
- Eagle Artillery is called Artillery;
- Star Laboratory is called Telescope;
- Mighty Statue is called Barbarian Statue;
- Pirate Flag is called Skull Flag;
- Cornflower Bed is called Flower box 1;
- Sunflower Bed is called Flower box 2;
- Weather Vane is called Windmeter;
- Rally Flag is called Down Arrow Flag;
- Point Flag is called Up Arrow Flag;
- Ancient Skull is called Skull Altar;
- Statue of P.E.K.K.A is called PEKKA Statue;
- Lightning Spell is called Lighning Storm;
- Healing Spell is called Healing Wave;
- Rage Spell is called Haste;
- Santa's Surprise is called xmas;
- Bomb is called Mine;
- Spring Trap is called Ejector;
- Giant Bomb is called Superbomb;
- Air Bomb is called Air Trap;
- Seeking Air Mine is called Mega Air Trap;
- The achievements call Clash of Clans "Magic", which was the games original name as stated in The Art of Supercell book.
- The poles that go around buildings that are being built is called Communications Mast, and a text string for it calls it Radio Tower.
Unused Building Values
Some unobtainable buildings and decorations have cost and time values present in the game.
Building/Decoration | Cost | Time | Regen Time |
Radio Tower | 1000 Gold | N/A | 30 seconds |
Goblin Townhall | Free | 1 Minute | 30 seconds |
Goblin Hut | 250 Elixir | 5 Minutes | 30 seconds |
Goblin Pole | 1000 Elixir | N/A | N/A |
Townhall Level 1 | N/A | 1 Minute | Not unused |
Unused Clan War Sizes
War.csv includes disabled options for 1v1, 2v2 and 3v3 wars, named respectively Test_1/2/3. Preparation is set to last 2 minutes and Battle to 5. 35v35 and 45v45 wars are also still present, but disabled.
Unused Clan Regions
Regions.csv has five unused regions named CUSTOM1-5. They cannot be set in the game.
Clash of Clans |
Ta gra otrzymuje nową zawartość w postaci pakietów rozszerzeń i / lub zawartości do pobrania. Pamiętaj, że wszelkie nieużywane treści, które znajdziesz, mogą zostać wykorzystane w przyszłości. Jeśli tak się stanie, określ je jako takie! |
Ta strona jest raczej krótka i przydałoby się ją rozwinąć Czy jesteś na tyle kozacki aby uratować ten artykuł? |
Clash of Clans to strategia wydana na iOS i później na Androida. Od tego czasu zyskała grono zwolenników i stała się jedną z najbardziej dochodowych i najczęściej pobieranych aplikacji wszechczasów.
Nieużywane Efekty Dźwiękowe
Rozmieszczenie Zamku Klanu V2
Odmiana dżingli, która jest odtwarzana po rozmieszczeniu oddziałów Zamku Klanu, nie jest używana.
Santa Spell
Around December 2012, there was an update that added the Santa's Surprise spell. This spell was later removed, as it was too overpowered, thus leaving the sound effect paired with it unused. In December 2016, this spell was added again, but removed on January 2017 again in December 2017, this spell was added again, but removed on January 2018. This removed the Santa Spell easter egg from Goblin Picnic.
Zaklęcie Świętego Mikołaja
W okolicach grudnia 2012 pojawiła się aktualizacja, która dodała zaklęcie Niespodzianka Świętego Mikołaja. To zaklęcie zostało później usunięte, ponieważ było zbyt mocne, przez co sparowany z nim efekt dźwiękowy nie jest używany.
Menu Debugowania
Tu potrzeba dochodzenia. Tu coś jest, po prostu na razie nie wiemy jak się do tego dostać. Prowadź konwersację na temat pomysłów i znalezisk na dyskusji. A konkretnie: Czy jest rzeczywiście dostępne? |
W pliku znaleziono menu debugowania.
Nieużywana Grafika
Do Zrobienia: Potwierdź, że są one w wersji na Androida. |
Dwie nieużywane dekoracje, nazwane env_npc_plant1 i env_npc_plant2 zostały znalezione wewnątrz "". Jak sama nazwa wskazuje, byłyby używane w bazach NPC. Jeśli wstrzyknięte, aby pojawiły się w menu dekoracji, ich nazwa to "TID_Passable_Stone".
Mega Pudełko Klejnotów
Ta większa wersja pudełka z klejnotami została przedstawiona w żarcie wideo, ale grafika została w pliku "".
The Santa Spell icon goes unused too.
Birthday Boom
The Birthday Boom icon goes unused.
Two unused decorations, named env_npc_plant1 and env_npc_plant2, were found inside the "". As their names imply, they would've been used in NPC Bases. If injected to appear in the decorations menu, their name is "TID_Passable_Stone".
Mega Gem Box
This bigger version of the gem box was featured in a joke video, but the graphics for it were left in the "" file.
There is an interesting file called, that contains 3 old screenshots from Clash Royale. These graphics are called "clash_royale_softlaunch_event_item". You can see this file here.
Puzzle and Dragons?
There is a file called "" in the game. Unfortunately, there is nothing too much interesting in it:
Dummy Files
To do: List where are those dummy files. They are everywhereǃ |
There are some dummy files inside and many other files.
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Supercell
- Pages missing publisher references
- Games published by Supercell
- Pages missing date references
- Games with unused characters
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with unused sounds
- Games with debugging functions
- Games in development
- Gets expansions
- Stubs
- To investigate
- To do
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Games > Games by content > Games with debugging functions
Games > Games by content > Games with unused characters
Games > Games by content > Games with unused graphics
Games > Games by content > Games with unused sounds
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Supercell
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Supercell
Games > Games in development
Games > Gets expansions