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Proto:Hexen II

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Hexen II.

Hiddenpalace.org logo.png  This prototype is documented on Hidden Palace.

So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article?
Notes: The prototype feels very under-dissected on this page right now.
To do:
  • Provide more context on how this prototype surfaced.
  • Compare maps from the prototype to the final's.
  • Get a start to the sub-pages
  • Compare music.
  • Sounds

The E3 prototype of Hexen II has quite a few interesting differences, such as Quake weapons using the Hexen II palette, unused textures and models, Windows sound effects, and a scrapped level not seen in the final game!


Weapons and Items
Eidolon's minions may need some work.
Windows dings as far as the ear can listen!
Quake Leftovers
What are "Quake" monsters doing in MY Hexen game?


If you go to do a new game, and pick your character, only
1 level will work before it says it cant find a certain map. I didn't
wan't to rename a bunch of the packaged maps so instead you should just
go to the console and type "map <file>". The map names are in the
directory data1\maps. Have fun!

Made by NipKick


All of the music is in MIDI format and not CD audio.


Surprisingly, these appear to work pretty well in the final game and even a modern source port such as Hammer of Thyrion.


A test map that includes many objects from the game.


A test map in which you fight monsters in various environments.

Abandoned Observatory (meso7)

A scrapped level adjacent to Hall of 1000 Heroes. It's an Aztec complex above a cave network.

Sound Notes


A text file outlining what was consider final sounds, what they are and when they were added.

Hexen 2 Sound List

-----------	-------------   -----------------		------------

flame1.wav    	[FIRE2.WAV]	- big yellow flame sound
fire1.wav     	[TORCH1.WAV]	- the sound the players torch makes
kiltorch.wav  	[TORCHOUT.WAV]	- sound torch makes as it goes out
littorch.wav 	[TORCH1.WAV] 	- sound torch makes as it is lit
clink.wav	[LATCH8]	- metal latch connection	5/5/97
pushston.wav	[PUSHSTON]	- push a stone object loop	5/7/97
pushmet.wav	[PUSHMETL]	- push a metal object loop	5/7/97
pushwood.wav	[PUSHWOOD]	- push a wood object loop 	5/7/97
unsheath.wav	[UNSHEATH]	- unsheath a blade		5/7/97
bellring.wav	[BIGBELL]	- hit bell and it rings		5/14/97
camera.wav	[CAMERA]	- remote camera activate	5/14/97
fburn_sm.wav	[FIRESMAL]	- small fire burning		5/15/97
fburn_md.wav	[FIREMED]	- medium fire burning		5/15/97
fburn_bg.wav	[FIRE4]		- large fire raging		5/15/97
decomp.wav	[DECOMP]	- corpse decomposing		5/15/97
rubble.wav	[ROCKS5]	- small rocks falling		5/16/97
sheep1.wav	[SHEEP1]	- sheep sound			5/19/97
sheep2.wav	[SHEEP2]	- sheep sound			5/19/97
sheep3.wav	[SHEEP4]	- sheep sound			5/19/97
sheepfly.wav	[SHEEP3]	- sheep being shot through air	5/19/97
quake.wav	[QUAKE2]	- earthquake			5/20/97
catreset.wav	[CATLATCH]	- catapult resets		5/21/97
catlnch.wav	[CATFLING]	- catapult launches object	6/3/97
catdrop.wav	[CATAPSET]	- catapult moves to reset	6/3/97
wind2.wav	[WIND1]		- wind blowing			6/3/97
water1.wav	[WATER1] 	- water moving			6/3/97
hith2o.wav	[SPLISH]	- thing falls in water		6/3/97
itmspawn.wav	[RESPAWN]	- item respwning		6/3/97
soul.wav	[SOULHUM]	- soul sphere drone		6/3/97
ammopkup.wav	[AMMO]		- pick up ammo artifact		6/3/97
teleprt1.wav	[H3PORT1]	- teleport sound		6/12/97
teleprt2.wav	[H3PORT1]	- teleport sound		6/12/97
teleprt3.wav	[H3PORT1]	- teleport sound		6/12/97
teleprt4.wav	[H3PORT1]	- teleport sound		6/12/97
teleprt5.wav	[H3PORT1]	- teleport sound		6/12/97
artpkup.wav	[H3MAGIC1]	- pick up an artifact		6/13/97
weappkup.wav	[H3MAGIC3]	- pick up a weapon		6/13/97
windmill.wav	[WINDMILL]	- windmill gears turning	6/16/97
squeak.wav	[RATS]		- rats squeaking ambience	6/16/97
itempkup.wav	[H3MAGIC2]	- pickup an instant use item	6/16/97
barmovup.wav	[INTSLIDE]	- status bar moves up		6/16/97
barmovdn.wav	[INTSLIDE]	- status bar moves back down	6/16/97
inmove.wav	[INTCHOSE]	- move status selector l/r	6/16/97
invuse.wav	[INTUSE]	- use invent. item		6/16/97
comm.wav	[CHAT3]		- message comes up on screen	6/17/97

