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My Singing Monsters/Unused Graphics

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This is a sub-page of My Singing Monsters.


Unused Graphics

Early Breeding Portraits

1.0 Final
My Singing Monsters Beta Cybop Portrait.png MSM Final Cybop Portrait.png

Found in version 1.0. It is a rough drawing of Cybop.

1.0 Final
My singing monsters beta scups portrait.png MSM Final Scups Portrait.png

Found in version 1.0. It is concept art for Scups.

1.0 Final
Msm beta pompom portrait.png MSM Final PomPom Portrait.png

Found in version 1.0. It is concept art for PomPom.

1.0 Final
Msm beta riff portrait.png MSM Final Riff Portrait.png

Found in version 1.0. It is concept art for Riff.

1.0 Final
Msm beta reedling portrait.png MSM Final Reedling Portrait.png

Found in version 1.0. It is an early sketch of Reedling (or at least, a monster with the elements of air, plant, and earth.)

1.0 Final
Msm beta shellbeat portrait.png MSM Final Shellbeat Portrait.png

Found in version 1.0. ABCD is Shellbeat's element codename.

1.0 Final
MSMEarlyFlootFlyIcon.png MSM Final Quarrister Portrait.png

A placeholder icon for Quarrister, which uses an old concept art for a monster called Floot Fly. Big Blue Bubble made a social media post showing its full design, not too long before the monster was added into the game as the single elemental of Faerie. It appears that it would've played some sort of flute. According to one of the ultimate creators who designed a Mythical monster, it was scrapped in favor of Quarrister after Dave Kerr found a choir VST he wanted to use.

Wubbox Breeding Icon Box Form.png

In early versions of My Singing Monsters, there existed a breeding icon for Wubbox in its box form.

Early or Placeholder Eggs

MSM Placeholder Cybop Egg.png

An early Cybop egg found in versions 1.0 to 1.0.1.

1.0 Final
MSM placeholder scups egg.png MSM Final Scups Egg.png

An early Scups egg found in versions 1.0 to 1.0.2. This egg was mistakenly used as Scups's egg when version 1.0.2 released. It can still be seen in the goals menu.

1.0 Final
Msm beta pompom egg.png MSM Final PomPom Egg.png

An early PomPom egg found in versions 1.0 and 1.0.1.

Msm beta riff egg.png

An early Riff egg found in versions 1.0 and 1.0.1. For some reason, this is the only placeholder egg that has its element code on it to not be a bumpless recoloured Maw egg, and it's possible this egg was taken from a scrapped or early version of a Monster.

Msm placeholder reedling egg.png

An early Reedling egg found in versions 1.0 to 1.0.2.

MSM placeholder shellbeat egg.png

An early version of Shellbeat/PongPing's egg found in versions 1.0 to 1.0.2. The text on the egg is Shellbeat's element codename.

Placeholder Quarrister Egg.png

A placeholder version of Quarrister/Floot Fly's egg from versions 1.0 to 1.0.4.

Early/Placeholder Monster Designs

MSM Beta Cybop.png

1.0 Final
MSM Cybop Beta.png MSM Cybop Final.png

Early Cybop sprites found in version 1.0. Compared to the final design, its body is gray instead of beige, looking more stone-like and has 2 horns that were removed in the final design. The color of its propeller, wires and eyelids are brown instead of green, and its shaft is brown instead of gray.

MSM Beta PomPom.png

1.0 Final
MSM PomPom Beta.png MSM PomPom Final.png

Early Pompom sprites found in version 1.0. The ponytail bands here are blue instead of red.

MSM Beta Scups.png

A placeholder image of Scups found in version 1.0. This uses its concept design.

MSM Beta Riff.png

A placeholder image of Riff found in version 1.0. This uses its concept design.

My Singing Monsters Earthboss sample.png

In the iOS version of 1.1.0, there was an image of a Quarrister concept titled "earthboss_sample.png". It is seemingly made out of either wood or dirt (most likely dirt) instead of rock, and has 8 heads instead of 6. The concept of 8 heads was reused for Rare Quarrister.

My Singing Monsters Placeholder Yool sprite.png

In the Android version of 1.1.0, there was a placeholder graphic for Yool, with it being a paper sketch. Interestingly this file is named "monster_S01_sprite", despite Yool being S02 and Punkleton being S01.

MSM Early Hawlo Sprites.png

MSM Early Hawlo Breeding Portrait.png

When Hawlo first released with Bone Island, it used an early design that had the cherry as a leaf. Remnants of this can be found in the sprite name of the cherry, with it being named "leaf".

