Starglider (Atari ST)
Starglider |
Developer: Argonaut Software This game has uncompiled source code. This game has a prerelease article |
Staaaaaarglider ... by Rainbird!
The game was a major step forward for Argonaut, with them treading into 3D territory and pushing the boundary for 16-bit computer games further than ever. They later did this again with Star Fox, which even had the same name at one point.
Prerelease Info |
Developer Text
At 0x002A44 in the .stx dump, there's a small string noting its completion date.
StarGlider, (c)1986 Argonaut Software Ltd., by Jez San. Published by BT Rainbird, London, UK. Completed, Sept 1986.
Source Code
Large chunks of assembler code has been scattered through the game's disk. The fragments can be found at the hex addresses listed below in the .stx dump.
At 0x0611E0:
rts * Horizontal is fast, but could be faster by using first & last MASKS colrhori cmp.w #17,d2 * Optimised routine if long line! bcs colrhor2 bra colrhor2 * Following routine is not debugged as yet!!! * ---------- colrhor1 and.w #15,d4 move.w d4,d3 * Save starting bit position asl.w #1,d4 * Make BitPos into a Word index lea wordmask(pc),a1 move.w 0(a1,d4.w),d0 * Get Starting word mask or.w d0,(a0)+ * Draw first Word's set of pixels sub.w d3,d2 * Subtract no. of pixels already subq.w #1,d2 * drawn! move.w d2,d4 * no. of filled Words in d4 lsr.w #4,d4 and.w #15,d2 * Las
d6,a3 ror.w #1,d0 * Next pixel to Right bcc.s cdrorfar * Was okay addq.l #8,a0 * Skip to next address addq.l #8,a1 addq.l #8,a2 addq.l #8,a3 cdrorfar dbra d2,colrdiag rts * * Sets pixel (d1,d2) on the screen, d3 is Z coord! * Be careful not to draw pixels offscreen!!! * drawpix move.l pixaddr(a6),a5 jmp (a5) * Colour version of pixel draw... pixcolr move.l scrnaddr(a6),a0 lsl.w #5,d2 * Multiply Y by 32 add.w d2,a0 lsl.w #2,d2 * Multiply Y by 4, to give y*128 add.w d2,a0 * Now Y*160 has been added move.w d1,d2 * x div 2 lsr.w #1,d2 and.w #255-7,d2 * Lose ºplaneº bits add.w d2,a0 * Now a0 has x offset added to give move.l a0,a1 * plane 1 address move.l a0,a2 * plane 2 address move.l a0,a3 * plane 3 address * Take into account the ColourPlane offsets here here... add.w plane0(a6),a0 add.w plane1(a6),a1 add.w plane2(a6),a2 add.w plane3(a6),a3 not.b d1 * true bit position in the byte on screen and.w #15,d1 moveq #0,d2 bset d1,d2 cmp.w #pixelz2,d3 bcc.s exitpix1 subq.w #1,d1 * Set pixel to the right of last one bmi.s exitpix1 bset d1,d2 exitpix1 or.w d2,(a0) * Word modification!! or.w d2,(a1) or.w d2,(a2) or.w d2,(a3) cmp.w #pixelz1,d3 * Medium sized pixel!? bcc.s exitpix2 or.w d2,160(a0) or.w d2,160(a1) or.w d2,160(a2) or.w d2,160(a3) tst.w d1 * Did the right pixel overflow Word bpl.s exitpix2 move.w #32768,d2 or.w d2,8(a0) or.w d2,8(a1) or.w d2,8(a2) or.w d2,8(a3) or.w d2,168(a0) or.w d2,168(a1) or.w d2,168(a2) or.w d2,168(a3) exitpix2 rts * Draws pixels in 3 sizes! pixmono move.l scrnaddr(a6),a0 lsl.w #4,d2 * Multiply Y by 16 add.w d2,a0 lsl.w #2,d2 * Multiply Y by 4, to give y*64 add.w d2,a0 * Now Y*80 has been added move.w d1,d2 * x div 8 lsr.w #3,d2 add.w d2,a0 * Now a0 has x offset added to give not.b d1 * true byte position on screen and.w #7,d1 * First Pixel, always set bset d1,(a0) * Byte modification!! << 1st pixel * Is Z nearer than pixelz1 cmp.w #pixelz1,d3 bcc.s exitpix bset d1,80(a0) * Set pixel immediately underneath too cmp.w #pixelz2,d3 bcc.s exitpix subq.w #1,d1 * next pixel bpl.s nnxtbt1 bset #7,1(a0) * First pixel on next