// Interface
menu.wav	[SWITCH7]	- sound for moving menu selection up/down 5/16/97
menu1.wav	[MENU1]		- Up/down selection in main menu	6/3/97
menu2.wav	[MENU2]		- Enter or Esc in main menu		6/3/97
menu3.wav	[MENU3]		- Left or right in main menu		6/3/97

// Doors
gatestrt.wav	[GATESTRT]	- big metal gate start		5/27/97
gateswng.wav	[GATESWNG]	- big metal gate swing		5/27/97
gatestop.wav	[GATESTOP]	- big metal gate stop		5/27/97
doorstop.wav	[DOORSTOP]	- regular sliding door stop	5/27/97
stonslid.wav	[STONSLID]	- standard door sliding		5/27/97
dorstart.wav	[DORSTART]	- standard door start		5/27/97
wdswngbg.wav	[WDSWNGBG]	- big wood door swinging	5/27/97
swngstop.wav	[SWNGSTOP]	- swinging wood door stop	5/27/97
wdswngsm.wav	[WDSWNGSM]	- standard wood door swinging	5/27/97
woodslid.wav	[WOODSLID]	- wood door sliding 		5/27/97
drawstrt.wav	[DRAWSTRT]	- drawbridge start		5/27/97
drawmove.wav	[DRAWMOVE]	- drawbridge moving		5/27/97
baddoor.wav	[BADDOOR]	- door is locked		5/27/97

// Player 
gasp1.wav     			- player coming out of the water with very little air left   
gasp2.wav     			- player coming out of the water with no air left            
inh2o.wav     	[WATERIN1.WAV]	- player entering water                                      
outwater.wav  	[SRFC1.WAV]	- player coming out of the water                            
land.wav	[JUMPLAND]	- player lands after normal jump	5/15/97
h2ojmp.wav	[JUMPWATR]	- player lands in water		6/3/97
slimbrn1.wav	[SLIMFALL]	- player falls in slime		6/3/97
use_plaq.wav	[EFFECT1]	- Player reads a plaque		6/3/97
armrpkup.wav	[GETARMOR]	- pickup a piece of armor	6/16/97

vorpswng.wav	[VORPWIFF]	-vorpal sword normal swing and miss	5/5/97
vorpht2.wav	[VORPWALL]	-sword hits a wall	5/5/97
vorppwr.wav	[VORPOW]	-sword swinging in power up mode	5/6/97
vorpht1.wav	[HIT2]		-sword damage in normal mode	5/6/97
vorpblst.wav	[VORPKNOC]	-sword damage in power up mode	5/6/97
vorpturn.wav	[VORPDEF]	-sword deflects a missile	5/6/97

axblade.wav	[AXEFLY2]	-axe projectile flying sound looped 	5/7/97
axric1.wav	[AXERIC]	-axe bouncing off wall	5/7/97
axswing.wav	(vorpswing)	-axe swing and miss	5/7/97
hithurt1.wav	(vorpht1)	-axe damaging flesh	5/7/97
hithurt2.wav	[HITWOOD]	-axe damaging nonflesh	5/7/97
hitwall.wav	[AXEWALL]	-axe hits a wall	5/7/97

gaunt1.wav 	[PUNCHMIS.WAV]  - paladin taking a swing with his gauntlets on
gauntht1.wav 	[MUMPUN5.WAV] 	- paladin gauntlets hitting something that takes damage
gauntht2.wav  	[PUNCH8.WAV]	- paladin gauntlets hitting a wall

purfire.wav	[PURE1]		- purefire normal shot		6/12/97
purfireb.wav	[PURE2]		- purefire power up shot	6/13/97

pallnd.wav	[PALLAND]	- land after jump		6/13/97
paljmp.wav	[PALJUMP]	- grunt when jumping		6/13/97
palpain1.wav	[PALPAIN1]	- pain				6/13/97		
palpain2.wav	[PALPAIN2]	- pain				6/13/97
palgasp1.wav	[PALGASP1]	- low on air			6/13/97
palgasp2.wav	[PALGASP2]	- out of air			6/13/97
paldie1.wav	[PALDETH1]	- death				6/13/97
paldie2.wav	[PALDETH2]	- death				6/13/97
paldrown.wav	[PALDROWN]	- drowning death		6/13/97

