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Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics

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Title Screen

Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics

Also known as: Sekai no Asobi Taizen 51 (JP), 51 Worldwide Games (EU)
Developer: Nd Cube
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Released internationally: June 5, 2020

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.

Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics is a sequel to the DS' Clubhouse Games, now featuring a whole 51 games from around the world!

Oh, and a piano too.

Unused Graphics

Dummy Graphics

51WorldwideClassics-menu2 dmy player.png

The layout file menu2.nx.enUS.bea\flow\menu2\layout.lyt contains a dummy player icon named "menu2_dmy_player^o".

51WorldwideClassics-sys icon player dummy.png

Located in system_boot.nx.enUS.bea\system_boot\kernel\libtui\layout.lyt is another dummy player icon called "sys_icon_player_dummy^o".

51WorldwideClassics-sys rule gam000 00.png

Also located in system_boot.nx.enUS.bea\system_boot\kernel\libtui\layout.lyt is "sys_rule_gam000_00^o", a dummy image for the How to Play sections of each game. Similar, higher-resolution versions of the image can be found in dict_gam000.nx.bea\system_boot\kernel\libtui\rule_pictures\dict_gam000_dict_gam000.bntx.

6-Ball Puzzle Screenshot


Located in gam054.nx.bea\scene\gam054\model\textures_gam054.bntx is an odd screenshot of 6-Ball Puzzle, with an equally-odd name of "gfjtj".

Game Thumbnails

Game IDs 15-30, except for 22 (Piano), seem to have all been cut from the game... almost. Every game thumbnail can be found in system.nx.bea\system\layout_pictures\gam_image_system.bntx, including the thumbnails of the removed games.

51WorldwideClassics-image gam017.png

Most of the unused thumbnails (such as ID 17, shown above) are simply an early version of the Table Tennis thumbnail, overlaid with text saying "gam" and the game ID. A debug menu can be seen in the top-right corner.

Six of the unused thumbnails seem to depict what their games actually were, with several appearing to be screenshots of the games themselves:

Placeholder Info

Located at boot.nx.bea\flow\boot\placeholder.csv is a dummy file containing the text "このファイルは、アーカイブリスト用のプレースホルダーです。ゲーム用データが追加されたら消去してください。", or "This file is a placeholder for archive listings. Delete it when data for the game is added." when translated.