MSM Early Spytrap Breeding Portrait.png

MSM Early Spytrap Book of Monsters depremultiplied.png

MSM Early Spytrap Book of Monsters Hidden.png

For a short time after its release, Spytrap's breeding and Book of Monsters portraits featured an early design of the monster, where it only had 2 arms, its bulb was more transparent, and its stem was less detailed.

MSM Early Gday Sprites.png

Early Final
MSM Gday Old.png MSM Gday Final.png

When G'day first released, it mistakenly used an early version of its design on mobile (The Steam version used the correct design). It's very different from the final design, with there being less detail on its hair and body, its snout being full orange instead of white with orange spots, and its arms having orange spots instead of gray spots.

Early Final
My Singing Monsters Early Rare Screemu.png MSM Rare Screemu Final.png

When Rare Screemu first released, its Book of Monsters icon mistakenly used an early version of its design with a red mouth and pink tongue. This was fixed shortly after.

Rare Scaratar and Loodvigg Portraits

Portraits exist for "rare" variants of Scaratar and Loodvigg from when Adult Celestials were first added. The portraits are just color inverted versions of their young portraits. These were likely meant as placeholders for the Adult Celestials, as they were added in the same update as those, and Adult Celestials are referred to as Rares in the monster_data.xml file. These were removed from the game in the next update.

My Singing Monsters Rare Scaratar Portrait.png My Singing Monsters Rare Loodvigg Portrait.png

Early Greatfruit Tree Sprites

MSM Early Greatfruit Tree Sprites.png

Early Final
MSM Early Greatfruit Tree.png MSM Greatfruit Tree Final.png

When the Greatfruit Tree decoration first released, it used early, unfinished sprites that were quickly replaced by the finished sprites.

Unused Monster Parts


Unused Furcorn Leg and Branch Sprites

MSM BE leg lower.png MSM BE leg upper.png

MSM BE branch long.png MSM BE branch short.png

Unused sprites for Furcorn's legs and branch, which are split into two part instead of being one whole sprite. It's likely that these are leftovers from the cancelled match 3 game Furcorn's Jelly Dreams where these were used, as they didn't exist before HD sprites were added.

MSM BE leg upper nodot.png

MSM BE branch long nodot.png

MSM BE stick nodot.png

There are also alternative versions of these sprites under the name "nodot" which which don't have white dots used for rigging purposes. There is also a nodot version of the stick sprite.

MSM Furcorn Fashion Forward lower leg.png MSM Furcorn Playground Pourge separated legs.png MSM Epic Furcorn Big Blue Bauble lower leg.png

Furcorn's Fashion Forward and Playground Pourge costumes and Epic Furcorn's Big Blue Bauble costume have their own versions of the separated leg sprites.

Unused Rare Oaktopus Beard

MSM unused rare oaktopus beard.png

In version 4.1.3, an unused beard sprite for the Rare Oaktopus named "squidtree_beard_1_RARE" was added.

MSM unused rare oaktopus beard note.png

Interestingly, after the update, the xml for Oaktopus was updated in the cache to separate this sprite and add a note saying "this is new?".

Early Epic Maw Body
Early Final
MSM Steam Hornless Epic Maw Body.png MSM Final Epic Maw Body.png

In Epic Maw's sprite sheet, there is an early version of its body which is missing its horns.

Early Epic Dandidoo Head
Early Final
MSM Steam Hornless Epic Dandidoo Head.png MSM Final Epic Dandidoo Head.png

In Epic Dandidoo's sprite sheet, there is an early version of its head which doesn't have any horns.

Epic Phangler

MSM Unused Epic Phangler Right Lower Leg.png

Epic Phangler has an unused lower leg sprite intended for its right leg.

MSM unused epic phangler eyelids.png

Epic Phangler also has unused sprites of all its eyelids combined. The final eyelids are made up of 2-3 different sprites for the back, middle, and front eyelids. Aside from being 1 full sprite, these seem to not have any differences from the final eyelids.

Spunge's Cheeks

MSM Steam Spunge Cheeks.png

Spunge has sprites for cheeks that are never used in the game. It seems these were scrapped early on in development, as they were never polished to be in the MSM art style and are a solid color. Spunge would later get cheeks in MSM's prequel Dawn of Fire.

Early Epic Rootitoot Pipe
Early Final
MSM Early Epic Rootitoot Pipe B.png MSM Final Epic Rootitoot Pipe B.png

Epic Rootitoot has an early version of its second pipe sprite, where the robotic part is slightly different and doesn't cover the entire top of its pipes.

