Pajama Sam: Life is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff!
Pajama Sam: Life is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff! |
Developer: Humongous Entertainment This game has uncompiled source code. This game has a prerelease article |
Produced after Atari bought Humongous Entertainment, Pajama Sam: Life is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff was the last game in the Junior Adventure line, known for being a relatively mediocre game for its lackluster voice acting and wandering story.
Despite all this, it still maintains somewhat of a following due to the extreme ease with which its resources can be modified.
To do: There's more. |
Prerelease Info |
Debug Rooms
Here is the room debug screen, which allows you to jump to any room. It can be accessed by finding a line in one of the XML files located in the rooms.he file labeled "<nextRoom value = (room name)/>" to
<nextRoom value = "map"/>
This will make the room exit you specified take you to the debug screen instead. There are several things mentioned here that didn't make the final cut in the real game:
- An area inside the aquarium (a background of it still exists in the files, though).
- A lampcord area and a sidetable top connected to each other, which would link with the aquarium. You would reach this by going off the cliff where the fireflies were. In the final game it takes you straight to the aquarium, which completely messes up the layout.
- The sidetable area also mentions a Roman soldier, which does have concept artwork but did not make the final cut.
- Dr. Grime seems to be named Dr. Filth here.
- The peanut is always picked up at the vista in normal gameplay, but this screen shows it could have been placed in the dust bunny corral too.
- A separate area for the Chess bleachers is hinted at.
Do the same as above to reach the inventory debug, but instead of "map" enter "inventoryCheat". This screen allows you to pick up any object at any time.
Unused Text
Subtitles exist for this game in all the XML files, but there's no possible way to turn them on. It is mentioned in the game's manual, though.
Unused Music
A single unused music file, aquarium_01.mp3, is present in the music.he folder. As the name implies, it was intended for the aquarium. It was very likely meant to be used when the aquarium interior mentioned in the debug rooms was going to be used, but since it didn't make the final cut this theme probably went along with it.
Unused Dialogue
Extracting the talkies.he file with 7-Zip will create multiple folders containing all the dialogue in the game.
The folder soiledsock-old contains the dirty sock's dialogue with a different voice actor that sounds more feminine, suggesting the dirty sock was originally female.
The grandma folder has some unused dialogue where, instead of needing yarn to knit Sam a sweater, her contact lens would have been lost and you would have to find it. It was probably an alternate path that was cut due to time constraints. According to more unused dialogue in the sam folder, you would use a static balloon to find her contact lens.
To do: Upload Sam's dialog as well. |
Boot Script Source
Located near the end of the game's executable, the game runs this Python script on boot up.
# # Filename: # Contributors: Ben Crane # Notes: # # Copyright© 2001 Humongous Entertainment # # All rights reserved. Copying or other reproduction except for archival # purposes is prohibited without prior written consent. # #============================================================================= #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Define true & false import __builtin__ __builtin__.False = 0 __builtin__.True = 1 __builtin__.false = __builtin__.False __builtin__.true = __builtin__.True #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Imported modules import globals import sys import getopt #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Import the HeDbg module and put it in the global namespace, so it will be available # for everyone - including the debugger watch window. # The try/except block is necessary because HeDbg will not exist if you aren't # running under the debugger. # This is done as early as possible so that the boot process can be monitored. # Added by Bruce Dawson, July 19, 2002. try: import HeDbg globals.HeDbg = HeDbg except: pass # Global timing system. Put named values into here representing, for instance, # number of calls to a function, and they will be printed and zeroed each # frame. For instance, to count calls to player_machine.__getattr__ you might # put code like this at the beginning of it. # A more robust timing system would be very useful. # value = timings.get("player_machine_attr", 0) # timings["player_machine_attr"] = value + 1 globals.timings = {} # Utility function that uses the timing system to instrument all GetAttr # functions. Just call it from each function and pass in a name # and how much you want the count incremented by. Typically the count # will be the 'cost' of the function, which is usually how many lines # of code in it. # You can insert code like this: RecordExecution(str(self.