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슈퍼 마리오 64 (닌텐도 64)/사용하지 않은 오브젝트

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This page is a translated version of the page Super Mario 64 (Nintendo 64)/Unused Objects & Models and the translation is 22% complete.
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이 페이지는 슈퍼 마리오 64의 서브페이지입니다.

부끄부끄 열쇠

Mario64 Scan BooKey.png

부끄부끄 열쇠는 부끄짱을 물리치고 얻을 수 있게 의도한 듯 하다. 일본판은 계기판에 사용하지 않은 열쇠 심볼이 여전히 있다(SM64-keyhud.png). 하지만, 유럽판에서는 Ü로 바뀌었으며, 미국판에서는 이 기능이 완전히 사라졌다.

(출처: Yoshiman 등)
부끄부끄 열쇠

작은 쿠파 등껍질


이 빨간/초록 쿠파 등껍질은 보통과 달리 파란 밑바닥이 있다. 코드나 해킹을 통해 게임상에서 볼 수 있지만, 아예 기능을 하지 않는다.

(출처: VL-Tone)

Recovered Behavior Data

#define		ANM_unbaba_swim	 	0
#define		ANM_unbaba_attack	1    	

	p_setbit(flag,stf_moveON | stf_YangleSAME | stf_FspeedON | stf_playerdistON | stf_playerangleON )

#define		unbaba_movemode	(execstp->s[stw_work0].d)
#define		unbaba_movecounter	(execstp->s[stw_work1].d)

static void unbaba_init(void)

static void unbaba_swim(void)
	if ( obj_playerdist < 600 )	obj_mode = mode_unbaba_attack;

static void unbaba_attack(void)
	if ( s_check_animeend() )	obj_mode = mode_unbaba_swim;

static void *unbaba_modejmp[] = {

extern void s_unbaba(void)
	int	mode;




텍스처와 코드 행동이 전부인 사용하지 않은 트램펄린. 게임상의 모델은 없으며, 오른쪽 그림은 어떻게 생겼는지 재조합을 한 것이다. 개발자가 몇 행동들을 넣어놓았지만, 제대로 작동하지 않아 마리오에게는 아무런 영향을 끼치지 않는다.

(출처: VL-Tone, Kaze Emanuar)

노란 스위치 & 투명 박스

SM64 YellowSwitch.png

최종판의 빨강, 파랑, 초록색 투명 상자 및 스위치가 비슷하나, 노란색은 사용되지 않았다. 나타나면, 노란 스위치는 항상 "눌러진" 상태를 유지한다.

요시 알

사용하지 않은 요시 알이 통통 튕기는 애니메이션이 존재한다. 이는 일본의 공식 슈퍼 마리오 64 전략 가이드에 있는 미야모토 시게루의 인터뷰(영어 원문 링크 참조)에서 언급된 삭제된 요시 이벤트와 관련이 있는 듯 하다:

"요시와의 이벤트가 원래 있었습니다. 하지만 개발된 것이 만족스럽지 않아서 없앴습니다. 이와 관련해서 저희가 만든 모델이 더미가 되어버렸지만, 끝까지 남겨놓았습니다."

	p_setbit( flag,stf_moveON )

	p_setbit( flag,stf_moveON )

extern void s_key(void)

	obj_animeangleZ += 0x200;
	obj_animeangleY += 0x200;

	if ( s_hitcheck(execstp,player1stp) ){	
		execstp->motherobj->s[stw_imm].d = 1;

static void keycoin_bound(void)

	s_enemybgcheck();	/* BGcheck 	 Program */
	s_enemymove(78);	/* enemymove program */

	if ( obj_animepositionY < 26 )		 	 obj_animepositionY += 2;
	if ( (obj_animeangleZ & 0xffff ) != 0 ){
		 obj_animeangleZ &= 0xf800;
		 obj_animeangleZ += 0x800;
	if ( obj_movestatus & MOVESTAT_BGTOUCH ){ obj_speedX = 0;	obj_speedZ = 0; }
	obj_animeangleY += 0x800;

	if ( ( obj_timer > 90 ) || (( obj_movestatus & MOVESTAT_BGBOUND )!= 0)  ){
		if ( s_hitcheck(execstp,player1stp) ){
			execstp->motherobj->s[stw_mail].d = 1;


static void keycoin_boundwait(void)

	short	playerY;
	float	playerspeed;
	StrategyRecord *mother = execstp->motherobj;	/* coin */
	if ( obj_timer == 0 ){
		execstp->motherobj = mother->motherobj;		/* change mother shape */
		obj_mode 	= mode_keycoin_bound;
		playerY 	= (short)(player1stp->s[stw_angleY].d);
		playerspeed = 3;
		obj_speedX 	= playerspeed * sin(playerY);
		obj_speedZ 	= playerspeed * cos(playerY);
		obj_speedY 	= 40;

	obj_animeangleY += 0x200;
	obj_animeangleZ += 0x200;


static void keycoin_take(void)