// Crusader
whoosh.wav	(axblade)	- sound of hammer flying through air	5/20/97
frozen.wav	[ICEDTH1]	- something gets frozen			5/20/97
metfire.wav	[WEAPON1]	- meteor staff fire			6/3/97
tornado.wav	[TORNADO]	- weapon 3 powered up loop		6/13/97

// Assassin
arr2flsh.wav	[ARROFLSH]	- arrow hits flesh	5/7/97
arr2wood.wav	[ARROWOOD]	- arrow hits wood	5/7/97
gbounce.wav	[GRNDBNC]	- grenade bounces	5/20/97
firebolt.wav	[ASSASS1]	- crossbow fires 3 arrows	6/3/97
firefblt.wav	[ASSASS2]	- crossbow powered up		6/3/97
arrowfly.wav	[ASSASS3]	- arrow travel loop		6/3/97
chain.wav	[ASSASS4]	- chains shoot at victim	6/3/97
chntear.wav	[ASSASS5]	- chains tear at victim		6/3/97

// Damage 
wallbrk.wav  	[WALLEXP1.WAV]	- breakable wall breaking       ?                              
glassbrk.wav 	[WINDOW1.WAV]	- breakable window breaking	?
metalbrk.wav	[METLCRSH]	- metal object breaks		5/15/97                                  
megagib.wav	[PULP2]		- flesh broken apart		5/15/97
claybrk.wav	[CLAYPOT]	- clay pottery breaking		5/7/97
thngland.wav	[WOODFALL]	- object falls and breaks	5/7/97
r_exp3.wav	[EXP4]		- rocket type explosion		5/15/97
met2met.wav	[TING3]		- generic metal hitting metal 	5/15/97
met2stn.wav	[VORPWALL]	- generic metal hitting stone	5/15/97
met2wd.wav	[HITWOOD]	- generic metal hitting	wood	5/15/97
met2flsh.wav	[HITFLSH]	- generic metal hitting flesh	5/15/97
slash.wav	[HIT2]		- nasty flesh wound slice	5/15/97
bshatter.wav	[BURNT]		- burnt thing being broken	5/16/97
combust.wav	[COMBUST]	- spontaneous combustion	5/19/97
squish.wav	[SQUISH]	- stepped on by a big thing	5/19/97
sshatter.wav	[STONBRK]	- stone thing shattering	5/20/97
fshatter.wav	[ICEBRK1A]	- frozen thing breaks		5/20/97
clothbrk.wav	[RIPCLOTH]	- tear a large cloth thing	6/3/97
gib1.wav	[PULP1]		- creature is gibbed		6/3/97
gib2.wav	[PULP2]		- creature is gibbed		6/3/97
leafbrk.wav	[TREEBRK]	- tree being or shrub destroyed	6/16/97
expsmall.wav	[EXPSMALL]	- small explosion		6/16/97
exphuge.wav	[EXPHUGE]	- huge explosion		6/16/97

// IMP
fly.wav		[IMPFLAP]	- imp's wings flapping	4/7/97
swoophit.wav	[HITFLSH]	- imp rams into player	4/7/97
up.wav		[IMP4]		- imp rises up to fly	6/13/97
die.wav		[IMP3A]		- imp dies		6/13/97
swoop.wav	[IMP2]		- imp starts to swoop	6/13/97
fireball.wav	[IMP5]		- imp throws fireball	6/13/97

pain.wav	[FANGLPAN]	- angel's pain	4/8/97
death.wav	[FANGLDTH]	- angel's death 4/8/97
fly.wav		[FANGLFLY]	- angel normal flying 4/15/97

ric1.wav	[TING10]	- metal shard	4/11/97
ric2.wav	[TING11]	- metal shard 	4/11/97
ric3.wav	[TING1]		- metal shard   4/11/97
tink1.wav	[TING2]		- metal shard	4/11/97

spit.wav	[HYDSPIT]	- hydra spits ink	4/15/97
tent.wav	[HYDHIT]	- hits with tentacle	4/15/97
swim.wav	[HYDACT]	- swimming (this is a voice) 4/15/97
turn-b.wav	[HYDBIG]	- big turn in water	4/15/97
turn-s.wav	[HYDLITL]	- small turn in water	4/15/97
pain.wav	[HYDPAIN]	- pain	4/15/97
die.wav		[HYDDIE]	- death	4/15/97

