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Mario Party 8

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Title Screen

Mario Party 8

Developers: Hudson Soft, CAProduction
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: Wii
Released in JP: July 26, 2007
Released in US: May 29, 2007
Released in EU: June 22, 2007
Released in AU: July 19, 2007
Released in KR: November 6, 2008

AnimationsIcon.png This game has unused animations.
AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
MinigameIcon.png This game has unused modes / minigames.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

To do:
  • There are a lot of game-specific OSREPORT messages printed on startup.

Mario Party 8 is the first Mario Party game for the Wii, and the only one to be developed by Hudson Soft. The next Mario Party game for the Wii would come out five years later!


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info
Debug Menu
More extensive than ever before.
Mp8 bowser boo.png
Unused Graphics and Models
Dry Bones decided he didn't need a cane.
Unused Text
Tonight I splurge for Limburger! And may you soon view King Boo!
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Board



The unused board from Mario Party 5 returns! The board is left the exact same as it was in Mario Party 5, including the board data.

Attempting to replace a board's data with this one will crash the game if not converted to Mario Party 8's space data. By converting and ensuring a Star Space is placed, the board will run.

Dry Bones reminding you which party this is supposed to be. He can reach it... almost!

Sadly, the STAR building is just cosmetic. A long, linear pathway of nothing but Blue and Red Spaces.
As usual, it is still linear, contains no event spaces, and has no candy spaces or shops. It only contains Blue Spaces and Red Spaces.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Mini-Games

Three (four, if counting the Sequencedll mini-game reused from Mario Party 5) mini-games are still on the disc, but unused. Their Japanese names are included on the debug menu, but they can't be selected there due to a disabled flag. It's still possible to play them by replacing other mini-games with the unused ones.

All of the preview demos for these games have been replaced by copies of Speedy Graffiti's demo. They have no English names and no game explanations of any kind.

M809 - Hammer de Pokari

Replace m801dll.rel (dll folder) with m809dll.rel, or use one of the below Gecko codes to replace Speedy Graffiti with this unused 4 player mini-game.

Version Gecko code
American 041D1888 801D1160
Japanese 041D1988 801D1260
European 041D4108 801D39E0
Korean 041D94E0 801D8DB8

Hammers and sand castles work well together Stop: Mallet time
In this game, players must swing the remote horizontally to swing their hammer. The collision detection is a bit off in this mini-game. Each player has a displayed coin counter, but in this game's current state it doesn't actually signify anything and doesn't change at all during gameplay without a patched version. This is the download to a patched .rel file with a more accurate UI for the American version.

This is straight-up boo, man
The game ends when one player is hit 5 times. The player who got the most hits in wins the game.

M813 - Guru-guru Kataduke

Replace m815dll.rel with m813DLL.rel, or use one of the below Gecko codes to replace Rudder Madness with this unused 4 player mini-game.

Version Gecko code
American 041D18F8 801D11A0
Japanese 041D19F8 801D12A0
European 041D4178 801D3A20
Korean 041D9550 801D8DF8

That's a big gift and it needs a big cereal Tactical Ribbon-rolling Action
In this mini-game, the players must move their Wii remotes in a clockwise fashion to roll up their ribbons.

Yes, this is a blooper
Whoever rolls theirs up first wins the game, and their ribbon is tied around the top of the giant present.

A minigame very similar to this later appeared in Wii Party U.

M853 - Ochiruna Rodeo

Replace m856dll.rel with m853dll.rel, or use one of the below Gecko codes to replace You're the Bob-Omb with this unused Duel mini-game.

Version Gecko code
American 041D1A40 801D1420
Japanese 041D1B40 801D1520
European 041D42C0 801D3CA0
Korean 041D9698 801D9078

Evil, evil bulls Rodeoh god please help me
Players must tilt their remotes in the direction of the mechanical bulls or risk flying off. The last person on the bull wins the game. Incidentally, a game with similar rules and controls (but featuring Miis) is found in Wii Party U.

(Source: Original TCRF research)


An unused minigame from Mario Party 5, reused in both Mario Party 6 and Mario Party 7, is once again left in the files for a final time. It still acts the same as it did in the past three game. Unlike the past three games, which plays the victory or draw theme (with varying results) if the player wins or lose respectively, neither play at all.

