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This page is a translated version of the page Pokémon Gold and Silver/Unused Maps and the translation is 12% complete.
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This is a sub-page of Pokémon Gold and Silver/Unused Maps.

Gold and Silver (and Crystal) have several early maps, but only a few can be considered complete.

Ecruteak Pharmacy


This is one of three complete unused maps in Gold, Silver, and Crystal (the other two being the rather incomplete Safari Zone and its gate). Rather than delete the map completely, the programmers moved the warp tile to the upper‐left corner of Olivine City.


There are two events in this map, a Rhydon and a woman. The Rhydon is mistakenly assigned the two-frame Rhydon menu sprite rather than the four-directional overworld sprite used elsewhere, so it flickers between itself and a Clefairy when moving.

Language Woman dialogue Rhydon dialogue
あたしの ポケモンが
びょうきに なったときは
エンジュの クスリやさんに
クスリを つくって もらったの
내 포켓몬이
병이 났을 때는
인주시티의 약국에서
약을 조게허서 받았단다
When my POKéMON
got sick, the
ECRUTEAK made some
medicine for me.
RHYDON: Gugooh!
Als mein POKéMON
krank war, hat der
CITY eine Medizin
RIZEROS: Gugooh!
Lorsque mes POKé-
MON sont malades,
ROSALIA me fait
des médicaments.
Cuando mis POKéMON
enfermaron, el
dio una medicina.
RHYDON: ¡Rhydo!
Quando s'ammalò
il mio POKéMON
fece una medicina.
RHYDON: Riii, Riii

Notice how the woman claims the pharmacy is located in Ecruteak City. In the final release of the game, the pharmacy is in Cianwood City.

This map can be accessed with the wall-disabling and warp-tile behavior GameShark codes:

Wall-disabling codes
Gold/Silver (Japan) Gold/Silver (West) Gold/Silver (South Korea) Crystal (Japan) Crystal (West)

010097CE 010098CE 010099CE 01009ACE

0100A3CE 0100A4CE 0100A5CE 0100A6CE

010078CE 010079CE 01007ACE 01007BCE

01003ED1 01003FD1 010040D1 010041D1

0100FAC2 0100FBC2 0100FCC2 0100FDC2‏

Warp-tile behavior codes

This makes warp tiles behave like hole tiles, allowing the player to warp even without a door.

金/銀(日版) 金/銀(西版) 金/銀(韩版) 水晶(日版) 水晶(西版)






Safari Zone

The water is animated too, but I'm too lazy to capture it.

The Safari Zone was originally intended to reappear in Gold and Silver. All that remains of it is a single unfinished map and its associated gate, which is empty.

Open sesame.

The warp to the gate still exists. This can be done by writing 0x3A at ROM address 2A:660E in all language versions of Gold, Silver, and Crystal, or by using the Game Genie code 3A6-0E9-19F.

The map has no exit, meaning anyone who saves inside is doomed forever. There are no events and no wild Pokémon in the tall grass and on the water surface, but Krabby, Kingler, Staryu, and Corsola can be found by fishing. Instead of a warp to the gate, there are some unused blocks, water fountains that use the water palette and hence its palette animation, and some blocks that have been deleted; they display tile 0xFF, which is normally reserved for sprite and text graphics, as can be seen when pausing the game.

Like in Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow, the map uses Evolution as its music theme.

Prototype Maps Without Event Data

All addresses here are given for the Japanese ROMs (v1.0 & v1.1) as well for the English and German versions.

