Development:Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire/Early Maps
This is a sub-page of Development:Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire.
July 2020 Leak
This page or section details content from the July 2020 Nintendo Leak. Check the July 2020 Nintendo Leak category for more pages also sourced from this material. |
The July 2020 source code leak contains 8 map layout files that are not included in the final build of the game. Some of these let us see how certain maps looked before they made their way into the released game.
This map uses the same tileset as the Pokémon Fan Club interior, but refers to tiles that don't exist in the final tileset and thus cannot be displayed correctly.
Based on the name, tileset choice and collision map, it would've likely been some kind of house interior.
Meteor Falls (cave01_1_map.c)
Early | Final |
Meteor Falls without any water or waterfalls in sight and a more simple design overall.
Rusturf Tunnel (cave02_1_map.c)
Early | Final |
Rusturf Tunnel used to be more twisted and not as straight forward. It is possible this was altered to make more sense for the events that take place here. There's no exit to the area where an NPC has lost their glasses. This earlier map could be seen in promotional video footage showcased before the games' release.
Underwater (cave03_1_map.c)
Early | Final |
Ever so slightly differing take on one of the Underwater maps that could be entered from Route 127 by using the Dive move. The entrance initially was meant to be twice as wide but this was changed. The final map still has two warps placed but only one of them can be used because of this minor change.
cave01_b1_map.c / r115dun01_b1_map.c
These two map files contain the same map layout data.
The map uses a tileset called "ice" which is just an empty tileset in the final release. Because of this the map can't be displayed properly.
The map can be better viewed by using the game's cave tileset. The layout closely resembles the ice room in Shoal Cave.
The filename "r115dun01_b1" suggests that this could've been a basement floor in Meteor Falls.
Map with cave tileset | Final Shoal Cave Ice Room |
A glitchy looking map that doesn't have a secondary tileset.
Collision | Tilemap |
A glitchy looking map that uses the building interior tileset as a secondary tileset, which doesn't work too well with the final version of the tileset.
Collision | Tilemap |
...But what does it mean? This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation! |
While not a map in and of itself, an unmarked text file called "全マップキャラ発注" in the "ポケモン_ルビー・サファイア" folder does detail changes made to some of the maps. It is dated to June 4th, 2002. Some of the changes specified in this document have not been made yet by the time the 全マップ.xls file was made; for instance, it mentions the Battle Tower being planned, though the map in the .xls file dated a month later still lacks the facility.
When comparing the maps, it seems the text file talks about changes made between the “全マップ.xls” and “マップラベル.sit” files (for example, in マップラベル.sit, the museum in Slateport became “smaller and more subtle”, and Ever Grande got its “special flowers”).
全マップキャラ 2002/06/04 ' ・ .・ Ohmori ' ・ .・ ●マップ外 ○カナズミ(field_2) → 噴水を用意します。 ○カイナ(field_4) → 博物館を小さく、抑えめな感じに直します。 ○ドアアニメパーツ → 各街のドアアニメパーツを、用意します。(右側に置いておきます) ○コンテスト会場 → コンテスト会場の外観、大きい会場、小さい会場をfieldに仮追加します。 ○キンセツ(field_5) → カジノの外観(カジノの中身に、キンセツのイメージを合わせます) ○えんとつ山(field_6) → ロープウェー乗り場の絵、ワイヤーを押さえる柱を追加します(デモと同じ柱) ○船乗り場 → カイナとミナモに共通の部屋を作ります。外観普通の家と同じようない感にします。 (field_4,field_9に追加) ○サファリ(field_9) → えさ場を追加します。 ○デパート(field_9) → ミナモの民家と同じような、シンプルなデパート。水色と白を基調にします。 ○海底(field_sea) → 海中の浮上不可の絵を用意します。(岩に穴を開け、主人公が見えるようにします) ○サイユウ(field_13) → 専用の流れる花を描きます。そのほか、チャンピオンリーグの外観を用意します(結構大きい感じ) ○その他 → どこでも置ける家を用意します。これは常駐キャラという訳ではありません。 ゲートや、フィールド上の家など、置きたいときに置く感じです。 (常駐民家パート2、四角い屋根。ゲートなどに使用) ●マップ外、イメージ不定 ○トクサネ(シナリオ不定) ○バトルタワー(場所不定、仕様待ち) ●マップ内 ○カナズミ → デボンビルの中身 (アメリカンな社長部屋な感じ。長いソファー等) ○ヒワマキ → ジムの中身(回転扉の絵も必要になります) → 部屋の中身(中心の木を細くし、部屋を狭くします) ○ミナモ → 美術館の中身、色々な絵など → アジトの中身(shipyardに壁や謎機械、階段などの、パーツを追加します) → デパートの中身。エレベーター、エスカレーターがあり、階段はありません。 1F 受付、抽選 2F 道具屋 3F ドーピング系 4F 家具 屋上 ステージ&自動販売機(イメージはヒーローショーなどがある感じ) (2Fの道具屋は、昔のショップ(ファンシー風の)を使用します。) ○トクサネ → ジムの中身 ○ルネ → 外観に合わせた部屋の中身 ○サイユウ → 四天王の部屋(アップされているタイプを元に、前回同様、タイプにあった部屋をつくります。) ○地下都市 → 自転車屋に、壊れたようなパーツを追加します。 ○ロープウェー乗り場の中身 → shipyardに通路、壁などのパーツを追加します。 ○コンテスト会場の受付(木の実ブレンダーも) ○サファリゾーンの受付 ●マップ内、イメージ不定 ○高速船、沈没船の中身(高速船の仕様待ち。同じパーツに汚れなどを追加し、沈没船にも使用します) ○からくり大王の部屋(仕様待ち) ○バトルタワー(場所不定、仕様待ち) ○伝説系ポケモン、ラティオス等の遺跡、洞窟(仕様待ち、仕様によっては専用の絵は必要ないかもしれません)
