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Sonic Adventure (Dreamcast)/Adventure Mode

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This is a sub-page of Sonic Adventure (Dreamcast).

Early Station Square Sky

SonicAdventure EarlySky1.pngSonicAdventure EarlySky2.pngSonicAdventure EarlySky3.pngSonicAdventure EarlySky3B.png

Early screenshots of the game (as well as the AutoDemo) showed Station Square with a different sky. While the file SS_BG.PVM is used for Station Square's sky in the final game, the images that were used originally can be found in the files SS_FINESKY, SS_NIGHTSKY,SS_NIGHTSKYB, and SS_YUSKAY_MINI.

City Background

SonicAdventure SonicIntroBG.png

There are two versions of the skyline seen in Sonic's intro in the game's files - one 256×256 version and one 512×512 version. Only the former one is ever used, leaving the higher-quality one unused. It can be found in ICM0001_5.PRS.

Unlocking Sonic

Text for unlocking Sonic can be found, which is never used as Sonic is unlocked from the start:

Now you can play as SONIC!

Inaccessible Super Sonic Recaps

SonicAdventure SuperSonicRecap.png

On the first playthrough of the story Super Sonic has recap summaries just like every other character, but due to Super Sonic's story never saving after cutscenes, only two of them can ever be seen. This is because Sonic is in the past at these points and the only ways to save the game are to either complete an Action Stage or obtain the Crystal Ring.

Upon arriving in the past:

I’m Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog!
When I arrived at Angel Island,
to my surprise I found both Eggman and
Knuckles lying unconscious on the ground.
What did you say?
Chaos is still alive??
…And then all of the sudden
I found myself in another world.
Just like before…!
What is this place!?

After approaching the Knuckles Clan:

I’m Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog!
In that mysterious world…
I saw a girl…
and many Chao. And an army of warriors
marching towards the Emerald,
Then… It was standing in front of them.
But… who? Who is that girl?


Unused Cutscenes


An unused cutscene can be found for E-102 Gamma that implies it would have been played after failing to complete Final Egg. Oddly, it was still given a localization despite never being used.


The original Japanese version contains an unused cutscene for Amy's story can be found. When translated, she says the following:

Japanese Translation
また来ることになるとは思わなかったなぁ… I never thought I'd come back here again...
こんなとこにまだいるのかしらね、あなたの兄弟たち… I wonder if your siblings are still here in a place like this...
ん? Hm?
今、上のほうから声がきこえなかった? Did you hear a voice/cry from above just now?
行ってみよ! Let's go take a look!

The cutscene was intended to play before the battle with ZERO. Not only does Amy never go to this area before fighting ZERO, but it's impossible due to the forced cutscene and the only possible way into the Carrier (Chao Garden warp) being disabled. It does not play if Amy is forced into the area using cheats and was removed from later versions of the game.

(Source: evilhamwizard (discovery), Windii (translation))

FMV Placeholders
Four events (EV0063, EV006B, EV009C, and EV00E1) contain nothing but a single Japanese message, suggesting they were placeholders for the Egg Carrier crashing FMV.

Japanese Translation
ev00XX 墜落ムービー まだできていません。 ev00XX crash movie not ready yet.


Careful, you'll lose an eye.
This page or section needs more images.
There's a whole lotta words here, but not enough pictures. Please fix this.

Flickies' internal names
The three Flickies are named in the game's code:

Flicky Name
Blue (Amy) LIDY
Red (Gamma) PATY
Yellow (Beta) TEDY

Notably, the label used for Amy's Flicky ("LIDY") is similar to the name given to it in Sonic X ("Lily").

Chaos Animations
Chaos' event actors have several actions coded for them that go unused:

  • Chaos 0: Walking
  • Chaos 0: Jumping modes 0 and 1. (The first half of his full jumping animation from the boss version). This version only uses the latter half, 2 and 3.
  • Chaos 0: Shaking head (Intended for Super Sonic's ending).
  • Chaos 2: Entering Puddle Form, and moving as puddle.
  • Chaos 4: All of his Puddle Form, including transitions to/from and moving. (Seems to be intended for the Egg Carrier events, as its position in the Mystic Ruins is too low.)

EV0009 Japanese Version leftovers
As seen here, there is a shot of Eggman approaching Sonic during his ambush only used in the Japanese version. This camera is still present, but is only displayed for a single frame. This is due to the removal of the text box that appears during it, as text boxes force event scripts to wait 20 frames. Furthermore, despite the removal of the text box and its associated string, the call to close it is still part of the event's script.

EV003E upgrade removal
Tails' flashback after Sky Chase is set up to remove an upgrade for the duration of the event and give it back afterwards. However, the upgrade it checks for is the Rhythm Badge - something that can't be obtained at this point. Whether this means the Rhythm Badge was originally found where the Jet Anklet is or if this is an error is unknown.

EV0060 Deleted Function
The code for Amy's intro has a deleted implementation of a fade-in object. The only piece of it left is the function that deletes it at the end of the scene.

EV0080 Knuckles Face Animation
When the Master Emerald breaks in Knuckles' intro, there is a face animation called for him gradually opening his eyes, but it's not applied due to not being given the pointer to the player object. This leads to Knuckles instantly opening his eyes instead, as seen in-game.