  • 2A:4546 - Player's house
  • 2A:4940 - Sprout Tower (1)
  • 2A:4A4E - Sprout Tower (5)
  • 2A:4B5C - Sprout Tower (9)
  • 2A:4C34 - Blackthorn City
  • 2A:5659 - Violet City
  • 2A:5A37 - Ilex Forest
  • 2A:5B9F - Sprout Tower (2)
  • 2A:5D07 - Goldenrod City
  • 2A:5F7D - Sprout Tower (6)
  • 2A:5FD7 - Pokémon Center main house
  • 2A:680D - Cianwood City
  • 2A:688B - Teak City
  • 2A:69F3 - Cherrygrove City
  • 2A:6C0F - Sprout Tower (3)
  • 2A:6F93 - Sprout Tower (7)
  • 2A:71AF - Mahogany Town
  • 2A:76C3 - Azalea Town
  • 2A:7993 - Olivine City
  • 2A:7AFB - New Bark Town
  • 2B:40B4 - Sprout Tower (8)
  • 2B:4180 - Lake of Rage
  • 2B:42FC - Pewter Museum of Science 1F
  • 2B:4324 - Pewter Museum of Science 2F
  • 2B:4360 - Cinnabar Island PokéMon Lab Hallway
  • 2B:4384 - Cinnabar Island PokéMon Lab Room 1
  • 2B:4394 - Cinnabar Island PokéMon Lab Room 2
  • 2B:43A4 - Cinnabar Island PokéMon Lab Room 3
  • 2B:44C8 - House
  • 2B:455F - Cave
  • 2B:4A01 - Pokémon Center trade station
  • 2B:4B3F - Alph Ruin unsolved puzzle room
  • 2B:4C43 - Sprout Tower cut-out
  • 2B:4C9D - Sprout Tower cut-out
  • 2B:4CF7 - Sprout Tower cut-out
  • 2B:5F76 - Elevator
  • 2B:63C7 - Cave test map
  • 2B:744D - Rocket Hideout (1)
  • 2B:755B - Rocket Hideout (2)
  • 2B:7669 - Empty house
  • 2B:7777 - Rocket Hideout (3)
  • 2B:7A2A - Route 23 (early version)
  • 2B:7CA3 - ??
  • 37:4000 - Cave
  • 37:4700 - S.S. Aqua's interior cut-out
  • 37:4CE2 - House
  • 37:4D0E - Celadon Mansion

These prototype maps don't have entries in the global map table and no events for these maps have been found. For an explanation of the naming scheme of the map image files, see the notes on map and tileset naming scheme. For a detailed look at the early tileset for cities, see section Early Tileset.

Ruins of Alph Unsolved Puzzle Room

How puzzling.

This map is completely unused. It was probably used by a programmer to get the coordinates for the blocks that are set via script in the rooms that are used by the game and have the solved riddle as default map layout.


Not much to talk about. One of these caves is probably a quick test map to see if there's enough room in the tileset and/or block data to build an actual cave.

Pokémon Lab

The maps of the Pokémon Lab on Cinnabar Island were found completely intact in Gold, Silver, and Crystal.

Red/Green/Blue/Yellow Gold/Silver/Crystal


There exists an early map for every city in Johto. Some of them show cut content.


Most of the maps were cut out from sheets of several maps. In some cases, the last row of the map wasn't assigned to be a part of the in-game room, but since most of the unseen tiles are border blocks anyway, there is no visual difference.

  • 2B:4C43 - Sprout Tower cut-out
  • 2B:4C9D - Sprout Tower cut-out
  • 2B:4CF7 - Sprout Tower cut-out
  • 37:4700 - S.S. Aqua's interior cut-out


To do:
At least it looks like that house. Confirm it.

The house in Celadon City where Chief is mentioned also exists in these games.

/绿// //水晶

Pokémon Center

It appears that the original design for Pokémon Centers in this installment of Pokémon was to have the trading room separated from the main Pokémon Center building. It's possible that only certain cities would have trade stations, making for a more natural disabling of the trading capabilities at the start of the game.

Rocket Hideout

Either the Team Rocket hideout in Mahogany Town was supposed to be somewhat different or there was another hideout planned for Goldenrod City.

Sprout Tower

The Sprout Tower used to be much bigger than its current form. Floor number 4 is missing from the unused maps.

Pewter Museum of Science

Evidence left in the ROM points to tileset 0x09 from Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow not only getting a palette but also being used at one point during development. While no block data remains, the actual map data is still there and fits the Pewter Museum of Science perfectly. Without further ado, this is what they would have looked like in Gold, Silver, and Crystal, using the individual blocks and tileset graphics of the original games with the associated colors from Gold and Silver:

Undumped Map

The following map could not be dumped simply because no tileset fit it. Even though unused tile palette assignment data matching tileset 0x09 from Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow have been found inside Gold, Silver, and Crystal, the former games' tileset 0x09's block data as well as the matched-up data from above, do not fit this map either.

2B:7CA3 - ??

The tileset and/or blockdata this map uses was probably merged with some other tileset's or altered beyond recognition. This map is likely 5×4 blocks. The general layout is as follows:

15 15 15 15 15
16 28 16 16 16
16 16 16 16 16
16 16 1A 02 02

All values are hexadecimal. 0x02 seem to be plants, 0x15 is a row of bookshelves or a plain wall, 0x16 is floor, 0x1A is an entrance carpet, and 0x28 might be just about anything, maybe a table or a chair.