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NFL Blitz 2001 (Nintendo 64)

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Title Screen

NFL Blitz 2001

Developers: Midway Games, Point of View
Publisher: Midway Games
Platform: Nintendo 64
Released in US: August 12, 2000, November 28, 2001 (Special Edition)

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

Development Text

Present at 0x1970 in the ROM.

Bank %d:
dir_size %d %d
file %d game_code %d page %x c_code %d sum %d
End of Dump
repaired %x
random %x
serial_mid %llu
serial_low %llu
deviceid %x
banks %x
version %x
checksum %x
inverted_checksum %x
ASSERTION FAULT: %s, %d: "%s"

Present at 0x26F0 in the ROM.

osViExtendVStart: value not in range [0-48] %d
osViExtendVStart: VI Manager not yet begun by osCreateViManager
_loadOutputBuffer: Modulated delay greater than total delay by %d samples
osAiSetNextBuffer: DMA buffer location may cause audio clicks (0x%x)
alSeqNextEvent: Read past end of sequence
alCSPVoiceHandler: Stopping sequence but voice not free chan %d, key %d
alCSeqGetTrackEvent: Note on velocity of zero on track %d
alCSeqGetTrackEvent: Running status of zero on track %d
alHeapCheck: Heap corrupt - first block is bad
alHeapCheck: Heap corrupt
alHeapAlloc: Can't allocate %d bytes
alEvtqPostEvent: Out of free events
_unmapVoice: Couldn't unmap voice 0x%x
_handleMIDIMsg: Unknown midi message 0x%x
_handleMIDIMsg: Invalid program change to %d, max instruments %d
alSeqNextEvent: Unsupported midi meta event 0x%x
alSeqNextEvent: Unsupported system exclusive
alSeqNew: Error parsing file 0x%x (no track header)
alSeqNew: SMPTE delta times not supported
alSeqNew: 0x%x has more than 1 track
alSeqNew: 0x%x is not a type 0 midi file
alSeqNew: 0x%x is not a midi file
alBnkfNew: bank file out of date
alSndpSet Parameter: target (%d) out of range (0 - %d)
alSndpSetPriority: sound id (%d) out of range (0 - %d)
alSndpSetSound: sound id (%d) out of range (0 - %d)
alSndpPlay: attempt to play a sound which is playing
alSndpDelete: attempt to delete player with playing sounds
alSndPDeallocate: attempt to deallocate a sound which is playing
Synthesizer: no free updates
_handleEvent: no free voices
_handleMIDIMsg: poly pressure - couldn't find voice
_handleMIDIMsg: note off - couldn't find voice
_handleMIDIMsg: couldn't map voice
_handleMIDIMsg: no free voices
_handleMIDIMsg: no sound mapped
osStopTimer: VI manager not yet begun by osCreateViManager
osSetTimer: VI manager not yet begun by osCreateViManager
osSetTime: VI manager not yet begun by osCreateViManager
osGetTime: VI manager not yet begun by osCreateViManager
osWriteHost: size either 0 or not aligned to 4 bytes (0x%x)
osWriteHost: address not aligned to 8 bytes (0x%x)
osReadHost: size either 0 or not aligned to 4 bytes (0x%x)
osReadHost: address not aligned to 8 bytes (0x%x)
osProfileStop: no profile timer to stop
osProfileStop: profiling has already been stopped
osProfileStart: profiling has already been started
osProfileStart: microseconds is < PROF_MIN_INTERVAL (%d)
osProfileInit: histo_size is an illegal size (%d)
osProfileInit: text_start (%x) >= text_end (%x)
osProfileInit: histo_base pointer must be 32-bit aligned (%x)
osProfileInit: profcnt is %d
osProfileInit: profile counter is running, call osProfileStop before init
osSpTaskLoad: yield_data_ptr not aligned to 16 bytes (0x%x)
