Proto:Pokémon Emerald/Debug Menu
This is a sub-page of Proto:Pokémon Emerald.
This article is a work in progress. ...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes. |
...But what does it mean? This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation! |
To do: Finish translating and confirming the function (or lack thereof) of features. |
For the sake of clarity, many of the names for options are taken from the English Ruby and Sapphire Debugs. The main exception to this is some developer names which were spelled incorrectly by the localizers.
Debug Menu Overview
See also: Proto:Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire
By pressing R and Start during gameplay, the debug menu will open. There are 8 pages to the debug menu, with many of the options having submenus. Some of the features are the same as the debug menus of Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire and FireRed and LeafGreen. However, most of them have been moved around in some way, and some of them no longer function.
WARNING! Some of the options in this menu cause major changes to your save file, and a few save the game without warning. It is highly reccommended to back up the save file you are using if you care about it.
Page 1
See also: Proto:Pokémon_Ruby_and_Sapphire/Debug_Menu#Wantanabe
Named after Lead Programmer Tetsuya Watanabe. Does not appear to function. Saves the game in the Ruby/Sapphire Debug.
To do: What do these do? |
Named after Battle System Programmer Hisashi Sogabe. Leads to a submenu.
Master Debug
Leads to several options.
- Gym Battle Master Debug: Function unknown.
- Gym Battle Master Debug: Function unknown.
- Symbol Off: Function unknown.
- Gym Symbol On: Function unknown.
- Gym Symbol On: Function unknown.
Frontier Debug
- Foe Pokémon LV. 1 flag On: Function unknown.
- Foe Pokémon Lv. 1 flag Off: Function unknown.
- Battle Facility: Brings you to a menu where you can set the round for each battle facility.
Pyramid Debug
- Default view: Completely lights up the room.
- Clear view: Function unknown.
- Go to Pyramid summit: Teleports you to a new floor after the next battle.
- Check Pyramid floor Level: Brings up information about the current floor.
- PICKUP Always On: Function unknown.
- PICKUP Always Off: Function unknown.
Stock Debug
- Check your Stock: Brings you to a menu where you can scroll through. Unknown exactly what this does.
Batlle records
Appears to be more battle data.
- -----
- Play debug battle
- -----
- -----
- -----
- Record debug battle
Appears to be more battle data.
- Debug key control ON
- Debug key control Off
- -----
- -----
- Check e-card TRAINER data: Brings you to a submenu (Normal, Variety, Unique, Expert, Clear records).
- -----
See also: Proto:Pokémon_Ruby_and_Sapphire/Debug_Menu#Tamada
Named after Field System Programmer Sousuke Tamada. Does not appear to function. Brought up a CPU test in the Ruby/Sapphire Debug.
See also: Proto:Pokémon_Ruby_and_Sapphire/Debug_Menu#Kagaya
Named after Programmer Keita Kagaya. Does not appear to function. Brought up a submenu in the Ruby/Sapphire Debug.
Named after Programmer Yoshinori Matsuda. Contains a submenu with options related to contests.
Lets you start a Pokémon contest with any settings. Pressing Start begins the contest, while Select cancels.
Selecting the four participants at the top of the screen lets you select them to modify their settings.
The third line lets you select the city / rank of contest, from ハジツゲ/ノーマル (Fallarbor/Normal), シダケ/スーパー (Verdandurf/Super), カイナ/ハイパー (Slateport/Hyper), and ミナモ/マスター (Lilycove/Master).
The fourth to sixth lines let you select the participating Pokémon's contest stats, when read in columns these are in the order かっこよさ (Cool), うつくしさ (Beauty), たくましさ (Tough), かわいさ (Cute), かしこさ (Smart), けづや (Sheen).
The seventh and eighth lines let you select the Pokémon's moves.
The bottom line's left option chooses the contest type, in the same order as above, and the right option is もどる Back.
Contest results
Displays the contest results screen. Crashes in an amusing fashion if you haven't selected any of the other options in the menu.
Contest (comm.)
Brings up the same menu as "Contest". Possibly for Link Contests?
Init comm. data
Brings up a link error.
