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Sup Game Box

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Title Screen

Sup Game Box

Also known as: Arcade Fun
Developers: Various
Platforms: Unlicensed NES, Plug & Play
Released internationally: 2019

TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

The Sup Game Box is yet another Famiclone system in a faux-Game Boy style case, containing 400 313 games.

Main Device Test


Hidden in the ROM is a program used to test the unit, which can be accessed by holding A + B and resetting it. This test program commonly appears on various Famiclone systems. As a side note, some versions of this system do not emulate the triangle audio channel, which is made evident by this test program.

Unused Text

While the menu lists 400 games, the internal game list has 500 entries. Unsurprisingly, the 100 unused entries are duplicates of those already present in the menu. The game list starts at 0x78000, while the unused entries start at 0x798E0.

Strangely, a different list of games can be found in the ROM at 0x34795. Some games in that list are neither present on the menu, nor on the device itself.

Revisional Differences

2020 Version

An alternate version of this system was released in 2020, containing the following differences from the original:

  • The music for the language selection screen was changed. The 2019 version uses a theme from several Nice Code games, while the 2020 version uses a different song.
  • The 2019 version uses a mapper which supports CHR-RAM, which is required for Jackal and Rush'n Attack. As the hardware used for the 2020 version lacks support for CHR-RAM, these games are replaced with Aether Mission and Fantasy Zone respectively.
  • Mortal Kombat 4 is replaced with the European version of Bucky O'Hare.
  • Goblet Tower doesn't work at all on the 2019 version, booting to a black screen. On the 2020 version it now starts up, but crashes as soon as a goblet is selected.

Arcade Fun

400 in 1

Multiple versions of this system were later released in North America under the name Arcade Fun. The following changes are known to be present in these versions:

  • The language selection screen has been removed, and the menu is now in English only.
  • The game selection screen now has music, taken from the first level of Mighty Final Fight. The sound effects were also replaced.
  • The menu now scrolls faster when switching pages.
  • Many of the games were replaced, particularly those which might have been more likely to cause legal issues with the distributors. Strangely, several games featuring similarly notable IPs were added to this version.

200 in 1

A revised version was released with fewer games, likely in attempt to further obfuscate the copyright infringing nature of some of the games. The following changes are made from the previous version:

  • The game menu now only lists 200 games, as expected. However, all of the entries on the menu from 139 onwards (with the exception of game 179, Hexapod New) are duplicates.
  • The A and B buttons no longer advance several pages in the menu, even though this could be done in previous versions.
  • The ROM size is likely to be smaller in this version.

Additionally, there are two similar versions of this unit, differentiated by the earlier units having an opaque case while later units are translucent. The selection of games appear to be the same, but any copyright information in the actual games was removed in the later version.