	StrategyRecord *mother = execstp->motherobj;	/* coin */
	obj_worldY += 40;
	if ( mother->s[stw_imm].d != 0){	
		obj_mode = mode_keycoin_boundwait;

	obj_animeangleZ += 0x200;
	obj_animeangleY += 0x200;


static void *keycoin_modejmp[] = {

extern void s_teresa_key(void)

(출처: 발견 - Yoshiman 등, 번역 - inetidkm)

고정대 그래픽의 변형

Unused behavior exists for a type of fire that would circle around Mario, making it harder for him to platform. There is also a stubbed behavior script located near this one, indicating a removed object associated with the fire. Some who worked on the decomp of the game have speculated that this may be the remnants of a Fishing Boo enemy, like those in Super Mario World.

'똑딱시계'에서, 시계추의 방과 관련된 별 근처에 위아래로 움직이는 벽돌이 있다. 이 벽돌은 각 옆면마다 2개의 세로줄이 있다. 하지만, 3개의 세로줄이 있는 사용하지 않은 변형이 있다.

(출처: pannenkoek2012)
일반 블록 사용하지 않은 블록
SM64 TTC Pit Block Normal.png
SM64 TTC Pit Block Unused Graphic.png

꽈당킹의요새 탑 발판 그래픽의 변형

'꽈당킹의요새'에서, 탑의 사용하지 않은 발판 그래픽이 있다. 이 사용하지 않은 그래픽은 직사각형이 아닌 사다리꼴이다. 원래 의도는 움직이지 않는 짝수번째 발판에 사용할 것이었다. 이 발판을 사용한다면, 각 발판 사이의 빈 공간이 없어진다.

(출처: pannenkoek2012)
일반 탑 발판 그래픽 사용하지 않은 탑 발판 그래픽
SM64 WF Tower Normal.png
SM64 WF Tower Unused Graphic.png

어둠속에빠진동굴 굴러가는 돌 그래픽의 변형

'어둠속에빠진동굴'에서, 굴러가는 돌을 표현한 사용하지 않은 두 그래픽이 있다. 이 두 그래픽은 보통의 굴러가는 돌보다 작고, 삐쭉삐쭉하다. 아마 돌이 굴러가면서 마리오와 충돌하면 작은 조각으로 쪼개지는 것을 염두한 듯 하다.

(출처: pannenkoek2012)
보통 굴러가는 돌의 그래픽 사용하지 않은 굴러가는 돌의 그래픽 1 (2배 확대함) 사용하지 않은 굴러가는 돌의 그래픽 2 (4배 확대함)
SM64 HMC Rolling Rock Normal.gif SM64 HMC Rolling Rock Unused Graphic Large.gif SM64 HMC Rolling Rock Unused Graphic Small.gif


  • Unused behavior exists for a small flame that bounces in a straight line and can harm Mario on contact. It goes away if Bowser is near.
  • The flames positioned around the castle for light have an unused behavior that would cause nine of them to spawn inside of each other and do nothing but move back and forth. While the castle flames are normally able to hurt Mario, these ones don't.



The paintings inside the castle are actually split into three vertical sections (similar to the three horizontal sections used to control the water level in Wet-Dry World), each of which can be independently set to any warp destination in the game. However, because the three sections are always set to the same destination in the final game, this functionality goes unused.

Prototype Chest

An unused behavior allows one to spawn a chest that doesn't emit numbers or shock Mario. It simply opens, from the front or the back, and releases a bubble. It's an early version of the chest due to being dated before the Shoshinkai '95 demo and, it is listed as a regular path while the used chest is listed as iwapath, both coded by a separate person.