location bset #7,81(a0) * and pixel underneath too exitpix rts nnxtbt1 bset d1,(a0) * pixel next to it... bset d1,80(a0) * and underneath rts * * Sprite - High Level interface to DrawSprite * Entry: d1 X coordinate (0 - 319) * d2 Y coordinate (0 - 199) * a0 shape data. * * All registers lost. * sprite move.l spriteaddr(a6),a5 jmp (a5) csprite move.w (a0)+,temp(a6) * Number of Words wide move.w (a0)+,d6 * Number of Lines deep sub.w (a0)+,d1 * Incorporate Centre of object sub.w (a0)+,d2 move.l scrnaddr(a6),a1 * Determine Screen Memory lsl.w #5,d2 * Multiply Y by 32 add.w d2,a1 * And update screen pointer lsl.w #2,d2 * Multiply Y by 4, to give y*128 add.w d2,a1 * Now Y*160 has been added move.w d1,d2 * Restore x lsr.w #1,d2 * Divide by 2 and.w #255-7,d2 * Lose ºplaneº bits add.w d2,a1 * A1 now has x and y offsets added move.w d1,d5 * Restore X and.w #15,d5 * Determine alignment position
0x062508, 0x0639B0, 0x064E60:
* ... fall through, into DrawSprite * * DrawSprite - Low Level Colour Sprite routine. * Entry: a0 points to shape data * a1 points to screen * d7 number of words across (multiples of 4) * d6 number of lines down * d5 pixel offset from aligned word (0 - 15) * * Exit: All registers stomped on (Serve's Em Right!!) * cdrawsprite move.w #bytecolr,a3 * Bytes per line in colour mode sub.w temp(a6),a3 * Amount to move down a line sub.w temp(a6),a3 * ... in bytes! subq.w #1,temp(a6) * Setup for DBRA bmi.s nosprite subq.w #1,d6 * Setup for DBRA bmi.s nosprite lea sprmask(pc),a2 * Determine alignment masks move.w d5,d1 * Save the bit modulo add.w d5,d5 * Prepare for indexing tables move.w 0(a2,d5.w),d3 * Usable alignment mask move.w 32(a2,d5.w),d4 * Overflow alignment mask move.w d1,d5 * Restore the bit modulo clr.w d1 * Bitplane modulo counter lea bitplanes(PC),a2 * Bitplane Alignment overflow list tst.w d5 * Normally aligned? beq spriteal1 spritelp move.w temp(a6),d7 clr.l (a2) * Initialise the list clr.l 4(a2) * .. some more spritel2 move.w (a0)+,d0 * Get some Sprite data ror.w d5,d0 * De-Align the data move.w d0,d2 * Retain for later use and.w d3,d0 * Mask data leaving useful bits and.w d4,d2 * Mask data leaving overflow bits or.w 0(a2,d1.w),d0 * Insert previous overflow bits move.w d2,0(a2,d1.w) * Provide new overflow bits addq.w #2,d1 * Increment bitplane modulo and.w #7,d1 * Ensure it remains a modulo! move.w d0,(a1)+ * Shove Sprite data onto Screen dbra d7,spritel2 * Go back for rest of line move.w (a2),(a1) * Final Overflow becomes last word move.w 2(a2),2(a1) * plane 1 move.w 4(a2),4(a1) * plane 2 move.w d2,6(a1) * plane 3 add.w a3,a1 * Bump Screen to next scanline dbra d6,spritelp * Do more sprite lines nosprite rts * Normally aligned sprite... spriteal1 move.w temp(a6),d7 spriteal2 move.w (a0)+,(a1)+ * Get some Sprite data on screen dbra d7,spriteal2 * Go back for rest of line add.w a3,a1 * Bump Screen to next scanline dbra d6,spriteal1 * Do more sprite lines rts bitplanes dc.w 0,0,0,0 * Temporary storage of bitplane modulo's * Sprite masks for usable portion of a data word sprmask dc.w $ffff,$7fff,$3fff,$1fff,$0fff,$07ff,$03ff,$01ff dc.w $00ff,$007f,$003f,$001f,$000f,$0007,$0003,$0001 * Masks for overflow portion of a data word dc.w $0000,$8000,$c000,$e000,$f000,$f800,$fc00,$fe00 dc.w $ff00,$ff80,$ffc0,$ffe0,$fff0,$fff8,$fffc,$fffe * * Draw a Monochrome Sprite.. * msprite move.w (a0)+,temp(a6) * Number of Words wide move.w (a0)+,d6 * Number of Lines deep sub.w (a0)+,d1 * Incorporate Centre of object