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Daria's Inferno

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Title Screen

Daria's Inferno

Developers: Hypnotix, Westlake Interactive (Mac)
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Interactive
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS Classic
Released in US: November 20, 2000

CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.

Daria's Inferno is an isometric point-and-click adventure game based on the MTV cartoon. It's as good as it sounds.


Unused Voice Lines
Hey! I'm existing here!

Unused Graphics

To do:
Check if there's a way to access this menu.

tempstrt.smk appears to be a level select screen. Both Mega Multiplex Theatre and Degas Street 2 are greyed out for some reason.

Dariainferno tempstart.png

Lineup.smk appears to be a cropped portion of an early version of Barch's Classroom background.

The desks were a little larger, the right desk was shifted more to the left and features a second exit sign above the left door that doesn't appear in the final background. As the name implies, it was intended to check the alignment of background objects.

Early Final
Dariainferno L04crop EARLY.png Dariainferno L04crop FINAL.png

Unused Sounds


Filename Audio Description
Crackles of fire.
A shorter, lower-quality version of 'Sfex5023', a looping, mechanical noise used in the DeMartino's Tower level for elevators, suggesting that the former is the early version of the latter.
A variant of 'Sfex5042', the sound of elevator doors opening/closing in the Mall level, that has no bell.
The rattling of happy pills.
A ricochet.
A distant thunderclap followed by a quiet screech of a hawk.
A swish and electrical sparking.
A variant of the sound when the friendly NPC disappears.
The whoosh.

Command Line Options

To do:
Investigate /ns further.

The following command line options can be passed to the .exe:


Tells the game which drive is the CD drive. Normally auto-configured by the installer.


Disables some special fade effects. This was added as a "fix" for graphics cards that would crash when these fade effects would be triggered. This is mentioned in the game's readme.


Disables the CD check. The game won't have sound unless you chose the full install.


Disables sound in the game and prints a CD Check with the path of the CD (if combined with the previous parameter then it will say Invalid CD Path) to <path-to-game>\message.txt. Sometimes will also print errors.

Debug Options

To do:
Check if there's a way to access this menu.

DariasInferno DebugOptions.png

Inside the Windows executable is a Debug options menu with two options. There's no known way to access this menu at the time of this writing.

Porting Credit

The Mac application's owner resource, Dria 0, reads:

Macintosh conversion by Brad Oliver of Westlake Interactive

This text would be displayed in the Finder's Get Info box, but is overridden by a vers resource that simply says "1.0".

Westlake's involvement was not acknowledged anywhere else in the product, but was confirmed on their website.