Unused Rare Quarrister Horns

MSM Rare Quarrister Horn B.png MSM Rare Quarrister Horn D.png MSM Rare Quarrister Horn E.png

Rare Quarrister has some unused horn sprites for the middle bottom and middle top heads, with the bottom having the same coloured horns as the common and the top having red horns. Interestingly, the top one only has 1 horn sprite, meaning either the second horn wasn't finished or it was meant to have 2 differently coloured horns.

Msm rare quarrister with unused horns.png

This is what it would look like with these sprites.

Rare Yelmut Flippers

My singing monsters unused rare yelmut flippers.png

Despite not having any flippers, Rare Yelmut has unused flipper sprites. For some reason, the shine on these sprites are different than that of the Common counterpart.

Separated Epic Sneyser Nostrils

My Singing Monsters Epic Sneyser separated nostrils.png

Epic Sneyser has unused sprites for separated nostrils.

Unused PongPing Hands

Msm pongping unused hand sprites.png

PongPing has 5 unused hand sprites, 1 for its left hand and 4 for its right. Interestingly, these sprites don't exist for the rare, meaning the artists knew they would never get used.

MSM pongping luck o the fish unused hand sprites.png

These sprites also exist for PongPing's Luck o' the Fish costume.


Unused Purple Fluoress Lights

MSM Steam Purple Fluoress Lights.png

There are 4 sprites for an unused purple light on Fluoress. These appear on some promotional art for the version 3.0.1 update. These sprites actually exist in Fluoress' animations with their opacity set to 0, and the hex recolor value for them is #F000FF.

This is what they look like with the proper color and glow effects applied:

MSM Fluoress dress F colored and glow.png

Unused Fluoress Hair Sprite

MSM Steam Fluoress Unused Hair.png

There is a sprite for the back of Fluoress's hair called "W_hat_back" that goes unused. It is seemingly unfinished, as it is a solid color.

Unused Fluoress Plant Parts

Fluoress plant part.png

There are unused sprites for Fluoress of a stem and right leaf, suggesting it originally had a plant on its head instead of hair. The stem appears to be able to glow, and all sprites here are a solid color.

Rare Knucklehead Gloves

In Rare Knucklehead's spritesheet there are 2 unused sprites called "wy_right_wood" and "wy_left_wood". These sprites are used in the idle animation, but their opacity is set to 0. These sprites were removed in version 4.1.4.


The animation looks like this when their opacity is set to 100, revealing them to have been gloves which go on Rare Knucklehead's upper set of hands. It's unknown why these was scrapped.

Banjaw Head Blur

MSM Banjaw Head Blur.png

An unused motion blur sprite for Banjaw's head exists, which would have likely been used when playing its sound.

Fiddlement Turning Face

Msm fiddlement turning face.png

Fiddlement has unused sprites for its eyes and mouth that likely would've been used when turning.


Early Epic Humbug Head

My singing monsters unused epic humbug head.png

Epic Humbug has an unused head that is a grayscale version of the common Humbug head.

Placeholder Epic Bellowfish Legs and Feet

Epic Bellowfish has unused leg and feet sprites. These sprites have text on them saying "Replace", "Temp", and "Hide".

My Singing Monsters Epic Bellowfish Leg and Feet Sprites.png

Early Kazilleon Body

Before Rare Kazilleon released, Kazilleon had an early version of its body sprite in its sprite sheet. This early body is lacking scales seen on the final sprites. The final body is made up of 2 separate sprites.

Early Final
MSM Early Kazilleon body.png MSM Final Kazilleon body.png
Unused Vhenshun Sprites

The Mech quad Vhenshun has an unused, unfinished claw sprite and an unused darker back foot sprite.

MSM Vhenshun Unused Claw.png

MSM Vhenshun unused right back foot.png


Early Epic Hoola Hips
Early Final
MSM Steam Early Epic Hoola Hips.png MSM Final Epic Hoola Hips.png

In the sprite sheet for Epic Hoola, there is an early version of its hips that resembles the hips of the Common Hoola.

Alternate Rare Monculus Head

MSM Unused Rare Monculus Head.png

Rare Monculus has an extra head sprite with a longer inside.


Undistorted Wubbox Orb

MSM Wubbox Big Orb.png

An unused sprite of an undistorted version of Wubbox's orb named "WUB_big_orb". A similar sprite to this existed in the files of the MSM Official Guide, however this version is slightly brighter than that.

Cold Island Wubbox Sprite Sheet

MSM Cold Island Wubbox Sprite Sheet.png

There is an unused sprite sheet intended for Wubbox on Cold Island. The sprite sheet used for Cold Island Wubbox is just the normal Wubbox sprite sheet.

