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Dusk Diver 2

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Title Screen

Dusk Diver 2

Developer: Wanin International
Publishers: Justdan, Idea Factory International (PS4/PS5/NSW, INT)
Platforms: Windows, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch
Released internationally: February 24, 2022

CharacterIcon.png This game has unused playable characters.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.

Dusk Diver 2 is a JRPG beat-'em-up, and the sequel to Dusk Diver.

Unused Characters

Yumo (Dusk Diver 1)

Named "SK_Hero01", this model and its textures are located within a folder titled "Deprecated". It is the exact same model for Yumo used in Dusk Diver 1. Yumo's model from DD2 is entirely different, and this model is never used in DD2.

DD2 yumo model.png