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Maniac Mansion (NES, Japan)

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Title Screen

Maniac Mansion

Developer: Jaleco
Publisher: Jaleco
Platform: NES
Released in JP: September 13, 1988

DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.

Maniac Mansion, now 42% cartoonier.

This version of the game is completely different (and inferior) to the American NES port developed by Lucasfilm Games themselves, featuring greatly simplified rooms, no in-game music, and 104-character passwords (even the developers were aware this was a bit much; see below).

Sound Test


Enter the password よいおときき たいなあ (yoi oto kikitai naa), which translates to "I wanna hear something good."

Hidden Messages

Entering these passwords will display special messages... and hang the game up. The passwords cannot be translated without adding iteration marks.

Password Password Translation Message Displayed Message Translation
おわひ Apology ぱすわーどがながくてすみません Sorry the passwords are so long.
しらとまなふ Manabu Shirato まったくっ Honestly!
せたかやくようか Yoga, Setagaya JALECO
JALECO じぶんのちからでとこうね Figure it out yourself!