Set highest score
Sets up contest results. Choosing "Contest results" after this displays a results screen with a very high score.
Reset highest score
Sets up contest results. Choosing "Set highest score", then this, then "Contest results" displays a results screen with zero score.
Set all art museum items
Sets all the art museum items, as one might expect.
Contest TV
Brings you to a menu where you can set several variables. Setting this also affects the Contest Results screen. Likely related to the Contest TV show.
To do: Translate the Fan and TV submenus and confirm their functions. |
Named after programmer and script designer Satoshi Nohara.
Brings up a submenu. Likely to do with the fanclub in Lilycove City.
Opens a submenu. Everything appears to be related to TV shows.
Pops open a menu that you can scroll through with Left/Right. Appears to list the same information as Legend record.
Brings up a submenu.
- Score set: Function unknown.
- Volcanic ash 9999: Fills your Soot Sack with ash.
- Legend Flag: Function unknown.
- Set sail on MR. BRAINEY's boat
- Battle vs Dad: Lets you rematch Norman.
- Dad after battle: Causes the game to believe Norman has been battled.
- BP9999: Gives you 9999 Battle Points.
- Events at sotopolis: Function unknown.
- Ticket: Brings you to a menu where you use Up/Down to scroll. It lists the four event items from Emerald, the Eon Ticket, the Aurora Ticket, the Mystic Ticket, and the Old Sea Map. It allows the player to activate the respective Events, but in order to work you just need to obtain the respective Tickets through Make Items.
- KG step count MAX: Function unknown.
- Dex Get: Gives you the Pokédex option in the menu, but you will not be able to open it if you do not have a Pokémon.
- PNC Open: Likely a leftover from FireRed and LeafGreen, as the PNC only exists in those games.
- Jackpot SLOT: Displays a grid of numbers. Function unknown.
- To FARAWAY ISLAND: Transports you to the entrance of Faraway Island.
- Engineering points: Displays a 2 digit number. Function unknown.
- Open FRONTIER menu: Function unknown.
- ADD 50 TOWER LV.50 W: Increases your streak in the Level 50 mode of the battle tower by 50.
- ADD Open TOWER OPEN LV. W: Increases your streak in the open mode of the battle tower by 50.
- Rare Pokémon flag ON: Wild and Trainer's Pokémon are Shiny.
- Mysterious event ferry: Likely related to the S.S. Tidal.
- The first Pokémon Fainted: Causes the first Pokémon in your party to be reduced to 1 HP.
- Mystery gift flag ON: Turns on Mystery gift.
- Switch ALTERING CAVE encounter
- To Naval Rock: Transports you to Naval Rock.
- Get Frontier Pass: Upgrades your Trainer Card to the Frontier Pass.
- To Birth Island: Transports you to Birth Island.
- Switch GROUDON and KYOGER an...
CM days
- Number of days: Brings up a menu with a grid of two digit numbers.
- Hoenn: Marks every Pokémon in the Hoenn Pokédex as caught, except for Jirachi and Deoxys.
- Kanto: Adds all Kanto Pokémon as caught in the Pokédex, except for Mew.
- Both: Registers all Hoenn and Johto Pokémon as caught in the Pokédex, except for Ho-oh, Lugia, Celebi, Jirachi, and Deoxys.
- Special: Adds the Pokémon mentioned above to the Pokédex.
See also: Proto:Pokémon_FireRed_and_LeafGreen/Debug_Menu
Named after Programmer Hiroyuki Nakamura. This submenu is in the same style as the FireRed and LeafGreen Debugs.
Data Center
- Move Machine MAX: Gives you 99 of every TM.
- Berry MAX: Gives you 999 of every berry.
- Goods: Gives you one of every decoration for the Secret Base.
- Set Pokéblock: Brings you to a menu where you can create a Pokéblock.
- Items: Brings up a nifty little screen where you can scroll through all of the icons for the items in the game. This is also present in the FireRed and LeafGreen Debugs.
- Goods: Brings up the same sort of screen as the Items, but for all the Secret Base decorations.
