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Crayon Shin-Chan: Ora to Poi Poi

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Title Screen

Crayon Shin-Chan: Ora to Poi Poi

Also known as: Crayon Shin-chan: I Jauntily Jauntily
Developer: TOSE
Publisher: Bandai
Platforms: NES, Datach Joint ROM System
Released in JP: August 27, 1993

Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

Crayon Shin-Chan: Ora to Poi Poi is best known for being the only dual release for the Famicom and Datach.

Revisional Differences

Crayon Shin-Chan Ora to Poi Poi Datach Screen.png

The Datach version has a 3-second splash screen with the Datach logo which is stored in CHR RAM. This is not present in the Famicom version which uses CHR ROM, where it boots to the title screen instead.