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Sunrider: Mask of Arcadius

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Title Screen

Sunrider: Mask of Arcadius

Developer: Love in Space
Publisher: Sekai Project
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
Released internationally: October 2, 2014

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

Sunrider: Mask of Arcadius is a turn-based strategy game about a military officer and the cute girls (mostly mecha pilots) under his command. For some reason, women's military uniforms in this universe look just like high school student uniforms...

Unused Audio

Located in /Sunrider/game/sound/Voice is a file aptly named fire our shit.ogg.

"Fire our shit! But I'm le tired... Well, have a nap. Then fire ze missiles!"

Unused Dialogue

There's a single bit of unused dialogue in script.rpy, featuring Chigara introducing skirmish mode:

# chi "I've installed a new holo simulator to your computer. Now you'll be able to play custom battles based on the combat data we've gathered to date."

# chi "Simply select the skirmish button hovering over your office on the ship map to begin the simulation."

Developer Comments

AI.rpy, line 85

# 'return' is BAAAAAAAAAAD -_-

AI.rpy, line 287

#if a target was found and the estimated damage is worth it, go shoot a fool.

AI.rpy, line 385

#this might be improvable :p

AI.rpy, line 444

if parent.name == 'Legion':
	#let's bring the pain

AI.rpy, line 497

#if parent.target == None: ##I need to get back to this

They never got back to that.

AI.rpy, line 804

ring = get_in_ring(self.location,20) #ring around the battlefield

AI.rpy, line 844

store.damage = 10000  #yeah, I know.

AI.rpy, line 958

#let's be a dick and choose to melee the ryder with lowest hp.

attack animations.rpy, line 3551

#something went very wrong with these files

Apparently they had a hard time getting Chigara's "successful attack" dialogue working.

attack animations.rpy, line 12832

    #if you want her to say something else instead of nothing this would be the place to put it.

chigara.rpy, line 706

################################## UNIFORM LAB

This indicates that at some point there were plans on having Chigara wear her lab coat over her uniform. In the final game, she only wears her lab coat over her plugsuit.

classes.rpy, line 22

self.money = 0            #go on, set this to 999'999'999. you know you want to.

classes.rpy, line 54

self.mercenary_count = 0  #the number of mercenaries in service to the Sunrider. [no longer used]

classes.rpy, line 60

self.lowest_difficulty = 3 #lowest recorded difficulty. bragging rights!

classes.rpy, line 531

def battle_zoom(self):
	zoom_handling(self.result,self) #see funtion.rpy how this is handled. it took a LONG time to get it to a point I am happy with

classes.rpy, line 662

launch_location = get_free_spot_near(sunrider.location) #so useful

classes.rpy, line 674

#Phoenix rising from the ashes!
if revived_ship.name == 'Phoenix':
	revived_ship.en = revived_ship.max_en / 2

classes.rpy, line 989

#apparently string>int is completely legal in python :o

classes.rpy, line 1085

##I have NO idea why this dumb workaround is needed, but the destroy() method -somehow- doesn't want to jump to this label sometimes.

classes.rpy, line 1385


Referring to how money acquisition is decreased in space whale difficulty (the hardest difficulty).

classes.rpy, line 1438

                      #g           bug
                      #u        bug
      #bugbug          b       g
            #bug      bugbug bu
               #bug  bugbugbugbugbugbug
  #bug   bug   bugbugbugbugbugbugbugbugb
     #bug   bug bugbugbugbugbugbugbugbugbu
   #bugbugbugbu gbugbugbugbugbugbugbugbugbu
   #bugbugbugbu gbugbugbugbugbugbugbugbugbu
     #bug   bug bugbugbugbugbugbugbugbugbu
  #bug   bug  gbugbugbugbugbugbugbugbugb
               #bug  bugbugbugbugbugbug
            #bug      bugbug  bu
      #bugbug          b        g
                      #u         bug
                      #g            bug

classes.rpy, line 1488

if ev.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
	self.mouse_has_moved = True
	renpy.hide_screen('game_over_gimmick')   #why this no werk?

classes.rpy, line 1801

#player probably attacked a non-ryder. silly players.

classes.rpy, line 1812

#you just got pwnd, son.

classes.rpy, line 2170

#firing gunz!

classes.rpy, lines 2206, 2470

if damage <= 1:
	damage = 1 #it's rpg tradition you still do 1 damage against a big armored enemy :)

classes.rpy, line 2440

#don't really want to fix this yet :D
# if target.stype != 'Ryder':
	# return 0

Or ever, apparently.

classes.rpy, line 2554

#time to hear the lamentations of the women.

classes.rpy, line 2602

#I should replace this with proper immunity flagging.

It was not replaced with proper immunity flagging.

classes.rpy, line 2649

#this is what happens if you don't know about random.choice and you then can't be arsed to fix it everywhere

classes.rpy, line 2805

class FlakShield(object): #created for us by RenpyTom! thanks man!

combatlabels.rpy, line 1

## this file is a horrible mishmash of experimental code that often end up used in the game
## many of this stuff should be organized in other files...

functions.rpy, line 112

#I don't really want people ending up with negative money after an update

functions.rpy, line 761

#fudging with actual hit chances for fun and profit  (lolhiddenmechanics)
#for now no fudging for AI.

graphic inits.rpy, line 980

################################OTHER STUFF WE MIGHT NEED WHICH I DON'T REMEMBER WHAT THEY DO. o_o

library.rpy, line 1726

#wow, I never realized the Havoc had a multi hit melee attack

options.rpy, line 336

Strangely, the code to archive all image and audio files still exists, but is commented out.

    # build.classify('game/**.png', 'archive')
    # build.classify('game/**.jpg', 'archive')
    # build.classify('game/**.ogg', 'archive')
    # build.classify('game/**.wav', 'archive')
    # build.classify('game/**.mp3', 'archive')
    # build.classify('game/**.ttf', 'archive')
    #build.classify('game/Censored/**.jpg', 'archive')

screens custom.rpy, line 132

##messing with the player for fun and profit

Referring to code for a mechanic which gives you an instant game over after 15 minutes in a single battle.

screens custom.rpy, line 553

# FIXME I canna get tile[0] and tile[1] to work properly

screens custom.rpy, line 1051

#I couldn't get the mouse detection working properly with the buttons. Sorry! :S

screens custom.rpy, line 1842

#this is the sort of mess you get if you don't put this stuff in the library

script.rpy, line 2724

play music "Music/WorldBuilder.ogg"  fadeout 1.5    #this was missing, so I added it. not sure if it's the right song

script.rpy, line 19864

"He hovered his cursor over it."    # was previously "curser"... lol

script.rpy, line 21953

#I should make a function for easy (safe!) deletion of ships >.<

store.rpy, line 2

#kind of feeling there should probably be a more clever way to do this.

upgrade.rpy, line 30

#dictionaries are inherently unsorted, so this is needed ;_;