Secret Base
- Change BASE: Displays a menu where you can edit Secret Base data. (Use the "Base MAX" option to fill some in.) Press Left/Right to select a base number. Press Up/Down to select either the name or the number shown below and A to edit. Use Up/Down to edit the selected character/digit. When editing the name, Select switches character groups and B erases the name. A accepts.
- SECRET BASE max: Fills in all Secret Bases.
- Count 0: Allows you to set a count for something.
- Pokémon data: Brings up a menu that shows information on the current party Pokémon. TABLE
- SOOTOPOLIS EVENT: Starts the cutscene of Rayquaza yelling at Groudon and Kyogre to stop fighting.
- Bag: Opens the bag.
- Status: Brings up the move menu for your lead Pokémon.
- Pokémon List: Opens the party menu where you can select three Pokémon as if entering a battle facility.
- Moving Pokémon: Brings up a menu which contains a selection for Latias, Latios, and Lottery. Depending on which one you pick you'll get different information the next time you open the menu.
- Fishing spot: Displays information about fishing and wild encounters. The Route 119 locations refer to Feebas, which appears on 4-6 locations on this route selected at random.
- Certification: Brings up the diploma for completing the Pokédex.
Check effect
Effect 1 - 8
Each option starts one of the Battle Frontier battle entry animations.
Page 2
Named after Programmer Akito Mori. If you guessed this opens another submenu, you are absolutely correct!
Record Ruby/Sapphire
Brings up a menu with a large amount of options. Likely has something to do with mixing records with Ruby and Sapphire players.
Record Emerald
Brings up a menu with a large amount of options. Likely has something to do with mixing records with other Emerald players.
Creates an egg instantly if two compatible parents are in the Daycare.
Egg (male)
Creates a male egg instantly if two compatible parents are in the Daycare.
1000 steps
Gives 1000 Exp. Points to each Pokémon in Day Care.
10000 steps
Gives 10000 Exp. Points to each Pokémon in Day Care.
Egg Born
Hatches the first egg in your party after 2 steps.
BF Erase
Likely erases something related to the Battle Frontier.
Rewrite BF
Brings up a menu where you view the records for each battle facility.
Delete Pokéblock
Clears out Pokéblock case.
RFU Clear List
Function unknown.
Long Name
Overwrites your first Pokémon's name with a 10-character name. The name translates as "ながいなまえぽけもん"(Pokémon long name).
BARD Debug
Function unknown.
Named after Programmer Tomomichi Ohta. Oh boy, more submenus!
Event Control 1
- Trick House cleared
- COIN Purchase available: Gives you the Coin Case.
- FULL of Coins: Gives you 9999 coins.
- Board on Ferry: Gives you the S.S Ticket.
- Kyogre Warp: Warps you to the Seafloor Cavern infront of where Kyogre appears. If you have not completed the story, the battle with Archie will trigger once you approach Kyogre.
- Rayquaza Warp: Warps you to the top of Sky Pillar where Rayquaza appears.
- MOSSDEPP battle demo: Warps you to the Mossdeep Space Center right before the battle with Steven Stone against Team Magma. (Tokusane is the Japanese name for Mossdeep)
- Item Full: Gives you 99 of every item.
- Goods Full: Gives you every Secret Base good.
Event Control 2
- Got all BADGES
- After encounterd KYOGRE: Warps you to Route 128 after Kyogre has been awakened.
Trick House
See also: Proto:Pokémon_Ruby_and_Sapphire/Debug_Menu#TRICK_HOUSE
Allows you to edit the Trick House flags.
Named after Music Composer and Sound Creator Morikazu Aoki. Does not appear to function.
Named after Programmer Masao Taya. Leads to a submenu. This menu has 2 pages.
Locks all control until B is pressed. Sometimes triggers a weather condition, but usually does not.
Brings up the box menu. The dialog box will stay open even after the menu is closed, until the screen is refreshed.
Simple Text
The options all bring up the catchphrase screens.
Old man
See also: Proto:Pokémon_Ruby_and_Sapphire/Debug_Menu#Old_man
Changes which of the 5 characters appears in the Mauville Pokémon Center, as well as two options with unknown functions.
- Bard
- Hipster
- Recycler
- Storyteller
- Giddy guy
- Flag off
- Become hip
Displays random data.