Behavior Data

extern void s_box1_init(void)
 	obj_angleY = Randomd();
 	obj_angleY = 0;

extern void s_takarabox(void)

extern void s_box(void)

	switch (obj_mode){
		case 0:
		  	if ( s_distance_obj2obj(execstp->motherobj,player1stp) < 300 )	obj_mode++;
		case 1:
			if ( obj_timer == 0 ){
			obj_animeangleX -= 0x400;
			if ( obj_animeangleX < -0x4000)		obj_mode++;
		case 2:


	p_setbit( flag,stf_moveON | stf_YangleSAME )

	p_setbit( flag,stf_moveON | stf_YangleSAME )

Prototype Fish Easter Egg

In Whomp's Fortress, a level editor shows that an unused object can be seen next to the cannon that appears to do nothing. Looking at the script associated with the object reveals a clearly stubbed out function that only checks the water level associated with the object. This object is actually a relic of how the Fish Easter Egg in Super Mario 64 worked in the prototype build. In the final game, the game does a 1/256 roll every time Mario makes a splash to see if a fish splashes along with the puddle. In the Shoshinkai 1995 Mario 64 footage, the same can be seen at the exact spot of the unused object. The exact reason for the change is unknown, but it is likely that the change was made because having an easter egg associated with an object meant an object slot was taken up, where as a simple 1/256 roll removed the need for these objects. The rest of the object code was recovered during the 7/25 gigaleak.

Leftover Behavior Data

	p_setbit(flag,stf_moveON | stf_playerdistON )

extern void s_funsui_main(void)

	int		i;
	float sc;
	StrategyRecord *stratp;
	float	waterY = mcWaterCheck(obj_worldX,obj_worldZ);

#if 0

Recovered Behavior Data

	case	0:
		if ( obj_playerdist < 200 )	obj_mode++;
	case	1:
		if ( waterY > -10000 ){
			if ( beforeframe_objcount < ( NUM_STRATEGY - 28 )){
				if ( frameCounter % 32 == 0 )	objsound(NA_SE2_FISH);

					if ( ( Randomd() & 0x1f ) == 0 ){
						stratp 	= s_makeobj_nowpos(execstp,S_fish,e_smallwaterdrop);
						s_set_skeletonobj(stratp,(void *)RCP_fishAnime,0);
					} else {
						stratp 	= s_makeobj_nowpos(execstp,S_waterdrop,e_smallwaterdrop);
						sc 						= Randomf()*1+0.5;

					stratp->s[stw_angleY].d = Randomd();
					stratp->s[stw_worldY].f = waterY;
					stratp->s[stw_speedF].f = Randomf()*3+2;
					stratp->s[stw_speedY].f = Randomf()*20+20;

		if ( obj_playerdist > 300 )	obj_mode = 0;

Prototype Star

There is unused behavior for an early version of the star like the 2D ones seen in early builds, it can not be collected. It is likely to be the remnants of the early 2D star as it uses the star model and appears before the final star's behavior.

Behavior Data

	p_setbit(flag,stf_moveON )

Red Coins

Red coins have unused behaviors that allow them to both stay in front of Mario and remain at a fixed distance away from him at all times, baiting the player to chase after them.

Small Chill Bully


In the final game, normal Bullies come in both large and small sizes, as seen in Lethal Lava Land. However, the only Chill Bully in the game is the large one found in Snowman's Land, leaving this diminutive version unused.


To do:
The trampoline appears in the cap stage object table next to the cap switch, so get a screenshot of it in one of the cap stages.

While the developers coded some behavior for it, the code doesn't work properly, as the functions it calls for are stubbed out and don't affect Mario. The trampoline's model is split into three parts, the top, the center, and the bottom. Unfortunately, the model doesn't load properly, but the collision for it does work. It appears in the cap stage object table with the cap switch, meaning that at one point it could have appeared in a cap stage. The leaked partial source code indicates it was last updated on November 18th, 1995. It calls for an unused function "DoTrampoline", the code appears to be removed in the source code as it is left blank. The file refers to it as "pathjumpbg", and "bane".

Behavior Data

extern void s_bane_naka(void)

	float	sc;
	float	dist;


	obj_worldY -= 75;

	if ( ( dist = obj_worldY - obj_attY ) >= 0 ){
		sc = (dist/ 10.0+1.0 );
	} else {
		dist = -dist;
		sc = 1.0-(dist/ 500.0);



extern void s_jumpbg(void)

	StrategyRecord *stp;

	if ( obj_timer == 0 ){
		stp = s_makeobj_nowpos(execstp,S_bane_naka,e_bane_naka);
		stp->s[stw_worldY].f -= 75;
		stp = s_makeobj_nowpos(execstp,S_bane_sita,e_stop);
		stp->s[stw_worldY].f -= 75 + 75 ;

	if ( player1stp->ride_strat == execstp )	execstp->s[stw_work7].d = 1;
	else {
		execstp->s[stw_work7].d = 0;
		obj_worldY = obj_attY;



(Source: VL-Tone, Kaze Emanuar, N64Decomp)

Trapdoor Sound

The trapdoor leading to Bowser in the Dark World was originally going to have a sound effect for when the player activated the trapdoor.