sub.w (a0)+,d2 move.l scrnaddr(a6),a1 * Determine Screen Memory lsl.w #4,d2 * Multiply Y by 16 add.w d2,a1 * And update screen pointer lsl.w #2,d2 * Multiply Y by 4, to give y*64 add.w d2,a1 * Now Y*80 has been added move.w d1,d2 * Restore x lsr.w #3,d2 * Divide by 8 and.w #126,d2 * bottom bit lost! add.w d2,a1 * A1 now has x and y offsets added move.w d1,d5 * Restore X and.w #15,d5 * Determine alignment position * ... fall through, into DrawSprite * * DrawSprite - Low Level Mono Sprite routine. * Entry: a0 points to shape data * a1 points to screen * d7 number of words across * d6 number of lines down * d5 pixel offset from aligned word (0 - 15) * * Exit: All registers stomped on (Serve's Em Right!!) * mdrawsprite move.w #bytemono,a3 * Bytes per line in colour mode sub.w temp(a6),a3 * Amount to move down a line sub.w temp(a6),a3 * ... in bytes! subq.w #1,temp(a6) * Setup for DBRA bmi.s mnosprite subq.w #1,d6 * Setup for DBRA bmi.s mnosprite lea sprmask(pc),a2 * Determine alignment masks move.w d5,d1 * Save the bit modulo add.w d5,d5 * Prepare for indexing tables move.w 0(a2,d5.w),d3 * Usable alignment mask move.w 32(a2,d5.w),d4 * Overflow alignment mask move.w d1,d5 * Restore the bit modulo tst.w d5 * Normally aligned? beq mspriteal1 mspritelp move.w temp(a6),d7 clr.w overflo(a6) mspritel2 move.w (a0)+,d0 * Get some Sprite data ror.w d5,d0 * De-Align the data move.w d0,d2 * Retain for later use and.w d3,d0 * Mask data leaving useful bits and.w d4,d2 * Mask data leaving overflow bits or.w overflo(a6),d0 * Insert previous overflow bits move.w d2,overflo(a6) * Provide new overflow bits move.w d0,(a1)+ * Shove Sprite data onto Screen dbra d7,mspritel2 * Go back for rest of line move.w overflo(a6),(a1) * Final Overflow becomes last word add.w a3,a1 * Bump Screen to next scanline dbra d6,mspritelp * Do more sprite lines mnosprite rts * Normally aligned sprite... mspriteal1 move.w temp(a6),d7 mspriteal2 move.w (a0)+,(a1)+ * Get some Sprite data on screen dbra d7,mspriteal2 * Go back for rest of line add.w a3,a1 * Bump Screen to next scanline dbra d6,mspriteal1 * Do more sprite lines rts ifeq 1 * * Polygon Clip subroutine... * (Havent eevn started this one yet.. .but soon!) * polyclip rts * Polygon draw subroutine (yea yea, we`ve all heard the dead parrot joke) * Draws a filled polygon at coordinates specified by the edges provided. * * Entry: edgaddr(a6) points to list of edges, and numedges is how many there are. * Exit: All registers preserved. * * Edge List contains X,Y lines in Words. polyfill movem.l d0-d7/a0-a5,-(sp) * Polygon EDGE pre-processing... move.w numedgs(a6),d0 subq.w #1,d0 move.l edgaddr(a6),a4 moveq #0,d1 * Make sure Y`s are right way round... ** Optimize this! presort move.w 0(a4,d1.w),d4 * x1 move.w 2(a4,d1.w),d5 * y1 move.w 4(a4,d1.w),d6 * x2 move.w 6(a4,d1.w),d7 * y2 cmp.w d5,d7 * y1 > y2? bpl.s bdntswp move.w d4,4(a4,d1.w) * Swap p1 & p2 move.w d5,6(a4,d1.w) move.w d6,0(a4,d1.w) move.w d7,2(a4,d1.w) addq.w #8,d1 * Bump index bdntswp dbra d0,presort * Now perform Insertion Sort of ascending Y coords * Takes N passes for N elements, to sort them properly. * However, each pass has n-1 elements than each previous pass, so its * quite quick. move.w numedgs(a6),d7 subq.w #1,d7 moveq #0,d2 * Zero the Front index psort1 move.w numedgs(a6),d0 * Do one iteration. subq.w #1,d0 move.w d2,d1 * Point index to front of edge list moveq #0,d3 * Ptr to minimum element move.w #$7fff,d5 * The ongoing minimum