Cold (Unused) Used
MSM Cold Wubbox Orb.png MSM Used Wubbox Orb.png

MSM Steam Wubbox Cold Element.png

One of the things that's different about this design is that the Wubbox's core is transparent and that there's an unused sprite of the Cold element. This Cold element sprite might've been planned to go inside the core. In the MSM Official Guide files, there are images for the 4 other natural elements and Plasma, which may have also been planned to be used for the other islands Wubbox was on at the time. The Cold element sprite wasn't actually in the files until MSM was released on Steam, where it was added along with HD sprites. Then in version 3.7.0 when HD sprites were added to mobile, this sprite was brought along.

Cold (Unused) Used
MSM Cold Wubbox Electricity.png MSM used wubbox electricity.png

Another difference is with the electricity sprites, in which they're brighter than the used sprites.

Cold (Unused) Used
MSM cold wubbox eyelids.png MSM used wubbox eyelids.png

The final difference is with the eyelid sprites, which are gray instead of red, and were likely meant to be recolored based on the island. These sprites were actually mistakenly used in the normal Wubbox sheet when the Steam version of MSM first released, though this was later fixed. Similar to the Cold element sprite, these sprites were originally red in the mobile version before 3.7.0.

Early Epic Wubbox Orbs

MSM early epic wubbox orbs.png

Every single Epic Wubbox (Except for Gold Island) has early orb sprites, which are just recolourings of the common Wubbox orb. Note that the early orbs for the Water and Earth Island Epic Wubboxes were mistakenly used for a short time upon release.

Early Water Epic Wubbox Eyes

MSM Water Island Epic Wubbox Eye Sockets.png MSM Water Epic Wubbox Unused Eye.png

The Water Island Epic Wubbox has unused sprites for eye sockets and an eye.


Separated Glaishur Horns

MSM glaishur separated horns.png

There are 2 unused sprites of Glaishur's horns which go unused due to them being part of the head sprite.

Early Epic Yawstrich Neck Fluff
Unused Used
MSM Early Epic Yawstrich Neck Fluff.png MSM Final Epic Yawstrich Neck Fluff.png

An early placeholder version of Epic Yawstrich's neck fluff sprite.


Some Monsters have mouth sprites that go unused due to them not being included in any of their animations.

MSM tweedle mouth 7 PC.png MSM rare tweedle mouth 7 PC.png MSM epic tweedle mouth 7 PC.png

An unused seventh mouth for Tweedle and its Rare and Epic counterparts.

MSM Glowl Mouth 7.png MSM Epic Glowl Mouth 7.png

An unused seventh mouth for Glowl and its epic.

My Singing Monsters Flowah mouth 8 PC.png

An unused eighth mouth for Flowah.

MSM Tring Mouth 8.png MSM Rare Tring Mouth 8.png MSM Epic Tring Mouth 8.png

An unused eighth mouth for Tring and its rare and epic variants.

MSM Bisonorus Emperor mouth 18.png MSM Rare Bisonorus Emperor mouth 18.png

An unused 18th mouth for the emperor Bisonorus and its rare. Interestingly, mouths 10-18 are all unused in Dawn of Fire, and are likely mouths from an earlier design, with the first 8 of them mistakenly being used in MSM.

My Singing Monsters PongPing mouth 3 PC.png MSM Rare PongPing Mouth 3.png

An unused third mouth for PongPing and its rare. This likely would've been used as a transition from mouth 2 to mouth 4.

MSM Candelavra Mouth 8.png MSM Rare Candelavra Mouth 8.png

An unused eighth mouth for Candelavra and its rare.

Unused Noggin Costume

MSM Unused Noggin Costume.png

A costume that was previously used for Rare Noggin in Spooktacle in 2015 and 2019 exists unused in the current version of the game.

Awakened Colossals

My Singing Monsters Early Plant Colossal eyes.png

3 unused frames of the awakened Plant Island Colossal's eye from before version 3.8.0. In the final game, the Colossal's eyelids aren't fully opened.

My Singing Monsters colossal eye test.png

A test sprite sheet for the colossal eyes simply named eye_test.png, which like the previous sprites was from before version 3.8.0.



In the structures gfx folder, there is an unused "construction" structure. This was likely going to be used when upgrading or placing a Structure.

1x1 Crucible Sign

MSM 1x1 Crucible Sign.png

A 1x1 sign for Amber Island monsters evolving in the Crucible, which goes unused as there are no 1x1 monsters on Amber Island.