Got a call
Function unknown.
Town Flag
Marks all locations as visited on the Town Map.
Brings up a screen where you can create passwords for the custom box designs that you can get from the man in Rustboro City. Is pretty much an in-game version of Pokéwiki's Secret Code Generator.
Unfortunately, though the man accepts the passwords, the wallpaper does not actually appear in the PC. Futher research is needed.
At the top, there are drawings of each button along with a note on what they do.
Up/Down and Left/Right navigate through the menu. A increases the numbers while B decreases. Start exits the menu, and Select allows you to copy the password into the entry box once it is generated.
The next two rows allow you to pick the colors you want. Below that, there are two options for design choices. CHAR allows you to pick what graphic is present in the pattern, and 'SCRN selects the layout of the pattern. (These two are in the opposite order on the Pokéwiki Code Generator.)
Next up is the ID. It defaults to your Trainer ID, but is able to be modified if you want to generate codes for someone else.
The bottom translates to "Decision." When hitting A on this, the password will pop up. At this point if you hit Select, the password will automatically be copied into the entry screen when you talk to the man in Rustboro, saving you the hassle of having to enter the code in yourself.
Changes which trainers have been beaten.
Opens the PokéNav menu.
Displays a text box which lasts an extremely long time. It is intended to say "しょうしょうおまちください!" (Please wait!), but only the first character, "し" is displayed. It will then allow the player to use Fly in every city (even if the player never visited there before) it also clears all PC boxes and fills them with random Pokémon, at random levels, with random Contest Stats and Ribbons (including the unused ones!) and adds every Match Call entry to the PokéNav.
Function unknown.
See also: Proto:Pokémon_Ruby_and_Sapphire/Debug_Menu#PkMnLOTTERY
Does nothing. In Ruby and Sapphire, it allowed you to edit the lottery number.
Award a ribbon
Lets you award ribbons. Use the Left/Right to adjust the value (0/1), and Up/Down to choose the ribbon. A accepts, B cancels. When you close the menu, your first Pokémon receives the selected ribbons.
Rematch Call
Will cause all trainers registered in your PokéNav to be ready to rematch.
Rematch T
Brings up a textbox that gives you the name of one of the trainers which can be rematched.
Rematch Steps
Function unknown.
Trend R
Function unknown.
See also: Proto:Pokémon_FireRed_and_LeafGreen/Debug_Menu
Named after Programmer Miyuki Iwasawa. Yet another submenu. This submenu is in the same style as the FireRed and LeafGreen Debugs.
PparamC (Change Initial)
Allows you to modify different aspects of your first party Pokémon.
It's the same as "Create PkMn" and it has 6 pages (select with L/R).
- Page 1: Set species, level, EXP, trainer ID, and random variables. The gender and personality defined by the random variables are shown below. Level and EXP automatically adjust when the other is set.
- ID is a 32-bit value which contains both your displayed trainer ID (low 16 bits) and "secret" trainer ID (high 16 bits).
- Page 2: Set status (SLP/PSN/BRN/FRZ/PAR/PSN2), Tameness (happiness), PokéRUS, EGG, Ball.
- Page 3: Set moveset, item and special ability.
- Page 4: Set random values ("IVs") and stat EXP for HP, ATK, DEF. The resulting stats are shown below. The stat EXP cap is not enforced.
- Page 5: Set random values and stat EXP for SPD, SP ATK, SP DEF.
- Page 6: Set Cool, Beauty, Cute, Smart, Tough, Sheen.
Pressing Select places the Pokémon on a free block or P.C.; Pressing Start overwrites the Pokémon you modify.
Some information can't be set from this menu:
- OT name is "デバッグ2ポク" = Debug2poke.
- Met Level
- Location is "fateful encounter".
Check FRONTIER pass
Brings up the Frontier Pass.
Check Trainer card
Brings up a maxed out trainer card. The trainer here is always named Emerald!! (Yes, exclamation points included) despite the fact that it exceeds the 5 character limit.
Cable Car U
Displays the cable car going up scene.
Cable Car D
Displays the cable car going down scene.
Lets you set your coin balance, then lets you play the roulette game at the 1-coin-per-bet table.
