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Echo (The Echo Project)

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Title Screen


Developer: The Echo Project
Publisher: The Echo Project
Platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Android
Released internationally: August 2015

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.

Unused Graphics

Early Title Screens


game\ui\cover.jpg is a very early version of the title screen.

Echo-cover newgame hover.jpg
Echo-cover loadgame hover.jpg
Echo-cover options hover.jpg
Echo-cover help hover.jpg
Echo-cover quit hover.jpg

The hovered buttons also exists.

Early Final
Echo-cover.jpg Echo-title.png

game\ui\mm\cover.jpg is a slightly earlier version of the title screen. The only differences are that the menu options are positioned slightly different and Chase not having a goatee.

Unused Backgrounds

hall1.png (used) hall2.png (unused)
Echo-hall1.png Echo-hall2.png

hall2.png is an unused version of the old mansion hallway. The only difference is that there's a light fixture above the door to the right indicating that it's actually a lift.


motelcorner.png is an unused, unfiltered motel background.


Echo-EchoJenna Edit.png

Echo-EchoJenna_Edit.png is an unused sprite of Jenna in underwear.



Leoyoung.png is a slightly younger version of Leo which would later be used in Echo: Route 65.

William Photo

hand3.png (used) handlol.png (unused)
Echo-hand3.png Echo-handlol.png

handlol.png is an unused version of the old photo of William which has the "CM-1915" text positioned rather... oddly. Given the filename, it's likely just a developer joke that got left in.

Chase's Phone

phone_terror.png (used) phone_no.png (unused)
Echo-phone terror.png Echo-phone no.png

phone_no.png is an unused graphic of Chase's phone displaying a low battery icon. This was likely meant to be used in Carl's route when Chase checks his phone after ending up in the old mansion. phone_terror.png is used instead.

Leftover .psd Files

Present in the files are a few .psd files that were used to create the graphics.

  • buttons.psd - Contains the main menu buttons.
  • cover.psd - The very early title screen.
  • ctc.psd - The "click to continue" icon.
  • menu.psd - The slightly earlier title screen.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Text

TJ-Friday.rpy contains several additional lines during the scene where Julian and Chase find TJ passed out in front of the mine; these were added in Build 0.32, then commented-out by the author in subsequent builds (rather than being removed entirely):

#"I glance to my left, through the grid, and I come face to face with a blood-red visage of rage."
#"I see piercing yellow eyes, and a row of white, blocky teeth...and then all of the blackness that extends beyond it..."
#unk "\"How long do you think you can keep it hidden? You know someone's onto you.\""
#"A clawed and withered hand sticks out through the bars, resting on TJ's head, ruffing his ears almost affectionately."
#unk "\"How could he ever forgive you?\""
#"I stare back at a different face - increasingly empty eyes, pools of bottomless silence..."

(Source: Original TCRF research)