Talk:Hypnospace Outlaw
E V E R Y T H I N G is missing. Like the fact that the files mention a "Chapter 6" which takes place on "Fri Oct 29 1999 10:05:00 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)" and multiple unused graphics and sounds. I had to make some tiny changes but it's been forever since I touched my old account and even longer since I've last used this text editor, so I can't pull off all of this on my own. Whatever happened to that editor that makes it easier to edit? --MikataNorishita (talk) 21:21, 23 April 2019 (EDT)
Hypnospace Productivity Suite. Is this it? Sarikuya (talk) 17:44, 4 June 2022 (UTC)
Unused Music?
Are any of these tracks used ingame?
(for reference, the oggs are in /data/audio/music and also have defined tracknames/artist names for the Tunebox stored as .txt files in the same folder, and the hsms are in /data/audio/hsm/pageloops)
chowderman_guess-whos-back.ogg difficulty-boy_on-that.ogg difficulty-boy_yeah-im-bliiiiiiiiding.ogg realsalve_xarp.ogg unicorn-company_alakazasterpiece.ogg unicorn-company_bewilderbeast.ogg unicorn-company-zlut.ogg another_quick_spooky_tune.hsm chetpinehurst_merchantsoftthenextwave.hsm djgodd-runningfromthesexyphone.hsm exampletune.hsm exampletune2.hsm exampletune3.hsm experiment_modsamps.hsm fist-leather_jacket.hsm glaspie_henry_hypnospace-truth-club.hsm guymastercool_coolpunk.hsm howdoesonemusic-koolkatjc.hsm hymn_of_harmony.hsm inspirationeternal.hsm newmusic.hsm nightinthealchemy.hsm sneaky.hsm stalactite_fingaljive.hsm welcome-to-the-hivemind.hsm
--Zyxyz (talk) 14:22, 5 May 2021 (UTC)
Pre-release SquisherZ
Early SquisherZ art and commentary. Worthy of a pre-release page or no? Sarikuya (talk) 17:41, 4 June 2022 (UTC)