// Medusa
rattle.wav	[MEDUSRTL]	- tail rattles		6/3/97

// Archer
pain.wav	[ARCHHPAIN]c	- pain 			6/13/97
growl.wav	[ARCHGROWL]c	- active growl sound	6/13/97
sight.wav	[ARCHSIGHT]c	- sight sound		6/13/97
death.wav	[ARCHDEATH]c	- death			6/13/97
arrowg.wav	?		- green arrow fires	6/13/97
arrowr.wav	[ARCHERARROWR]c	- red arrow fires	6/13/97
draw.wav	[ARCHERDRAW2]c	- pull back bow		6/13/97

// Mummy
moan.wav	[MUMHURT]c	- active sound		6/13/97
sight.wav	[MUMSIGHT]c	- sight			6/13/97
pain.wav	[PAIN]c		- pain			6/13/97
die.wav		?		- death			6/13/97
mislfire.wav	?		- staff missile fire	6/13/97
limbloss.wav	?		- loses a limb		6/13/97
tap.wav		?		- hitting ground w/ staff	6/13/97
crawl.wav	?		- crawl without limbs	6/13/97
step.wav	?		- foot step		6/13/97
slide.wav	?		- drag one foot		6/13/97

// Spider
scuttle.wav	[SPIDER1]	- moving around active	6/17/97
bite.wav	[SPIDER3]	- hissing bite		6/17/97
pain.wav	[SPIDER4]	- pain			6/17/97
death.wav	[SPIDER5]	- death			6/17/97


A text file outlining sound effects that needed to be replaced with more suitable sounds.

The names Bob, Rick and Mike G./Mike refer to programmers Robert (The Doctor) Love, Rick Johnson and Michael Gummelt respectively.

 sound: raven\ringwarn.wav
  date: 12/31

Warning buzz a ring is running low on power.

 sound: raven\invulner.wav
  date: 2/6

Sound a player makes while invulnerable.


 sound: fangel\deflect.wav
  date: 4/6/97
    by: Rick

Sound to be played whenever the fangel deflects a missile
 sound: fangel\hand.wav
  date: 4/6/97
    by: Rick

Sound to be played when fangel shoots a hand projectile

 sound: fangel\wing.wav
  date: 4/6/97
    by: Rick

Sound to be played when fangel shoots a wing projectile


sound: hydra\open.wav
  date: 4/6/97
    by: Rick

Sound when the hydra opens up to do an attack


 sound: misc\fout.wav*
  date: 4/23/97
    by: Mike G.
	Fire being put out by jumping in water.

 sound: misc\tink.wav
  date: 4/23/97
    by: Mike G.
	Tink- sound of ice or glass or small bits of metal
	hitting ground


 sound: medusa\stoned.wav
  date: 4/23/97
    by: Mike G.
	Sound made when you become turned to stone
	*WARHAMMER*(weapon 1)

 sound: crusader\lghtn1.wav*
  date: 4/23/97
    by: Mike G.
	Lightning strike 1

 sound: crusader\lghtn2.wav* 
  date: 4/23/97
    by: Mike G.
	Lightning strike 2
	*ICEMACE*(weapon 2)

 sound: crusader\icefire.wav
  date: 4/28/97
    by: Mike G.
	Firing an ice shard (rapid-fire)

 sound: crusader\blizfire.wav
  date: 4/28/97
    by: Mike G.
	Fire Blizzard Spell

 sound: crusader\blizzard.wav
  date: 4/23/97
    by: Mike G.

 sound: misc\drip.wav
  date: 4/23/97
    by: Mike G.
	When something is melting- may be ambient sound too.