Same as Roulette1, but at the 3-coin table (6 during Casino "service days").
Hall of Fame
Shows the Hall of Fame scene and credits.
Plays the confetti effect.
Check Trainer card Emerald
Brings up a maxed out trainer card for Emerald.
Check Trainer card R/S
Brings up a maxed out trainer card for Ruby and Sapphire.
Check Trainer card FR&LG
Brings up a maxed out trainer card for FireRed and LeafGreen.
Make items
Allows you to generate any item.
Brings up the Fly map. However, this version allows you to fly to any route, exactly where your cursor is, leading to some comedic scenes and places where you can become stuck.
Selecting Mt. Chimney as a location will result in a black screen (at least in emulators).
Page 3
Teleports you to the last Pokémon Center you entered. If you have not entered a Pokémon Center or your house on the file, it will teleport you to the default warp of the game; a house in Petalburg.
Edit your Pokémon
Opens a menu where you can adjust the species, gender, and level of your party Pokémon. You can add new Pokémon by editing empty slots.
Switch BG
Allows you to turn different background layers on and off, giving some funky looking results. The layers reload as soon as the screen is refreshed. Left/Right switches the layers on and off, Up/Down changes the layer you're editing. A/B accepts.
Use HM
Brings up a menu where you can use every HM move.
Control Encounter
Lets you turn wild encounters off or on.
Mirage island RND
Brings up a text box where you can set the RNG for Mirage Island. If the number is set to the last two bytes of the personality value of a Pokémon in the party, Mirage Island is accessible on Route 130. Changing the number while on Route 130 or Mirage Island does nothing, but leaving Route 130 and coming back will result in its disappearance.
Clear flag ON/Off
Lets you toggle the Game Clear flag on and off, marking (and unmarking) the game as having been cleared.
Page 4
Time records
Shows data related to the Real-Time Clock. The 'Days' category is a bit of a mystery. Days corresponds to the amount of days that have passed since January 1st, 2000.
0000 (Unknown what this means.) | Days | Time |
RTC Time | Number | Time |
In-game Time | Number | Time |
Updated time (Likely the time when the game was last saved.) | Number | Time |
Set time
Lets you adjust the clock.
National PokéDex
Fills your Pokédex.
Create Pokémon
See also: Proto:Pokémon_FireRed_and_LeafGreen/Debug_Menu#Specifics
Exactly the same as FireRed/LeafGreen. Takes you to a screen where you can make yourself a good ol' Pocket Monster.
- Page 1: Set species, level, EXP, trainer ID, and random variables. The gender and personality defined by the random variables are shown below. Level and EXP automatically adjust when the other is set.
ID is a 32-bit value which contains both your displayed trainer ID (low 16 bits) and "secret" trainer ID (high 16 bits).
- Page 2: Set status (SLP/PSN/BRN/FRZ/PAR/PSN2), Tameness (happiness), PokéRUS.
- Page 3: Set moveset, item and special ability.
- Page 4: Set random values ("IVs") and stat EXP for HP, ATK, DEF. The resulting stats are shown below. The stat EXP cap is not enforced.
- Page 5: Set random values and stat EXP for SPD, SP ATK, SP DEF.
- Page 6: Set Cool, Beauty, Cute, Smart, Tough, Sheen.
- Page 7: Set Met location, Met level, Game of origin, and Catch Ball.
Some information can't be set from this menu:
- OT name is "デバッグポク1" = Debugpoke1.
See Pokémon graphics
Takes you to a Pokémon sprite editor. L/R switches the sprite. A switches between the palette and the RGB sliders. Left/Right on the palette area allows you to change which palette swatch you are working with, and on the RGB area they allow you to adjust the sliders. Up/Down in the RGB area switches which slider you are using. Select changes the background. Start switches to the shiny sprites. B returns you back to the normal world.
Battle for debug
See also: Proto:Pokémon_Ruby_and_Sapphire/Debug_Menu#Battle_for_debug
Does nothing. Takes you to a battle debug screen in Ruby/Sapphire.
Full set of badges
Gives you every badge.
