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Quattro Sports

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Title Screen

Quattro Sports

Also known as: Super Sports Challenge (EU)
Developer: Codemasters
Publisher: Camerica
Platforms: Unlicensed NES, Aladdin Deck Enhancer
Released in US: 1991

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

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A collection of 4 terrible sports games that was also released for the failed Aladdin Deck Enhancer.

Regional Differences

North America received one version of this compilation, while another two versions came out in Europe.

Title Screen

The European versions helpfully label the main game menu with their version numbers in the lower-right corner, and each version has a different background color for this screen. The American version uses the same shade of purple as the other Quattro compilations and every Codemasters NES game's startup logo. "V2" changes it to the same shade of green the NES briefly displays upon a cold power-on. "V3" changes it to the same shade of blue as Super Adventure Quests. However, neither revision includes the new title seen on the box and cartridge labels in Europe, Super Sports Challenge.

USA Europe (V2) Europe (V3)
Quattro Sports-title.png Super Sports Challenge-NES-V2-title.png Super Sports Challenge-NES-V3-title.png
To do:
Find gameplay differences.