Behavior Data

void bhv_castle_floor_trap_open(void) {
    if (o->oTimer == 0)
    o->oAngleVelRoll -= 0x100;
    o->oFaceAngleRoll += o->oAngleVelRoll;
    if (o->oFaceAngleRoll < -0x4000) {
        o->oFaceAngleRoll = -0x4000;
        o->oAction = 2; // after opening is done, enable close detection

The original sound remains in the game's files. However, the sound goes unused and does not play as the floor trap object is set to have rendering disabled. Sounds spawned by an object do not play when the object isn't rendered.

// Command 0x35: Disables rendering for the object.
static s32 bhv_cmd_disable_rendering(void) {
    gCurrentObject->header.gfx.node.flags &= ~GRAPH_RENDER_ACTIVE; 
void cur_obj_play_sound_2(s32 soundMagic) {
    if (gCurrentObject->header.gfx.node.flags & GRAPH_RENDER_ACTIVE) {
        play_sound(soundMagic, gCurrentObject->header.gfx.cameraToObject);
Unused sound.

(Source: Alieneer & Motosman/User:DerpDerp)

Water Mine

SM64 WaterMine.PNG

This unused mine is found with other water-related objects. It looks similar to the bombs seen in Bowser levels, albeit slightly smaller.

Yellow Switch & Transparent Box

SM64 YellowSwitch.png

While red, blue, and green switches and transparent boxes are used in the final game, these yellow versions go unused. When spawned, the yellow switch is always in its "pressed" state as there is no save file flag. It appears it the player would need to press the yellow switch to unlock boxed Koopa shells instead of being unlocked by default, based on box contents.

Behavior Data

void ActionActivateCapSwitch3() {
} // dead function
MakeIDJMP	itembox_table[] = {
 	{ ITEMCODE_HAT_WING 	,0,0,S_itemhat_wing		,e_itemhat_wing  	 },
 	{ ITEMCODE_HAT_METAL 	,0,0,S_itemhat_metal	,e_itemhat_metal 	 },
 	{ ITEMCODE_HAT_ERASE 	,0,0,S_itemhat_hat		,e_itemhat_erase 	 },
 	{ ITEMCODE_NOKO		 	,0,0,S_koura			,e_nokoboard 	 	 },
 	{ ITEMCODE_COIN_1		,0,0,S_coin				,e_player_coin 	 	 },
 	{ ITEMCODE_COIN_3		,0,0,S_NULL				,e_player_coin_3 	 },
 	{ ITEMCODE_COIN_10		,0,0,S_NULL				,e_player_coin_10 	 },
 	{ ITEMCODE_1UP			,0,0,S_oneup_kinoko		,e_1up_kinoko		 },
 	{ ITEMCODE_GOALSTAR		,0,0,S_polystar			,e_enemystar2		 },
 	{ ITEMCODE_1UP_ESCAPE	,0,0,S_oneup_kinoko		,e_1up_kinoko_escape },
 	{ ITEMCODE_GOALSTAR_1	,0,1,S_polystar			,e_enemystar2		 },
 	{ ITEMCODE_GOALSTAR_2	,0,2,S_polystar			,e_enemystar2		 },
 	{ ITEMCODE_GOALSTAR_3	,0,3,S_polystar			,e_enemystar2		 },
 	{ ITEMCODE_GOALSTAR_4	,0,4,S_polystar			,e_enemystar2		 },
 	{ ITEMCODE_GOALSTAR_5	,0,5,S_polystar			,e_enemystar2		 },
 	{ ITEMCODE_END			,0,0,0					,NULL 			 	 },

Unused Models

Alternate Koopa Shell and Shoes

The color of Koopa's alternate green mono-colored shoes and shell correlate with the unused small green shell in the screenshot above. These can be loaded by overriding the values at US-version offsets 0x1D7ED6 with C240 (shell), 0x1D7F2E with B6E0 (left shoe), and 0x1D7F62 with B6E0 (right shoe).

Used Model Unused Shell and Shoes
SuperMario64 usedShell Compare.PNG SuperMario64 unusedShell Compare.PNG

Big Bully - Round Geometry

SuperMario64 3DBody BigBully 3878.PNG

Located with the geometry for the Bullies is a large round 3D object, possibly once intended to have been the body for Big Bully. It is slightly larger than the round 2D body used by Big Bully in the game, and can be loaded by replacing the value at US-version offset 0x134C7A with 3878.

Early Test Platform


At 0x08026260 in RAM an unused display list for a small yellow square platform can be seen in the screenshot. It is unknown what this was for, but it was likely for early level tests as it also has collision associated with it after the DL which is also unused.