Page 5
Hoenn National Dex
Gives you the National Dex if you do not already have it.
Set Ram berry
See also: Proto:Pokémon_Ruby_and_Sapphire/Debug_Menu#Set_Ram_berry
Brings up a menu with the options HP, PAR, SLP, PSN, and TASTY. It is supposed to modify a berry, but it appears to not work.
See portraits
See also: Proto:Pokémon_Ruby_and_Sapphire/Debug_Menu#See_portraits
Lets you view information on trainers.
- Portrait Number
- Pokémon Number
- Pokémon Name
- Breeder Name
- Type
- Individuality Random Number
Lets you turn the background music on and off.
Size comparison
See also: Proto:Pokémon_Ruby_and_Sapphire/Debug_Menu#Size_comparison
Does not work. Brought up a menu that showed size comparisons between the trainer and Pokémon in Ruby/Sapphire.
See also: Proto:Pokémon_Ruby_and_Sapphire/Debug_Menu#Safari
Only works if you are in the Safari Zone.
- Cube Feeder
- "There is no cube in front of you!"
- "Pokéblock [Color] [Steps]steps remaining."
- Steps remaining to 500
- Set steps remaining to 1
- Balls remaining to 30
- Set balls remaining to 1
- [Steps] steps remaining
Rematch Trainers
Likely has to do with the Match Call function. Brings up 5 options:
- See trainers
- Max number of steps
- Clear number of steps
- Flag all set
- Flag all clear
Page 6
Hall of fame
Plays the hall of fame cutscene and the ending credits, which also saves the game. If the player does not own any Pokémon, Decamarks and random stages of Starter Pokémon will be displayed in the credits.
Mystery event
Lets you turn the Mystery event function on and off. (This option is still in overseas versions, but is non-functional)
Legend record
Opens up a submenu with options related to the Adventure log.
See also: Proto:Pokémon_Ruby_and_Sapphire/Debug_Menu#Confirmation
Shows all the different accomplishments within the save file. The options are exactly the same as Ruby/Sapphire.
- 00: Saves
- 01: Clear Time
- 02: Trends Created
- 03: Times Berries Planted
- 04: Bike Trades
- 05: Steps
- 06: Interviews
- 07: Battles
- 08: Wild Battles
- 09: Trainer Battles
- 10: Hall of Famed
- 11: Pokémon Captures
- 12: Times Fished
- 13: Eggs Hatched
- 14: Evolved
- 15: PokéCen Heals
- 16: Own House Heals
- 17: Safari Uses
- 18: HM:Cut
- 19: HM:Rock Smash
- 20: Base Relocations
- 21: Link Trades
- 22: Link Battles
- 23: Link Wins
- 24: Link Losses
- 25: Link Draws
- 26: Move:Splash
- 27: Move:Struggle
- 28: Slots Big Wins
- 29: Roulette Streak
- 30: Battle Tower
- 31: Battle Tower Wins (Not used)
- 32: Battle Tower Streak
- 33: POKéBLOCKs Created
- 34: Link POKéBLOCKs Made
- 35: Link Contest Wins
- 36: CPU Contests Entered
- 37: CPU Contest Wins
- 38: Shopping
- 39: Itemfinder
- 40: Rained
- 41: Looked at Pokédex
- 42: Ribbons Obtained
- 43: Ledges Hopped
- 44: Watched TV
- 45: Looked at Clock
- 46: Won Lottery
- 47: Pokémon Day-Cared
- 48: Ropeway Uses
- 49: Went in Hot Spring
Max-1 set
Pressing A sets every value to one digit under the max.
Zero clear
Pressing A sets the selection back to zero.
Weather events
Lets you turn .... something on and off.
Cell info.
Shows information about the tile in front of you.
Check Pokéblock
Displays some text saying POKéBLOCK Group and a number that can be adjusted. Regardless of which number you select, it fills your PoKéblock Box with level 30 black PoKéblocks. These PoKéblocks appear to be infinite, as the quantity doesn't seem to decrease when using them.
Effort Values
Displays the Effort Values and happiness of the Pokémon in your party.