__class__), 10) def RecordExecution( name, count ): value = globals.timings.get(name, 0) globals.timings[name] = value + count # Handy/ugly way of making the instrumentation function globally available. # Handy for debugging/optimising, but not recommended for day to day usage. globals.RecordExecution = RecordExecution #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Python systems setup if( globals.DEBUG_BUILD ): sys.path.append( "./lib" ) # extra debug libraries # This sets it up so that the garbage collector's leak detection # nags us whenever any objects are leaking due to circular references, etc. if( globals.DEBUG_BUILD ): import gc gc.set_debug( gc.DEBUG_LEAK ) # Turn off case-sensitivity when searching for modules import os os.environ["PYTHONCASEOK"] = "0" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Check for diedie.die and demo time-out if( os.path.isfile( "diedie.die" ) ): raise "ERROR: A diedie.die file was found" sys.exit() if( globals.DEMO_BUILD ): import time lc = time.localtime() timeout = false if( lc[0] > globals.DEMO_TIME_OUT_DATE[0] ): timeout = true elif( lc[0] == globals.DEMO_TIME_OUT_DATE[0] ): if( lc[1] > globals.DEMO_TIME_OUT_DATE[1] ): timeout = true elif( lc[1] == globals.DEMO_TIME_OUT_DATE[1] ): if( lc[2] >= globals.DEMO_TIME_OUT_DATE[2] ): timeout = true if( timeout ): print "This E3 game build has expired and can no longer be played. Keep your eyes open for Backyard Hockey in stores this fall." sys.exit() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def BOOT_Main( fullscreen=false, hardware=false ): """BOOT SCRIPT -- MAIN ENTRY POINT FOR THE YAGA SYSTEM""" # set software or hardware mode if( hardware ): yagagraphics.GraphicsSystem().systemType = yagagraphics.GraphicsHardware.SYSTEM_HARDWARE else: yagagraphics.GraphicsSystem().systemType = yagagraphics.GraphicsHardware.SYSTEM_SOFTWARE # Initialize the render target try: BOOT_InitializeRenderTarget() except: if( yagagraphics.GraphicsSystem().systemType == yagagraphics.GraphicsHardware.SYSTEM_HARDWARE ): yagagraphics.GraphicsSystem().systemType = yagagraphics.GraphicsHardware.SYSTEM_SOFTWARE BOOT_InitializeRenderTarget() else: import traceback traceback.print_exc(None,sys.stderr) sys.exit() # Set the title to be the name of the project globals.g_RenderTarget.title = globals.PROJECT_NAME # Turn off the windows cursor globals.g_RenderTarget.cursorVisible = false # Perform setup operations and start the game print "YAGA: Boot process" print "Processing boot script..." # Import global objects print "Getting global objects..." globals.Init() # Initialize the main timer objects print "Initializing timer objects..." import main main.MAIN_InitializeTiming() # Log that we're starting BOOT_Log() # Start the event loop globals.eventManager.StartEventLoop() # Log that we're done BOOT_Log(true) # Log profiling info if( globals.g_RunProfiler ): globals.g_Profiler.Dump() if globals.g_AutoPlayActive: globals.g_AutoPlayManager.Release() globals.Release() # We're done! print "Fin." # def BOOT_Main() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def BOOT_InitializeRenderTarget(): try: # Try to create a 5-6-5 render target BOOT_CreateRenderTarget( globals.DEFAULT_WIDTH, globals.DEFAULT_HEIGHT, yagagraphics.PixelFormat.PXL_R5G6B5, globals.DEFAULT_BUFFERS, fullscreen ) except: # Next, try to create a 5-5-5 render target BOOT_CreateRenderTarget( globals.DEFAULT_WIDTH, globals.DEFAULT_HEIGHT, yagagraphics.PixelFormat.PXL_X1R5G5B5, globals.DEFAULT_BUFFERS, fullscreen ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def BOOT_EnumFullscreenModes( targetMode ): # try the primaryVideoDev first try: primDev = yagagraphics.GraphicsSystem().primaryVideoDev except: primDev = None if( primDev ): for mode in primDev.modes: if( (mode.width == targetMode.width) and (mode.height == targetMode.height) and (mode.format == targetMode.format) ): return primDev # try all of the video devices for dev in yagagraphics.GraphicsSystem().videoDevices: for mode in dev.modes: if( (mode.width == targetMode.width) and (mode.height == targetMode.height) and (mode.format == targetMode.format) ): return dev return None #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def BOOT_CreateRenderTarget( width, height, format, buffers, fullscreen ): if( yagagraphics.GraphicsSystem().systemType == yagagraphics.GraphicsHardware.SYSTEM_HARDWARE ): type = "hardware" else: type = "software" print "Attempting to create a %s %s render target..." % ( YagaFormat2Str(format), type ) vm = yagagraphics.VideoMode( width, height, format ) device = BOOT_EnumFullscreenModes( vm ) if( fullscreen ): targetType = yagagraphics.TargetType.TARGET_FULL_SCREEN else: targetType = yagagraphics.TargetType.TARGET_WINDOWED if( device ): if( (targetType == yagagraphics.TargetType.TARGET_WINDOWED) and (device.currentMode.format != format) ): print "WARNING: The desktop color depth should be set to %s to run in windowed mode!" % ( YagaFormat2Str(format) ) print "WARNING: Switching format to %s" % ( YagaFormat2Str(device.currentMode.format) ) vm.format = device.currentMode.format globals.g_RenderTarget = device.CreateRenderTarget( vm, buffers, targetType ) else: globals.g_RenderTarget = None print "ERROR: Unable to find a device with an acceptable %s format!" % ( YagaFormat2Str(format) ) raise "Exception" if( not globals.g_RenderTarget ): print "ERROR: Unable to initialize the engine!" raise "Exception" return globals.g_RenderTarget #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def YagaFormat2Str( format ): if( format == yagagraphics.PixelFormat.PXL_R5G6B5 ): return "16-bit (5-6-5)" elif( format in [yagagraphics.PixelFormat.PXL_X1R5G5B5, yagagraphics.PixelFormat.PXL_A1R5G5B5] ): return "16-bit (5-5-5)" elif( format == yagagraphics.PixelFormat.PXL_R8G8B8 ): return "24-bit" elif( format in [yagagraphics.PixelFormat.PXL_X8R8G8B8, yagagraphics.PixelFormat.PXL_A8R8G8B8] ): return "32-bit" return "UNKNOWN FORMAT" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def BOOT_Log( end = false ): file = "count.txt" try: if( os.path.isfile(os.path.join(globals.g_SaveGamePath,file)) ): lines = open(os.path.join(globals.g_SaveGamePath,file),"r").readlines() starts = int(lines[0].split()[1]) ends = int(lines[1].split()[1]) else: starts = 0 ends = 0 if( end ): ends += 1 else: starts += 1 fobj = open(os.path.join(globals.g_SaveGamePath,file),"w") fobj.write( "starts: " + str(starts) + "\n" ) fobj.write( "ends: " + str(ends) + "\n" ) fobj.close() except: if( end ): print "WARNING: Unable to log end" else: print "WARNING: Unable to log start" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class CStdoutRedirect: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def __init__( self, stdout = None ): try: self.__file = open( globals.PROJECT_NAME + ".log", "w" ) except: self.__file = None self.__stdout = stdout #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def __del__( self ): if( self.__file ): self.__file.close() if( globals.g_PythonExceptionRaised ): try: fObj = open( globals.PROJECT_NAME + ".log", "r" ) except: return lines = fObj.readlines() try: errFObj = open("lastcrash.txt","w") except: return for line in lines: errFObj.write(line) errFObj.close() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def write( self, strOut ): if( self.__file ): self.__file.write( strOut ) if( self.__stdout ): self.__stdout.write( strOut ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # class CStdoutRedirect #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def PrintArgs(): print "Command line args:" print "\t-f\tRun fullscreen (only valid in DEBUG)" print "\t-w\tRun windowed (only valid in RELEASE)" print "\t-l\tCreate %s.log file (only valid in DEBUG)" % ( globals.PROJECT_NAME ) print "\t-u XXXX\tSets the USER global variable" print "\t-e\tRuns Maude, the menu editor" print "\t-v\tRuns the Bittie Viewer" print "\t-p\tEnables code profiling" print "\t-s\tForce software rendering" print "\t-m (yagabin|noyagabin)\tForces or removes yagabin from the module search path" print "\t-?\tPrint this help" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if( __name__ == "__main__" ): log = false if( globals.DEBUG_BUILD ): fullscreen = false else: fullscreen = true # BUGBUG - use software rendering by default hwTarget = false #hwTarget = true try: optlist, args = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:], "?fwlevtpshu:m:" ) except getopt.GetoptError: print "ERROR: Invalid args: %s" % ( sys.argv[1:] ) PrintArgs() sys.exit() for o, a in optlist: if( o == "-f" ): fullscreen = true elif( o == "-w" ): fullscreen = false elif( o == "-l" ): log = true elif( o == "-u" ): globals.USER = a print "USER = " + globals.USER elif( o == "-e" ): #globals.INITIAL_SCENE = "maude" print "Maude menu editor not available for this projects." elif( o == "-v" ): globals.INITIAL_SCENE = "bittie_viewer" elif( o == "-t" ): globals.INITIAL_SCENE = "talkie_viewer" elif( o == "-p" ): globals.g_RunProfiler = true elif( o == "-s" ): hwTarget = false elif( o == "-h" ): hwTarget = true elif( o == "-m" ): if( a == "yagabin" ): if( "./yagabin" not in sys.path ): sys.path.append( "./yagabin" ) elif( a == "noyagabin" ): if( "./yagabin" in sys.path ): sys.path.remove( "./yagabin" ) else: print "ERROR: Invalid args: %s" % ( sys.argv[1:] ) PrintArgs() sys.exit() elif( o == "-?" ): PrintArgs() sys.exit() if( log or (not globals.DEBUG_BUILD) ): if( globals.DEBUG_BUILD ): rout = CStdoutRedirect( sys.stdout ) else: rout = CStdoutRedirect() sys.stdout = rout sys.stderr = rout # now that our paths have been finalized, we can import YAGA libs import yagagraphics BOOT_Main( fullscreen, hwTarget ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Pajama Sam series
| |
Windows, Mac OS Classic | No Need to Hide When It's Dark Outside • Thunder and Lightning Aren't So Frightening • You Are What You Eat From Your Head to Your Feet • Life is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff! |
Arcade | |
Windows, Mac OS Classic | Pajama Sam's SockWorks • Pajama Sam's Lost & Found • Games to Play on Any Day |
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Humongous Entertainment
- Pages missing publisher references
- Games published by Atari, SA
- Windows games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 2003
- Games with uncompiled source code
- Games with unused music
- Games with unused sounds
- Games with unused text
- Games with debugging functions
- To do
- Pajama Sam series
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Games > Games by content > Games with debugging functions
Games > Games by content > Games with uncompiled source code
Games > Games by content > Games with unused music
Games > Games by content > Games with unused sounds
Games > Games by content > Games with unused text
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Atari, SA > Games developed by Infogrames > Games developed by Humongous Entertainment
Games > Games by platform > Windows games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Atari, SA
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2003
Games > Games by series > Pajama Sam series