(Source: ProjectRevoTPP - Discovery, Kaze Emanuar - Screenshot)

Heave Ho - Round Geometry

To do:
The tires looks huge, are these loaded properly?
SM64 HeaveHo UnusedTires.png

Heave Ho has three unreferenced spherical geometries, possibly once used as Heave Ho's tires. They appear huge, either because they aren't scaled correctly or weren't loaded properly for the screenshot. The final model uses 2D tires, which is much more memory-conservative. To load these, replace the value at US-version offset 0x132C02 with 4188, 0x132C0E with 45D0, and 0x132C1A with 49A8.

Hazy Maze Cave Rolling Rocks Graphic Variant

In Hazy Maze Cave, there are two unused graphics for the rolling rocks. These two graphics are smaller than the canonical rolling rock graphic, and have more jagged shapes. Perhaps the rolling rocks were intended to break up into these smaller pieces upon colliding with Mario, or break up over time. The former would later take place in Super Mario 64 DS, while playing as Wario and using the Super Mushroom power-up.

(Source: pannenkoek2012)
Standard Rolling Rock Graphic Unused Rolling Rock Graphic #1 (Scaled up 2x) Unused Rolling Rock Graphic #2 (Scaled up 4x)
SM64 HMC Rolling Rock Normal.gif SM64 HMC Rolling Rock Unused Graphic Large.gif SM64 HMC Rolling Rock Unused Graphic Small.gif

Klepto with Blue Star

SM64 SSL Klepto Blue Star.png

Klepto has 3 graphical variants: holding nothing, holding Mario's hat, and holding a yellow star. However, he has an unused fourth graphic in which he's holding a blue star. This suggests that originally, Klepto would have held a yellow star if the resulting star would be yellow, and a blue star if the resulting star would be blue. But later this was changed so that Klepto will hold a yellow star whether the resulting star is yellow or blue.

(Source: pannenkoek2012)

Penguin Head Variants

This penguin head variant is larger, darker, and texture-less. It also features an orange beak. This head was seen in an early screenshot of the game. To view this in-game, replace the value at US-version offset 0x1658B2 with 7358.

Unused - 7358 Used
SM64 Penguin Head unused 7358.png SM64 Penguin Head used.png

Another unused penguin head containing a sad expression, with eyes that share some resemblance to those from the Nintendo Shoshinkai 1995 demo. To view this in-game, replace the value at US-version offset 0x1658B2 with 64E8.

Unused - 64E8 Shoshinkai 1995
SM64 Penguin 64E8.png SM64 earlypenguin.png

Pit Block Graphic Variant

In Tick Tock Clock, there's a block that moves up and down near the star - The Pit and the Pendulums. This block has 2 vertical stripes on each of its sides. However, there's an unused variant that has 3 vertical stripes on each of its sides.

(Source: pannenkoek2012)
Used Unused
SM64 TTC Pit Block Normal.png
SM64 TTC Pit Block Unused Graphic.png

Small Koopa Shells


These red and green Koopa shells feature unusual blue bottoms. They can be loaded in-game via codes or hacking, but they're completely non-functional. To replace the Koopa Shell with one of these shells in-game, replace the value at US-version offset 0x2AC356 with 0ADC for the red shell or 0B08 for the green shell. It is included with the used Koopa model in the source code.

(Source: VL-Tone)

Unused Goomba Parts

To do:
Replace the 2D body with the 3D body. The 3D body can overwrite the 2D body by inserting at 01D360 at 0x200FFD, but it doesn't scale properly.

Goomba has a darker variant of its head. Although it lacks textures, the color matches that of Goomba's feet. There is also unused round 3D geometry for Goomba's body, which was possibly replaced with the 2D body to increase the game's performance. The unused head can be loaded in-game by replacing the value at US-version offset 0x201021 with 01D0D0.

Unused Head Unused 3D Body
SuperMario64 Goomba 01D0D0 head.png
SuperMario64 Goomba 01D360 body.png

Whomp's Fortress Tower Platform Graphic Variant

In Whomp's Fortress, there's an unused graphic for the platforms of the tower. This unused graphic is a trapezoid instead of a rectangle. It's likely that the static platforms (i.e. every second platform) were originally intended to use this unused graphic. With this unused graphic, there's no empty space between consecutive platforms. It was used in the Shoshinkai 1995 demo. This model can be loaded in place of the current tower platforms by overwriting the value in the US-version offset 0x49E57A with EDC0.

(Source: pannenkoek2012)
Tower Platforms with Normal Graphics Tower Platforms with Unused Graphics
SM64 WF Tower Normal.png
SM64 WF Tower Unused Graphic.png