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Proto:Myth Makers: Orbs of Doom

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Myth Makers: Orbs of Doom.

How about a nice leek in this trying time?
This page or section details content from the 2020 Data Design Interactive Leak.
Check the 2020 Data Design Interactive Leak category for more pages also sourced from this material.

Hiddenpalace.org logo.png  This prototype is documented on Hidden Palace.

A build from September 2nd, 2003 was found on one of Data Design Interactive's hard drives in September 2020. It predates the final game's build date by about four months.

Gameplay Differences


MMOrbs DebugMenu.png

The build immediately starts with a debug menu that can only be controlled with a USB controller.

Changed Graphics


Septmeber Final
MMOrbs StartScreen.png MMOrbs StartScreen Final.png

The title screen had a different composition.

Unused Graphics


MythMakersGP Loading screen.png

A leftover from Myth Makers: Super Kart GP.


MMOrbs TitleBack.png

An unused title screen.


MMOrbs GC MemCard.png

A GameCube memory card. The game never came out on GameCube.


MMOrbs PausePanel BARBIE.png

A pause menu graphic featuring Barbie, leftover from a Barbie pitch.


MMOrbs loading-bar 01.png MMOrbs loading-bar 02.png MMOrbs loading-bar 03.png MMOrbs loading-bar 04.png

4 Photoshop files that contain multiple work-in-progress versions of the loading bar.


MMOrbs Untitled-1.png

A copy of track-03.bmp but with arrows and numbers marking the sides.


HudMOCKUP Speed.png

A mockup of the speedometer.


MMOrbs HudMOCKUP Lives.png

A mockup of the life counter.


MMOrbs hudh0001.png

A health counter that's most likely a leftover from another unknown pitch.

Unused Models


MMOrbs Barbie TEST.png

Data\CardData\BARBIE_TEST\1\barbie_weighed.lwo is a cel-shaded model of Barbie. She is wearing horse riding attire and has several animations related to riding, meaning this could've been from a Barbie Horse Adventures pitch by Data Design Interactive.

Unused Code


MMOrbs RaceMenu.png

A near exact copy of Menu.cfg, with one big difference: the Training Levels category is replaced with Options, which seems to contain a few test levels. PreGames Karting Level most likely referrs to Myth Makers: Super Kart GP, PreGames Adiboo Level was most likely a level made for an Adiboo pitch, however PreGames Insect Level is a mystery.


A configuration file for Spyro the Dragon. None of the assets mentioned in the file exist, which means this is most likely a leftover from another unknown project.


A configuartion file for Adiboo, a character from a series of educational games. It's most likely a leftover from an unknown Adiboo project.


A copy of Man_Adiboo.cfg.


A configuration file for Adiboo's glider, which was most likely going to be a power-up.


A configuration file for a bee, most likely a leftover from another project.


A configuration file for a beetle, most likely a leftover from another project.


A configuration file for a butterfly, most likely a leftover from another project.


A configuration file for Barbie.


A configuration file for a horse rider.


A configuration file for another horse rider.