osSpTaskLoad: output_buff_size not aligned to 16 bytes (0x%x)
osSpTaskLoad: output_buff not aligned to 16 bytes (0x%x)
osSpTaskLoad: dram_stack not aligned to 16 bytes (0x%x)
osGetRegionBufSize: invalid or corrupt region (0x%x)
osGetRegionBufCount: invalid or corrupt region (0x%x)
osFree: invalid address (0x%x) or.                           corrupt region (0x%x)
osFree: invalid or corrupt region (0x%x)
osMalloc: invalid or corrupt region (0x%x)
osCreateRegion: length (%d) too small for buffer size (%d)
osCreateRegion: not a known alignment (%d)
osCreateViManager: priority not in range [0-255] (%d)
osViSwapBuffer: VI Manager not yet begun
osViSwapBuffer: frame buffer not aligned to 64 bytes (0x%x)
osViSetEvent: VI Manager not yet begun by osCreateViManager
osViSetMode: VI Manager not yet begun by osCreateViManager
osViSetSpecialFeatures: VI Manager not yet begun
osViSetSpecialFeatures: not a known feature value (%d)
osViSetYScale: VI Manager not yet begun by osCreateViManager
osViSetYScale: value not in range [0.05,1.0] (%f)
osViSetXScale: VI Manager not yet begun by osCreateViManager
osViSetXScale: value not in range [0.25,1.0] (%f)
osViGetNextFramebuffer: VI Manager not yet begun
osViGetCurrentFramebuffer: VI Manager not yet begun
osViGetCurrentMode: VI Manager not yet begun
osCreatePiManager: priority not in range [0-255] (%d)
osPiStartDma: size not in range [0,16777216] (%d)
osPiStartDma: size not aligned to 2 bytes (%d)
osPiStartDma: DRAM address not aligned to 8 bytes (0x%x)
osPiStartDma: device address not aligned to 2 bytes (0x%x)
osPiStartDma: direction not OS_READ or OS_WRITE (%d)
osPiStartDma: priority not OS_MESG_PRI_[NORMAL|HIGH] (%d)
osPiStartDma: PI Manager not yet begun by osCreatePiManager
osPiWriteIo: address not aligned to 4 bytes (0x%x)
osPiReadIo: address not aligned to 4 bytes (0x%x)
osPiRawStartDma: size not in range [0,16777216] (%d)
osPiRawStartDma: size not aligned to 2 bytes (%d)
osPiRawStartDma: DRAM address not aligned to 8 bytes (0x%x)
osPiRawStartDma: device address not aligned to 2 bytes (0x%x)
osPiRawStartDma: direction not OS_READ or OS_WRITE (%d)
osPiRawWriteIo: address not aligned to 4 bytes (0x%x)
osPiRawReadIo: address not aligned to 4 bytes (0x%x)
osDpSetNextBuffer: size not aligned to 8 bytes (0x%x)
osDpSetNextBuffer: address not aligned to 8 bytes (0x%x)
osAiSetNextBuffer: size not aligned to 8 bytes (0x%x)
osAiSetNextBuffer: address not aligned to 8 bytes (0x%x)
osAiSetFrequency: freq not in range [%d-%d] (%d)
osSetTLBASID: asid not in range [0-255] (%d)
osUnmapTLB: index not in range [0-30] (%d)
osMapTLB: asid argument not -1 or in range [0-255] (%d)
osMapTLB: index not in range [0-30] (%d)
osSetEventMesg: unknown event type (%d)
osRecvMesg: flag not OS_MESG_NOBLOCK or OS_MESG_BLOCK (%d)
osJamMesg: flag not OS_MESG_NOBLOCK or OS_MESG_BLOCK (%d)
osSendMesg: flag not OS_MESG_NOBLOCK or OS_MESG_BLOCK (%d)
osCreateMesgQueue: message count not > 0 (%d)
osSetThreadPri: priority not in range [0-255] (%d)
osStartThread: thread has bad state (running/runnable/other)
osCreateThread: priority not in range [0-255] (%d)
osCreateThread: stack pointer not aligned to 8 bytes (0x%x)
(Source: Ferrox)

NFL Blitz Special Edition

2001 Special Edition
NFLBlitz2001N64-title.png NFLBlitzSE-title.png

In late 2001, the game was re-released as NFL Blitz Special Edition which was merely an update to the player rosters.