- HP Effort value
- Attack Effort value
- Defence Effort value
- Speed Effort value
- Sp.Atk Effort value
- Sp.Def Effort value
- Effort value total
- Happiness
Page 7
Hoenn PokéDex
Sets all Hoenn Pokémon as caught in the PokéDex.
See Trainers
Brings up a trainer sprite editor. L/R switch the sprite. A switches between the palette and the RGB sliders. Left/Right on the palette area allows you to change which palette swatch you are working with, and on the RGB area they allow you to adjust the sliders. Up/Down in the RGB area switches which slider you are using. Select changes the background. Start attempts to apply a shiny palette, but since trainers do not have a shiny palette it gives them very wacky colors! B returns you back to the normal world. Also includes a bunch of duplicate May sprites and some funky looking Hikers. Sprites 122-127 crash the game.
Berry info
If there is a berry in front of you, it will show info about it.
Number of Tower Wins
Brings up a dialog box where you can set your win streak.
End sequence demo
Plays the credits.
Random number test
Brings up a menu where you can test the random number generation.
- From
- To
- Range
- Times
- Result [Number] times
Me-too BackupMan
Appears to not function. In Ruby/Sapphire it brought up two options: "write to flash" and "read from flash".
Page 8
Shows your play time.
Named after programmer Nozomu Saito. Opens up a large submenu.
Young Lady
Opens a submenu. Likely has something to do with the Contest girl in the Lilycove City Pokémon Center.
- Quiz
- Reset
- Off feature production
- Start quiz
- Answered a quiz
- Double check
- Begging
- Reset
- Details
- Sorry
- Ask for money
- Contest
- Reset
- Details
- Contest type: Displays the 5 contest types.
- Counter: Brings up numbers 0 through 4.
- Numeric counter: Brings up numbers 0 through 4.
- TV set: Brings up the options Cool, value, and TV creation.
- Flag off
Unreleased data)
Brings up a dialog box which says "No. of unrelease data." The number is either a 5 or a 10, and it seems to only be 10 inside of Pokémon Centers.
Do nothing
Aptly named, as it does nothing.
Go to Battle Frontier
Teleports you outside the Battle Tower.
Pokémon Rental
Brings up the Pokémon rental screen from the Battle Factory. Comedically, every Pokémon is a Sunkern. Since all the Pokémon are the same species the game will not let you proceed, and you cannot back out of the menu either, softlocking you.
Rental exchange
Opens the rental exchange screen from the Battle Factory. You are prompted to exchange one of the first three Pokémon in your party for one of three Decamarks. You will then appear in front of the PC in the last Pokémon Center you visited. The game actually exchanges your Pokémon, leaving you with a blank slot in your party.
Opens a submenu.
- Next Apprentice: Opens a submenu that is the same as the "Young Lady" submenu.
- Initialize: Function unknown.
- Check apprentice time table: Opens a list which appears to list the previous action a player has taken.
- Create apprentice time table: Appears to be the same as See Schedule.
- Check apprentice): Displays a 0 and says "I'm sorry."
- Anime Time Flag: Function unknown.
- Write pointer: Displays "Number 1".
- Apprentice Question: Allows you to scroll through numbers 0-10. Function unknown.
- Apprentice No.: Allows you to scroll through numbers 0-10. Function unknown.
The same function as the EC eff option under Nakamura, brings up a menu where you can test all the Battle Frontier battle entry animations.
(Bad Egg)
Replaces the first Pokémon in the party with a Bad Egg.
ID change
Brings up a menu where you can modify your ID. NO.
Every 65536 numbers, brings one number to Secret I.D. you can do 4,294,967,295 variations.
- 0000000001
- ID.No.: 00001 Secret ID.: 00000
- 0000065535
- ID. No.: 65535 Secret ID.: 00000
- 0000065536
- ID. No.: 00000 Secret ID.: 00001
- 0000131072
- ID. No.: 00000 Secret ID.: 00002
- 4294967295
- ID. No.: 65535 Secret ID.: 65535
Name Change
Opens the naming screen from the start of the game and allows you to change your trainer's name.
Opens the screen where you tell the man in Rustboro City specific codes to give you special PC Box wallpapers.
This option is out on Japanese version, function unknown.