EV00C7 Flicky
There is evidence that Amy's Flicky was originally present in Gamma's ending but was removed at some point. An object for it is created, but it is invisible and the majority of the commands given to it were removed. Only a few paths of movement remain, flying alongside Beta's Flicky.

EV000B/EV0039/EV008B missing dust effect
When Sonic/Tails collide with Knuckles, a dust effect is supposed to appear as they fall backwards. However, the object's rotation values are never set, which are used as a timer for how long it should appear. This results in the effect being absent from all versions of the cutscene.

EV009F/EV00D0 Shooting Star Effect
The shooting star effect in Knuckles' ending and Big's intro isn't displayed correctly. The beginning of its animation is supposed to cycle through an animation of a flashing star, but the code behind the effect is hardcoded to assume the animation has 8 frames instead of checking for the listed frame count - in this case 4. This results in the star only being shown briefly before drawing several frames of an electrical effect.

EV0017 path
In Tails' story when Tails reunites with Sonic at Red Mountain, Sonic jumps off the ledge he's standing on to board the Tornado 2. However, in Sonic's own story, Sonic stands in place then suddenly appears on the plane afterwards. This happens because Sonic never leaves his "clear" animation from jumping on the capsule - a state where he can't move at all. Sonic will run towards Tails and jump like he's supposed to if he's put back into a moveable state manually. However, unless a nearby object is removed, he'll get stuck while jumping and fail it completely due to the path he takes being created using an earlier version of the stage.

Original Intended
SonicAdventure RedMountainSceneBug.png SonicAdventure RedMountainSceneFixed.png

EV001A Animations
In the scene where Sonic and Tails meet up with Amy and Eggman on the Egg Carrier, Tails and Gamma are affected by a bug - the game trying to call their character objects before they're finished being created - resulting in animations for them not playing.

  • Tails was meant to pose beside Sonic at the beginning of the scene. Alongside the animation error, he spawns below the floor and falls. As a result, he immediately gets moved to an off-screen spot behind Amy and Eggman.
  • Gamma is supposed to use a 90% slower version of his standing animation as he responds to the call from Eggman.
(Source: Speeps)

EV0024 pose
When Sonic jumps down off the ledge he enters the room from in the scene that introduces the Egg Viper, he's supposed to hold a pose when he lands. However, the pose gets called too early so it overwrites Sonic's rolling animation before landing instead and disappears before he lands.

Original Intended
SonicAdventure ViperSceneBug.png SonicAdventure ViperSceneFixed.png

EV0091 Knuckles Animation
When Knuckles partially restores the Master Emerald and sees the Egg Carrier inside it, there is an animation of him peering into the Emerald. However, he is placed in a spot that makes him slide off the altar before the camera can show this.

EV00E2 Crashed Tornado 2
The crashed Tornado 2 is present in Big's ending but is never shown, as the event takes place entirely away from its location.

Past Cameras
In a number of scenes when characters appear at the Emerald altar after entering the past, the camera appears behind them in the same way it does when playing normally. This is actually a bug caused by the transition from the previous scene that prevents the proper cameras from being used. Through hacking, it's possible to see how the scene was intended to look.

Here's an example using EV00F6, the scene that plays when Sonic enters the past in Super Sonic's story.

Original Intended
SonicAdventure PastCamIncorrect1.png SonicAdventure PastCamCorrect1.png
SonicAdventure PastCamIncorrect2.png SonicAdventure PastCamCorrect2.png

The following cameras also go unused due to this bug:

Even on the GameCube's DX version, this bug would not be fixed until the 2004 and 2011 releases.

Past Echidnas

SonicAdventure PastEchidnaBug.png

The scenes involving Pachacamac and his Echidna army at the burning altar have a major texture bug that only goes unnoticed due to being heavily obscured by the game's lighting. The Echidnas behind Pachacamac are supposed to use the file PAST_KN_FAM for their textures, but instead they use KNUCKLES_DEBU, KNUCKLES_LONG, and KNUCKLES_NORMAL instead - all otherwise unused files intended for earlier versions of their models that aren't compatible with the current ones. Making the event use the correct file fixes most of the texture issues, though one of the Echidnas is still bugged.

The bug affects three scenes - EV00F7, EV0160, and EV00FB. It was fixed in the GameCube version.

Casinopolis Entrance Camera

SonicAdventure CasinoCamera.png

If the player stands inside the entrance to Casinopolis but not enough to load the stage, the camera slowly pans up to the Casinopolis sign and locks in place until the player leaves the building.

Egg Carrier Boss Arena

SonicAdventure EggCarrierArena.png

In the AutoDemo and earlier versions of the game, the center of the arena used to fight Chaos 6, E101Mk.II, and ZERO was raised a lot higher than what can be seen in-game. This appears to be have been a very late decision, as all low-detail models for the Egg Carrier (Sky Chase and Adventure Fields) and FMVs use this older design.

Unused Location Flags

There are a small number of flags in the game for certain characters that will open up areas that they usually will never go to:

  • Amy has a flag for opening the door to Casinopolis.
  • Amy has a flag for opening the door to the outer area of Angel Island.
  • Big has a flag that opens the door to the Casino area in the train station.

Flashback Images

Some differences can be seen in the images used for Amy and Gamma's flashbacks, due to being based on/taken using an earlier version of the game:

(Source: PkR @ SonicRetro.org (explanation of cause of Beta's texture error))