(Source: Supper Mario Broth, Skawo (Discoverer), & McKraken (Video & Correction))

Unused Audio


Two voice clips for Toadsworth are left in the game's files, even though he never appears as a character in this game.

Exiting Shop

A jingle that plays very similarly to the jingle that plays whenever you enter a shop. This was supposedly meant to play when the player leaves a shop.

Mario Party 5 'Your Turn!' Jingle

A leftover jingle from Mario Parties 5, 6, and 7 that plays at the beginning of your turn. Instead, Mario Party 8 plays its own unique jingle.

Ochiruna Rodeo

Ochiruna Rodeo is the only one out of the three unused minigames that still has the audio files intact, despite the fact that they never play in-game. Essentially, this is unused audio, in an unused minigame.


An ambient track that would play in the background. Wind, birds, and cattle can be heard.


Audio files for the bull mechs the characters ride on.


Audio for the losing character flying off their bull.


Audio for the losing character landing on the distant bale of hay in the ending cutscene.

Ztar Jingle

A bad variation of the "Star Get" jingle. It was intended for a "Ztar Get" jingle, but since Ztars do not appear in Mario Party 8, it goes unused.

The options menu is also referred by the mode selection screen text, simply being called Options.

Debugging Features

Memory Usage Meter

Using the Gecko code 04008524 60000000 in any region of the game will print some information about the current Memory Usage in a box in the upper-left. This debugging feature exists in all Hudson Mario Party games as well.

Overscan Border Display


Enter the Gecko codes 040111CC 60000000 (European/Australian) or 0401122C 60000000 (American) and you will see the screen surrounded by red borders which specify the region of the screen that is safe for UI elements to use. The borders specify that within 16 pixels from the horizontal edges and within 40 pixels of the vertical edges are not safe to use. The borders specify that within 48 pixels from the horizontal edges and within 46 pixels of the vertical edges should be treated with caution.

Regional Differences

Initial English release European English Rev 1 American English Rev 2
MarioParty8 Kamek-Spastic US.png MarioParty8 Kamek-Erratic EU.png MarioParty8 Kamek-LittleMoreInteresting US.png

During Shy Guy's Perplex Express, Kamek says, "Magikoopa magic! Turn the train spastic! Make this ticket tragic!". While "spastic" was viewed by American audiences as a relatively innocuous synonym for unintelligence or erraticism at the time, in the United Kingdom, the word is considered an ableist slur, with a 2003 survey by the BBC listing it as one of the most offensive words in the British vernacular. Consequently, Nintendo was forced to recall all copies of the game from all UK retailers on July 13, 2007, the same day that the game was intended to launch in the UK. The game was later returned to shelves on August 3, 2007 with all copies having the word "spastic" replaced with the word "erratic".

This incident actually caused enough of a stir to kick off a decade-long trend of Nintendo games featuring completely different localizations for the American and British English releases, dooming people from one region to have no idea what the other is talking about, and making our jobs a lot more tedious than they need to be. Naughty Kamek!

(Source: Super Mario Wiki)

Other Differences

American European
MarioParty8 Fonts-US.png
MarioParty8 Fonts-EU.png
  • The American and European versions use different fonts for text; the font used for the main text in the European version is the same as the font used from Mario Party 4 to Mario Party 7.
  • The minigame announcements are different between versions. On the international versions, when starting a minigame, the announcer shouts "Go!" with the word "START" appearing onscreen. Additionally, when tying a minigame, "Tie" appears on the screen with the announcer calling that. On the Japanese version, "Start!" is shouted instead on the start of a minigame, and when a minigame is tied, "DRAW" appears onscreen with the announcer calling that.

Revisional Differences

To do:
Some versions of the game use a fixed-width dialogue font, others are variable-width. Note exactly which revisions have the border and which don't.
Old revision New revision
MarioParty8 Widescreen-GraphicalBorder.png MarioParty8 Widescreen-BlackBars.png

With the Wii set to 16:9, some American and European versions used a maligned graphical border for 4:3 segments of the game. Other versions have standard black bars, since the graphical border was criticized for causing screen burn-in if the game was played for too long.


Rowed to Victory

If the minigame ends in a draw (five minutes elapsed with no victor), the So Sad to Lose theme plays instead of It's a Tie!, which every other minigame (besides the three challenge minigames) uses.