Unused Colossingum Trophies

MSM Brass Trophy.png MSM Insect Trophy.png MSM Reptile Trophy.png

Sprites exist for 3 unused Colossingum trophies depicting a horn, an insect, and a reptile. The insect and reptile trophies were reused as Ethereal trophies, but with a Ghazt hand instead of a Mammott hand and slightly different saturation.

Memory Game

My Singing Monsters memory game starpower.png

A sprite for Starpower in the Memory Game. Starpower is never obtainable through the Memory Game, making this go unused.


My Singing Monsters Blank Mech Element.png

In 1.1.7, there is a blank and unfinished Mech element sigil that is just the background with no Mech icon.

To do:
Technically this isn't unused, as it was used when Wubbox first released. Maybe move it somewhere else.
Early Final
My Singing Monsters Old Electricity Element.png My Singing Monsters 1.1.7 Electricity Element.png

An early version of the Supernatural element that doesn't have any electricity around it.

MSM Generic Holiday Element.png

An unused element called "generic_holiday" from 1.1.6 that has the design of the Legendary sigil, just without the rays of light. It would've likely appeared as the element for all Special Edition Monsters. It was removed in 1.1.7.

Unused Monster Level Icons

My Singing Monsters Level Icons Past Level 15 Old Style and Level 0.png

In early versions of My Singing Monsters, before Monsters could go past level 15, there were level icons for levels past 15, implying that Monsters were originally planned to be able to reach levels up to 20. There were also two icons for level 0, one of which uses the new GUI art style.

Level Up Goal Icon

MSM Level Up Goal Icon.png

An unused goal icon meant for goals about leveling up.

Unused MindBoggle Sky Sprite

Sky15 mindboggle.png

In the files of the game, there is an unused Psychic Island sky for the MindBoggle Island Skin. For some reason the skin just uses the normal Psychic Island background.

Early Mirror Light island Sprites

Early Final
Mirror Light island Changed Sprites (early).png Mirror Light island Changed Sprites (final).png

When Mirror Light Island first released, some of the sprites in the Party Island part were different. 3-4 hours later, a DLC update altered the sprites to the version we have now. It is most likely that this change was made so the sprites match with the Party Island ground.

Obscured Graphics

Hidden Cybop Eyeball and Pupil

MSM Steam Hidden Cybop Eye.png MSM Steam Hidden Rare Cybop Eye.png MSM Steam Hidden Epic Cybop Eye.png

On Cybop's head sprite, there is an unused pupil and eyeball on it. This red pupil is very similar to the pupil in Cybop's concept art. They can be seen on the head sprites for the Common, Rare, and Epic Cybops.

Epic Stogg Nose

MSM Epic Stogg Head.png

Epic Stogg has the nose of the common Stogg hidden under its muzzle.

Floot Fly's Full Head

MSM Steam Floot Fly Green Face.png

In Floot Fly's head sprite, there is a green patch that is covered up by a mask sprite when in-game. This is likely a reference to Floot Fly's placeholder "I'm green" description in 1.0.4. This part of the head could be seen in the Magical Sanctum trailer, where Floot Fly was chilling in a hot spring with its mask off.

My singing monsters rare floot fly head no mask.png

For Rare Floot Fly, the green part is instead blue.

Rare Knucklehead Back Jaw

MSM Rare Knucklehead Jaw Back.png

Rare Knucklehead has a sprite for the backside of its jaw, however only a very small part of it is ever seen normally.

Hidden Whisp Eye

MSM Hidden Whisp Eye Steam.png

Similar to Cybop, hidden under Whisp's eye on its head sprite is a hidden eye.

Full Periscorp Body

MSM Full Periscorp Body.png

The top half of Periscorp's body is an unfinished and unshaded version of its body, which is a solid red. The colour here is the same as the colour of an early Periscorp design seen in an image that appeared when MSM was first listed on Steam.

Dragong Neck Eye

MSM Steam Dragong Neck Eye.png

On the neck sprite for Dragong, there is an eye on the spot where the head goes. It is possible that this would have been used and Dragong would have never had a head.

Knurv's Full Head

My singing monsters knurv head.png

My singing monsters knurv maskless.png

Similar to Floot Fly, the Dreamythical Knurv has a head hidden under it's mask, where a mouth with 2 teeth can be seen.

Zuuker Rigging Guide

MSM Steam Zuukers Red Dot.png MSM Rare Zuuker Body.png

Hidden on Zuuker's body sprite is a red dot that was used as reference for rigging it. This dot also exists on the Rare Zuuker.

Celestial Island Golden Cork

MSM Steam Celestial Island Golden Cork.png

Hidden under the cork sprite on Celestial Island is a golden cork that is cut off where the ear ends.