Default Dan
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Default Dan |
Developer: Kikiwik Games This game has unused enemies. |
Default Dan, known also as the good is bad and bad is good game. brentalfloss was here!
Unused Objects
A early version of the Heart enemy, seen in the Limited Alpha version.
Early Death Counter
The only difference between this one and what's used in game is that this one doesn't have X's symbols on the eyes of Dan.
Princess gibs
Also used in the Limited alpha but unused in the full game. They act almost like Dan's gibs when he dies.
Trash icon
Also used in the Limited alpha but unused in the full game. Removed because the Delete Save option was moved to the main menu Options.
Unused Variables
At some point in the early days of Default Dan, Dan used a lives system instead of a death counter. Even if it is unused, you start with 3 lives with a new Save Data, and you can get a extra life if you get 100 coins in a level.
Deaths by each enemy
There's a variable that defines how much times each enemy killed you, such as:
- Coins
- Cupcakes
- Hearts
- Fairies
- Clouds
- Bananas
- Marshmallow platforms
- Burnt by Fire flowers
- In the file of the game, the current version is 1.00.0, and in the game the version is 1.01.0
- Not a oddity at all, but the Danny's head is used as a placeholder of bobble head custom versions
Unused Audio
A clip of the famous Danny Sexbang saying "Get that weak sauce shit out of my fucking house."
Even though it has the word Danny in the name, it's just a weird whooshing sound.
Just an unused Dan voice clip.
- Works In Progress
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- Games developed by Kikiwik Games
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- Games published by Kikiwik Games
- Windows games
- Linux games
- Mac OS X games
- Android games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 2015
- Games released in January
- Games released on January 15
- Games with unused enemies
- Games with unused objects
- Games with unused sounds
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Games > Games by content > Games with unused objects
Games > Games by content > Games with unused sounds
Games > Games by platform > Android games
Games > Games by platform > Linux games
Games > Games by platform > Mac OS X games
Games > Games by platform > Windows games
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2015
Games > Games by release date > Games released in January
Games > Games by release date > Games released in January > Games released on January 15
Games developed by Kikiwik Games
Games published by Kikiwik Games