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Grand Theft Auto IV/Development Oversights

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This is a sub-page of Grand Theft Auto IV.

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In-Game Television Programs

The watchable videos in-game have a number of differences in them, indicating that they were recorded in earlier builds.

Higgins Helitour Commercial


In Video Final
GTAIV-Prerelease-Higgins Helitour-Broker-Dukes Tunnel.png GTAIV-Broker-Dukes Tunnel-final.png
  • The billboards weren't finished, so a low-quality placeholder with the Rockstar logo and "TEMP" written on the sides of it was used instead.
  • Channelizer cones were once present.
  • The Maverick has a slightly different model, where the rear doors are closed and it only has two blades instead of four.
  • The pedestrian that can be seen is the M_Y_Porient_01 who walks with a bag of which only textures remain in the files.


  • An unused bus can be seen in the beginning of the ad.

I'm Rich


In Video Final
GTAIV-Prerelease-CNT-Banshee.png GTAIV-CNT-Banshee Final.png
  • There is now one stripe instead of two.
  • The rearview mirror and the car's brand logo were added.

Super GT

In Video Final
GTAIV-Prerelease-CNT-SuperGT.png GTAIV-CNT-SuperGT Final.png
  • On the back, the car name and brand were completely removed and added a different logo instead.

Unknown Car

  • In the background is a car that looks different from the others. Judging by the body frame and tires, it may have been an early version of the Landstalker.
In Video Final
GTAIV-Prerelease-CNT-WestdykeHospital.png GTAIV-WestdykeHospital Final.png
  • Leftwood was changed to Westdyke and the text was made bolder in the final.
  • Light posts were added to the ledges.
  • A railing was added.
  • More posters were added inside the interior.
  • Tree and the boxes were removed.

Waning with the Stars Commercial

In Video Final
GTAIV hospitalTV.png GTAIV hospitalIngame.png
  • The hospital interior is slightly different from its final look, it had way less props and generally looks unfinished, but the biggest detail here is the transparent windows on the roof of this interior.

www.love-meet.net Commercial

In Video Final
GTAIV-Prerelease-CNT-lovemeetnet.png GTAIV-CNT-lovemeetnet Final.png
  • The picture for "HumpPleaseRupert" was changed completely.

LCPD Recruitment Commercial

In Video Final
GTAIV-Prerelease-LCPD Recruitment-Soldiers Plaza.png GTAIV-Soldiers Plaza Final.png
  • Lights and benches weren't present.
  • The cobblestone walkway was originally a reddish-brown color. Additionally, at the end of the walkway, there was a runoff drain.
  • The pillars on the side were removed and taller pillars were added at each end of the walkway.

  • For just a single frame, a removed variant of the NOOSE officers can be seen.

VIG Insurance Commercial

In Video Final
GTA IV VIG fire engine.png GTA IV-VIG-UDW-fire engine final.png
  • Parking garage was incomplete and missing interior walls and exterior pillars.
  • Retaining wall and fence along parking garage were not present.
  • Two over-hanging signs for southbound traffic, while only one is present in the final build.
  • Guardrails separating north/southbound traffic were not present.
  • Foreground stoplight model had a hanging street sign.
  • The second stoplight in the background was once present.
In Video Final
GTA IV VIG southbound algonquin.png Placeholder.png
  • The first floor of the first building on right has been completely reworked - scaffolding is now present, stoplight has been removed, two bushes have been remodeled, payphone has been removed.
  • Scaffolding has been added to the building on the right one block down.

A History of Liberty City (Part One)

In Video Final
GTA4HoL1Bridge.png Placeholder.png
  • The bridge was removed in the final.

America's Next Top Hooker Commercial

In Video Final
GTAIV barbershopCNT.png Placeholder.png
  • A cut barbershop can be seen in the background for just a single frame.
In Video Final
GTAIV BuckyCNT.png GTAIV BuckyFinal.png
  • Bucky Sligo's house is noticeably more cleaner and brightly lit.

Weazel News Commercial

  • The wooden bat can be seen being wielded by the NPC's.

Early Design Leftovers

Drusilla's Restaurant

In most of the pictures in the game, Drusilla's restaurant looks a little different, apparently originally the cutscene interior could be seen from the outside.

Early Design Final Look
GTAIV xj drusipanting01.png GTAIV DrusillasFinal.png

Russian Clothing Store

There is a texture for a billboard of what appears to be the Binco store from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas in the files. The area depicted in it is the Russian Clothing Store in the final game.

Early Design Final Look
GTA4-Binco.png GTAIV RussianStoreFinal.png

(Source: Grand Theft Wiki)

Liquor Store

There is a liquor store sign in Hove Beach that has a different texture at night, revealing the store's early name - Crazy Ivan's.

Early Design Final Look
GTAIV CrazyIvan's.png GTAIV LiquorStore.png

Contender Ad

Advertisements for this vehicle in the game vary, in Northwood a sign is used where this vehicle is called E109, while in the Francis International Airport the vehicle is called the Contender, which is the correct name for it.

Early Design Final Look
GTAIV E109Ad.png GTAIV ContenderAd.png

Tom Goldberg

The photo of Tom Goldberg in the Goldberg, Ligner & Shyster building on the PC version references his early appearance, while the consoles use his final appearance.

Early Design Final Look
GTAIV GoldbergEarly.png GTAIV GoldbergFinal.png