All map characters (2002/06/04) — Ohmori ==Exterior maps== * Rustboro (field_2): Designing a fountain. * Slateport (field_4): Redesigning the museum so it's smaller and looks more subtle. * Door animation parts: Designing the door animation parts for each town (place them on the right). * Contest hall: Adding temporary assets to each “field” for the exterior of the contest hall (big and small). * Mauville (field_5): Casino exterior (matching the interior of the casino to the style of Mauville). * Mt. Chimney (field_6): Adding pillars to hold the wire to the cable car station (the same pillars shown in the cutscene). * Harbors: Creating the same room for both Slateport and Lilycove. The exterior will look like a normal house (additions to field_4 and field_9). * Safari Zone (field_9): Adding a feeding area. * Department Store (field_9): The Department Store is simple, just like other houses in Lilycove, with light blue and white as main colors. * Underwater (field_sea): Preparing tiles to show areas where the player can't surface (making a hole in the rock so they can see). * Ever Grande (field_13): Drawing a special kind of flower and preparing the exterior of the Pokémon League (looking quite large and splendid). * Miscellaneous: Designing a house that can be placed anywhere (it won't be permanent, though). It allows to freely place things like gates and houses on the field (residential house part 2, square roof; used for gates and such). ==Exterior maps (undecided images)== * Mossdeep: Undecided scenario. * Battle Tower: Undecided location, waiting for specifications. ==Interior maps== * Rustboro: The interior of Devon Corporation's building (it has an American feel to it, like a CEO's office, with a long sofa and such). * Fortree: The interior of the gym (needing pictures of rotating doors). The rooms (making the central tree thinner to make them smaller). * Lilycove: The interior of the museum, the paintings, etc. The interior of the hideout (adding parts like walls, mysterious machines, stairs, etc. to “shipyard”). The interior of the Department Store (there are elevators and escalators, but no stairs): 1F (reception and lottery), 2F (tool shop), 3F (stat-raising items), 4F (furniture), rooftop (vending machines and a stage, like the ones for stage shows with superheroes). The tool shop in 2F will be an old (fancy) shop. * Mossdeep: The interior of the gym. * Sootopolis: Matching the interior design with the exterior. * Ever Grande: Rooms for the Elite Four (as in the previous game, creating rooms according to each Trainer's type). * Underground city: Adding broken-looking parts to the bike shop. * Inside the cable car station: Adding walkways, walls and other parts to “shipyard”. * Contest hall lobbies (including Berry Blenders). * Safari Zone entrance. ==Interior maps (undecided images)== * The interiors for the high-speed boat and the sunken ship (waiting for specifications for the high-speed boat; the same parts will be used for the sunken ship with added dirt and stuff). * Trick Master's room (waiting for specifications). * Battle Tower (undecided location, waiting for specifications). * Ruins and caverns for legendary Pokémon like Latios and others (waiting for specifications, special images might not be necessary).
This page or section details content from the October 2024 Game Freak Leak. Check the October 2024 Game Freak Leak category for more pages also sourced from this material. |
To do: Wrote the write-up, but maybe someone with a sharper eye than I can spot more. |
To do: Put together a complete mock-up of the four map variants in an Overworld header on this page, like the unused maps page on the pkmn g/s source code. |
In the October 12th, 2024 leak, a spreadsheet called 全マップ.xls was found in the "ポケモン_ルビー・サファイア" folder. The file was last modified on July 5th, 2002. It contains a tilemap of Hoenn with major and minor changes, listed here in the order visited ingame. Note that the tile lines appear here as they do in the source file.
Portions of this map that appear in the Pre-Pokemon Festa build trailer are near-identical, suggesting that this map was made around the time that commercial was recorded. All instances of this will be noted.
NPC placements may relate to events, and will be noted where they differ from basegame.
Towns & Cities Lots of red roofs. |
Routes The land/water divide was even present in the mapmaking. |
Festa Route 104
The version of Route 104 that belonged to the Festa 2002 event's demo was found from the "HaveSomeFun__RandomFromBoxEnt.7z" leak in a folder called:
The filename is:
. The map with its event data still exists in the retail games but the map was blanked.
.xls | Festa |
Final |
Petalburg Woods
From the same directory as the Festa Route 104, an early version of Petalburg Woods can be found. The name of the map file is:
r104dun01_1 | Final |
While most of the changes are minor repositionings of grass or trees, there are a few notable changes: signs are near the N and SW entrances, a path is now available connecting the SE and SW entrances, and ledges were added to the SE area.
Route 111 & 112
road112_1 | Final |
This map file contains prototype versions of both routes.
Route 124 & More
road124_2 | Final |
400px |
This map file contains prototype versions for multiple maps.
Route 124 & More
road124_1 | Final |
400px |
This map file contains prototype versions for multiple maps.
ME2 emerald
Victory Road
c109dun01_21 | Final |
This map has all the different floors on the same map.
Mirage Island Caves
031017_2map_r130dun01_2 031017_2map_r130dun01_3 031017_2map_r130dun01_4 031017_2map_r130dun01_5 031017_2map_r130dun01_6 031017_2map_r130dun01_7 031017_2map_r130dun01_8 031017_2map_r130dun01_9 031017_2map_r130dun01_10 031017_2map_r130dun01_11 031017_2map_r130dun01_12 031017_2map_r130dun01_13 031017_2map_r130dun01_14 031017_2map_r130dun01_15
14 maps exist for planned Mirage Island caves. The maps are all duplicates of each other and are 1 tile in both width and height, featuring only a single hole tile.