set to temp(a6)orary max psort2 cmp.w 2(a4,d1.w),d5 * Is y of p1 smaller than my minimum? blt.s notamin * Set a new minimum, and pointer move.w 2(a4,d1.w),d5 * Make element the new minimum move.w d1,d3 * Ptr to minimum element notamin addq.w #8,d1 * Find next edge dbra d0,psort2 * Fulfill the current pass * Okay, we now have a minimum, so time to do the swapsies... * (Swap the Front element of the list with the minimum one), * and increment the pointer to signify a new `front` which bypasses * the element we just added. move.w 0(a4,d2.w),d4 * temp(a6)orary Front element move.w 0(a4,d3.w),0(a4,d2.w) move.w d4,0(a4,d3.w) move.w 2(a4,d2.w),d4 move.w 2(a4,d3.w),2(a4,d2.w) move.w d4,2(a4,d3.w) move.w 4(a4,d2.w),d4 move.w 4(a4,d3.w),4(a4,d2.w) move.w d4,4(a4,d3.w) move.w 4(a4,d2.w),d4 move.w 4(a4,d3.w),4(a4,d2.w) move.w d4,4(a4,d3.w) addq.w #8,d2 * Point to next start of edge list dbra d7,psort1 * Next pass ... n * Continues... movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a5 rts * Draws a scanline`s worth of polygon * Entry: a1 points to memory start, and d1 is start mask * d2 is number of words to fill * Exit: Nothing special, no saved reggies etc. * Not quite right, must OR the first and last ones on. oneline move.w #$ffff,d3 * Fill pattern, all 1`s move.w d1,(a1)+ subq.w #1,d2 bmi.s finiline beq.s lastline onelin2: move.w d3,(a1)+ dbra d2,onelin2 lastline move.w d4,(a1)+ finiline rts endc * ******************************************* * * CLEAR WINDOW/SCREEN routines * * ******************************************* * Clear the graphics area of the screen very quickly... 23840 bytes to 0 * Entry: Nothing special, No registers required. * Exit: All registers lost, for speed. clsgraf move.l clsaddr(a6),a5 jmp (a5) * * Colour clear graphics area * clscolr move.l a6,-(sp) move.l scrnaddr(a6),a5 add.w #colrlen+152,a5 * Ensure Positive! moveq #2,d0 moveq #0,d1 moveq #0,d2 * Zero 12 registers in all moveq #0,d3 * to allow 48 bytes zeroed each. moveq #0,d4 moveq #0,d5 moveq #0,d6 moveq #0,d7 sub.l a0,a0 sub.l a1,a1 sub.l a2,a2 sub.l a3,a3 sub.l a4,a4 move.w #16,a6 * Amount to skip, each scanline clsqlp1 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 dbra d0,clsqlp1 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) sub.w a6,a5 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * Every 3 is 144 bytes movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5) * ie: 48 + 48 + 48 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a4,-(a5)
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- Games developed by Argonaut Software
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- Games published by Rainbird Software
- Atari ST games
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- Games released in 1986
- Games released in December
- Games with uncompiled source code
- Games with hidden development-related text
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Games > Games by content > Games with hidden development-related text
Games > Games by content > Games with uncompiled source code
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Argonaut Games > Games developed by Argonaut Software
Games > Games by platform > Atari ST games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by MicroProse > Games published by Telecomsoft > Games published by Rainbird Software
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 1986
Games > Games by release date > Games released in December