Talk:Mario Party 8
Unused Minigame Titles
I assume the titles are Japanese. Can somebody translate them? Do they use Katakana or Hiragana? Knowing this might help with translation. --Leafia Barrett (talk) 10:02, 30 June 2014 (EDT)
Hello! I'm from Japan and I give you some ideas about this =D M809 - Hammer de Pokari: "de" is like "with" in Japanese, in that case. Pokari is a kind of sound of hitting someone with hammer (not that seriously hitting). M813 - Guru-guru Kataduke: Kataduke is "cleaning" in English and guru guru is a "gitaigo" word of Japanese which means like walking or rotating around somewhere. M853 - Ochiruna Rodeo: Ochiruna is "Don't fall (off the horse)" :) Inductor (talk) 23:37, 30 June 2014 (JST)
M809 - Hammer de Pokari: ハンマーでポカリ, M813 - Guru-guru Kataduke: グルグル片付け, M853 - Ochiruna Rodeo: 落ちるなロデオ Inductor (talk) 23:37, 30 June 2014 (JST)
Unused Music
Source is the mario wiki but there's apparently an unused Ztar get jingle. --Teraunce (talk) 03:18, 14 September 2016 (EDT)
Possible Unused Board Spaces/Icons?
A user on a Mario Party modding discord I think it was mentioned finding in the Mario party 8 files. The one who found this is "Nintega Dario", just have to confirm and see where these are, and if they are unused which I think they are. Looks like placeholders for spaces, with the first three being the blue, red, and "?" spaces, not sure about the light blue, purple, orange, and dark yellow or gold, that maybe that special space that sends you to a isolated portion of the board with a star at the end. The last three are one for where the candy would go, where a coin block would be, and the diamond I'm not sure.