	*SUNSTAFF*(weapon 4)

 sound: crusader\sunstart.wav
  date: 4/23/97
    by: Mike G.
	Sun Ray start

 sound: crusader\sunhum.wav
  date: 4/23/97
    by: Mike G.
	Sun ray hum (firing loop)

 sound: crusader\sunhit.wav
  date: 4/23/97
    by: Mike G.
	Sun ray hit

	*VINDICTUS*(weapon 4)

 sound: Assassin\chn2flsh.wav*
  date: 4/23/97
    by: Mike G.
	chains hooking into flesh	

 sound: player/inpain1.wav 
 sound: player/inpain2.wav 
 sound: player/inpain3.wav 
 sound: player/inpain4.wav 
 sound: player/inpain5.wav 
 sound: player/inpain6.wav 
  date: 5/23/97
    by: Bob

Player being hurt - there are six of these
 sound: player/pdrown1.wav 
 sound: player/pdrown2.wav 
  date: 5/23/97
    by: Bob

Player drowning - there are two of these

 sound: player/leave.wav 
  date: 5/23/97
    by: Bob

Player leaving deathmatch (Id used a gib type sound)
 sound: player/pdeath1.wav 
 sound: player/pdeath2.wav 
 sound: player/pdeath3.wav 
 sound: player/pdeath4.wav 
 sound: player/pdeath5.wav 
  date: 5/23/97
    by: Bob

Player death sounds - screams and gasps 
 sound: player/plyrjmp.wav 
  date: 5/24/97
    by: Bob

Player grunting when he jumps up
 sound: player/h2odie.wav 
  date: 5/24/97
    by: Bob

Player drowning to death
 sound: player/telefrag.wav 
  date: 5/24/97
    by: Bob

Player telefragging (another gib type sound)

 sound: player/swim1.wav 
 sound: player/swim2.wav 
  date: 5/24/97
    by: Bob

Player swimming

 sound: player/lavabrn1.wav 
 sound: player/lavabrn2.wav 
  date: 5/27/97
    by: Bob

Played being hurt in lava. Screaming and such.  You know, we've all had that happen.

 sound: medusa/sight.wav 
  date: 6/2/97
    by: Mike

Medusa first detects an enemy 
 sound: medusa/hiss.wav 
  date: 6/2/97
    by: Mike

Low hiss for medusa, will play every now and then randomly as she
slithers around, but should still be scary

 sound: medusa/attack1.wav 
  date: 6/2/97
    by: Mike

Medusa's gaze attack, green beams extendfrom her eyes to her target's
 sound: medusa/attack2.wav 
  date: 6/2/97
    by: Mike

Medusa's snakes attack- projectiles come out of the snakes on her head.
 sound: medusa/pain.wav 
  date: 6/2/97
    by: Mike

Medusa gets hurt, reels back in pain
 sound: medusa/death.wav 
  date: 6/2/97
    by: Mike

Medusa bites it
 sound: items\ringpkup.wav
  date: 05/03/97

Player running over and taking a ring.
 sound: necro/mmfire.wav 
  date: 6/4/97
    by: Mike

Necromancer fires a magic missile, will be able to do this rapidly,
but also fires three of them (tracking) in power mode- should that be
a seperate sound?
 sound: mezzo/skid.wav 
  date: 6/6/97
    by: Mike

Mezzoman skids to a stop from a full run, should last about 1 seconds.
 sound: mezzo/roar.wav 
  date: 6/6/97
    by: Mike

Mezzoman sees player, rears back head, and roars (also played after killing player)
 sound: mezzo/reflect.wav 
  date: 6/6/97
    by: Mike

Sound something makes when if reflects off mezzoman's shield
 sound: mezzo/slam.wav 
  date: 6/6/97
    by: Mike

Sound made when mezzoman slams into you with his sheild from a
running jump
 sound: mezzo/pain.wav 
  date: 6/6/97
    by: Mike

Mezzo hurt
 sound: mezzo/die.wav 
  date: 6/6/97
    by: Mike

Mezzo dies
 sound: mezzo/snort.wav 
  date: 6/6/97
    by: Mike

Mezzoman idle, walking around, like a horse or raptor snort?
 sound: mezzo/growl.wav 
  date: 6/6/97
    by: Mike

Second mezzo idle sound, low growl?  May not be neccary if it's
too many sounds

Use this template when adding sounds:


Found in DATA1/SHOTS are three screenshots. They are all named "QUAKE".