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Persona 5/Oddities

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This is a sub-page of Persona 5.

Internal Name Oddities

  • Several places in the game's data (such as datCharaOrder.bmd) refer to Haru as Ranko internally. In addition, those same areas refer to Ryuji as Reiji and Yusuke as Yugo.
  • Likewise, nearly every instance internally refers to Chihaya as "uranai", which literally translates to Fortune Teller/Diviner. What stands out about this particularly is that Chihaya is the only confidant in the game who isn't referred to by their name internally.
  • The textures for Yaldabaoth's model are labelled as "metathron". Neither Yaldabaoth or Metatron share any textures so the reason for this naming is unknown.
  • The sprite texture names stored in weapon.pak refers to several characters by different codenames to what they're known by in the final game, as well as listing a Strength Arcana character who has the corresponding codename "BLANK". This listing matches up to Haru, although she represents the Empress Arcana in-game. Of note is that Crow's original codename is referenced during a scene in the final game.
Early Codename Final Codename
Reaper Skull
Papillon Panther
Karasu Crow

(Source: regularpanties)

Internal Party Order Oddity

Internally the party members are mostly in the order that they join in-game, but Futaba and Haru's places are switched, with Haru being in slot 7 while Futaba is in slot 8.

Black Mask Oddity

Goro Akechi has the passive skill Ice Boost in the skill list for his Black Mask form. While this would otherwise not be noteworthy as most of the game's bosses have hidden Boost and Amp skills in their lists, Black Mask does not have any Ice skills to benefit from this skill with.

Loki Oddity

The version of Loki used by Black Mask during his boss fight has a default level of 45 and the same base stats as Robin Hood, Goro Akechi's initial Persona. This matches how the Ultimate Personas of the party share their default level and stats with their initial forms. There is no way of seeing the stats of Black Mask's Persona normally.

Sae Confidant Oddity

Sae Niijima is one of two (or technically three) female confidants in the game that cannot be romanced (the other being the Strength confidant for obvious reasons), due to her confidant automatically progressing. However, her confidant is structured similarly to confidants that can be romanced, as her Rank 10 description is labelled the same way as the descriptions for the "romanced" Rank 10 confidants. Her alternate "comrade" description is a placeholder. It should be noted that confidants that cannot be romanced, such as Caroline and Justine, do not have alternate Rank 10 descriptions.

Shido's Room

To do:
Are there any more cutscene-exclusive rooms with hidden names?

P5 shidoroom.png

Shido's Room has camera angles defined when it is loaded into that cannot be seen normally as it is only ever seen in cutscenes, and the player never visits it at any point in the game. This camera angle is not used for any cutscene involving Shido's Room. Likewise, the room has a unique name that cannot be seen normally.

Texture Oddities

To do:
There's more here: Low-res graphics showing earlier name of Shujin Academy uniform on NPCs

Prerendered Images

Some of the fields in-game use prerendered backgrounds of the fields they connect to found in entranceways to these areas, and some of these prerenders contain significant differences to how the field looks in the final.

P5 earlykamorender.png

The texture seen in the window leading to the alternate entrance through the window of the main hall in Kamoshida's Palace. Only the portion of the texture with the chandelier platforms can be seen in-game. There are vases present around the pillars near the staircase which are not present in the final, as well as the prerender lacking the gates on the upper area and using a different floor texture to the final's.

P5 niijimarender.png

A prerender of the Manager's Room in Niijima's Palace. The prerender lacks the pedestal that displays the treasure seen in the final, as well as having an alcove with a doorway underneath the staircase which isn't present in the final. This alcove is still partially present, as the collision data for it was not fully removed from the field.

Mementos Subway Train Reflections

P5 F011 001 tr kankyo00.png

A texture titled Kankyo00, Found in the reflections for the train in Mementos is a rather odd image of an early-looking subway station that isn't seen anywhere in the final game.

Subway Train Reflections

P5 TrainReflectionGraphic 1.pngP5 TrainReflectionGraphic 2.png

Even more reflection graphics for subway trains in the real world. The first is a rather eerie graphic of some greyed NPCs in the middle of a subway space, taken from very early in development due to greyed-out NPCs being seen in early test footage. The second seems to be another angle of a scrapped station.

Persona 4 Golden Fan Art

Game Texture Fan Art
Persona-5-P4-Images.png Persona-5-Fan-Artwork.jpg

A few pieces of official Persona 4/Golden artwork are used as a small nod to the previous game, however a fan's artwork is also thrown in the mix for some reason without their knowledge. The source fan artwork can be found here.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Akihabara Film Posters

To do:
Source Ocean's Eleven and add more textures that include posters/covers.

A large number of film posters used in various parts of Akihabara are actually real movie posters and DVD covers squished down to a tiny resolution. These films originate from the US and Japan, and also include a fan-made Star Wars film.


Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Column 7 Column 8 Column 9 Column 10
Row 1 I Could Never Be Your Woman Play the Game Unhitched Falling For Grace
Row 2 Did You Hear About the Morgans? The Switch Jack and Jill vs. the World Man Trouble My Life in Ruins How Do You Know Definitely, Maybe Feast of Love
Row 3 Fight Club Braveheart Bringing Up Baby My Sassy Girl Dedication Table for Three The Holiday The Romantics Something's Gotta Give The Upside of Anger
Row 4 The Magnificent Seven The Great Escape West Side Story Edward Scissorhands The Wild One Kingdom of Heaven Speed The Day After Tomorrow Independence Day Vanishing Point
Row 5 Big Fish Soul Food All That Jazz Get on the Bus Michael Jackson's This Is It Easy Rider Taxi Driver Sideways Drumline Stand By Me
Row 6 Ocean's Eleven (back) Ocean's Eleven (front) Rent Lords of Dogtown In God's Hands Waking Life In Her Shoes Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Tora! Tora! Tora! The Longest Day
Row 7 REM - Storytellers (fan-made cover, back) REM - Storytellers (fan-made cover, front) Vlad (back) Vlad (front) Dark Blood (fan-made film, back) Dark Blood (fan-made film, front) Ginger Snaps (back) Ginger Snaps (front) Art of the Devil 2 (back) Art of the Devil 2 (front)
(Source: Ehm, counterDiving, Emeraldrox303, Rightman, Mike Hattsu)